Brett Sanders Pays Ticket with 21,000 Pennies

  • last year
This guy paid his speeding ticket in pennies, and we're not fans.
00:00 Meet Brett Sanders. He sucks. So this guy, who describes himself as creating
00:05 "liberty-oriented" videos on YouTube, recently got a speeding ticket. He was
00:10 pulled over in Frisco, Texas after driving 9 miles over the speed limit. He
00:14 could have paid the $79 ticket, but he decided to contest it in court. In a
00:18 twist of events, he lost the trial, and now he owes $212 in court fees. So what
00:25 did Brett do? He called multiple chase banks and got $21,200.
00:33 He then hammered the rolls open in a creepy, creepy room with a mallet. He
00:43 spray-painted some buckets and labeled them "extortion money" and "policing for
00:48 profit." This is the hero that we didn't know we needed, you guys. Then he walked
00:52 into the municipal court office and poured the pennies on the counter. The
01:01 woman behind the counter handled it well and doesn't deserve any of this. He yells
01:06 over his shoulder that they can mail him the receipt. "Just mail me the receipt." Peace out.
01:12 So how do people feel about this video? Surprisingly, it's actually pretty
01:17 divided. The like-to-dislike ratio is almost 50/50. Maybe people are liking it
01:22 because... no. No. You can't really twist that. Let's look at some comments. Kayla
01:29 Kays said, "You broke the law, you dumb motherf*cker. Stop being a baby." Coconut
01:34 Haasen said, "Traffic ticket system is so f*cked up. Police just want to fill up
01:39 their quotas." I mean, maybe, but still. Vandy Neomcom said, "White privileges. You
01:46 can't do this sh*t if you're black, and if you're Asian or Hispanic, they will try
01:50 to deport you or you get harassed in some way." Josiah Grief said, "You go kid. F*ck
01:55 these money-grabbing bastards." If you can't get enough of Brett, his social
01:59 media accounts are filled with sh*t like this. He hates police, loves guns, and he
02:04 grows cabbage. For more trends like this, go to
