World Suicide Prevention Day 2023: Dont suffer in silence

  • last year
After learning about his mother’s battle with depression following her suicide, campaigner, comedian and teacher, Marcus Tisson is determined not to let anyone else suffer in silence
00:00 On August 21st 2016 I got the most shocking phone call of my life.
00:07 A family member told me that my mum, my mother, died.
00:13 What made it worse was knowing that she took her own life and she committed suicide.
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00:33 My name is Marcus Tisson. I work in education. I'm also a silent comedian and an actor.
00:42 I also have my own campaign called Don't Suffer In Silence which helps people with mental health awareness.
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00:55 In 2016 my mother took her life and two months after her passing my dad passed away.
01:03 I lost both parents in two months in 2016.
01:06 Shortly after that's when I decided to do my campaign because I knew my mum was suffering in silence.
01:13 She didn't have any form of mental illness. Depression, always laughing, happy. She hid that well.
01:19 So that's why I called it Don't Suffer In Silence because so many people are suffering in silence.
01:23 I think it's really important. I think so many people are still doing it. I think it's still a stigma.
01:29 I know there's a lot of things happening in the year 2023 but some people feel they're alone sometimes.
01:35 What my aim is is to let people know you're not alone. There's always someone out there.
01:40 Finding out that someone you love or someone you know has committed suicide but letting know your mum
01:45 and the way she's done it as well, dropping her in front of a train, it's very traumatic.
01:48 It's given me PTSD and anxiety through that experience.
01:53 Some days I struggle, you know what I mean? And losing your dad as well, after it.
01:59 Unless you've been through it, you can't really explain it but it's very hard mentally.
02:05 Some days I struggle, a lot of days I don't. It depends, you know what I mean?
02:09 But my campaign helps me, my comedy helps me, I was keeping busy, being around positive people helped me
02:15 but the first few years were very hard for me, very dark days.
02:19 I didn't ever get over it but you do deal with it better.
02:24 I think the first year was really hard but after that, I see myself spiralling down into the past,
02:33 a dark place and I thought I didn't want to do that. I've got kids, I've got people who need me and love me.
02:39 I started focusing on the campaign, the campaign helped me.
02:44 I started doing the things I wanted to do, which I was scared to do, like comedy and acting.
02:50 And it's gone really well and that kept me focused.
02:54 I've been sitting indoors and smoking about and really been on the side of myself.
02:59 It's all about getting active and getting positive and doing stuff that makes you happy.
03:03 That's what makes me happy, that's what got me over it.
03:06 Even the train thing, I didn't get on the train for the first three years but then I thought, you know what,
03:11 I'm all about fighting my fears, you know what I mean?
03:14 I've always been that kind of person. I think my parents and my mum, especially my mum,
03:18 they always told me, "Don't be scared, don't put on your jeans, don't let anything hinder you.
03:23 Please, just don't suffer in silence. Reach out to someone because you're not talking to someone,
03:29 it's going to build up and build up and build up and that's when you kind of snap.
03:32 But if you talk, see a counsellor, try and see a counsellor, go to your doctors,
03:37 see if you can go to Helping Hands, it's a local charity.
03:40 I've been to Hyde, there's another men's group, Andy's Men's Club I think it's called.
03:46 Andy's Men's Club, every Monday I do that. Google them and they do a lot of men's people,
03:51 if you're a man, struggling. But if you're a female, a teenager, a child, anyone, see this,
03:57 reach out to someone. If it's your young, your teacher, your parents, a friend, your adult,
04:03 reach out to someone who you can trust. Even if you don't know no one, there's always sights
04:09 and again, Samaritan's is good, Mind is good. Reach out to me, those of you in silence.
04:14 I can direct you to the professionals or if you just want someone to talk to, I'm here to listen.
04:19 What's happening guys, Marcus here. I just want to say to anyone watching this, you've got this.
04:26 If you're going through any kind of hard time, mental health, depression, anxiety, grief, you've got this.
04:33 You're not alone, trust me, you're not alone.
04:36 (classical music)
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