Vox Pop - Do dogs or cats make the best family pet?

  • last year
We asked the general public whether they thought a dog or a cat made the best family pet and why. This is what some of them had to say.
00:00 Hi everyone, so I'm out on the streets of Lancashire today, armed with my iced coffee
00:06 because it's a scorcher, to ask a very important question to members of the general public.
00:12 Which makes the better pet? A cat or a dog? Or both? Let's find out what the public had
00:18 to say.
00:19 So do you own a pet yourself? No. If you could own a pet, would it be a cat, a dog, both?
00:27 Well, I don't mind either, but I think I would lean towards the dog. I had dogs in the past,
00:33 they're just much more friendlier and you can do things with them. They love you, cats
00:37 don't really love you, they just accept you and tolerate you. So yes, that's my answer.
00:42 So cats are just sort of there for food, really? Yeah, they're there just for that, yes.
00:48 So I've got a cat, but I've also had dogs. I'd probably prefer the dog, actually, I think,
00:54 over the cat. It's a bit of a pain sometimes.
01:00 So as the nation's favourite pets are cats and dogs mainly, do you have any pets at all
01:07 yourself?
01:08 So I've got three dogs.
01:10 Three dogs, no cats?
01:11 No cats.
01:12 So would you say then that dogs are better pets than cats?
01:16 I think so, yeah, I'm a dog groomer.
01:18 Wow. And why would you say this compared to cats?
01:21 I just feel they're more loyal, they're more cuddlier, they're there, right, whereas cats
01:25 just want the food and then they go off and you don't know where they are all night.
