Milano, al via 19esima edizione di Plast, più grande evento in europa dedicato alla sostenibilità della plastica

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Martedì 5 settembre si è dato il via alla 19esima edizione di Plast, il più grande salone internazionale per l’industria delle materie plastiche e della gomma in Europa.

Ad inaugurare la quattro giorni il convegno “La sostenibilità 5.0 della plastica: Scenari ed evoluzioni dalla produzione al fine vita”, che ha messo a confronto esponenti del settore e politici locali e nazionali, come il ministro per l’Ambiente e la sicurezza energetica Gilberto Pichetto Fratin e il viceministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy Valentino Valentini.


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:08 Five years ago, the last edition, which recorded the presence of 3,500 companies from 55 countries,
00:15 welcomed 63,000 visitors from 117 countries to the Tournaplast, the largest international
00:21 plastic and rubber industry show in Europe.
00:25 The four-day event, dedicated to the themes of sustainability, innovation and business,
00:30 was inaugurated with the Sustainability 5.0 Convention of Plastic,
00:35 scenarios and evolutions from production to the end of life.
00:39 Our exhibitors, which are 1,200, occupy an area of about 46,000 square meters,
00:46 which comes from 35 countries, are here today to present, after five years,
00:51 their innovative technologies, which are all about sustainability,
00:55 smart machinery, recovery, biodegradable materials,
00:59 processability, everything that goes in the ecological direction, which is so important today.
01:04 The 19th edition of the Hermès is an opportunity to touch with the hands
01:08 the most innovative technological proposals for the industry market of plastic and rubber,
01:13 and to discuss circularity, energy savings, new production paradigms,
01:18 emissions reduction and environment protection.
01:21 As regards the reduction of environmental impact in the plastic sector,
01:26 we can say that we eliminate plastic, we eliminate packaging,
01:30 or, in another way, we improve the type of packaging we use,
01:36 we optimize the collection we do and create a circular system
01:39 for which we can have a form of use of plastic material
01:45 that is compatible with the environment, with economic activities
01:49 and with the needs of people's comfort, convenience and hygiene.
01:54 With more than 400 companies in the Italian territory,
01:57 the processing of plastic materials and rubber is an important sector
02:01 for the boot manufacturer, with a significant weight also from the export point of view.
02:07 The system of companies that work on plastic is something that characterizes us at the European level,
02:16 that makes us an advanced point at the European level,
02:20 and that naturally also leads us to pay attention to innovation,
02:25 because innovation means having plastic that is increasingly biodegradable
02:30 or, in any case, having mechanisms on the other side of non-dispersion,
02:35 because certainly one of the fundamental issues that we must address
02:39 is that of recovery, recovery that we do with recycling,
02:45 because Italy is the leading country in the European area in terms of recycling waste,
02:53 but on the other hand it is not yet enough.
