Gator Gets Stuck In A Tree In This Viral Moment

  • last year
In Florida, a gator got stuck in a tree, and the internet is losing its collective mind. That's right, they can climb trees now.
00:00 in a tree? Now Captain Hook has nowhere to hide.
00:04 South Florida native Ronald Saraceno noticed a 5-foot gator up a
00:14 neighborhood tree. "I saw something in a tree. At first I thought maybe it was a
00:19 lizard." Florida Fish and Wildlife officials agree that the image Saraceno
00:24 took is probably a gator because of the position it's resting in. And because
00:28 it's a gator, they are more agile than people give them credit for. Amy Sarah,
00:32 who is an educator at a Nature Center in Florida, claims that alligators do climb
00:36 things if they need to. And Sarah's right, because this is not the first case of a
00:41 gator in a tree. In 2013, a Florida native noticed an 11 and a half foot gator in
00:46 a tree tied to it with a parachute cord and was feeding it cats. Let's look at
00:54 some tweets. Adam Rice tweeted back in 2012, "A drive on Loop Road makes for a
00:59 great day, especially when you find a gator in a palm tree. #GatorInTree."
01:04 Mirza Afarin said, "Only here in Florida you can find a 5-foot gator in a tree.
01:09 Tell me why am I not surprised." Jewtree tweeted, "Gator in a tree, y'all!" For more
01:19 trends like this, go to
