Robot Prints and Then Burns Trumps Tweets

  • last year
David Neevel, has built a robot that prints out Donald Trump's tweets in real time...and sets them on fire.
00:00 Thanks to David and his Twitter account @BurnsYourTweet, the world now has a way
00:03 to ease some frustrations over texts tweeted by the President of the United
00:07 States. Some of which say, "Failing NY Times would do much better if they were
00:11 honest." Burns. Remember when the failing NY Times
00:15 apologized to its subscribers right after the election because their coverage
00:19 was so wrong? Now worse. Also Burns. This is of course relating to Donald Trump's
00:25 fake news hit list. And who's next? What's trending? I don't know, because it
00:31 seems like the minute Donald Trump hates on something it like gets even more
00:35 popular. So you know what I say? Bring it on!
00:38 David is known best for creating unusual contraptions. He made a hot dog gun that
00:42 shoots out wieners and a robot that separates out the white part of the Oreo.
00:46 Thank God someone figured that out. Maybe it's the cool robot or the whole
00:50 watching the most ridiculous tweets by the most powerful man in the world go up
00:53 in flames thing. But either way, see the robot put the flaming tweets into an
00:57 ashtray and watching them become nothing more than ash is oddly satisfying. And a
01:02 lot of other people seem to find this oddly satisfying. Lizzie posted this
01:06 image of Daria. A. DeMaurice commented, "Best thing in life right now." Then Long
01:10 Island Tone V says, "So satisfying." I mean this guy has over 21,000 followers and
01:16 counting, and just going through the feed. It's pretty mesmerizing to watch. So how
01:22 genius is this invention? And what tweets do you think the robots gonna print and
01:26 burn next? Let us know in the comments below. For more trends like these just go
01:30 to
