My Billionaire Husband Ep1-25

  • last year
My Billionaire Husband Ep1-25
00:00 [phone ringing]
00:06 Hey, Dad, can I borrow $50,000?
00:10 Mom needs kidney dialysis and we really don't have any money.
00:12 Yeah, Lee, the thing is...
00:13 How shameless of you to come here and beg us for money.
00:16 I'll pay you guys back, I promise.
00:18 Lauren, maybe we can let her borrow the money. I mean, it's her mother that's sick.
00:21 You're still thinking about your ex-wife?
00:23 No, no.
00:24 Do I need to remind you this is your family now?
00:28 George! Without me you'd have nothing.
00:31 Aww!
00:32 This isn't my loser sister asking for money like a beggar. How pathetic.
00:38 This is a mistake.
00:39 Wait.
00:40 We'll give you the money.
00:42 What?
00:43 If you marry Sebastian Klein in my place.
00:47 Oh, my daughter is so smart. That's a good idea.
00:52 Sebastian Klein, the legitimate son of the Klein family. Isn't he in jail right now?
00:56 Yep. He's a dirtbag and a good-for-nothing loser. That's why I can't marry him.
01:03 That's right. Natalie is also your daughter. She can be the one who marries Sebastian Klein.
01:08 No, I'm not going to.
01:09 Do you want us to pay for your mother's medical bills or not?
01:16 Fine. I'll marry Sebastian Klein.
01:25 [Music]
01:30 Klein, get up. It's time to go.
01:34 Hurry the fuck up, Klein. I said move it.
01:39 Jeez, Officer. What is the rush?
01:41 Most people want to get out of here faster.
01:50 Don't drive recklessly again. Next time it won't be just three days.
01:54 I can't make any promises, Officer.
01:59 [Music]
02:15 Daniel, everything going according to plan?
02:17 Yes, Boss. You being in jail is a perfect alibi. Your father doesn't suspect a thing.
02:21 Oh, and what about the Quinn family? Any issues there?
02:23 No. The Quinns have agreed to marry their daughter to you.
02:25 Oh. Interesting. They kept their end of the bargain.
02:31 [Mumbling]
02:34 You got it, Boss.
02:35 This is the final puzzle piece. So it begins.
02:40 [Music]
02:50 Don't worry, Natalie. I'm sure the groom will be here soon.
02:54 Just to be sure, as long as I do this, you'll give me the money, right?
02:58 Yes, Natalie. Just get the wedding over with and we'll give you the money, okay?
03:02 You better keep your word.
03:03 I can't go to them and my daughter. I'll kill Sebastian Klein.
03:06 I know, right? Klein's having a powerful, but fascist bastard outcast.
03:10 I heard that he hangs out with them all day and he can't keep a job.
03:13 Tell me he's late for his own wedding.
03:15 Excited for your wedding?
03:16 How does it feel to be marrying a bastard child?
03:19 Not even his own family showed up for his wedding. I mean, clearly they don't value him.
03:23 Oh, I also heard he's ugly as fuck.
03:25 Can you be quiet? At least show some respect.
03:28 [Music]
03:39 Excuse me.
03:40 [Music]
03:43 I'm late.
03:44 You must be the bride.
03:45 I'm your groom, Sebastian Klein.
03:48 [Music]
03:51 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, family and friends.
03:55 Today we gather to witness and celebrate an act of deep love between this bride and this groom.
04:02 I wasn't aware that the Quinn family had two daughters. I thought I'd be marrying Cassie Quinn today.
04:06 I'm the older one. My dad divorced my mom when I was three.
04:09 So you're just like me. You've actually brought the family home.
04:12 Are you disappointed in the Coen family heiress?
04:14 Can't say that I am.
04:15 Are you disappointed that you have to marry a good-for-nothing loser?
04:17 Can't say that I am. And you shouldn't talk down on yourself like that.
04:22 Do you, Sebastian Klein, take Natalie Quinn to be your wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?
04:31 I do.
04:32 Natalie Quinn, will you take Sebastian Klein as your husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health for as long as you may live?
04:40 I do.
04:42 Exchange of rings.
04:44 [Music]
04:51 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
04:59 You may now kiss the bride.
05:01 [Music]
05:13 So what happens now?
05:15 What do you mean?
05:17 You're my wife now.
05:19 Of course you're going to move in.
05:21 [Music]
05:27 This is our home now. It's not much, but I hope it meets your expectations.
05:32 It's cozy and tidy.
05:35 Yeah. Make yourself at home.
05:40 Which room will I be staying in?
05:42 Oh, um, there's only one bedroom in the house, so I guess we'll be sleeping together. Isn't that what married people do?
05:50 I mean, I'm not ready. Don't you think it's a little, like we barely know each other. Don't you think we should wait?
05:57 I'm just messing with you, Natalie. Look, I know that both of us don't want to be in this situation, so I figure we both just be the happy couple in public and just stay out of each other's affairs.
06:09 And when the trust fund is released, then we can get a divorce. How's that sound?
06:16 Deal.
06:17 Deal.
06:19 Oh, by the way, I don't want to hear that my wife is pregnant with another man's baby while we're married.
06:25 Until we get divorced, I'll be a good wife, and I'll respect our marriage.
06:32 You can take the room. I'll take the couch.
06:35 [Music]
06:53 Oh, you made me breakfast?
06:55 I have to go return my wedding dress, so I won't be able to join you.
06:59 Your dad didn't even buy you a wedding dress?
07:02 I thought your family was rich.
07:04 It's wasteful just to buy an expensive dress just to only wear it once.
07:07 I'll see you later?
07:09 Yeah.
07:10 [Music]
07:22 Daniel, give me all the information you have on Natalie Quinn.
07:26 Boss, are you really going to live in this shack with Miss Quinn? Why don't you take her to the penthouse?
07:32 And what? Tell her my real identity?
07:37 Natalie Quinn. Looks like you grew up with a rough life.
07:41 Where are you going, boss?
07:43 I'm going to go check on my wife.
07:48 [Music]
07:58 Hello. I'm here to hand back my rentals.
08:07 The satin on these shoes are scratched.
08:10 These are designer. You have to pay a restoration fee.
08:13 What? But they're rentals. Of course there's going to be normal wear and tear.
08:16 These are too damaged. It'll be $500.
08:19 $500? I might as well buy a new pair.
08:22 Sure. Buy them then.
08:24 Retail price is two grand.
08:26 Can you afford it? Don't get married if you have no money.
08:31 Ah, that pair is too ugly for my wife.
08:34 Sweetheart, why don't you try that pair?
08:37 Those are red bottoms. Limited edition. It's $7,000.
08:42 We'll take it.
08:45 It's $7,000.
08:47 We'll take it.
08:50 Sebastian, $7,000 is insane. Don't waste money like that.
08:53 My wedding is you.
08:56 Oh my gosh. Sit down, please.
09:00 What's your shoe size, ma'am?
09:02 She's a seven.
09:03 How did you know that?
09:05 I'm your husband. I know the things.
09:07 Here's a size seven, ma'am. Give it a try.
09:14 Are you just going to stand there?
09:16 How'd my wife put on the shoe?
09:19 If this is going to be a problem, then I need to talk to your manager.
09:21 Sebastian?
09:50 I'll be close, baby.
09:57 Cheers.
10:07 Wow, this is like the holidays.
10:09 I wanted to say thank you for earlier.
10:13 But Sebastian, I know you don't have a lot of money, so let's not waste money like that again.
10:17 And what makes you feel like I don't have a lot of money?
10:20 Well, I mean...
10:23 What, because you've heard the rumors?
10:25 That I can't hold down a job, that I hang out with thugs, that I'm the outcast of the Klein family, bastard child.
10:30 I didn't mean it like that. Okay? I don't care what the rumors are.
10:35 I just know that if we want to have a good life, we have to plan out financially.
10:40 But I have a couple interviews lined up soon, so I'll be making money soon.
10:43 And you'll support us?
10:44 Of course. I mean, this is your house. I have to pitch in somehow. I mean, we are married after all.
10:51 What an interesting girl.
11:04 Something wrong?
11:06 It's nothing.
11:08 Okay.
11:13 Where's Dad?
11:15 He's not here.
11:17 Why are you here?
11:18 Do you like the new purse Daddy just bought for me? It's limited edition.
11:21 You guys agreed to pay my medical bills as soon as I married Sebastian.
11:24 So why is it still showing up as not paid yet?
11:27 Look, I said I'd give you the money, but I never said when.
11:30 What's the rush?
11:32 What's the rush? Do you know how high my interest rates are?
11:36 I am drowning in debt trying to pay off the medical bills.
11:38 Sounds like your problem, not ours.
11:41 I married Sebastian for you. How is that not your problem?
11:45 Where's Dad? I want to talk to him.
11:47 Your father is at work, trying to make a living, unlike you, who just leeches off of us.
11:52 Leech off of you?
11:54 My mom never asked for child support. Not once.
11:57 I worked like a dog paying my way through college.
11:59 Well, Cassie over here gets a $20,000 handbag.
12:02 Just give me my money and I'll go. Now!
12:05 How dare you raise your voice to me in my house, you ungrateful little bitch!
12:10 Get out! Get out of my house!
12:13 Hey, hope you're hungry.
12:27 Here, let me do that.
12:28 No, I thought we should share the chores. I'm cooking tonight.
12:33 Wait, hold on. What happened to your face?
12:35 Oh, nothing.
12:36 Hold still.
12:37 Who slapped you?
12:42 No one. I, uh, I wasn't paying attention and I ran into a door.
12:46 I'm, I'm gonna go take a shower before dinner.
12:51 Thanks for dinner. It was so good.
12:53 Yeah?
12:54 Where did you learn how to cook?
12:56 My mother taught me.
12:58 Well, your mom must be a really good chef.
13:00 Yeah, she was.
13:02 She, um, she died when I was in middle school.
13:06 And, uh, being a bastard son of a bitch, I was always the one who got the food.
13:11 I was always the one who got the food.
13:13 I was always the one who got the food.
13:15 I was always the one who got the food.
13:17 And, uh, being a bastard son of the Kline family, we didn't get to enjoy the privilege that they did.
13:23 The mansions, the servants, that whole thing.
13:25 So...
13:28 I know what that's like.
13:30 But, it's okay. You have me now. I'll cook for you.
13:34 Look, I'll do the dishes tonight.
13:37 Oh, uh, thank you.
13:39 [phone ringing]
13:41 Officer Sutrathitans. It seems like Miss Kline went back to her father's place today.
13:54 So her own family hit her.
13:56 Put some pressure on her father's business.
13:58 I want to teach him a lesson.
14:00 [phone ringing]
14:04 [phone ringing]
14:06 Sarah, it's 7am.
14:11 You're never gonna guess what.
14:13 You have a dinner with VM Enterprise at 10am today.
14:15 VM Enterprise.
14:16 Yes!
14:17 Sarah, you're the best.
14:18 Well, there's just one little issue.
14:20 What?
14:21 Kyle and Serena from college work there as well.
14:23 Kyle is a VP.
14:24 Kyle.
14:25 Like the guy who asked me out 300 times and wouldn't take no for an answer?
14:28 Yeah, that one.
14:29 So Kyle and Serena are engaged now.
14:31 Great.
14:32 Just what I need.
14:34 Hey, morning. You're up early.
14:36 Hey, I have to go. My bestie got me an interview.
14:38 Oh, where?
14:39 VM Enterprise. Wish me luck.
14:40 Good luck.
14:41 Natalie, it's been so long.
14:59 I haven't seen you since college.
15:01 Serena, I didn't know you would be my interviewer.
15:03 Life is so funny that way.
15:05 When Kyle mentioned you had applied, I told him I just had to be the one to interview you.
15:09 How nice.
15:11 You just got engaged, right?
15:13 Oh!
15:14 Congratulations.
15:16 And you just got married too, right?
15:18 To Sebastian Klein.
15:20 Everyone's been talking about it.
15:21 Wasn't he like in jail?
15:23 Never mind. Let's just get on with the interview.
15:30 [clears throat]
15:31 Natalie, you don't have a single serious job on here.
15:40 You worked at Walmart?
15:41 Mm-hmm.
15:42 I'm applying for an entry-level position.
15:45 On the job description it says no experience necessary.
15:48 I'm a fast learner. I have a 4.0 GPA.
15:50 Oh, Natalie. Let's be real here.
15:53 After graduating college, nobody cares about your GPA.
15:56 I don't care what the job description says. After seeing you in person, I can tell you are just not qualified for this position.
16:02 Mm-hmm.
16:04 That little bitch.
16:06 She was never going to give me a fair chance.
16:08 She did that interview just to humiliate me.
16:10 I am so sorry, Natalie.
16:11 Like, I really, I should not have even reached out.
16:13 Do not worry, okay? I have a few other companies lined up for you.
16:15 It's okay. You were just trying to help me find a job faster.
16:18 How's it going, by the way?
16:22 Your new husband.
16:24 He's actually really nice.
16:28 But...
16:30 But what?
16:32 But my dad still hasn't given me the money like I asked for.
16:36 And my mom's medical bills are late.
16:38 And I'm drowning in debt.
16:40 Does your mom still not know that you married someone to pay off her medical bills?
16:44 Does your mom still not know that you married someone to pay off her medical bills?
16:50 I can't tell her. She would literally freak out.
16:53 Jesus.
16:54 You're going through some crazy shit right now.
16:57 Well, do you have anything that you can sell for fast cash?
17:00 I have a couple of grand, see if I can let you borrow.
17:03 Sell for fast cash.
17:05 Actually, Sarah, that's a really good idea.
17:10 I gotta go. I'll catch you later.
17:13 Wait. Okay. Uh...
17:18 Boss, Jason has agreed to sell you his shares.
17:21 So now we just need Jack and Tony.
17:23 Right.
17:24 Maybe I can just do a quick pawn shop run with these.
17:28 I'll get it back once I find a job.
17:30 Wait a minute, is that Miss Quinn?
17:37 Where's she going with a shoebox?
17:39 R.
17:43 Oh my god.
17:44 Hey, sir, how much can I get for these?
17:52 Uh, never one at once.
17:54 Hmm.
18:00 Pristine condition, excellent brand.
18:03 I'll give you 2K.
18:05 2,000. They're brand new and they cost 7,000.
18:08 Look, lady, best I can do is 2K. Take it or leave it.
18:12 She's pawning off the shoes you bought her?
18:16 I bought her the shoes, she can do whatever she wants with them.
18:20 She must really need money. Why hasn't she asked me for help?
18:23 Actually, I don't want to sell these anymore.
18:34 Wait, wait, wait. Okay, fine.
18:36 I'll give you 3K. You look like you can use the cash flow.
18:39 I'm gonna help you out.
18:40 Actually, they mean a lot to me. I don't want to sell them.
18:43 Excuse me now? Don't be greedy.
18:45 3K is a lot of money.
18:47 You better sell now, or you'll have no chance.
18:49 It's not about the money. I'm sorry.
18:52 So you're just here to waste my time?
18:54 Get the fuck out of my store.
18:57 (Door closes)
18:59 Hey. Hey, pretty lady.
19:15 What you holding?
19:16 Hurry up. Hand it over.
19:18 Get away from me.
19:19 She's a looker, isn't she?
19:21 You wanna have some fun with her first?
19:23 Stop that. Just get the thing and get out.
19:26 You take that and go. I'm on my phone with her.
19:29 Help! Somebody help me!
19:31 Hey! Get your hands off my wife!
19:33 Natalie, are you okay?
19:37 I'm so okay. Just take care of her.
19:38 Listen, buddy, I don't know who you are,
19:40 but if you don't want to get your ass whooped,
19:41 I suggest you get the fuck out of my face!
19:44 (Grunts)
19:53 (Grunts)
19:54 Which hand did you use to touch my wife?
19:56 What?
19:57 I said, which hand did you use to touch my wife?
19:59 Please, don't hurt me. I'm sorry.
20:01 We're just following orders.
20:02 Shut up, dumbass!
20:03 What orders?
20:04 What orders?
20:06 Okay. Looks like I have to break something now.
20:10 Oh, please! Please! Please! I'm sorry!
20:13 I'll tell you everything.
20:15 Nick Volkov, he's in the Russian mob.
20:18 He told us to do this 'cause she wouldn't agree to sell.
20:21 Russian mob, huh?
20:23 Will you tell Nick Volkov that Sebastian Klein is coming?
20:27 No.
20:33 I'm sorry.
20:37 Why are you saying sorry?
20:39 I shouldn't have tried to pawn off your gift.
20:42 I changed my mind. I couldn't go through with it.
20:44 That's what you're sorry about?
20:46 Yeah. Isn't that why you're mad?
20:49 No. No, I'm mad because if you had money problems, you should have come to me.
20:53 I'm your husband. Why didn't you ask me for help?
20:55 You could have gotten hurt today.
20:56 And what if I wasn't there? What was going through your head, Natalie?
20:58 My husband?
20:59 Yes.
21:00 You were the one that said that this is all pretend and that we should just get divorced.
21:04 What choice do I have?
21:05 I got rejected from VF because the interviewer hates my guts.
21:08 I married a stranger because my mom is in the hospital and I have no way to pay her medical bills
21:13 and I am drowning in debt trying to pay them off.
21:16 I don't know what to do, Sebastian. I'm trying.
21:18 My bed.
21:20 I'm trying. My bed.
21:29 I'm sorry I lost my temper with you.
21:38 Sebastian.
21:40 And what was it that you were saying about marrying me because your mom's treatment?
21:47 Last week I went to go ask my dad for money.
21:50 And I went to go ask him.
21:54 Okay, so your dad still hasn't paid you like he promised?
22:03 And then the BM interview was sabotaged and that's why you tried to sell the shoes?
22:07 Yeah. It's okay though. My friend Sarah has a few interviews lined up for me and I'm sure I'll get a job soon.
22:14 Why don't we just move into the city tomorrow? It'll be much easier for you to find a job and then, I don't know, we'll just figure out the rest.
22:20 Tomorrow?
22:21 Yeah.
22:22 But how can we afford that?
22:24 My friend, he's out of town and he actually wants me to look after his place.
22:29 Really?
22:30 Yeah.
22:31 That's amazing.
22:33 Look, Natalie. I'm your husband. Forget what I said earlier. You can rely on me.
22:43 Okay.
22:44 This place is so nice. He must really be rich.
22:49 Yeah. He's a trust fund baby so this is just one of his many places.
22:54 Well, he can tell him it's in good hands. By the time he gets back it'll look exactly like the way it left it.
23:00 I'll be sure to pass that along.
23:02 Um, I'm sorry. I have to take this.
23:07 Once I finish my plan, I'll tell her the truth.
23:12 Dr. Soroyan, is everything okay with my mom?
23:14 Natalie, everything is fine. Your mother's treatments are going very well.
23:18 Is this about the payments? I'll have them soon, I promise. I just really need to figure everything out and...
23:23 I see. Here, it's already been paid in full.
23:26 Paid in full? By who?
23:29 Let's see. It says George Quinn.
23:33 I'm so happy to hear that. Thank you, Dr. Soroyan.
23:40 What the hell are you doing here again? If you've come here to beg us for money, we don't have it.
23:47 Money? I'm here to thank my dad for paying the bills. He hasn't answered my calls.
23:52 What? That bastard.
23:55 George! George!
23:58 How dare you go behind my back and pay your wife's medical bills?
24:04 What? I... I...
24:05 We're having so much financial trouble.
24:08 We're having so much financial trouble right now and you're still thinking about her?
24:12 Do you want a divorce? Is that what this is about?
24:15 Financial trouble?
24:17 Look, things have been rough, alright? My contracts have been getting canceled left and right with no reason.
24:22 You hear that? So, if you're still here to beg us for money, get the hell out.
24:27 If you had any decency, you'd ask your husband to help us.
24:30 I mean, I know he's just a bastard, but he's still a member of the Klein family, isn't he?
24:34 The least he can do would be a little bit useful to us.
24:37 Don't talk about my husband like that.
24:39 And no, I'm not here to ask for money. The bills have already been paid.
24:42 Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. I swear I didn't pay the bills.
24:45 Cassie, sweetheart.
24:56 Didn't you say a guy in the FBI has been asking you out on dates?
25:01 Yeah, what about it?
25:03 Ask him to check on the payments and see who paid the bills for Natalie's mother.
25:10 If I find out your dad's been lying to me, I'm gonna give him hell.
25:15 So, I'm confused. Like, did your dad pay for the medical bills or no?
25:24 I don't know. I think he did.
25:27 But he was also so scared of Lauren that he said he didn't.
25:31 That must be the only explanation, right?
25:34 Well, as long as the bills are paid, that's all that matters.
25:37 Yeah.
25:39 I just feel like this weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
25:44 Oh.
25:46 Now all I need to do is get a job in the city and live my best life.
25:49 Do not worry. I have two interviews lined up for you next week.
25:53 Forget BM. They don't deserve you.
25:55 Yeah. I'm just kind of disappointed, though.
25:58 BM is my dream company.
26:01 Look, in just three years, they took Silicon Valley by storm.
26:06 The founder must be a genius.
26:08 Genius and mysterious.
26:11 No one knows what he looks like. Just his name, Bash Myers.
26:16 Also, word on the street is that he deals in weapons with the Russians.
26:23 That's why he keeps such a low profile, and that's why he's been able to bankroll his companies with no investments.
26:28 No way.
26:29 Yeah.
26:33 Let's see.
26:36 Oh, my God.
26:37 What?
26:40 I just heard back from the BM HR department.
26:43 You've been hired!
26:46 Oh, my God!
26:52 [Laughter]
27:01 We're closed.
27:08 I said we're closed. Doesn't he keep hitting the door?
27:10 Look, man, I said we're closed.
27:25 What the? Who the fuck are you?
27:29 Let me go or else I'm going to fucking kill you.
27:32 You should be expecting me, Mr. Volkov.
27:35 I said I would be coming.
27:37 I don't know who the fuck you are.
27:41 Wait a minute.
27:44 You're that little bitch's boyfriend.
27:49 Don't you ever fucking disrespect my love again.
27:54 Fuck you.
27:58 Do you know who I am?
28:00 I hear powerful friends.
28:04 You're messing with the wrong dude.
28:08 Powerful friends, huh?
28:12 Let me guess.
28:14 Peter Romanov.
28:17 You know Peter?
28:20 Yeah.
28:21 Then you should know not to fuck with the bratva.
28:24 Why don't we just give Peter a little call, shall we?
28:34 Mr. Myers, to what do I owe the pleasure?
28:38 Peter, I have a little friend of yours here by the name of Nick Volkov.
28:45 He has disrespected my wife, and I'm very, very pissed.
28:52 Mr. Myers, I am so sorry for the trouble he's caused.
28:55 Would you like me to get rid of him?
28:58 Peter, let's not be dramatic here.
29:02 I just want him to do something for me.
29:05 Then we can call it even.
29:08 Does that sound good?
29:10 Of course, Mr. Myers.
29:12 Anything you want.
29:16 [sigh]
29:18 You hear that, my boy?
29:25 Did Peter call you Mr. Myers?
29:31 Oh, you heard me.
29:35 You're...
29:39 ...Mess Myers?
29:43 I am Dash Myers.
29:49 [sigh]
29:50 [silence]
29:53 [silence]
