• 2 years ago
The LIC HFL - IRMA Social Trailblazer Program is a pioneering initiative aimed at nurturing and empowering social enterprises that drive positive social change across India. The Bootcamp event for Cohort-2 is designed to bring together 37 carefully selected social enterprises, out of a competitive pool of 237+ applicants. These enterprises have demonstrated their potential to create significant impact and sustainable change. The Bootcamp serves as a unique opportunity for intensive training, networking, and refining their business strategies.

#irma #iseed #amul


00:00 we were discussing this that no more is the time for educational curriculum, educational
00:08 curriculum may be 45 to 50 percent, but now it is learning, learning to create something,
00:15 learning to design something, learning to incubate, to get yourself incubated, to get
00:21 the best and fortunately the kind of ideas ours are, you know I am very new to the startup
00:32 innovation ecosystem, but the kind of you know fertility that and the ecosystem that
00:43 is there, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we
00:54 have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you
00:55 know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the
00:56 kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of
00:57 ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that
00:58 we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have,
00:59 you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know
01:00 the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the
01:01 kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind
01:02 of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas
01:26 that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we
01:51 have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you
02:20 know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the
02:25 kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of
02:26 ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that
02:27 we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have,
02:28 you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you
02:29 know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the kind of ideas that we have, you know the
