'RHOC'_ Jennifer Pedranti BLASTS Tamra Judge Amid Feud

  • last year
'RHOC'_ Jennifer Pedranti BLASTS Tamra Judge Amid Feud


00:00 I miss my friendship.
00:01 I miss, and I don't know her this way.
00:03 This is not how I knew her in my life with her.
00:07 And so I go through all those, is this for TV?
00:10 Is this for this?
00:11 Is this for that?
00:12 Is this her role?
00:13 And I will say, I think she came back with pressure.
00:17 - You're involved in a lot of drama.
00:19 And most newcomers, you know, it takes a couple of seasons.
00:23 (beep)
00:23 - You wanna watch it?
00:24 You wanna come on?
00:25 - I feel like you're going through it,
00:27 which as a fan, I'm like, okay, I'm here for this.
00:29 - Just like, keep going.
00:30 - Okay, well, thank you.
00:31 Thank you.
00:32 - But I would imagine watching that drama
00:35 with Ryan getting it all brought up, that can't be easy.
00:38 - It's not easy.
00:39 People have asked me, does it come home?
00:41 Like, does it affect your relationship?
00:43 And you know what it does, because I'm on this show.
00:48 He is not, yet he's my partner.
00:51 And so much that is coming at me is about him
00:54 and allegations about him.
00:56 And you know, it is hurtful.
00:59 We're human, we feel it.
01:00 And then public opinion.
01:02 I've never had public opinion
01:04 where people wanna tell me their thoughts.
01:06 And so managing all of that, it can be a lot.
01:10 - And how are you managing it?
01:11 Are you like compartmentalizing it?
01:13 Or what are you doing?
01:15 - I love, everybody tells me, don't read it.
01:16 Don't read it, don't read it, don't read it.
01:19 And then like, I'll be sitting there and I'm like,
01:20 don't read it, I'm reading it, you know, and I do.
01:23 And then I read it and then I'm like,
01:25 but they're saying this.
01:26 And it's funny how we are as people,
01:28 'cause I can have 10 amazing comments and one negative,
01:33 and then I get hung up there.
01:34 But thank God my life is so busy.
01:37 With the kids, I have five kids, I have the business.
01:40 So I don't have a ton of time
01:42 to like rabbit hole some of that stuff.
01:44 - Right, but I would imagine,
01:46 I hope you are reading the comments of people saying
01:48 that you are bringing it, you're having, like, you're fun.
01:52 It's a fun season with you on.
01:54 Are you having fun?
01:55 - Oh my gosh.
01:56 This experience, I have said it probably 10 times.
01:59 You cannot, I could not tell you,
02:02 you're gonna go on this and this is what it will be like.
02:05 It is an experience that is,
02:06 you cannot describe it until you are in it.
02:08 And so have I had fun?
02:10 I've had some, like, a lot of fun.
02:12 Have there been the highs and the lows?
02:14 There've been those, but we have had a lot of fun.
02:17 - Who do you think you meshed well with,
02:19 like right off the bat,
02:20 that you weren't really expecting you would?
02:23 - I didn't know anybody but Tamera.
02:25 I didn't know anybody but Tamera.
02:27 I knew Gina a little bit from the yoga studio
02:30 and Taylor Armstrong from Go.
02:32 I mean, she kinda like locked arm,
02:34 you're from Oklahoma, I'm from Oklahoma.
02:35 I got you, you got me, that's all there is to it.
02:37 And she's been like that from Go.
02:39 And then most surprising for me was Shannon.
02:43 I had heard a lot from Tamera about Shannon
02:46 because they had a very rough spot in their relationship.
02:49 And so everything I knew about Shannon
02:51 was through my friend at the time, Tamera.
02:54 And so I was very hesitant with Shannon.
02:56 And she was like supportive and kind.
03:00 She surprised me.
03:01 - Okay, so you said friend at the time, Tamera.
03:04 - I did.
03:05 - So safe to say you guys aren't in a good place anymore.
03:09 - Yeah, I'm not.
03:10 I'm not in a good spot and that's hard to say.
03:13 Really valued that friendship
03:15 and had had that friendship for a long time
03:17 and certainly didn't anticipate everything that came at me
03:20 and don't understand why those conversations
03:24 were waited for on camera,
03:25 why that didn't happen between Tamera and I
03:28 years before in our lives.
03:30 So yeah, that's hurtful.
03:33 - And the napkin.
03:34 - Oh my God, the napkin.
03:37 The napkin story is a story.
03:38 - It's a story.
03:39 - That's a story.
03:40 - It's a story.
03:41 - And everybody, some of the things I read are like,
03:44 girl, where is the Oklahoma?
03:46 Why didn't you stand up and handle that?
03:48 You know what, I was shocked.
03:50 - Most people would do.
03:52 - We walked in that night to Nobu
03:54 and all the girls had gone to the restroom
03:56 and Tamera and I are standing there
03:58 and you're like, awkward, you know,
03:59 'cause we were kind of in a, you know,
04:01 it had been going on now for some time
04:02 and long story short, she kind of said,
04:05 I wanna have fun with you tonight.
04:07 I wanna give Io Ryan an apology.
04:09 I'm like, yes, please, he would love that.
04:13 I wanna have fun with you tonight.
04:15 And then we go upstairs, a shot's ordered,
04:17 we sit down, I hear her make a comment about Ryan
04:22 and then it just went.
04:23 I had no idea that night.
04:25 And I think that's why when the napkin was thrown at me,
04:28 I sit there like a deer in headlights,
04:29 like, I thought we were gonna have fun tonight.
04:31 What did you just say?
04:32 Why did this, you know, it's like, you know,
04:34 it was shocking.
04:35 - Why, Tamera will be the first to say
04:37 that she loves Sister LaVon.
04:39 Like, she will be the first to say.
04:41 Is that, do you think that's what she's doing with you
04:43 and Ryan and bringing that all up?
04:45 Or what is she doing?
04:46 Like, what do you think she's trying to get at?
04:48 - I've had time to think about that
04:50 and I think about it a lot
04:51 because I miss my friendship.
04:53 I miss, and I don't know her this way.
04:56 This is not how I knew her in my life with her.
05:00 And so I go through all those.
05:01 Is this for TV?
05:03 Is this for this?
05:04 Is this for that?
05:04 Is this her role?
05:05 And I will say, I think she came back with pressure.
05:10 I think she had a lot of pressure
05:11 and she needed to come back big.
05:14 And I'm grateful I didn't have that pressure.
05:16 And so I wanna believe maybe that's what it is.
05:19 - Do you see the two of you guys
05:22 like reconnecting, being friends again?
05:24 'Cause you did have a friendship for a while.
05:27 Like, you caught yourself,
05:28 you were the new Trace Amigas.
05:30 - Yeah, I know, such a bummer.
05:31 We went through it in the season.
05:34 We had the lows and then she and I would,
05:37 you know, we wanna move past it
05:38 and then something would happen
05:40 and then we'd wanna move past it.
05:41 And I don't know how many times I do that
05:43 before I'm an idiot, right?
05:46 And I am a very forgiving person, truly.
05:50 But truly, you have to really,
05:52 I mean, I can't keep going in this cycle
05:54 of you're my friend, now you're dogging everything
05:57 about my relationship and my partner,
05:58 which before we were filming, you were great with him.
06:02 I need to move past it truly.
06:03 Like, she's gonna have to truly move past it
06:06 and an apology, and I can accept an apology.
06:09 - What does Ryan think about everything?
06:10 - He's mind blown.
06:12 He traveled with them, her and Eddie.
06:14 He had them at his home.
06:16 He is just mind blown.
06:19 And it's hurtful 'cause he really did like Eddie.
06:22 And not that Eddie's doing anything,
06:24 but it's just, you just don't understand it.
06:27 - 'Cause you brought up that it has
06:28 affected your relationship.
06:30 Like, of course it has.
06:31 I mean, you're on reality TV, people are talking about you.
06:34 Where are you and Ryan today?
06:36 - We're so good, so happy.
06:38 And I wish, he's taking so much heat from people,
06:42 and I wish people knew him the way I know him.
06:46 You know, I'm the one who showed up in a divorce,
06:49 five kids, he's never wavered, ever, on me.
06:52 And he treats me and loves me more
06:56 than I've ever felt in my life.
06:57 And so I'm excited.
06:59 I hope to go forward in this,
07:01 'cause I want people to see us the way we are.
07:05 - Forward, do you mean like, is this a marriage?
07:08 Are you open to that?
07:09 Like, are you open to getting married again?
07:11 - Everybody asks me that.
07:12 I'm like, Ryan, we're so good.
07:14 Like, Ryan, I have five kids, my house is a revolving door,
07:18 it's a circus at all times.
07:19 Ryan is very like, everything's organized,
07:21 everything's labeled.
07:23 I'm like, you really wanna marry me?
07:24 Like, are you sure?
07:25 Yeah, we're never gonna be apart.
07:28 And I would've told you,
07:30 I don't think I would ever get married again.
07:32 But I love that man, like crazy,
07:34 and would do anything with him and for him, yeah.
07:37 - And that's all that matters.
07:38 - Yeah.
07:39 - All that matters at the end of the day.
07:40 - Yeah, thank you.
07:41 - You guys haven't filmed the reunion yet, right?
07:43 - No.
07:44 - Okay, how you feeling?
07:46 First reunion.
07:47 - Gosh, like, I need a lot of yoga.
07:50 - I was gonna say, you need to calm.
07:52 - I need.
07:53 - 'Cause honestly, in this interview though,
07:54 it's all calm.
07:55 - Oh.
07:56 - Like, you're very, like, I feel calm.
07:57 - Oh, good, well, thank you.
07:58 - It's your calm energy.
07:59 So just bring that to the reunion.
08:00 - Yeah, I need to bring that to the reunion.
08:01 I'm nervous.
08:02 I'm nervous, and then like,
08:04 there's so many things I wanna clear up.
08:06 - What's the biggest thing?
08:08 - Everything.
08:09 Everything.
08:10 I wanna understand it.
08:12 I wanna reason.
08:13 I wanna know.
08:14 I feel like I deserve it.
08:16 - From Tamara specifically?
08:17 - Yep.
08:18 - Yep.
08:19 - Anyone else?
08:20 Is there anything else that you wanna clear up
08:22 with any of the other ladies,
08:23 or wanna say to the other ladies?
08:26 - You know, I really like Emily a lot,
08:29 and I really admire her,
08:31 and I've heard a few things, you know,
08:35 that comments have been made,
08:37 and it bothers me,
08:39 because I feel like those are all based on things you hear,
08:42 nothing you've ever seen,
08:43 and she's a smart girl.
08:46 She's a smart cookie,
08:46 and it's like, I don't think,
08:47 I don't view her as falling for that,
08:49 and so I'd love to ask.
08:51 I mean, I heard Shane got a bad rap in the beginning.
08:54 - He did.
08:54 - Right?
08:55 - He did.
08:56 - And I never judged,
08:58 when I met Emily, I didn't think,
08:59 oh, she's got that one husband that,
09:01 she just raves about her husband,
09:02 and seems so happy,
09:03 and tells me about this amazing man.
09:06 I know what I see,
09:07 and what I hear.
09:07 I'm not going on what,
09:09 you know, the past,
09:10 or what was filmed,
09:11 and I was surprised that I heard she did,
09:13 about Ryan.
09:14 - Okay, so clear that up.
09:16 - I like to clear that up.
09:17 - What other things do you think
09:18 is gonna be the biggest thing at the reunion?
09:20 'Cause I would imagine that is gonna be a big topic,
09:23 and it's gonna take hours to talk about.
09:24 - Right.
09:25 - And there might be a lot of yelling involved.
09:27 - Yeah.
09:28 - But what other big thing do you hope,
09:30 as a group, gets addressed?
09:32 - Well, a lot of the girls had some confrontation
09:34 with each other,
09:35 and from what I understand,
09:38 this is what I've been told,
09:40 I should look at this as a therapy session.
09:42 - Yes.
09:42 - Instead of, I was laughing earlier,
09:44 I said, Shannon will tell me it's the best day of her life.
09:46 Like, I get to say everything,
09:47 it's the best day ever,
09:48 and I laugh 'cause Taylor Armstrong's like,
09:50 "Prepare to die.
09:51 "Just prepare to die."
09:52 I'm like, "Taylor, don't tell me that."
09:55 - Go with Shannon.
09:56 - Yeah, I'm gonna go with Shannon.
09:57 That's what, I'm like,
09:58 this is therapy. - This is therapy.
10:00 - Yeah, this is gonna be good.
10:01 - Yeah.
10:03 - I hope we all get our crap out,
10:06 and then let's move forward.
10:08 That's what I hope.
10:09 - Okay.
10:10 Before I let you go,
10:11 we're gonna play a little Coaster Confidential.
10:13 - Ooh, what is this?
10:14 - I'm just gonna say something,
10:16 and you just tell me who pops in your mind.
10:18 - Okay. - First, okay?
10:19 And it's a little shady, but.
10:21 - Let's go. - That's good.
10:22 Who is the messiest this season?
10:24 - Shannon.
10:26 - Okay, who is the most two-faced this season?
10:29 - Tamra.
10:30 - Who isn't being real?
10:33 - Hmm.
10:35 I wanna say Tamra.
10:37 - Okay.
10:39 Who needs to go?
10:40 - Nobody.
10:42 I think the cast is good.
10:44 - The cast is good. - Yep.
10:45 - That cast is.
10:46 Another question, quick.
10:47 Would you come back?
10:49 - Yes. - Okay.
10:50 - I, there was a time that I thought,
10:53 "I don't know."
10:54 But I am like, "Yes."
10:56 I'm actually hopeful for it.
10:57 - I think the fans are, we're here for it.
10:59 - Oh, thank you.
11:00 Thank you for that. - Season number two.
11:02 Who needs to come back?
11:03 We have Vicky, who's a friend of.
11:05 We have Taylor, who's a friend of.
11:07 Who needs to come back full-time?
11:09 - I met Vicky the first time.
11:10 She was great with me.
11:11 Like, great with me.
11:12 But I'm Taylor.
11:14 - Taylor. - Taylor.
11:15 (upbeat music)
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