00:00 [Music]
00:09 It has been another busy day in the show ring today with sheep, cattle and weather judging on the agenda.
00:16 Earlier today in the dairy ring, the State Young Judges Competition crowned Bridget Lee-Belt from Meadows as the Senior Champion.
00:25 She will go on to compete in the National Competition at the Royal Melbourne Show next year.
00:30 While James Hurrell from Yankalilla took out Reserve Senior Champion.
00:34 The Grand Champion Weather on Hoof title went to Erberay Agricultural High School's Apollo, the Heavyweight Weather on Hoof Champion.
00:42 While Champion Lightweight Weather on Hoof went to Bordertown High School's Top Deck.
00:49 In another cattle ring, Speckle Park breeders displayed their best genetics, but it was Epic Speckle Park at Monomaloo who won Grand Champion exhibit with its Junior Champion.
00:59 Epic, that's Amy. The Champion Bull went to Junior Champion M.H. Troublemaker from Balhanna Stud M.H. Speckle Parks.
01:08 The Highland Judge found a Supreme Champion in its Grand Champion Bull Larimar of Amarable Park exhibited by Barossa Valley Stud Amarable Park Heritage breed.
01:19 In the square meter showing, Willow's Rest shotgun shown by Kyla Polk claimed the Grand Champion Bull title while 8-year-old Glen Elver Lizzie won Grand Champion Female.
01:33 In the Celebrity Milk-Off, under some dubious circumstances, the competition was won by Channel 10 with Stock Journal's team unfortunately unsuccessful.
01:47 In the Merino and Pomerino judging, it crowned its Supreme Title to Malluri Park Stud's Grand Champion Augusta Pomerino, M.H.
02:00 The Meyer family at Brinkworth became the first stud in well over a decade to go back-to-back Supreme Exhibits.
02:09 [Music]