• 2 years ago


00:00 When you've got your head up in the ceiling, not knowing where the snake is, it could be right behind you.
00:04 Middle of the night, phone rings, get out of bed, sounds like a big black snake gone into somebody's house.
00:13 In their prayer room of all things.
00:15 People immediately presume a big dark snake is a black mamba.
00:18 But in reality, it could be a number of things.
00:22 Spitter.
00:23 Highly toxic, blinding venom.
00:26 A bite can lead to amputation and agonizing pain.
00:30 And soothe allergic to them.
00:32 Forest cobra.
00:36 Big, strong.
00:38 It climbs and has a potent paralyzing venom.
00:41 Brown house snake.
00:44 Harmless constrictor with no venom.
00:46 And of course, the black mamba.
00:50 Lightning fast, highly defensive and lethal.
00:56 Since it's in the prayer room, I'm praying for a house snake.
00:59 Hi there, hi.
01:02 How you doing?
01:02 Hi.
01:03 Oh, you're staring and watching it, that's good.
01:06 What's going on?
01:09 First it was in here.
01:10 Okay, so where was it in here?
01:12 Now in the rafter.
01:13 Last it was inside here, and it went up the wall and it went into the ceiling.
01:18 Oh, I see, I see.
01:19 It's open here.
01:20 And I just spotted like something wrapped around the ceiling of the rafter there, but now when I pointed the torch it's gone.
01:25 Yeah, let me have a look.
01:26 I thought you got ceiling, so...
01:29 Oh, that's a big problem though, because it's got ceiling boards, it's going to be very hard to catch it.
01:36 So you're okay for us to take that down, you're saying?
01:37 Yeah.
01:38 Oh, I'm sorry.
01:39 Just some torches, let's have a look here.
01:41 Off to a good start.
01:47 [Snake snorts]
01:48 It's a freaky feeling when you've got your head up in the ceiling, not knowing where the snake is, it could be right behind you.
02:04 Can't see anything.
02:09 Oh, hold on.
02:13 I see it.
02:15 Oh, yeah.
02:16 Okay, we have a big black marmor in there.
02:18 Oh!
02:20 [Music fades]
