Python Goes Viral For Emoji Pattern

  • last year
A reptile breeder in Georgia has bred a python to have emoji markings!
00:00 A man in Georgia has spent the past 8 long years of his life breeding a python with emoji
00:04 markings on its body, proving once again the incredible power of boredom and willpower.
00:10 Like some bizarre freak of nature, this lavender albino piebald ball python with three orange
00:15 smiley faces along its body slithers along smiling at you as it creepily goes by.
00:21 And if it's not bad enough that humans have tampered with just about everything else,
00:25 now we're going with breeding animals into some freak cyborgs that are probably going
00:29 to turn around and attack us one day.
00:31 We should not be surprised if one day the animals start to come back and attack us.
00:37 Snakes in general just creep me out, but I feel like maybe if they're covered in emojis
00:41 they just seem a lot more creepy cool.
00:44 The snake's owner Justin Kobylyka runs an online store selling snakes of all colors
00:49 and varieties and spent 8 years of his life breeding ball pythons until he got the exact
00:55 emoji lookalike that he was searching for.
00:57 This man clearly has too much time on his hands.
01:00 He even has a YouTube channel where he posts all the different types of varieties of snakes
01:04 that you can purchase from him online.
01:06 I love getting packages in the mail and I honestly cannot think of anything worse than
01:10 opening up one to find a snake in it.
01:11 Kobylyka has made breeding reptiles his life's work, and on his website it says, "After
01:16 managing a medical practice for several years, I left that field to focus on my reptile endeavors
01:21 full time.
01:22 It's a dream come true to work with these amazing creatures full time and serve the
01:26 reptile enthusiasts around the world."
01:29 So there you go guys, now you can be the proud owner of a freak reptile.
01:33 RJSR makes all of my nightmares come true with this statement, "If it grows to 20 feet
01:37 and eats large mammals, its smile will be very large indeed."
01:41 Yep at 20 feet it'd probably be big enough to eat me.
01:43 And Darren Carter says, "If this is real, there's probably some major money there."
01:48 Well you're kind of correct.
01:49 This one of a kind, incredibly rare snake is estimated to be worth $4,500.
01:54 But even if you are willing to throw that kind of money down, Justin has no intention
01:59 of parting with his new slithering friend.
02:01 And I'm kind of confused as to who would spend 8 years of their life breeding something that
02:05 is only worth $4,000.
02:07 That is true love my friends.
02:10 So would you spend $4,500 on a snake?
02:12 For more trends like these, head to
