FTS 20:30 08-09: Venezuelan President Maduro pays official visit to China

  • last year
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro pays an official visit to China. // Members of Peru's National Justice Board could be removed from office. // Brazilian President Lula da Silva and US President Joe Biden will participate in the annual G20 Summit. teleSUR


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - The president of the Bolivar Republic of Venezuela,
00:13 Nicolás Maduro Moros,
00:14 enjoyed a live show with more than a thousand drones
00:17 from the Xincheng Talent Park
00:19 as part of his official visit to China.
00:22 Members of the National Board of Justice in Peru
00:29 could be removed from their paths
00:30 as a result of a National Congress investigation.
00:33 The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula Silva,
00:40 and the president of the US, Joe Biden,
00:42 arrived in New Delhi, capital of India,
00:44 to participate in the annual G20 summit
00:47 with the absence of China's Xi Jinping
00:50 and Russia's Vladimir Putin.
00:53 (upbeat music)
00:55 Hello, welcome to From the South.
01:00 I'm Ana Marreiro from the Telesur headquarters
01:02 in Caracas, Venezuela.
01:03 We'll be with the news, stay with us.
01:05 (upbeat music)
01:21 In Argentina, the minister of economy
01:23 and candidate for the presidency of
01:25 Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massa,
01:27 ratifies that in the islands he leads,
01:30 unity is threatened every day.
01:32 During his intervention in an interview program
01:35 on the national television,
01:36 the candidate also referred to his political contenders.
01:39 He maintains that Juntos por el Cambio suffers
01:42 an erosion in the primary elections campaign,
01:45 which former president Mauricio Macri enjoys.
01:48 (silence)
01:50 (silence)
01:53 (silence)
01:55 (speaking in foreign language)
01:56 - Stop looking where there is none.
01:58 We are all working together.
02:00 You will see it on Saturday, you will see it on Friday.
02:03 The governors, the social movement, the CTA, the CGT,
02:08 they all agree on what is at stake.
02:10 They are all aware of what Argentines can lose
02:13 if we violate the model that in 2001 led us
02:17 almost to the national dissolution,
02:19 and that is what they are expressing.
02:23 - In a still in Argentina, where the governor
02:25 of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof,
02:28 participate in the inauguration of an onion packing
02:31 and production shell from the local producers association
02:36 of Federation Rural, and stress the importance
02:39 of state support for family farming.
02:41 It is at a strategic point located in the Union South,
02:44 as the area of the south of Buenos Aires
02:47 and part of the province of Rio Negro is unknown
02:51 because of 80% of the country's onions production
02:53 is produced and exported from there.
02:55 On Friday, the president of the Bolivarian Republic
03:06 of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, enjoyed a light show
03:10 with more than a thousand rounds
03:11 from the Shenzhen Talent Park,
03:14 the first high quality urban amusement park.
03:17 At the highest technological level,
03:18 Shenzhen city is,
03:21 authorities welcome by the delegation
03:25 of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,
03:26 led by the head of state, who was received by one,
03:29 when you, the secretary of the del Shenzhen district
03:32 committed of Shenzhen city.
03:34 President Maduro, together with the first combat
03:36 on part of the executive cabinet,
03:38 were able to observe through drones and lights
03:41 that the thanks to innovation, creative ideas
03:44 and technological process,
03:45 Shenzhen is a truly intelligent city.
03:48 (silence)
03:50 Upon his arrival today,
03:54 the Venezuelan president stated the visit was meant
03:58 to continue building a close, deep cooperation with China.
04:01 Rain, blessed rain, blessed water,
04:09 arriving in the city of Shenzhen for a historic visit
04:12 on behalf of all Venezuelans.
04:15 Step by step building the new world geopolitics,
04:18 building close and deep cooperation ties
04:21 with the People's Republic of China.
04:24 Here we are in China again.
04:26 My greetings to all.
04:27 It rains, it rains, it will rain good news.
04:30 Greetings to all of you.
04:32 Stay tuned.
04:33 Venezuela's executive vice president,
04:38 Delcy Rodriguez met with her Chinese counterpart,
04:40 Hong Chen, as part of her work in China.
04:43 During the meeting, Rodriguez highlighted
04:45 the purpose of establishing agreements
04:47 for the benefit of both peoples
04:49 and closing coordinated interests
04:51 and regional issues in different areas.
04:53 She also indicated that the meeting was burned
04:55 thanks to the strategic orientation provided
04:57 by President Xi Jinping
04:58 and his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro,
05:00 in addition to the friendship between Beijing and Caracas,
05:04 which has been consolidated with the years.
05:12 (birds chirping)
05:15 Simple as it is, bread just needs yet flour,
05:37 water, sugar, and a pinch of salt.
05:39 Benefits as it is, bread needs nutrients and comfort.
05:44 That's the goal of Sprao Sosualdo and Tania Ojavas-Moll
05:48 and Artesanal Bakery in Caracas
05:50 that have been running for 13 years,
05:53 selling their products at an affordable price.
05:56 They're an example of how to be self-reliant
05:59 while also community-driven.
06:02 Our colleagues Adriana Sivri and Luis Oraz Gutierrez
06:06 went to their apartment and bring us their story
06:09 in another episode of our series, "Venezuela on the Move."
06:12 Enjoy.
06:13 (speaking in foreign language)
06:28 - On the first floor,
06:30 Osvaldo works on the art of making bread.
06:32 The scale calculates each portion.
06:38 On the counter, the dough sits for a while.
06:41 - My wife taught me, and my wife was taught by God.
06:47 - Day after day, mixing flour, yeast, water,
06:50 a little salt, and sometimes sugar,
06:52 and depending on the season, other ingredients.
06:55 The profession is not forgotten.
06:57 - I never took a bakery course.
07:01 I say that I have learned through practice,
07:03 and the more you practice,
07:05 the more you learn how to make bread.
07:08 - The oven does not rest.
07:10 They have 10 trays, and in each of them,
07:12 they place the flexible dough.
07:14 - Both the savory bread and the sweet bread,
07:18 as well as the ham, one has been at a solidarity price.
07:22 When things get tough, we sell ice cream, cakes.
07:26 - The neighbors are frequent customers.
07:29 - It is cheap.
07:32 They have been selling the bread here for 13 years.
07:35 I think it's really good,
07:37 delicious, to say the truth.
07:38 I love their tres leches cake.
07:41 - But what they elaborate the most
07:46 is the artisan peasant bread,
07:48 made from wheat, soft, of Spanish origin,
07:51 and popular in Venezuela.
07:53 - You can find more episodes of our series
08:02 Venezuela on the Move on YouTube and other platforms.
08:05 Now let's take a very short break,
08:06 but remember, you can also join us
08:08 on our TikTok account @SalesorEnglish,
08:10 where you'll be able to see news in different formats,
08:12 news updates, and more.
08:13 Stay tuned for more news.
08:14 (upbeat music)
08:43 - Welcome back from the South.
08:45 According to an article of the Washington Times,
08:48 former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
08:51 Janne Babin affirms that Washington
08:53 should not send more aid to Ukraine
08:56 until an inspector general is appointed
08:58 to oversee that assistance
09:00 and investigate alleged corruption.
09:02 According to Babin, that inspector
09:05 could conduct a civil and criminal investigation
09:08 to determine how much of the U.S. aid to Ukraine
09:12 is properly spent, how much is lost,
09:16 the corruption, slabs to corruption, and who benefits.
09:20 For our columnist, Democrats are predicting
09:23 the U.S. President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
09:26 Hebrew members of the National Board of Justice
09:37 could be removed from their posts
09:39 as a result of investigations by the National Congress.
09:42 The motion presented by the Avanza País Party
09:45 to investigate the representative of the judiciary
09:48 was approved by 84%.
09:50 The report reveals that members of the board
09:52 in Ukraine enacts qualified and serious
09:54 and applications of Article 157 of the Constitution
09:58 and provides sufficient grounds for the removal
10:00 and appointment of a new National Board of Justice.
10:03 The National Board of Justice rejected the threat
10:13 and of the constitutional order
10:14 while qualifying the measures as an institutional intimidation.
10:19 It also considered that the eventful removal of its members
10:22 without complying with the pre-established procedures
10:26 will represent a breach of the constitutional order
10:28 and a power imbalance in Peru.
10:30 In Ecuador, representatives of the citizen revolution movement
10:40 demand transparency and expedience
10:42 in the investigations of the assassination
10:44 of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio.
10:46 The members of this party urged Guillermo Lazo's administration
10:51 to determine accountabilities and reveal those involved
10:56 in a crime perpetrated on August 9th in Quito.
10:59 In this respect, the public prosecutor's office indicated
11:03 four people were arrested at Amber Mine
11:05 since in the penitentiaries of Quito and Cotopaxi.
11:07 We all demand answers to know who the masterminds are,
11:19 the perpetrators.
11:20 We have arrested several suspects in the murder case
11:23 of Mr. Fernando Villavicencio.
11:25 And of course, we cannot overlook our solidarity
11:28 with the family because the criminals did not care
11:31 about a human life.
11:32 They only cared about a political office.
11:37 Ferdinand Alvarez also demanded an answer
11:40 for the prosecutor's office for the murder
11:42 of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio
11:44 while assuring that there are threats against candidate
11:47 Luis González.
11:48 And today, we are facing the country head on.
11:54 And we demand from the state attorney general's office
11:57 beyond any questions or pretext, an immediate response
12:01 so that the prosecutor's office can determine once and for all
12:08 who the masterminds were and their accomplices
12:11 in this heinous crime.
12:13 Now, regarding the threat against the life
12:15 of our candidate, Luis González, there
12:20 is a person who had been detained
12:22 with firearms and a grenade.
12:24 There is a police report.
12:26 There is a public prosecutor's investigation underway.
12:29 And today, we say again to the public prosecutor's office,
12:32 we demand answers.
12:33 What happened with this public prosecutor's investigation?
12:40 What has happened so far?
12:42 What has the police determined?
12:43 The organization SOS Press denounced on Thursday
12:49 that a plot to obstruct the investigation
12:51 into the murder of reporter Gary Tess, which occurred in Haiti.
12:55 This group says that close associates of the suspect
13:00 demand their recourse to the judge Robert
13:03 Jordan who is investigating the murder.
13:06 The body of Gary Tess, who hosted a program as a radio
13:10 station, was found at the end of October
13:13 after there being a miss for a week, in consequences that
13:16 have not been clarified.
13:24 The Atlantic hurricane, Lee, will cause a repeat
13:40 current in the Caribbean and on the east coast of the US,
13:44 starting on Friday.
13:45 Experts, however, don't know for sure
13:48 where this storm is going.
13:49 As of about 11 AM on Friday, the hurricane, Lee,
13:53 was about 565 miles east of the New Orleans Islands, which
13:59 are in the northeastern Caribbean.
14:01 And this storm was moving west and northwest
14:04 at 13 miles per hour.
14:05 Health authorities in Sweden have
14:13 reported an increase in coronavirus cases
14:16 as a result of a new stream of COVID-19.
14:19 European health officials have warned
14:22 of a new strain of virus spread in the European continent.
14:26 The strain named B8.2.86, known as Superola,
14:32 was detected last August by the European Center for Disease
14:36 Prevention and Control.
14:44 September 8th marked the first anniversary
14:46 of Queen Elizabeth II's death at the UK's longest
14:49 serving monarch.
14:51 Ceremonial gondola ran out across the UK
14:54 on Friday to mourn the ascension of King Charles III
14:58 as he paid tribute to his mother, Queen Elizabeth II,
15:01 the first anniversary of her death.
15:02 Let's take our last break.
15:12 But before, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel
15:15 at Telestudio English, where you'll
15:16 be able to watch interviews, top stories,
15:18 and special broadcasts this summer.
15:20 Hit the subscribe and active notification
15:21 bell to stay up to date on the world's most recent events.
15:24 A final short break.
15:25 Don't go away.
15:50 Welcome back.
15:51 The presidents of Brazil, [INAUDIBLE]
15:54 US, Joe Biden arrived in New Delhi, capital of India,
15:57 to participate in the annual G20 summit.
16:00 The group faces deep division among the most powerful members
16:03 with the absence of Xi Jinping of China
16:05 and Vladimir Putin of Russia.
16:07 The group of 20 was conservated in the midst of the 2008
16:12 financial crisis, a way to manage the global economy.
16:15 However, in recent years, it has been increasingly difficult
16:18 to reach a consensus among the members.
16:21 The House will be scrambling to reach a last-minute agreement
16:26 on controversial issues such as the conflict in Ukraine,
16:30 climate, and global governance.
16:32 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres,
16:34 world leaders that day, they continued
16:37 bringing in full conflict and corridor public strife.
16:41 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Friday
16:50 urged the group of G20 top economic powers, which
16:54 are responsible for more than 80% of the emissions that
16:57 cause global warming, to use their weekend summit
17:01 to send a strong message of climate change.
17:04 Because if we are indeed one global family,
17:08 we today resemble a rather dysfunctional one.
17:12 Divisions are growing, tensions are flaring up,
17:17 and trust is eroding, which together
17:20 raise the specter of fragmentation and ultimately
17:25 confrontation.
17:27 This fracturing world would be deeply concerning
17:30 in the best of times, but in our times, it spells catastrophe.
17:36 We have no time to lose.
17:39 Challenges stretch as far as the eye can see.
17:43 The climate crisis is worsening dramatic,
17:46 but the collective response is lacking in ambition,
17:50 credibility, and urgency.
17:52 Officials at a US military base in a year
17:59 are reclaiming their troops to the center of the country
18:02 away from the capital, Niamey.
18:04 When officially officials staged a station in the African nation
18:08 and informed US media, our leaders,
18:11 Sabrina Sainz, Deputy Defense Department spokesperson,
18:14 confirmed the move.
18:15 The 101st Air Base is moving to the 102nd Air Base located
18:19 in Agadez.
18:20 At least 49 civilians and 15 military personnel
18:29 were killed in a double attack by the Al-Qaeda branch in Mali.
18:32 A statement from the country's foreign ministry
18:35 said on Thursday that one of the attack
18:37 was directed at the passenger ships, Tickbox 2,
18:40 and the other at an infrastructure
18:42 of the armed forces located in the municipality of Bamba
18:44 in the region of Gao.
18:45 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO,
18:55 reported the highest increase in rice price in 15 years.
19:00 According to the organization, world rice price
19:03 rose by 9.8% in August, one month after India,
19:07 key rice producer imposed its export restrictions.
19:11 In this sense, the grain increases its value
19:15 due to the creation of vegetable oils, dairy products,
19:19 and grains.
19:20 We have come to the end of this news brief,
19:28 but you can find these and many other stories on our website
19:30 at telesudioenglish.net.
19:32 You can also join us on our socials,
19:33 run on Facebook, on X, and on Instagram as well.
19:38 For "Telesudio English" and "From the South,"
19:40 I'm Ana Marrero.
19:41 Thank you for watching.
