Jake and Amir Come Back For An Election Video

  • last year
Beloved College Humor series Jake and Amir came out of retirement to put up an episode about Donald Trump!
00:00 The world has been mourning CollegeHumor's popular web series Jake and
00:03 Amir since they stopped doing it back in 2013. But they're back with one more
00:07 episode! With no warning whatsoever, CollegeHumor posted a five-minute
00:11 episode with Jake and Amir tackling the election. Like old times, Jake Hurwitz
00:16 plays the straight man. Oh no. Oh yeah! Israeli-born Amir Blumenfeld pretends to
00:23 be pro-sexual assault and anti-immigration while wearing a Make
00:26 America Great Again hat. And people in the comments are thrilled to see these
00:30 characters back at it again. Keenan Canskate says, "Holy s**t, Jake and Amir. I
00:34 just busted a n*****." Sounds like it hurts. GameGuru1234 says, "Wait, why is
00:40 everybody focusing on the political aspect of this video when we should be
00:43 focusing on the fact that Jake and Amir are back, baby?" Unfortunately, it doesn't
00:48 look like the show is coming back. Jake actually tweeted this that they came
00:51 back for one episode only. And Amir says that he's in semi-retirement. Jake and
00:56 Amir, you're always welcome here to hang out during your semi-retirement at
00:59 What's Trending. Imagine Jake, Shira, and Amir. Sounds pretty catchy, right? For more
01:06 trends like these, just go to whatstrending.com.
