Highlights Day-1 of the G20 Summit | Bharat Mandapam, Delhi, India 2023 | OneIndia News

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G20 Summit Day 1 Highlights: PM Modi announces India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor, New Delhi Leadership Declaration adopted



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07:23 - I think our relations was before very good
07:28 and I think it's will very good
07:31 and after this is of course conflict,
07:33 it's will very, all will good
07:34 because India and Russia a long time,
07:37 very, very good friends, very clever friends,
07:42 very kind friends and we very like Narendra Modi too
07:46 in Russia because he very, very clever man, we think.
07:50 You know, it's not so important who come to this G20,
07:55 Lavrov or Putin, more important position, Russian position
08:00 and you can see our position that nobody in the world
08:05 can't be isolated Russia in the world
08:09 and now we build new order,
08:13 new order without hegemony dollars,
08:15 without hegemony USA, we will have new currency
08:18 and I think it's very, very important things
08:21 for all world and for India too of course.
08:25 - Of course the real connection project
08:28 is yet to be announced.
08:30 The information we are hearing is it might be announced
08:32 at the end of the visit or at the end of the G20 summit.
08:36 It is not surprising, in fact, it makes perfect sense.
08:41 There are talks about the GCC rail connection,
08:43 the Gulf rail connection anyway
08:45 and it only makes sense for us to link
08:49 with one of our biggest trading partners in India.
08:54 Don't forget in the Gulf region,
08:56 there are more than eight million Indian expats.
08:59 So this will have huge economical and logistical benefits
09:04 for India and for the Gulf countries
09:06 and especially for Saudi Arabia.
09:08 Different people can look at things the way they like.
09:11 I think what matters here is whether it's
09:14 in Saudi Arabia's interest,
09:16 whether it's in the Gulf interest
09:17 and whether it's in India's interest
09:19 and the answer to all of the above is absolutely.
09:23 I don't think anybody wants to do anything
09:27 for the sake of intimidating other persons
09:29 at their own expense, that doesn't make sense.
09:32 But as I said, there are eight million Indian expats
09:35 living in the Gulf region.
09:37 There is a project to link the Gulf region by rail anyway
09:40 and it only makes sense for this project
09:43 to be linked with India,
09:44 which is one of the largest trading partners of the Gulf.
09:46 - We are participating in this G20 summit
09:50 which closes the Indian presidency
09:53 and I would say that in this first session,
09:55 there's been a very strong call
09:56 for the reinforcement of multilateralism
09:59 and confidence in our joint ability to cooperate
10:03 and to work together to face global challenges
10:05 such as climate change.
10:07 The discussion this morning has very much focused
10:09 on this on top of of course, welcoming the African Union,
10:13 joining the G20 and congratulating the Indian presidency
10:18 for their excellent leadership during this year.
10:21 And in this first session,
10:23 there was a joint agreement to fulfill the commitments
10:28 taken at Paris and in the different international summits
10:31 and to continue to make progress to meet our targets
10:36 in terms of climate action.
10:38 There was a joint commitment to contribute
10:40 to the upcoming COP28 meeting
10:44 and to deliver on our environmental
10:46 and financial commitments in order to ensure
10:49 that we effectively meet the targets
10:52 that I hope will be set in the communique tomorrow
10:55 to travel the deployment of renewables throughout the world
10:59 and to reach in 2025, the peak of CO2 emission
11:03 and pursue thus the path towards decarbonization
11:06 of our economies.
11:08 (speaking in foreign language)
11:11 (speaking in foreign language)
11:16 - Critical emerging technologies,
11:17 information communications technology.
11:20 (speaking in foreign language)
11:24 Student mobility.
11:38 (speaking in foreign language)
11:42 (speaking in foreign language)
11:46 - We're quite delighted at the leadership
11:52 demonstrated by Prime Minister Modi
11:54 and demonstrated by the Indian government
11:57 during its presidency of the G20.
12:00 Prime Minister Modi has sought to focus this summit
12:04 to opening up space for the global south
12:09 to ensuring that the voices of many smaller
12:13 developing economic countries that were often excluded
12:17 from these forums are included and that they are heard.
12:20 And so we are delighted at the development of the EU
12:25 included as the member of the G20
12:27 and we are grateful to India's leadership in this regard.
12:31 (speaking in foreign language)
12:34 - Global south, this thing has been made in G20
12:38 this time as well, how do you rate that?
12:40 - Well, it has always been important
12:43 and maybe put it this way, it was always a myth
12:46 that you will have such forums
12:49 for international economic cooperation
12:52 running with the exclusion of large parts of the world.
12:58 Now we are moving towards a direction
13:01 that includes those parts of the world that were excluded.
13:05 We share a lot of common challenges,
13:09 particularly with respect to climate change.
13:12 And those issues cannot be resolved
13:15 through exclusive approaches.
13:19 They have to be inclusive,
13:21 they have to include those affected
13:24 and those that bear the most responsibility
13:27 in guiding the world through these challenges.
13:31 (speaking in foreign language)
13:35 - Sorry, just repeat your question, just repeat your question.
13:38 - For the African continent, the inclusion in the G20.
13:41 - Oh, it's very important, as I said.
13:43 It's an important development
13:45 to have the African continent included
13:49 in such forums and processes.
13:52 And we see it as an important step
13:55 that signals more reform processes
13:58 that we would like to see
14:00 with respect to the United Nations Security Council,
14:03 with respect to your global multilateral
14:07 financial institutions.
14:08 - And especially thank you, Narendra and Joel,
14:10 for convening this event here.
14:14 I think it is very important to remember
14:16 that we launched the Partnership for Global Infrastructure
14:18 and Investment last year.
14:21 And since then,
14:23 PGII contributes to conclosing
14:27 the Global Investment Gap for Quality Infrastructure.
14:31 As Emmanuel Macron already said most about this initiative
14:35 and all the activities we speak about today
14:39 are already, is already set.
14:41 So I will not repeat it, just mentioning two questions.
14:45 The first is we have to be active
14:47 that these things can happen.
14:49 And this is for me that we then have to also work
14:53 on the infrastructure,
14:55 the institutions that can work on financing.
14:59 And for this, I think it is also important
15:03 to work to make the work of the World Bank successful.
15:08 Germany will contribute an additional 305 million Euro
15:11 of hybrid capital to the World Bank.
15:14 And this is one of the aspects
15:16 which is a side of the activity here.
15:20 We also try to work with Africa
15:23 and the compact with Africa will convene in Berlin in November,
15:28 also as a sign of creating infrastructure,
15:32 developing economy, all the things we all together here.
15:37 The FSB's report and the IMF's report,
15:41 FSB's concentrated more on the regulation
15:45 and IMF's looked at the macroeconomic implications.
15:51 So the synthesis paper is something
15:54 which the G20 membership will go through in detail.
16:00 There is one more meeting under our presidency
16:03 for the finance track in Marrakesh.
16:06 I remember with great sense of responsibility and sorrow,
16:13 the earthquake which has happened very close to Marrakesh.
16:16 I hope the people of Morocco are in a position to take on
16:22 and I was glad to hear the Prime Minister
16:24 during the session in the morning
16:26 that India stands with Morocco
16:29 and we will be ready to do any assistance
16:32 that the government of Morocco would desire us to do.
16:35 So with that said, with a heavy heart,
16:39 the next meeting was scheduled for Marrakesh
16:41 and there the FSB report and the IMF,
16:45 which is the synthesis report, will be discussed
16:49 and the materials are already available in public domain.
16:54 So it is for the membership to take a call
16:56 as to how it wants to move on it.
16:58 A framework or a template, whatever be it,
17:03 I don't think we have given it a name as yet.
17:05 And also to now discuss whether it is going to be
17:10 a regulation only and not a ban,
17:13 I am not getting into that debate.
17:15 It is the reports, the synthesis and also the early IMF report,
17:20 both of which have been discussed.
17:23 You are right in saying this report says this.
17:25 It is up to the G20 membership to take a call
17:28 on how it wants to move forward
17:30 and that you will get to know more
17:31 during the autumn meet of the World Bank.
17:33 I think they have done an excellent job.
17:35 They have got to a successful declaration.
17:37 I think the Prime Minister has done a great job on it
17:40 and I think the G20 have come together on a number of topics.
17:43 Very good evening to all of you.
17:45 Thank you very much for the enthusiasm
17:50 for the Global Biofuels Alliance.
17:53 I can tell you as someone who has been associated
17:57 with the ethanol and biofuels story
18:01 for something like a decade and a half
18:05 that today is a historic day,
18:08 a moment for celebration and rejoicing
18:12 because a Global Biofuels Alliance
18:16 has just been announced by the Honorable Prime Minister
18:22 who along with other world leaders
18:23 including two of the world's major biofuel producers,
18:28 the United States and Brazil
18:30 and other countries who are consuming countries,
18:33 producing countries of biofuels,
18:36 19 countries in all and 12 international organizations
18:41 have got together to form the International Biofuels Alliance.
18:44 First I would like to thank you for having us here
18:46 and being in India.
18:47 It's a great place and we are loving it here
18:50 and just to come and explore and have new opportunities.
18:53 Being here in this media oasis
18:58 and being part of on the side of the G20,
19:01 it's a great opportunity to connect and to explore
19:05 and have more opportunities to talk about
19:08 and just deliver the message and the objective
19:11 that we have in the Ministry of Sport
19:14 that reflects our vision
19:16 that we are all looking forward to achieve,
19:18 Vision 2030.
19:20 So we are being part of this great vision
19:23 and it's just a journey that we want to explore
19:25 with in India and with all over the world
19:29 and see the opportunities that we can start and open together.
19:32 Another subject that was addressed by them
19:36 as the Sherpa noted
19:38 was countering terrorism and money laundering.
19:42 The leaders condemned terrorism
19:44 in all its forms and manifestations
19:46 and recognized that it constitutes
19:48 one of the more serious threats
19:51 to international peace and security.
19:54 So in conclusion, as you can all see,
19:57 all G20 member states have come to New Delhi
20:02 with a strong sense of responsibility
20:05 about addressing the most pressing global challenges.
20:09 Speaking for India,
20:11 we are clear that no one left behind
20:15 as the Finance Minister highlighted.
20:17 There are eight paras on the geopolitical issue
20:20 which is entitled
20:23 Planet, People, Peace and Prosperity.
20:26 All those eight paras have 100% acceptance.
20:31 All countries have unanimously supported
20:35 the New Delhi Leaders Declaration.
20:37 This is one declaration without a single footnote
20:40 and without any chair's summary.
20:42 This is a complete statement with 100% unanimity.
20:48 This demonstrates both the Prime Ministers
20:51 and India's great ability
20:53 to bring all developing countries,
20:56 all emerging markets, all developed countries,
20:59 China, Russia, everybody together
21:02 on the same table and bring consensus.
21:05 Secondly, this has been the most ambitious
21:09 presidency in G20's history ever
21:13 because the number of outcomes it has,
21:17 both the outcomes and the annexed documents,
21:20 are about 112,
21:22 which is more than two and a half times
21:26 which has ever been achieved before.
21:29 Thirdly, this presidency,
21:33 if you go through the New Delhi Leaders Declaration,
21:37 it has a huge India narrative.
21:40 It has a huge India footprint,
21:43 whether you look at the Deccan high-level principles
21:45 on food security,
21:47 whether you look at the Chennai high-level principles
21:50 for blue ocean economy,
21:51 whether you look at the Goa roadmap for tourism,
21:55 whether you look at the Gandhi Nagar implementation
21:58 roadmap for land restoration,
22:00 or Jaipur call for enhanced MSMEs,
22:03 all this will leave a huge footprint of India in G20.
22:10 So one of the key achievements to my mind,
22:15 one is that we've achieved a very major
22:20 Green Development Pact in today's world
22:24 of climate action and climate finance.
22:26 Every single country has come together
22:29 to focus on Green Development Pact,
22:33 which has financing,
22:35 which has focus on global greenhouse gas emission
22:37 by 43% by 2030,
22:41 which has a doubling provision of adaptive finance by 2025,
22:47 which has a global biofuel alliance,
22:50 which has a life,
22:51 completely new principles of life for sustainable development,
22:55 which has ending plastic pollution,
22:58 which has reducing disaster risk,
23:01 and a whole lot of other components put together
23:05 as the Green Development Pact of the leaders of G20 countries
23:09 for a greener world of tomorrow.
23:12 Thank you all my colleagues.
23:14 This is someone once said in a similar domestic action
23:18 that was positive.
23:20 This is a big deal.
23:22 This is a real big deal.
23:24 I want to thank you, Mr. Prime Minister.
23:27 One Earth, one family, one future.
23:30 That's the focus of this G20 summit.
23:34 And in many ways, it's also the focus of this partnership
23:37 that we're talking about today.
23:40 Building sustainable, resilient infrastructure,
23:43 making quality infrastructure investments,
23:47 and creating a better future.
23:50 A future for greater -- that presents greater opportunity,
23:55 dignity, and prosperity for everyone.
23:57 Last year, we came together as one to commit to this vision.
24:01 And this afternoon, I want to highlight the key ways
24:05 which the United States and our partners are working
24:07 to make this a reality.
24:10 Economic corridors.
24:11 You're going to hear that phrase more than once,
24:13 I expect, over the next decade.
24:16 Economic corridors.
24:18 As you work to address infrastructure gaps
24:20 across low- and middle-income countries,
24:22 we need to maximize the impact of our investments.
24:26 That's why a few months ago, I announced
24:27 that the United States will work with our partners
24:30 to invest in economic corridors.
24:32 I'd like to commend the PGII launched by President Biden
24:38 with the participation of Saudi Arabia in $20 billion.
24:43 We look forward to the integration of the initiative
24:45 and the economic corridor project,
24:48 which is announced in this meeting.
24:50 I would like to thank those who worked with us
24:53 to reach this founding step
24:56 to establish this important economic corridor.
24:59 My best regards to you all.
25:00 -Excellencies, when we launched the Partnership
25:03 for Global Infrastructure and Investment
25:06 just over a year ago,
25:08 we committed to building better infrastructure
25:11 for a better future in low- and middle-income nations.
25:15 We committed to cooperate with these nations
25:18 with an equal, non-predatory approach
25:21 to create new opportunities and prosperity.
25:24 Today's launch of the new economic corridor
25:26 between India and the Middle East and Europe
25:29 goes precisely in this direction
25:32 and is a milestone in strengthening
25:34 global interconnections.
25:36 And that is why I want to thank Prime Minister Modi,
25:40 President Biden, and all the others,
25:43 Ursula von der Leyen and all the others
25:45 who made it possible for this very important thing.
25:50 And this will scale up our economy's growth,
25:55 opening enormous potential for mutual benefits
25:59 in the business sector.
26:02 Obviously, Italy is ready to play a decisive role
26:06 in this process.
26:08 Also, through the unique expertise of Italian companies
26:11 in the maritime and railway sector.
26:16 And we want to contribute in building bridges
26:19 between the Mediterranean and the Indo-Pacific,
26:23 also in the fields of energy and digital connectivity
26:27 via Africa and the Arabian Gulf.
26:30 In the energy sector, we came to work in different fields,
26:33 including the production and transport of green hydrogen
26:36 from the Middle East to the Mediterranean.
26:39 We also support the European Commission
26:41 on the Helmet Project, a high-voltage submarine
26:44 electricity interconnection that will link Italy to Tunisia.
26:49 We are working to strengthen digital connections
26:52 critical for innovation and growth
26:55 between the wider Mediterranean and Asia.
26:58 Lurama, Raman, named after India's Nobel laureate
27:04 in physics, Raman, will connect Europe with India
27:08 and involves major companies such as Google and Team Sparkle.
27:13 However, we also are aware that there's still too much
27:18 to be done to narrow the infrastructure gap with low
27:21 and middle-income nations.
27:23 And this is why we will continue work
27:25 on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment
27:29 during the Italian G7 presidency next year.
27:33 Thank you.
27:34 I would now request the Honorable Prime Minister of India
27:37 to press the light bulb placed in the lectern before him
27:41 and launch the Global Biofuel Alliance.
27:43 To support respective net-zero targets,
27:55 to solve the energy quadrillion, to strengthen the circular
27:59 economy, and provide cost-effective and
28:02 environmentally favorable--
