A season with Triple Eight | show | 2022| S3 | Official Teaser

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A season with Triple Eight | show | 2022| S3 | Official Teaser | dHNzXzRONE9hc0ZjbVdB


00:00 I really hope that this documentary shows people that we are a big family.
00:06 It sounds so cliche, but we really are.
00:10 We win together, we lose together.
00:12 Some of our best celebrations and parties have been after some of our biggest losses.
00:16 It's an unbelievable storyline.
00:18 Winkap is out of fuel.
00:20 There's no fuel, but you're just going to have to roll it home.
00:23 And I think that that is actually testament to the team that we can pull together
00:27 in the bad times as well as the good times.
00:30 They've been the championship leader,
00:33 even though they haven't won every year, for decades.
00:37 Triple Eight as a team and a juggernaut, that basically made you raise your game.
00:44 We became the team that we are today because of the competitive nature of Triple Eight
00:49 and what's required to beat them.
00:52 You can't be best friends with someone
00:54 when it's your dream and your life goal to win a championship.
00:57 It's pretty hard to be friends.
00:59 It's tough battling your teammate because you can't do the usual lunch
01:02 because you're contacted.
01:04 Oh, and he's off the road.
01:06 This is going to end up in tears if it continues.
01:08 Is Triple Eight going to be the same without him?
01:11 No, it won't be. It won't be the same.
01:14 (engine revving)