Beauty and The Beast Banned For Including Gay Character

  • last year
Movie theaters owned by conservatives are banning Disney's upcoming remake of Beauty and the Beast for having a gay character.
00:00 Disney has announced that its upcoming remake of the animated version of Beauty
00:03 and the Beast will include its first ever exclusively gay moment. Which is
00:07 cool, it's awesome, but it's also caused all the gay bashers and homophobes out
00:11 there to come out of their ugly woodwork. Yeah, we want you to go back in there or
00:16 just accept others, okay? In the remake, LeFou played by actor Josh Gad is the
00:20 sidekick to Gaston played by Luke Evans. In several scenes, LeFou is seen
00:23 flirting with Gaston and he even dances with another male character closer
00:27 towards the end of the movie. OMG! No! Oh my God! A drive-thru movie theater in
00:33 Alabama has decided to ban showing the movie saying, "When companies continually
00:37 force their views on us, we need to take a stand. If we cannot take our 11 year
00:42 old granddaughter and 8 year old grandson to see a movie, we have no
00:44 business watching it. If I can't sit through a movie with God or Jesus
00:47 sitting by me, then we have no business showing it. I know there will be some
00:51 that do not agree with this decision. That's fine. We will continue to show
00:55 family-oriented films so you can feel free to come watch wholesome movies
00:59 without worrying about sex, nudity, homosexuality, and foul language." My
01:03 virgin ears do not see the word S-E-X. And of course, the most innocent of places,
01:11 Russia is calling the movie to be banned since giving minors any information
01:14 about homosexuality has been illegal since 2013. Russian politician Vitaly
01:18 Milonov has said, "In this situation, society cannot look on silently at what
01:23 movie distributors are offering under the guise of a children's tale, the
01:27 obvious, barefaced, unscrupulous propaganda of sin and perverted sexual
01:33 relations." I mean, really? The chick is dating a giant buffalo, so bestiality is
01:38 okay, but homosexuality? Don't push it too far, okay? One of our favorite LGBTQ
01:44 advocates, Tyler Oakley, tweets, "Imagine boycotting Beauty and the Beast because
01:47 of a gay character while being totally cool with a teenage girl falling in love
01:51 with a buffalo." James Michael Nichols tweets, "Rumor is that seven days after
01:55 you watch the new Beauty and the Beast, you develop an uncontrollable desire for
01:58 anal penetration." You guys are funny. So, are you gonna see the film? And is it
02:02 crazy that people are banning it because of a gay moment? Let us know in the
02:06 comments below. For more trends like these, just go to
