Le fou rire d'une maman déguisée en Chewbacca !

  • l’année dernière
Le fou rire d'une maman déguisée en Chewbacca !
00:00 Hey, I'm really excited to share with you something I got.
00:07 Ok, I went to Kohl's today. I had to make a couple of returns.
00:12 Stuff didn't fit. Surprisingly, it was a little too big.
00:17 Thank you. I know some of you may be thinking the opposite. Shame.
00:20 No, no, no shame. It's all love. It's all love.
00:23 Ok, so, here's what I found when I was at Kohl's.
00:27 I'd like to say that I bought this for my son that would really, really want it.
00:32 And let's be honest, he'll probably confiscate it from me.
00:34 Confiscate? That's a word, right?
00:36 Ok, so, he'll probably take it from me.
00:39 However, this is mine.
00:42 Like, when it's said and done, at the end of the day, this is mine that I bought.
00:47 And I'm going to keep it for my own.
00:50 You can see it kind of has Star Wars.
00:51 Oh, you're getting a little hint. Ok.
00:53 So, you want to see what I got?
00:54 It's so great. I can't wait to show you.
00:57 Ok, this is part of my birthday joy.
01:00 Still rejoicing in my birthday.
01:03 And so, here's what I got. I'm going to take it out of the box.
01:06 And I can't wait to show you.
01:08 Ok, I'm in a parking lot and people are literally looking at me like crazy.
01:10 I don't even care.
01:11 Ok, so, here it is.
01:13 Hold on, hold on, hold on.
01:14 It may be a little tight.
01:15 It may be tight on me.
01:17 I got to undo it just a little bit.
01:19 Hold on. Stay patient, people.
01:21 Stay patient.
01:23 This is going to be worth it. I promise.
01:25 Maybe not. Maybe not.
01:27 But it's worth it to me.
01:30 And I had to share with my friends on the internet webs.
01:33 So, here's what...
01:35 I'm having trouble getting it.
01:37 Ok, patient, patient.
01:39 Alright, we're doing good.
01:40 Ok, so this is what I got.
01:42 Once again, this is for me.
01:44 Not for Duncan.
01:45 Not for Cadence.
01:46 I mean, I'll let them play with it.
01:47 I'm not a bad mom.
01:48 I'm not a jerk.
01:49 But, in all honesty, at the end of the day, it doesn't go in their toy box.
01:52 It goes in my room.
01:53 So, here we go.
01:54 I got to take off my glasses for it.
01:56 [Laughter]
02:00 Oh, naturally.
02:01 Ok, here we go.
02:02 So...
02:04 Yes!
02:05 Now watch when my mouth actually moves.
02:07 [Mouth noises]
02:10 [Laughter]
02:14 That's not me making that noise.
02:16 It's the mask.
02:18 Here, listen.
02:19 [Mouth noises]
02:23 [Laughter]
02:42 Oh, I'm such a happy Chewbacca!
02:44 [Laughter]
02:51 This is worth every penny!
02:55 [Laughter]
03:15 I can't stop!
03:16 Oh, I gotta stop!
03:18 Ok, ok.
03:19 [Laughter]
03:23 Oh, mon Dieu!
03:25 Je veux un peu rouler autour comme ça.
03:27 Oh!
03:29 Ok, maintenant je vais laisser Chewbacca parler.
03:31 [Mouth noises]
03:32 [Laughter]
03:34 [Mouth noises]
03:35 [Laughter]
03:38 Oh, mon Dieu!
03:39 Je pleure!
03:40 Je pleure!
03:41 [Mouth noises]
03:42 Wow!
03:43 [Laughter]
03:49 C'est le meilleur cadeau de fête que j'ai jamais reçu!
03:54 Wow!
03:55 Oh, mon Dieu!
03:56 Vous avez un jour incroyable!
03:58 C'est le Simple Joyce!
04:00 [Laughter]
