Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ?
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00:00 *musique triste*
00:04 Hi, my name is Andrea.
00:06 Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ?
00:07 Voilà la question que cette jolie femme et ce bel homme ont posée au sexe opposé.
00:12 Que se passe-t-il alors lorsque les gens sont abordés frontalement dans la rue ?
00:15 *rires*
00:19 You gonna be in jail for this funny thing, you know ?
00:22 Tenté l'expérience, sur 14 passants, 7 hommes ont accepté
00:26 et tandis que les femmes ont toutes refusé et sans agressivité et souvent en riant.
00:32 I'm good.
00:33 We will have boyfriends, otherwise we would.
00:40 We definitely would.
00:41 I would.
00:42 *rires*
00:45 Um...
00:46 Um... I don't know about that.
00:49 Maybe, perhaps.
00:50 Like, right now.
00:51 Right now ?
00:52 Yeah.
00:53 Um... I don't think so.
00:55 I'll just kind of lay there and I'll just do my thing.
00:58 Why not ?
01:00 Okay, let's go.
01:01 I just want to ask you guys if you would be down to have sex with me.
01:06 Both of us. I would definitely have sex with you.
01:09 Like, literally right now.
01:10 Where do you want to go ?
01:11 Your house is like right over there.
01:12 I'll go with you right now.
01:13 Right now ? Are you down ?
01:14 Yeah, right now.
01:15 Would any of you be interested in having sex with me ?
01:18 No.
01:20 No ?
01:21 Can I have this ukulele ?
01:22 No.
01:23 Do you want to have sex with me ?
01:27 No.
01:29 Why ?
01:31 *Rires*
01:33 That's brilliant !
01:34 Are we going to be on TV ?
01:35 Um, well it's for YouTube.
01:37 *Screams*
01:38 Oh my god !
01:39 That's so good !
01:41 *Rires*
01:43 *Rires*
01:45 *Rires*
01:46 Oh mon dieu, c'est tellement bien !
01:48 (rires)