• 2 years ago


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (speaking in foreign language)
00:28 - Today we'll be feeding our two Komodo dragons.
00:31 Anjai, our female, and Titus, our male.
00:33 Titus is six years old, and Anjai is about eight.
00:38 We keep them separated because our female
00:42 is a little bigger than the male,
00:43 so my kids just like to eat him.
00:45 In they go.
00:45 Titus is outside.
00:48 So the meat sheds are going to be attached
00:51 to a hook from the ceiling,
00:52 so that's going to be a little like a pendulum.
00:55 So when he bites into it,
00:57 he'll have a lot less stability,
00:59 so he's going to have to work a lot harder to eat that.
01:01 All right, so you guys ready to see the food?
01:05 - Yes!
01:06 - Go ahead.
01:07 - Release the dragon.
01:08 - 10 feet.
01:10 - Go ahead.
01:11 (dramatic music)
01:13 - I don't see anything.
01:14 - I know.
01:15 - There.
01:16 - There.
01:17 (dramatic music)
01:19 - Woo!
01:20 (dramatic music)
01:22 - Those are meat sheds.
01:25 - Oh no!
01:25 - Those are food that they normally eat.
01:29 They can potentially eat up to 80% of their weight
01:31 in about 10 to 12 big meals a year.
01:35 - The predator is coming!
01:37 - A Komodo dragon demands respect.
01:40 They can take down large prey like a buffalo,
01:42 and they can use their sharp teeth and their muscular neck muscles
01:47 to force respect when they're facing them.
01:50 - We definitely need respect.
01:52 - Oh my God!
01:53 - And here goes Anjai.
01:55 (children shouting)
01:58 - She rocks her head forward and back.
02:02 She has sharp teeth that she can use to slice through meat.
02:04 - And Komodo dragons can eat humans?
02:07 - They can.
02:08 They are the top predators on the Komodo Islands.
02:10 - Yes.
02:11 - So their only concern is to get eaten by other dragons.
02:14 It's amazing to see the strength
02:17 and the athleticism of a Komodo dragon.
02:20 I love working with these two.
02:22 They're a great part of my day,
02:23 especially the days when we feed them.
02:26 (upbeat music)
02:29 (upbeat music)
02:32 you
