• 2 years ago
The LIC HFL - IRMA Social Trailblazer Program is a pioneering initiative aimed at nurturing and empowering social enterprises that drive positive social change across India. The Bootcamp event for Cohort-2 was designed to bring together 37 carefully selected social enterprises, who have demonstrated their potential to create significant impact and sustainable change. The startups were chosen out of a competitive pool of 237+ applications. The Bootcamp served as a unique opportunity for intensive training, networking, and refining business strategies for these startups.

#IRMA #iSEED #Amul #socialenterprise


00:00 India is a developing country.
00:03 For the development of the nation, economic development is necessary.
00:07 And to measure the health of any economy,
00:10 employment rate is the most important metric.
00:13 In this, startups are very much needed for economic prosperity.
00:17 India needs over 100 million jobs annually.
00:21 And most of the jobs are generated by startups.
00:24 Global data shows that startups create more jobs
00:28 as compared to large companies or enterprises.
00:31 In the last two decades, the Indian startup ecosystem has developed rapidly.
00:36 Startups never exist in a vacuum.
00:40 In fact, they are part of a broader business environment
00:44 which is focused on the impactful solution of any problem.
00:48 Which brings change in the society.
00:50 Because startups are the center of novel innovations,
00:53 they generate jobs, which means more career opportunities.
00:57 And we know that more employment leads to a stronger economy.
01:01 But to grow these startups, we need a support.
01:06 We need a platform.
01:08 And moreover, we need funding.
01:11 In this, Irma ISEED Foundation is growing as a platform
01:15 which helps startups in networking, mentoring or funding.
01:21 Irma ISEED organizes programs for entrepreneurs on a regular basis.
01:26 Once again, with the support of LIC Housing Finance Limited,
01:30 Irma ISEED Foundation organized the Startups Bootcamp Program.
01:35 Visionary entrepreneurs, influential investors, industry experts, mentors participated in this program.
01:43 Irma ISEED Foundation has created a platform to share
01:46 exchanging ideas, success stories and create positive social impact
01:50 between dedicated startups and investors.
01:57 The main purpose of this program was to give our enterprises a basic understanding
02:06 and a basic idea of how to do business.
02:11 In the second cohort, we received more than 250 applications,
02:16 out of which we have chosen 35.
02:18 In these 35, we are taking a 3-day bootcamp
02:22 in which they will learn about valuation,
02:26 talk to some entrepreneurs who have succeeded,
02:28 talk to people from the industry who can support them,
02:33 some of the investors who tell them what they look at when they invest in the startups,
02:39 and then some very basic things like how to do digital marketing,
02:45 how are firms valued, how do you do basic project management.
02:53 These things are what is covered in this.
02:55 To make the bootcamp of Cohort 2 meaningful, 37 social enterprises were selected from 237+ applicants.
03:04 These 37 are those enterprises that have proved that they have the power to bring significant impact and sustainable change.
03:12 In this bootcamp program, entrepreneurs were given the opportunity to refine their intensive training, networking, and business strategies.
03:21 IRBA IC that I have been involved from the beginning,
03:24 this is one of the most transformative programs for agri-entrepreneurs and other frontier market entrepreneurs.
03:31 I think this is something which is very innovative in terms of its inception,
03:36 in the way the kind of stakeholders they are bringing along,
03:40 and most important is the way they are engaging with the entrepreneurs in the long term.
03:45 So some kind of a thing where there is a confluence of multiple stakeholders like investors,
03:49 and connecting with the industries, and also bringing the right kind of entrepreneurs together in the same room,
03:55 so that they can have peer learnings coming in.
03:57 It's a very innovative program, and last time also and this time also what we find is that
04:03 the young people are coming up with a lot of innovative as well as disruptive technologies.
04:08 And the ideas which they are coming and the technologies that they are bringing onto the table,
04:14 they have a lot of potential for bringing about real transformation in the society,
04:19 in the rural areas, especially in the field of agriculture and allied sector.
04:24 It was a three day bootcamp, and the experience was very vivid,
04:29 because you get to learn from the similar experiences of entrepreneurs like us,
04:33 or from different stages, so you get to learn from them peer to peer.
04:36 And the sessions also have been aligned, so that we get a lot of take away knowledge from there as well.
04:42 And the idea is that if we want to raise some capital,
04:46 we can get it in the form of equity or in the form of grant.
04:51 So we get that access also, which is like the whole program,
04:55 it's learning plus access to capital, and access to network of firm also, which is like great.
05:03 In this three day program, it was a special and challenging day for the entrepreneurs,
05:08 the third day, in which the internal investment committee had to select the top 20 of the final cohort of 23-24.
05:16 This was a pitching session, in which social enterprises had to showcase their work, ideas, and growth plans.
05:23 The selected 20 enterprises will be given comprehensive support for growth.
05:29 We would also be interviewing all the 35 startups to choose our top 20.
05:35 So there is an internal investment committee, which is sitting and interviewing all the 35 startups,
05:40 which will help us to choose a top 20, which will be a part of our social tele-business cohort.
05:47 But apart from that, if we find some others of the remaining 15 to be good,
05:54 we'll find other ways to support them and fund them.
05:57 The pitching session was very good.
05:59 In every pitching session, you get some questions, which you learn something new, understand something new.
06:04 And the best thing is that the jury members, it was just a pitching session,
06:08 they understood our whole journey, what we are doing, what is our vision, so we are working for that.
06:13 The program actually excited us in many terms, like finance, providing financial support,
06:19 and the mentoring support, and the network we have here, and the professor's guidance and all.
06:24 That is really exciting.
06:27 For a better India, the country needs more startups,
06:31 which work towards a significant social impact and sustainable change.
06:36 And Irma I Cede understands this need very well.
06:39 That's all for the video.
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