The Dozen Trivia Match-Up Of The Century Delivers Fireworks

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Vibbs | The Dozen: Trivia Competition
00:00:00 Welcome everyone to the Dozen Trivia here on YouTube.
00:00:03 Make sure to subscribe to this page if you have not already.
00:00:06 It helps us out a ton.
00:00:07 We're trying to grow the page as much as we can
00:00:09 before the return of the Dozen Trivia League,
00:00:12 the team competition you know and love in October
00:00:15 and November.
00:00:16 We'll be back very soon with that.
00:00:17 So please subscribe to the channel, and of course,
00:00:19 like the video.
00:00:20 All that help is huge for us.
00:00:22 This 1v1 tournament rolls on with our second week
00:00:25 of first round matchups.
00:00:26 Tonight, you're watching Chief, Team Chicago
00:00:28 against Roan and Stephen Che against Vibs.
00:00:31 If you have not seen any of the previous four episodes,
00:00:35 the first eight matches, go back because you will
00:00:37 have things spoiled going forward.
00:00:39 Reminder, every day when you wake up, morning, noon, night,
00:00:42 whenever, play Trivia every single day
00:00:46 at
00:00:48 Thank you for watching.
00:00:49 Enjoy.
00:00:51 Welcome to the following presentation of the Dozen
00:00:53 Trivia by Bar School Sports.
00:00:56 Is it time to log, Fred?
00:00:58 One--
00:00:59 Jesus, towel in the head hole.
00:01:00 The Hoosiers are your champions.
00:01:03 Unbelievable.
00:01:07 [INAUDIBLE]
00:01:09 Is correct.
00:01:10 14-13.
00:01:12 The movie's called Get Fucked.
00:01:15 The champions of the Dozen.
00:01:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:23 [GUNSHOTS]
00:01:33 All right, it's the Dozen 1v1 Battle Royale 2023.
00:01:38 New week.
00:01:39 Last week, you watched eight matches, I think.
00:01:43 Eight of these down, 23 to go.
00:01:46 We have really the truest equivalent
00:01:48 of an 8-9 matchup, the 16-seed Chief from Chicago
00:01:53 trying to play their way back into the league in October.
00:01:56 They picked up Kelly Keegs, Keegs' chief in White Sox
00:01:58 Dave, debuting in October against Roan.
00:02:02 Yeah, two-time Final Four finalists, or Final Four
00:02:06 participants, battling it out here to open up the week.
00:02:11 The next match will see Roan's teammates playing next.
00:02:13 J versus Vibs next.
00:02:16 Jeff, is this a competition to see
00:02:18 who gets to lose to Kirk in the next round?
00:02:21 Is that what we're doing right now?
00:02:22 Well, so I'll note this beginning of each match,
00:02:25 these are doubleheaders.
00:02:26 We explain the rules, no steals.
00:02:28 It's basically who knows their stuff the best.
00:02:30 So far, most impressive one, most points scored in a match
00:02:34 has been Clem and Robbie Fox.
00:02:35 They played each other.
00:02:37 Clem knocked out Bob Fox.
00:02:39 Clem will take on Ken Jack, who beat Dana B at the buzzer.
00:02:42 PFT beat Tommy Smokes in a really good match.
00:02:45 Rudy with a big comeback against Gia last week.
00:02:48 Rudy upset Gia.
00:02:49 Clem are upset large.
00:02:52 Destroyed large.
00:02:53 Frank the Tank, finally.
00:02:55 Frank the Tank might finally be back.
00:02:58 He upset Glennie Balls, and then Keegs took down Joey.
00:03:00 But yeah, we'll see.
00:03:01 Winner takes on the winner of--
00:03:03 are you counting out Will Compton, the 32 overall seed,
00:03:06 against Kirk?
00:03:07 I am.
00:03:07 The 32 overall IQ.
00:03:09 Eight categories each that you picked.
00:03:14 Four of them will repeat.
00:03:15 The wrinkle is, which we didn't tell you guys at the time,
00:03:18 they're going to be difficult questions.
00:03:20 We try to make them a little harder.
00:03:21 We'll see.
00:03:22 It's worked so far.
00:03:23 We're about almost halfway through the first round.
00:03:25 It's worked so far.
00:03:28 No steals.
00:03:29 Three lifelines.
00:03:31 You get two double ups on the regular difficulty questions,
00:03:34 and then you must use your third double up
00:03:36 on one of the hard difficulty.
00:03:37 Chief, you'll give Roan his first category.
00:03:40 Roan, you'll give Chief his first one.
00:03:41 Back and forth you go.
00:03:43 It's basically who's best at their own categories.
00:03:45 Roan's categories are John Mayer,
00:03:49 celebrity mashup mashup, which is a category Roan created.
00:03:53 It's multiple people in the mashup.
00:03:56 Words that-- OG does and fans will like these categories,
00:04:00 these next two.
00:04:01 Words that start with D, words that start with G,
00:04:06 Oscars best picture, NBA, NFL, one of the OG,
00:04:11 speaking of niche categories, OG niches, battle rap.
00:04:14 And your four repeating will be Oscars best picture, NBA, NFL,
00:04:19 battle rap.
00:04:20 On the other side, Chief, John F. Kennedy,
00:04:24 Curb Your Enthusiasm, Big Ten football, Flags of the World,
00:04:32 Chicago Blackhawks, Notre Dame football, Mad Men,
00:04:38 and Stanley Cup champions.
00:04:39 And the four repeating will be Chicago Blackhawks, Notre Dame
00:04:43 football, Mad Men, Stanley Cup champion.
00:04:45 You guys picked these a while ago.
00:04:47 How are we feeling now?
00:04:47 Especially Roan, you got the words with G, words with D.
00:04:52 This is stupid as hell.
00:04:53 I don't know why I picked this shit.
00:04:56 I don't know.
00:04:57 But I mean, you just never know what you're going to know.
00:04:59 I've been playing a lot of the Daily Dozen,
00:05:01 and I surprise myself sometimes.
00:05:03 But sometimes I feel like an absolute idiot
00:05:06 not knowing stuff I should know.
00:05:07 So mine are pretty straightforward, I guess.
00:05:11 Celebrity mashup mashup was--
00:05:13 that was dumb.
00:05:14 I'm dumb.
00:05:14 But let's get it.
00:05:16 I will also note, all of your battle rap questions will be--
00:05:23 they were written by our employee, Trey,
00:05:25 who is an editing wizard.
00:05:27 He works a lot on advisors.
00:05:29 He does all the really-- he made our intro.
00:05:32 Any of the really fancy shit with the Dozen,
00:05:35 Trey is a large part of that.
00:05:37 But he is a battle rap guy, so he wrote the questions.
00:05:39 So we'll see how he did there.
00:05:43 Chief, you'll give Roan the first category,
00:05:45 and then Roan, you'll give Chief his first, as I said.
00:05:47 Let's get this underway.
00:05:48 Winner moves on to take on the winner of Kirk and Will
00:05:50 Compton.
00:05:51 Chief, what do you want to have Roan guess first?
00:05:54 I mean, I'm just curious about words that start with G.
00:05:56 So we'll just go words that start with G.
00:05:58 Words that start with G. 30 seconds for this 1v1 battle
00:06:03 royale on the clock.
00:06:04 Here we go.
00:06:05 Words that start with G. Do you want to double it?
00:06:09 No, no, no.
00:06:12 This is a noun, a narrow passage through land.
00:06:16 A gorge.
00:06:17 Final answer.
00:06:20 Let me get the dinger up.
00:06:21 That is correct.
00:06:22 That is correct.
00:06:23 A gorge, 1-0.
00:06:26 1-0.
00:06:27 Chief, I like how we have very different categories.
00:06:30 I feel like if we ever had to team up,
00:06:33 you know what I mean, whether it be an all-star game
00:06:34 or something, I feel like we could balance each other out
00:06:36 well.
00:06:37 Our bases are definitely covered.
00:06:39 I will say that I was probably watching a lot of documentaries
00:06:42 when Jeff asked me these, and there might have
00:06:44 been some substances involved.
00:06:46 And I'm regretting some of these choices for my past.
00:06:52 Here-- all right, Roe, what are you going to give him?
00:06:54 Let's see.
00:06:54 You're going to pick one of those regrets.
00:06:56 Let's give him Stanley Cup champs.
00:07:01 Stanley Cup champions.
00:07:02 Are you going to go regular difficulty?
00:07:04 Let's go regular.
00:07:05 Regular Stanley Cup champions question.
00:07:07 This is for Chief to make it 1-1 early.
00:07:11 Here we go.
00:07:11 Larry Robinson became the first interim head coach
00:07:17 to win the Stanley Cup in the 2000s
00:07:19 when he helped lead what team to the title?
00:07:23 I feel like that was the New Jersey Devils in 2003.
00:07:29 So I'll say the New Jersey Devils.
00:07:33 That is correct.
00:07:34 1-1.
00:07:34 They match each other off the bat.
00:07:36 A couple matches, we had no points the first round or two,
00:07:38 but we've been--
00:07:39 a bit of a streak here.
00:07:40 Chief, what are you going to give Roan next?
00:07:44 Let's go-- let's go NBA, but regular difficulty.
00:07:49 You want to double Roan, yes or no?
00:07:50 No double, no double.
00:07:52 NBA, here we go.
00:07:54 Hito Turkel, who played the first three seasons of his NBA
00:07:57 career with this West team from 2000 through 2003?
00:08:05 Ooh.
00:08:06 So I know him as a Magic.
00:08:09 That would have been an East team, though.
00:08:13 And my initial instinct, which I'm trying to outthink right
00:08:17 now, is that he was on the Sacramento Kings.
00:08:20 So I'll go with the Sacramento Kings final.
00:08:23 Smart just to rip it.
00:08:24 That is correct.
00:08:25 2-1, Roan.
00:08:27 NBA successful.
00:08:28 Chief, Roan, what are you going to give him?
00:08:30 Let's see what he does with Mad Men.
00:08:33 Mad Men.
00:08:34 Mad Men regular, here we go.
00:08:39 I once saw Jon Hamm at a Jersey Shore rest stop.
00:08:42 Fun fact.
00:08:43 Could you see his print?
00:08:44 What does that dick look like?
00:08:46 Too far away.
00:08:47 But yeah, I did see the now titled Jon Bon Jovi rest stop.
00:08:53 From seasons two through four, what skincare company
00:08:55 is a client of the agency due to Pete's connections
00:08:58 with his-- via his father-in-law?
00:09:01 Clearasil.
00:09:01 Final answer?
00:09:06 Vinyl.
00:09:08 That is correct.
00:09:10 Let's go, Chief.
00:09:12 2-2.
00:09:13 Next up, what's Roan going to get, Chief?
00:09:18 Let's go celebrity mashup mashup.
00:09:20 Here we go, celebrity mashup mashup.
00:09:23 You're going to see three celebrities mashed up
00:09:25 in this photo.
00:09:27 Name me the three celebrities.
00:09:29 Could have just done a regular mashup,
00:09:30 but he went with the mashup mashup.
00:09:33 Here it is.
00:09:34 [AUDIO OUT]
00:09:37 Oh, fuck.
00:09:38 [AUDIO OUT]
00:09:42 OK, Chris-- oh, fuck.
00:09:46 So it's Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashton Kutcher, and Chris Pratt.
00:09:52 Final.
00:09:53 Damn, that is correct.
00:09:55 He nails the mashup mashup.
00:09:57 Look at that.
00:09:57 [LAUGHTER]
00:10:00 Almost said the wrong Chris.
00:10:02 That's the stupidest category alive, but I fucked it up.
00:10:06 3-2, Roan, early lead.
00:10:08 No misses yet.
00:10:09 Chief, what are you going to give him, Roan?
00:10:11 Let's give him JFK.
00:10:13 Let's see what he knows about--
00:10:16 This is the one I'm nervous about.
00:10:17 I was definitely just watching documentaries.
00:10:21 I know.
00:10:21 I'll remember this.
00:10:22 Vibs did presidents, Tommy did presidents,
00:10:25 and then Large did a specific president.
00:10:30 Here we go, JFK.
00:10:34 In 1956, Kennedy narrowly lost a vice presidential nomination
00:10:38 election to what candidates running mate?
00:10:41 I want to say it was Adlai Stevenson.
00:10:43 The final?
00:10:47 Final, yeah, final.
00:10:49 It's actually the second time Adlai Stevenson
00:10:51 has been in the 1v1 battle royale.
00:10:54 He's an Illinois guy.
00:10:56 We're breaking down barriers.
00:10:58 We talked about Estelle Getty, Milton Berle, and Clemmers
00:11:02 match, and now two Adlai Stevenson references.
00:11:04 We're just broadening our horizons.
00:11:06 3-3, Roan.
00:11:08 Chief, what are you going to give Roan?
00:11:10 Let's go with Oscars Best Picture.
00:11:17 No double, no double.
00:11:18 No double Oscars Best Picture.
00:11:20 Here it is.
00:11:22 With production spanning over a decade,
00:11:24 this Richard Linklater coming of age drama
00:11:26 was a 2014 Best Picture nominee.
00:11:29 Boyhood, final.
00:11:33 That is correct.
00:11:33 4-3, Roan.
00:11:35 No one's blinked yet.
00:11:37 Jesus Christ, this is a good one.
00:11:39 Let's go flags of the world.
00:11:40 Yeah, I love it.
00:11:42 Flags of the world.
00:11:43 Here we go.
00:11:43 This is for Chief.
00:11:44 Chief, identify the African country based on its flag.
00:11:50 You're going to see the flag in a second one.
00:11:52 Here is the flag.
00:11:54 [SIGHS]
00:11:57 Trying to think like soccer teams here from the World Cup.
00:12:08 Are there double dips?
00:12:14 No double dips.
00:12:15 No double-- no.
00:12:15 All right.
00:12:22 This is a guess.
00:12:24 I hate you for doing African ones.
00:12:28 I'll say Mali.
00:12:31 Final.
00:12:32 [BUZZER]
00:12:33 Is it Senegal?
00:12:35 Burkina Faso.
00:12:36 I mean, that's--
00:12:37 Oh my god.
00:12:37 Burkina Faso.
00:12:38 I don't know.
00:12:39 Flags of the world is tough.
00:12:41 Top 40 country in Africa.
00:12:43 Flags of the world is tough.
00:12:45 I gave-- it had the star.
00:12:46 I tried to give you like a little identifier.
00:12:49 All right, first one to blink is Chief.
00:12:51 A lot of game left, though.
00:12:52 Got to brush up on my Burkina Faso knowledge.
00:12:56 Chief, what are you going to have rolled next?
00:12:59 Let's go with words that start with D.
00:13:02 No double.
00:13:03 No double.
00:13:05 Adjective, characterized by steady, earnest,
00:13:07 and energetic effort.
00:13:21 This is a tough one.
00:13:22 15 seconds.
00:13:28 This is the wrong answer, but demure is what I'll say.
00:13:38 Demure, final answer.
00:13:39 It's wrong.
00:13:41 Diligent.
00:13:43 Oh, fuck me.
00:13:44 Diligent, yep.
00:13:45 Diligent, yep.
00:13:46 All right, Chief.
00:13:47 Oh my god.
00:13:48 That's inexcusable.
00:13:50 Chief, a chance to get one back here.
00:13:52 Here we go.
00:13:52 Rowan, what are you going to give him?
00:13:54 Give him Notre Dame football.
00:13:59 Notre Dame football.
00:14:00 Here we go.
00:14:00 Regular Notre Dame.
00:14:01 Do you want a double?
00:14:02 No.
00:14:07 No double for Notre Dame football, here is your question.
00:14:10 Two of Notre Dame's four wins in their lowly 2016 season
00:14:16 were at neutral sites, including win over Army in what city?
00:14:20 A win over Army?
00:14:21 San Antonio?
00:14:27 Is that a final or are you just talking--
00:14:29 Final, yeah.
00:14:30 That is correct.
00:14:30 It's the Alamo Dome, 4 to 4.
00:14:32 We're knotted back up.
00:14:35 All right, here's where we stand.
00:14:37 All four of your difficults are still available.
00:14:41 Each of you have three remaining of the regular difficulty
00:14:43 categories.
00:14:44 All of the lifelines are available.
00:14:45 You're going to have to double two of the last three
00:14:47 here on the regular difficulty.
00:14:49 Chief, what are you going to give Rowan?
00:14:50 We're knotted up at four.
00:14:51 I'll give Rowan his boy, John Mayer.
00:14:53 I saw him at Wrigley with the Dead.
00:14:55 He was awesome.
00:14:56 Let's double it up.
00:14:58 You're going to double it up.
00:14:59 OK, here we go.
00:14:59 John Mayer.
00:15:02 It will be an audio question.
00:15:04 Here we go.
00:15:07 What is the title of this 2006 John Mayer song?
00:15:16 Stop this train, final.
00:15:19 That is correct.
00:15:20 5 to 4, Rowan with the lead.
00:15:22 Chief, a chance to tie.
00:15:23 What are you going to give him, Rowan?
00:15:25 Wait, is that double?
00:15:26 Do I get double points?
00:15:27 6 to 4, yeah.
00:15:27 6 to 4, excuse me.
00:15:28 You did double it, yep.
00:15:30 6 to 4, chance to either make it 6 to 5 or tie,
00:15:33 depending on if you double here.
00:15:35 Let's give him Curb.
00:15:36 Let's see what Curb has for him.
00:15:39 Are you going to double?
00:15:40 Are you going to keep it regular?
00:15:42 Because two of the doubles are used on regular--
00:15:45 all right, then no, I won't double Curb.
00:15:48 OK, Big Ten football and Blackhawks will be doubled.
00:15:51 Curb, not doubled.
00:15:52 Here's your Curb question.
00:15:53 You'd be down 6 to 5, but you have an extra life.
00:15:56 You have one more double than Rowan has,
00:15:57 so essentially tied up.
00:15:59 Here's the question.
00:16:01 Is the season 3 episode "The Terrorist Attack,"
00:16:04 who does Larry tell Wanda's secret to which causes
00:16:06 everyone to leave Los Angeles?
00:16:08 [SIGHS]
00:16:11 Do I have to know her name?
00:16:24 Because it's Ted Danson's wife, and it's Mary something.
00:16:28 But it's Ted Danson's wife, right?
00:16:32 Whether that's right or wrong, I will accept first names.
00:16:35 I'm not saying that's right or wrong,
00:16:37 but I will accept only first name for this.
00:16:40 But you have about 10 seconds.
00:16:42 I'll say Mary Feinl.
00:16:45 [BUZZER]
00:16:47 It's Mindy Riser, Paul Riser's wife.
00:16:49 Mindy Riser tells her, and then, yeah, it gets the domino effect.
00:16:53 All right, Rowan with a little bit of an edge.
00:16:55 He has about basically essentially a one-point edge
00:16:57 because Chief still has his doubles.
00:16:59 What are you going to give Rowan, Chief?
00:17:02 Let's give him battle rap.
00:17:03 OK, battle rap, do you want to double it?
00:17:05 Double the battle rap.
00:17:06 Let's see.
00:17:07 Let's see how this goes.
00:17:08 I would say probably one of the three most iconic--
00:17:14 and it's for infamous reasons for you,
00:17:16 but it's an iconic niche category.
00:17:18 Here it is.
00:17:18 Fucking Deacon Frost, dude.
00:17:20 King of the Dots-- by the way, the fact
00:17:22 that I know what K-O-T-D means, that's just how many
00:17:24 I've questioned, Steve.
00:17:25 King of the Dots back to Basics 3 in 2015,
00:17:28 who used an inhaler after being vaped in the face
00:17:30 by their opponent.
00:17:34 Frack, final answer.
00:17:37 That is correct, 8 to 4.
00:17:40 Rowan, both of your doubles successful
00:17:42 in the regular categories.
00:17:45 What do you want to go with for Chief next?
00:17:47 Let's give him Blackhawks.
00:17:48 That's a wheelhouse for--
00:17:49 Blackhawks for 2 to make it 8 to 6.
00:17:52 Here we go.
00:17:53 I like this.
00:17:54 Only one match so far has saved the hard for last,
00:17:57 and that was Dana and Ken Jack, which
00:17:59 looks like you guys are about to do as well.
00:18:01 Here we go.
00:18:02 Blackhawks for 2 to make it 8 to 6.
00:18:04 The 2008-2009 season saw the Blackhawks
00:18:07 fall in the conference finals after taking up the Canucks.
00:18:09 And what team in the first round?
00:18:11 Who did they take out in the first round?
00:18:13 The Calgary Flames.
00:18:15 Final?
00:18:15 Yep.
00:18:17 8 to 6.
00:18:17 Your double is successful.
00:18:20 There you go, Chief.
00:18:21 Needed it.
00:18:22 Needed to get back--
00:18:22 Still have one more double.
00:18:23 You're essentially down by 1.
00:18:25 Here we go.
00:18:26 Roan, what is Roan going to get next, Chief?
00:18:31 Let's just go NFL.
00:18:32 NFL.
00:18:33 This one not doubled, worth just 1 point.
00:18:36 Regular NFL.
00:18:37 Here it is.
00:18:38 Before breaking out with the Patriots,
00:18:40 Wes Walker spent part of three seasons with this AFC team
00:18:42 from '04 through '06.
00:18:44 30 seconds.
00:18:45 Oh, buddy.
00:18:50 No steals, you said, right?
00:18:54 No steals.
00:18:55 But you can help me if you want to just tell me
00:18:57 the answer to that.
00:18:57 Yes.
00:18:58 I'll allow you if you want to answer after.
00:19:01 If he gets it wrong, I'll allow people to flex.
00:19:03 But that's about it.
00:19:04 Well, I flexed on diligent.
00:19:05 I don't know if I want to--
00:19:06 It doesn't even matter since I'm losing in the game.
00:19:08 I feel like I'm against it here.
00:19:09 I wish there was--
00:19:10 5.
00:19:11 4.
00:19:11 I'll say the Dolphins.
00:19:13 Damn it.
00:19:14 That is correct.
00:19:15 9 to 6.
00:19:15 All right.
00:19:18 9 to 6.
00:19:20 Are you going to give him Big Ten football?
00:19:22 Yeah, let's clear it off.
00:19:24 Clear it out.
00:19:24 Worth 2 points to make it.
00:19:27 The irony here being that you're looking at two Penn State Big
00:19:29 Ten guys, and your Notre Dame Fighting Irish
00:19:32 should join the Big Ten.
00:19:33 I'm just saying.
00:19:34 I don't want to have that discussion.
00:19:36 OK, it's a different argument, different show.
00:19:38 OK.
00:19:39 Here we go.
00:19:40 Hey, integrity.
00:19:41 You're the only team not moving--
00:19:42 I respect that.
00:19:43 I respect it.
00:19:44 Here we go to make it 9 to 8.
00:19:47 Eventually a second round pick in 2008,
00:19:49 wide receiver James Hardy was an All-Big Ten selection
00:19:51 three times in his career for what school?
00:19:54 I'm not super confident in this, but for whatever reason,
00:19:58 Indiana is flashing in my mind.
00:20:01 So I'll say final answer, Indiana.
00:20:04 That is correct.
00:20:05 9 to 8.
00:20:07 We're on with a slight edge as we move on.
00:20:09 After eight questions, all of the difficult ones remain.
00:20:14 Here we go.
00:20:15 Chief, which one are you going to go with first for you?
00:20:17 First for me.
00:20:18 I'm going to go with the Big Ten.
00:20:20 I'm going to go with the Big Ten.
00:20:21 Chief, which one are you going to go with first for Rone?
00:20:25 Let's give him NFL.
00:20:29 NFL difficult. Are you going to save your double?
00:20:32 Save it.
00:20:33 OK, here we go.
00:20:35 Before a midseason trade to San Diego in '07,
00:20:37 this wide receiver from 2001 through 2007
00:20:40 totaled the most receiving yards by a dolphin since 2000.
00:20:43 30 seconds on the clock.
00:20:45 Ooh, fuck.
00:20:46 Ooh, fuck.
00:20:46 Ooh, fuck.
00:21:01 Receiving yards.
00:21:06 I don't even know where to fucking start.
00:21:09 5.
00:21:09 5.
00:21:10 4.
00:21:12 3.
00:21:13 2.
00:21:14 I don't know.
00:21:15 It is--
00:21:16 Chambers?
00:21:17 Chris Chambers.
00:21:18 Yep, Chris Chambers.
00:21:19 Chief, a chance to tie or take the lead,
00:21:21 depending on if you use your double.
00:21:22 What are you going to give him, Rone?
00:21:24 Let's give him the--
00:21:28 let's give him Blackhawks.
00:21:30 Blackhawks.
00:21:31 Here we go.
00:21:32 Are you doubling?
00:21:33 I will double that, yeah.
00:21:35 OK, for the lead.
00:21:37 For the lead.
00:21:38 The Blackhawks made multiple midseason trades in 2014,
00:21:44 2015, including sending Ben Smith at a draft pick
00:21:47 to San Diego for what center?
00:21:49 Desjardins.
00:21:55 Need a full name for sports.
00:21:58 Oh, fuck.
00:21:59 What the fuck was his first name?
00:22:03 I know that's tough.
00:22:04 I actually thought you were just going to rip it,
00:22:05 but I do need full name for sports.
00:22:07 That is the--
00:22:07 That's his last name.
00:22:09 That's his last name.
00:22:10 I like the Canadian spelling of center, too.
00:22:14 Center.
00:22:14 Ben Smith.
00:22:16 I'm going to give you--
00:22:17 because I made the rule, I'll give you
00:22:19 a few extra seconds here.
00:22:20 But I don't know it.
00:22:27 I feel like it might be Alex Desjardins.
00:22:29 Five.
00:22:30 Give it Desjardins.
00:22:31 Four, three, fuck.
00:22:35 Fuck.
00:22:36 Alex Desjardins final.
00:22:38 Andrew Desjardins.
00:22:40 Andrew Desjardins.
00:22:41 We got it.
00:22:42 It's sports.
00:22:43 That's the Omoby-Okoye rule.
00:22:46 That's the Omoby-Okoye rule.
00:22:49 Nine to eight.
00:22:51 That's brutal.
00:22:53 That was your double, too.
00:22:55 Here we go.
00:22:55 What are you going to give to Roan?
00:22:57 People are going to be mad at that one.
00:22:59 I know we said just first name for TV show, but sports,
00:23:02 we've always been pretty good about that.
00:23:04 Oscars, whatever.
00:23:05 Fuck.
00:23:06 Oscar's best picture.
00:23:07 Double?
00:23:09 No double.
00:23:09 No double.
00:23:10 OK.
00:23:11 Here we go.
00:23:12 This actor is nominated for best supporting actor,
00:23:14 twice for best picture.
00:23:16 Nominees, Argo and then winning for Little Miss Sunshine.
00:23:19 Oh, man.
00:23:29 I never saw Little Miss Sunshine.
00:23:31 God damn it.
00:23:33 I should have taken the time and enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine.
00:23:38 It is a delightful little picture.
00:23:40 I know that fucking Affleck is in Argo, but he fucking was--
00:23:44 I don't think he was in Little Miss Sunshine.
00:23:46 10 seconds.
00:23:47 I don't know.
00:23:52 Ben Affleck, final, wrong.
00:23:54 Recently departed Alan Arkin.
00:24:00 Recently departed Alan Arkin.
00:24:01 Rest in peace.
00:24:02 Nine to eight.
00:24:03 OK, Chief, that was top.
00:24:04 You get one back maybe here.
00:24:06 Roan, what are you going to give Chief?
00:24:08 Let's hit him with Notre Dame football.
00:24:11 Notre Dame football.
00:24:12 Here we go.
00:24:13 Here's your question, Chief.
00:24:14 To make it nine to nine, Roan with a slight edge
00:24:16 due to the double.
00:24:18 This All-American ran back the Irish's only defensive
00:24:22 touchdown of the 12-0 2018 season, a 42-yard scoop
00:24:26 and score against Virginia Tech.
00:24:28 All-American in 2018.
00:24:35 That should say, by the way, that should say All-American DB.
00:24:38 I apologize.
00:24:38 That got chopped up.
00:24:39 Kyle Hamilton.
00:24:41 All-American DB.
00:24:43 Kyle Hamilton.
00:24:44 Final answer?
00:24:45 Yeah.
00:24:47 Julian Love.
00:24:48 Julian Love.
00:24:49 Oh, no.
00:24:51 Here we go.
00:24:52 What are you going to give Roan?
00:24:53 NBA.
00:24:57 Hard NBA.
00:24:58 No doubt we save it for battle rap.
00:25:00 Here it is.
00:25:01 Hard NBA would make it 10 to 8.
00:25:05 Means worst you could do is lose in overtime--
00:25:07 is go to overtime.
00:25:09 After playing at Oregon, this shooting guard
00:25:11 had a short NBA career from 2002 through 2009,
00:25:14 but did win the 2004 slam dunk contest as a pacer.
00:25:16 Oh, fuck.
00:25:20 As a pacer?
00:25:21 A slam dunk contest?
00:25:23 There was an overlapping Desjardins, by the way,
00:25:29 in the league at the same time.
00:25:30 We found out Cedric Desjardins.
00:25:32 And I knew I had the A, too.
00:25:37 I know.
00:25:37 5, 4--
00:25:38 I know Danny Granger didn't go there.
00:25:40 I'll just say Danny Granger.
00:25:41 That's also incorrect.
00:25:42 Danny Granger.
00:25:44 It's Fred Jones.
00:25:45 Fred Jones.
00:25:47 Who the fuck is that?
00:25:47 Who?
00:25:49 Sick dunk, by the way, that he won with.
00:25:51 I think it was a mistake.
00:25:52 He didn't mean to go back so far, but it's a good dunk.
00:25:54 Here we go.
00:25:55 Chief, you can temporarily tie it up.
00:25:58 Roan will have a chance to win it, though.
00:26:02 What are you going to give Chief?
00:26:03 Give him-- give him Stanley Cup champions.
00:26:08 Stanley Cup champions.
00:26:10 Here we go.
00:26:11 This German defenseman scored the game winner in OT
00:26:14 to help the Avalanche sweep the Panthers in the 1996 Stanley
00:26:17 Cup finals.
00:26:18 That would be UA Krupp.
00:26:20 Final answer.
00:26:23 OK, 9 to 9, temporarily tied up.
00:26:25 Here we go.
00:26:26 This is how it's going to work.
00:26:27 Roan, you get this.
00:26:27 It's over.
00:26:28 You win.
00:26:29 You miss this.
00:26:29 Chief has a chance to win.
00:26:31 Simple as that.
00:26:32 This is worth two points.
00:26:33 Mad men.
00:26:35 I mean, battle rap.
00:26:36 Here we go.
00:26:37 By the way, this is--
00:26:41 on the screen, it's going to be a little shorter
00:26:43 because it couldn't fit.
00:26:44 I will read you the entire thing, though,
00:26:47 the entire part of the question.
00:26:49 I had to chop it off.
00:26:51 Here is the question.
00:26:53 At URL Summer Madness 6 in 2017, who
00:26:56 said to hollowed to Don, I grab you by your neck,
00:27:00 you get another cut and another cut.
00:27:02 It looks like the seatbelt won't work
00:27:03 and I'm trying to buckle up.
00:27:06 That would be Taroq.
00:27:10 Final answer.
00:27:12 11 to 9, final score.
00:27:14 Roan takes the victory.
00:27:15 It's a great match.
00:27:16 I don't think that that question was hard enough based
00:27:18 on my knowledge.
00:27:20 It's a hard enough hard question.
00:27:21 I feel like that and UA Krupp were similar, though,
00:27:24 difficulty wise in terms of how quickly you
00:27:27 both got that in hard.
00:27:29 Well, let's see.
00:27:30 Chief, you only had one left.
00:27:31 I'm going to give it to you anyway.
00:27:33 We've been doing this.
00:27:33 Jimmy Burrell, a crude comedian whose wife Don has an affair
00:27:37 with, does a commercial for what snack brand in season 2?
00:27:41 Butts.
00:27:42 Potato chips.
00:27:43 Butts would have been correct.
00:27:45 Andrew.
00:27:45 Andrew Desjardins.
00:27:46 That was the difference.
00:27:47 Andrew Desjardins.
00:27:48 Fuck me.
00:27:50 Damn, you had his last name, too.
00:27:53 I mean, this is a tie game.
00:27:55 This is a tie game.
00:27:56 Honestly, I hate to tell you this.
00:27:58 That's a win because that was worth two.
00:28:00 You would have just won.
00:28:01 Oh, no.
00:28:02 So can we just make it a tie since I got half?
00:28:05 I mean--
00:28:05 Go all the way.
00:28:06 I felt--
00:28:07 You want to go to overtime?
00:28:08 I felt--
00:28:09 You want to go to overtime?
00:28:11 I felt mildly bad until we saw there was--
00:28:13 that's why we do that rule because there
00:28:15 was an overlapping Desjardins, which is how it is.
00:28:19 Sports, you got to give both names.
00:28:21 You can-- we obviously do pronunciation
00:28:24 where we're lenient, but that's the Imobia-Coye rule.
00:28:27 That's the Imobia-Coye rule.
00:28:30 I think Roan should agree to go to overtime.
00:28:33 I think he should agree to go to overtime.
00:28:35 Look, Chicago, big season ahead.
00:28:37 They got to get back into the league,
00:28:39 but the hype is strong at in Kelly Keegs.
00:28:41 We'll see Chief in a few weeks in October.
00:28:43 We'll see Roan again, though.
00:28:45 Who do you want, Kirk or Will Compton?
00:28:48 I mean, yeah, Will Compton, literally his seating
00:28:52 is his IQ.
00:28:52 I mean, Kirk is--
00:28:57 Kirk would probably pitch a perfect game,
00:28:59 so it'll be my honor to lose to him.
00:29:02 I feel like I shouldn't do this, but I
00:29:04 feel like I got to reveal at least one of Will's--
00:29:06 Will's-- one of Will's categories is Will Compton,
00:29:11 which he almost got wrong.
00:29:12 Remember, he phoned himself in the All-Star game
00:29:14 this year on the Will Compton category.
00:29:17 So that's it.
00:29:20 Roan moves on.
00:29:21 It's tough, Chief.
00:29:22 It's tough.
00:29:23 You played well.
00:29:25 The stat sheet will show 10.
00:29:27 Andrew, Andrew Dijardin.
00:29:29 Next match you're about to see, Roan's teammate, Stephen Shea,
00:29:32 the 60-taking on the 27 seed, another John Mayer guy, Vibs.
00:29:35 You'll see that match coming up right now.
00:29:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:42 All right, our second match of this doubleheader.
00:29:53 You just watched Shea's teammate, Roan,
00:29:56 take down Chief, basically at the buzzer,
00:30:00 Chief with a really tough miss.
00:30:03 He had the last name of that Blackhawks player,
00:30:05 didn't have the first name.
00:30:06 Tragic, tragic for the boys from Chicago.
00:30:12 Though they have a teammate through already.
00:30:15 But here we go.
00:30:18 Shea against Vibs.
00:30:20 It's the Yak against XYZ, two teams already
00:30:24 in the dozen season four.
00:30:25 They don't got to play their way in.
00:30:27 They got voted in already.
00:30:28 Shea is the sixth seed.
00:30:31 Actually, end of the season, a top five score.
00:30:33 Vibs, 27 seed, slotted lower than what his scoring is,
00:30:37 by the way.
00:30:37 So a little bit of a tougher matchup for Shea
00:30:39 than the seed might indicate.
00:30:42 Vibs, your teammate large, got his doors blown off yesterday.
00:30:47 By the only person maybe older than him, Clemmer, right?
00:30:50 Yeah, old man Clemmer, really--
00:30:54 yeah, he-- Clemmer is the only person I've ever seen who
00:30:56 wants to be older than he actually is.
00:30:59 Like, he's like, this is my era.
00:31:03 I'm like, this is '60s Batman.
00:31:05 You were not alive for that.
00:31:07 Like, '60s Batman is great, no disrespect.
00:31:10 But I'm like, it's not your era.
00:31:14 So Vibs trying to avenge large.
00:31:16 Vibs has a couple of really interesting categories, too.
00:31:19 I guess let's read them off.
00:31:21 Let's just get right to it.
00:31:23 Vibs, your categories are Peyton Manning targets.
00:31:26 So Peyton Manning's receivers and tight ends.
00:31:28 Could be backs, too.
00:31:30 Tom Brady targets.
00:31:32 Oh.
00:31:33 Diablo II, which I never thought we'd
00:31:36 have to write a class for Diablo or Diablo II.
00:31:39 The Indiana Pacers, John Mayer, US presidents, Joe Dirt--
00:31:47 movie, obviously-- and Indiana Hoosiers basketball.
00:31:50 Your four repeating in the difficult variety--
00:31:53 John Mayer, US presidents, Joe Dirt, Indiana basketball.
00:31:57 Che, Oscars best picture, College of the NFL.
00:32:02 This one surprised me.
00:32:03 Billboard Top 100 hits.
00:32:06 Billboard Top 100, the NFL, NFL Draft, NBA Draft, NBA Career
00:32:13 Path, Jersey numbers.
00:32:15 And your repeating hard will be NFL Draft, NBA Draft, NBA
00:32:19 Career Path, Jersey numbers.
00:32:21 Winner of this match will move on
00:32:23 to take on PFT, who took down Tommy Smokes.
00:32:26 PFT beat Tommy.
00:32:28 Che, Chief and Roan just saved all of the hard for the end.
00:32:32 Ken Jack and Dana did that as well.
00:32:34 Other matches, people kind of go back and forth.
00:32:37 Here we go, 30 seconds per question.
00:32:39 Che, what do you want to give Vibs first?
00:32:41 Let's go US presidents.
00:32:48 US presidents, here we go.
00:32:50 This is for Vibs.
00:32:51 Do you want to double?
00:32:53 No.
00:32:55 No double off the bat, standard one.
00:32:57 I realized after I picked US presidents,
00:32:59 I really don't know much about US presidents.
00:33:01 I just wanted to look good on the graphic.
00:33:06 It does.
00:33:07 The smart category is absolutely diversify your resume.
00:33:11 They absolutely do.
00:33:12 Here we go.
00:33:13 Who was the only post-World War II president
00:33:15 to have held the position of director of the CA
00:33:17 before becoming president?
00:33:21 Herbert Walker Bush, the dad.
00:33:24 Final answer?
00:33:25 Bush.
00:33:27 Yes.
00:33:29 That is correct, 1 to nothing.
00:33:30 Vibs, it worked out.
00:33:33 Worked out, not just the resume booster,
00:33:35 you're correct as well.
00:33:36 Here we go.
00:33:37 1-0, Che.
00:33:39 Vibs, what are you going to give him?
00:33:41 I'm going to give him Oscar Best Pictures.
00:33:45 Oscar Best Pictures, here we go.
00:33:47 Che, double yes or no?
00:33:49 No.
00:33:50 OK, here we go.
00:33:51 To tie it up.
00:33:54 A box office success, Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner
00:33:56 starred in this 2016 sci-fi drama Best Picture nominee
00:34:00 directed by Denis Villeneuve.
00:34:03 I saw this in theaters.
00:34:05 It's a very good movie.
00:34:06 It was with aliens.
00:34:15 Amy Adams kept going back to see the aliens.
00:34:20 Fuck, what was it called?
00:34:22 What was it called?
00:34:23 Uh.
00:34:25 Need an answer in five, four, three, two, one.
00:34:36 I don't know.
00:34:37 It's Arrival.
00:34:38 Arrival.
00:34:39 I was not close.
00:34:40 I was not close.
00:34:41 I saw it.
00:34:42 I mean, it's aliens.
00:34:43 You were right.
00:34:44 Yeah.
00:34:46 But Vibs, 1-0, early advantage.
00:34:48 Che, what are you going to give Vibs?
00:34:51 Uh.
00:34:51 Let's do-- I don't even know what Diablo 2 is.
00:34:59 Let's just get that.
00:35:00 I knew you were eyeing it, and you had no idea what it was.
00:35:02 He was.
00:35:03 I can tell you--
00:35:04 I don't know why, but I can tell too.
00:35:05 He's just like, I think he's going to say Diablo 2.
00:35:08 Is that going to be a movie or a video game or a book series?
00:35:14 Yeah.
00:35:14 When I was like 12, the whole neighborhood played this.
00:35:17 Mm-hmm.
00:35:18 Yeah, Diablo is awesome.
00:35:19 I never played it, but if you had Diablo,
00:35:22 you were pretty fucking cool with your computer.
00:35:24 Here we go.
00:35:24 Diablo 2 for a 2-0 lead.
00:35:27 Able to contain 12 items while only taking up four slots,
00:35:30 this device found first in the halls of the dead
00:35:33 allows users to transmute items.
00:35:35 The Haradric Cube.
00:35:37 Final answer?
00:35:41 Yeah.
00:35:42 Sounds right.
00:35:43 Haradric Cube.
00:35:44 That is correct.
00:35:44 2-0.
00:35:46 Vibs, early lead.
00:35:48 Very early, though.
00:35:49 What are you going to give Che for his next one?
00:35:52 I'm going to go Billboard Top 100.
00:35:55 Billboard Top 100.
00:35:56 This one surprised me.
00:35:57 Here we go.
00:35:57 It's going to be an audio question.
00:36:00 Audio question.
00:36:01 You're going to tell me the title of the song.
00:36:03 Here we go, Che.
00:36:06 Billboard Top 100 to make it 2-1.
00:36:09 What is the title of the song that
00:36:10 charted on the 1999 Billboard Year End Hot 100?
00:36:14 Here we go.
00:36:14 [MUSIC - CHE, "BILLBOARD TOP 100"]
00:36:15 [MUSIC - CHE, "BILLBOARD TOP 100"]
00:36:21 (SINGING) Bailamos.
00:36:23 Bailamos, bainerí ingleses.
00:36:26 That is correct.
00:36:27 2-1.
00:36:28 And no bonus points, but I was hoping
00:36:30 you would do it in the version, in like a song rendition.
00:36:34 Let the rhythm take you over.
00:36:36 Bailamos.
00:36:38 Te quiero.
00:36:38 Remabrio.
00:36:41 What a voice.
00:36:42 Songbird.
00:36:43 You are a songbird.
00:36:43 You're a songbird on the act.
00:36:45 All right, Vibs has an early advantage.
00:36:47 No one's used their double yet.
00:36:48 Che, what are you going to have him guess next?
00:36:51 Let's do Tom Brady Targets.
00:36:53 Tom Brady Targets.
00:36:54 Here we go.
00:36:56 I looked at a roster from like 2004.
00:36:58 I was like, oh, yeah, I remember these.
00:37:00 I don't remember any of them.
00:37:01 It's on the roster.
00:37:03 Tom Brady Targets.
00:37:04 Here it is.
00:37:05 After four seasons in Carolina, this wide receiver
00:37:07 joined the Pats in 2014 and posted career highs
00:37:10 with seven touchdown catches and over 900 receiving yards.
00:37:13 Take it three to one.
00:37:16 Give this to me, Jeff.
00:37:17 Give this to me.
00:37:18 If he gets it wrong, I'll let you answer it.
00:37:20 But it's just for nothing but bragging rights.
00:37:21 I will know.
00:37:22 But we'll see.
00:37:22 He's got to get it wrong first for that.
00:37:25 Oh, 2014, four seasons in Carolina.
00:37:31 [SQUAWKING]
00:37:35 Oh, shoot.
00:37:36 What was that guy's name?
00:37:37 Brandon Lloyd?
00:37:43 Five.
00:37:43 Is that your guess?
00:37:44 That's my final answer.
00:37:45 Yeah.
00:37:47 You're halfway there.
00:37:48 What is it, Che?
00:37:49 Oops, it's Brandon LaFell.
00:37:52 What is that?
00:37:53 What is that?
00:37:54 What is that?
00:37:55 That's a thing people said?
00:37:57 No, no.
00:37:59 You got me into 1999, early 2000s,
00:38:02 and now I'm just spinning.
00:38:04 Che's already in midseason form.
00:38:07 OK, Che, chance to knot it up.
00:38:09 A true tie here, two to two.
00:38:11 Yeah, you got half.
00:38:12 You got the Brandon part.
00:38:13 So you were half.
00:38:14 Yeah, Brandon LaFell, first touchdown
00:38:16 in the Super Bowl that year.
00:38:17 I don't know.
00:38:18 Giving him Billboard Hot 100 just got him--
00:38:20 he's loose now.
00:38:21 He's having fun.
00:38:22 I need to crush his spirits.
00:38:26 It looks like everything he knows.
00:38:28 I'm going to just do NBA draft.
00:38:32 NBA draft, here it is.
00:38:34 Do you want to double this?
00:38:35 I don't.
00:38:37 OK.
00:38:38 I was-- I'm not totally shocked.
00:38:40 I wasn't sure what you double.
00:38:42 So here we go.
00:38:42 No double.
00:38:43 NBA draft for a true tie right now.
00:38:47 Picks two through four in the 2000 NBA draft
00:38:49 all failed to make it All-Star Game,
00:38:51 including the fourth overall pick out of Iowa State
00:38:53 to the Chicago Bulls.
00:38:55 That would be-- this dude was jacked.
00:38:59 Teammate of Jamal Tinsley, they made a nice run.
00:39:01 His name is Marcus Fizer.
00:39:04 Final answer?
00:39:05 Yes, sir.
00:39:07 It's nice to be able to give you a Chicago question because Big
00:39:10 Cat's not there.
00:39:11 Oh, yeah.
00:39:12 As a Bulls fan, I can't give him Bulls questions,
00:39:14 you guys' Bulls questions, which is nice.
00:39:16 It's like it's nice giving people like--
00:39:18 like Vibs has Peyton Manning.
00:39:20 Like it's nice to be able to give questions about the team
00:39:22 that you root for.
00:39:25 All right, 2 to 2, true tie.
00:39:27 No blood so far.
00:39:28 Che, what are you going to give Vibs?
00:39:31 Let's stick on football.
00:39:32 Peyton Manning targets.
00:39:33 Peyton Manning targets, here we go.
00:39:36 Peyton Manning targets to make it 3 to 2.
00:39:38 Do you want to double?
00:39:39 No, no, no.
00:39:42 When Dallas Clark hit the IR in 2010,
00:39:44 this Colts tight end broke out with over 600 receiving yards
00:39:46 and later followed Peyton to Denver in 2012.
00:39:52 Jacob Tamme.
00:39:55 Final?
00:39:57 Yes.
00:39:59 That is correct, 3 to 2, Jacob Tamme.
00:40:02 I was--
00:40:03 I knew he was going to get that one.
00:40:04 I knew it would be like a--
00:40:06 maybe Marcus Pollard or like a Utech.
00:40:08 Is it being Utech?
00:40:09 I was feeling it was going to be a tight end for Peyton Manning.
00:40:12 Utech, yeah.
00:40:14 Shout out Jacob Tamme, first bench ending ever on the dozen.
00:40:17 Here we go, 3 to 3 if Che gets this or if he doubles it.
00:40:20 Could have a lead.
00:40:21 Vibs, what are you going to give him?
00:40:23 Let's go jersey numbers.
00:40:25 Are you--
00:40:27 Yeah, let's double this one.
00:40:28 OK, you're going to double jersey numbers.
00:40:30 You would have the lead, but keep in mind,
00:40:32 Vibs has not used any of his doubles yet.
00:40:34 OK, jersey numbers for a 4 to 3 lead.
00:40:37 What common jersey numbers did these three players share?
00:40:40 This one's common.
00:40:41 These are-- they all have the same number.
00:40:42 That is Darius Miles, Wills McGahee, and HaHa Clinton
00:40:51 Dix.
00:40:52 Blackjack, 21.
00:40:55 That is correct, 21.
00:40:56 He has the lead, but Vibs has not doubled anything yet.
00:40:59 One double off the board for Che, 4 to 3.
00:41:02 Che, what are you going to give Vibs?
00:41:05 Uh, let's go with Indiana Pacers.
00:41:11 Indiana Pacers, here we go.
00:41:13 Do you want to double?
00:41:15 No, thank you.
00:41:16 OK, I know--
00:41:18 I mean, we already know the doubles are for John Mayers.
00:41:20 It's a matter of if it's for Joe Dirt or Indiana after this.
00:41:23 Joe Dirt for sure, Joe Dirt.
00:41:25 OK, all right, all right.
00:41:27 Here we go.
00:41:28 Indiana Pacers to make it 4 to 4.
00:41:30 [AUDIO OUT]
00:41:34 After winning a title with Dallas,
00:41:36 his French center acted as Roy Hibbert's backup
00:41:38 from 2012 through 2015 and started in 2015, 2016.
00:41:44 Is it-- is it Luis Scola?
00:41:45 Is that your final or are you talking it out?
00:41:51 That's my final.
00:41:51 That's my final.
00:41:52 Luis Scola, yeah.
00:41:54 [BUZZER]
00:41:55 It is Ian Mahemey.
00:41:58 Ian Mahemey, yeah.
00:41:59 [BUZZER]
00:42:00 I saw Luis Scola--
00:42:01 4 to 3.
00:42:02 --at the movie theater going to see like "Imitation Game,"
00:42:04 and I--
00:42:05 [LAUGHTER]
00:42:06 --I had to throw that as a--
00:42:08 I didn't know he was a real cinephile.
00:42:09 How about that?
00:42:11 He is, yeah.
00:42:12 4 to 3, Vibs.
00:42:15 You can give this to Che.
00:42:15 Che, if you get these, you have a true advantage
00:42:18 with a two-point lead.
00:42:22 Let's go college to NFL.
00:42:26 College to the NFL.
00:42:27 Are you going to double?
00:42:29 No.
00:42:30 No double for Che.
00:42:31 College to the NFL, a normal difficulty
00:42:33 to make it 5 to 3.
00:42:35 From 2014 to 2018, quarterback Jason Verrett
00:42:38 played for the Chargers, the team that drafted him out
00:42:40 of what Big 12 school?
00:42:42 I believe this is TCU.
00:42:45 Final answer.
00:42:46 Final answer, that is correct.
00:42:47 TCU, 5 to 3.
00:42:50 5 to 3.
00:42:52 You have a bit of an advantage now,
00:42:53 basically a one-point advantage because Vibs
00:42:55 hasn't doubled anything yet.
00:42:56 Che, what are you going to give Vibs next?
00:42:58 Let's do Indiana basketball.
00:43:01 Indiana Hoops, I really enjoyed writing this question.
00:43:04 Here we go.
00:43:06 Indiana Hoops to make it 5 to 4.
00:43:10 After a 24-4 start to the 2007-2008 season,
00:43:13 Indiana dropped 4 of 5, including
00:43:15 a game at the buzzer to what team in the Big 10 tournament?
00:43:19 What team knocked them off at the buzzer?
00:43:21 I believe I was at this game.
00:43:24 And it was the Minnesota Golden Gophers.
00:43:28 Final answer.
00:43:29 Final answer.
00:43:31 Blake Hoff Arbor, they hit that lefty shot.
00:43:33 That is correct.
00:43:34 5 to 4.
00:43:35 Yeah, it was--
00:43:37 ESPY winner, Blake Hoff Arbor.
00:43:40 He's like that Minnesota high school player
00:43:42 hit the shot from his butt.
00:43:44 From the ground, yeah.
00:43:45 [INAUDIBLE]
00:43:48 All right, 5 to 4.
00:43:49 Che with a slight advantage.
00:43:51 Vibs still has all his doubles.
00:43:53 Vibs, what do you give Che next?
00:43:55 Let's do NBA draft.
00:44:00 OK, do you want to double this one, Che, or no?
00:44:02 I do not.
00:44:03 OK, here we go.
00:44:04 To make it 6 to 4, hard NBA draft.
00:44:09 This power forward won fifth overall in the '92 NBA draft
00:44:12 to a Western Conference team, the fourth big man
00:44:14 selected in the top five.
00:44:18 '92 to a Western Conference team, '92.
00:44:24 Shaq, Alonzo Mourning.
00:44:31 PF.
00:44:38 10 seconds.
00:44:40 I believe this is Christian Laettner.
00:44:46 4.
00:44:47 Christian Laettner, final answer.
00:44:50 Lafonso Ellis.
00:44:52 Lafonso Ellis.
00:44:53 I wasn't even close.
00:44:55 There we go.
00:44:55 That's big for Vibs.
00:44:57 Vibs has a chance to tie it up here.
00:44:59 If he gets this right, whether it's a double or not,
00:45:01 they're essentially tied up again.
00:45:02 Here we go.
00:45:03 Vibs.
00:45:04 Che, what are you going to give him?
00:45:08 Joe Dirt.
00:45:09 Joe Dirt for two points.
00:45:12 Was there a TV show Joe Dirt as well?
00:45:14 Unfortunately, no.
00:45:16 No.
00:45:17 Unfortunately.
00:45:19 There was a second Joe Dirt that came out on Crackle,
00:45:21 or Cracked, whatever it was.
00:45:24 And it was garbage.
00:45:25 I forgot about the second Joe Dirt.
00:45:27 Oh my god.
00:45:28 Here we go.
00:45:29 Can I double?
00:45:30 I'm going to double it.
00:45:31 Yeah, it has to be doubled.
00:45:33 Yeah.
00:45:35 When Joe finally meets his parents,
00:45:37 they turn out to be awful people using the press
00:45:39 to try and sell what type of figurines?
00:45:42 When you're down, stare at a clown.
00:45:46 That is correct.
00:45:48 6-5.
00:45:49 We're knotted up again if Che gets this right.
00:45:52 6-5.
00:45:53 What are you going to give him, Vibs?
00:45:57 Let's do NFL Draft, the easy one.
00:46:02 NFL Draft regular.
00:46:04 You're going to double it?
00:46:05 Yeah.
00:46:06 Two quarterbacks went top 10 in the 2012 NFL Draft.
00:46:09 Stephon Gilmore, 10th overall.
00:46:11 This LSU player who never made a Pro Bowl is sixth overall.
00:46:14 That would be Moe Claiborne, also known as Morris Claiborne.
00:46:22 Final answer?
00:46:23 Yes.
00:46:24 7-6, but we are essentially tied.
00:46:27 I know I keep saying that, but that is because Vibs still
00:46:29 has one extra double.
00:46:31 7-6, it should be 7-6.
00:46:34 Che, what are you going to give Vibs next?
00:46:37 US Presidents.
00:46:38 All right, US Presidents hard.
00:46:40 I assume you're going to be doubling John Mayer.
00:46:42 I won't even ask.
00:46:43 US Presidents difficult variety.
00:46:46 Here it is.
00:46:46 Who was the final post-World War II president
00:46:51 to be born before the 1900s?
00:46:58 Hmm.
00:46:58 Oh, man.
00:47:12 You give me 10 guesses I wouldn't get this.
00:47:15 I kind of want to--
00:47:18 Oh, shit.
00:47:19 Who was the final post-World War II president?
00:47:23 Final one.
00:47:25 Five.
00:47:25 For some reason, my mind is saying Jimmy Carter.
00:47:28 All right, I'll say Jimmy Carter.
00:47:31 [BUZZER]
00:47:32 It's Eisenhower, Eisenhower.
00:47:34 7-6, Che with the lead.
00:47:37 Too late, too late.
00:47:40 You're certainly--
00:47:42 Jimmy Carter served in World War II,
00:47:43 so that would mean he was like 50 in World War II
00:47:46 if he was born before 1900.
00:47:47 What a dumb guess.
00:47:48 [LAUGHTER]
00:47:50 I'm an idiot.
00:47:52 He just-- like back problems, like going, ah.
00:47:57 Here we go.
00:47:59 Che, Vibs, what are you going to give him?
00:48:03 I'll do NBA career path.
00:48:08 NBA career path for Che.
00:48:10 He cannot double it.
00:48:11 He's out of doubles.
00:48:12 Here it is.
00:48:14 What small forward had this career path from 2002
00:48:17 through 2016, Detroit, Memphis, Boston, Detroit, Minnesota?
00:48:20 2002.
00:48:35 My initial thought is Tayshaun Prince,
00:48:39 because he was definitely a piston during their good years.
00:48:42 He was young.
00:48:44 So he played 14 years.
00:48:46 He played in Memphis.
00:48:47 I don't remember him being in Boston.
00:48:51 I think he was in Minnesota.
00:48:52 The answer is 5.
00:48:53 4.
00:48:54 Yeah, Tayshaun Prince, Dallas Prince.
00:48:57 That is correct, 8-6.
00:48:59 It is Tayshaun Prince.
00:49:00 Almost talked yourself out of it.
00:49:02 Here we go.
00:49:03 Vibs, what are you going to give him, Che?
00:49:05 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:07 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:09 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:11 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:13 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:15 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:17 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:19 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:21 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:23 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:25 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:27 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:29 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:31 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:33 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:35 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:37 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:39 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:41 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:43 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:45 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:47 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:49 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:51 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:53 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:55 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:57 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:49:59 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:01 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:03 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:05 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:07 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:09 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:11 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:13 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:15 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:17 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:19 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:21 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:23 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:50:25 What's the best thing you've ever done?
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00:53:21 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:23 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:25 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:27 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:29 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:31 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:33 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:35 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:37 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:39 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:41 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:43 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:45 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:47 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:49 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:51 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:53 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:55 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:57 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:53:59 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:01 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:03 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:05 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:07 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:09 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:11 What's the best thing you've ever done?
00:54:13 What are you going to give Vibs?
00:54:15 Uh...
00:54:19 Joe... He can't double Joe Dirt, right?
00:54:21 Correct.
00:54:23 What is the name of the dental office
00:54:25 Joe gets a job at and hands out
00:54:27 advertisements for immediately after leaving Silverton?
00:54:29 Oh no!
00:54:31 Fuck!
00:54:33 Oh no!
00:54:35 I re-watched the movie not too long ago
00:54:37 and I was like looking at the map and I was like
00:54:39 "I bet that's a good question." Fuck!
00:54:41 I believe it's in...
00:54:43 Idaho...
00:54:45 Montana area...
00:54:47 I don't know!
00:54:49 I... Ugh!
00:54:51 Silver World is the name of the dental office.
00:54:53 Ha ha!
00:54:55 Um...
00:54:57 Silver Town... I'm just going to say...
00:55:03 Fuck me! Fuck me!
00:55:05 Silver Springs? Silver Springs?
00:55:07 [buzzer]
00:55:09 It's Molar World. Molar World.
00:55:11 Wait! Wait!
00:55:13 The dental office?
00:55:15 I said Molar World. I did say Molar World.
00:55:17 Oh! I read the question wrong! God damn it!
00:55:19 I thought it was the city.
00:55:21 Oh no! Wait!
00:55:23 You said... Wait! Oh you read it wrong?
00:55:25 I said Molar World. I just said it.
00:55:27 But then I thought it was the town
00:55:29 the dental office was in.
00:55:31 So...
00:55:33 That's the biggest blunder of all time.
00:55:35 Oh no!
00:55:37 Just know you...
00:55:39 You're going to have to get the buzz saw in this round.
00:55:41 Just know that.
00:55:43 Why? I mean...
00:55:45 It must be noted. If Joe Dirt
00:55:47 is not an automatic...
00:55:49 If the niche for XYZ this season is not
00:55:51 alternating Joe Dirt and John Mayer
00:55:53 that's a huge problem. That is a blunder though.
00:55:55 That is the first blunder of this run.
00:55:57 That is a blunder. That is a blunder.
00:55:59 I don't like to hear that Jeff because there's been like
00:56:01 eight matches already.
00:56:03 Damn! That was a blunder.
00:56:05 Fuck me.
00:56:07 Okay. Here we go.
00:56:09 For... What are you going to give
00:56:11 Che? If he gets NFL draft
00:56:13 he can end it here. If you give him NFL
00:56:15 it would not be over yet.
00:56:17 Then I'll give him NFL because I want to
00:56:23 answer my last one. So NFL.
00:56:25 Smart. That's smart. NFL.
00:56:27 This is for Che. They get 10-9.
00:56:33 Stacey ran for 973 yards
00:56:35 as a rookie for this 2013 NFC team
00:56:37 but lasted only two more years in the league
00:56:39 totaling less than 400 yards.
00:56:41 That would be the Rams.
00:56:43 Final answer? Yes.
00:56:45 10-9.
00:56:47 Vibbs to tie it up.
00:56:49 And then Che will have a chance to either win it if you tie it up
00:56:51 or it goes to overtime.
00:56:53 John Mayer.
00:56:55 What 2001
00:56:57 John Mayer song features these lyrics?
00:56:59 "Well I never lived the dreams of the prom kings
00:57:01 and the drama queens."
00:57:03 "There will be no such thing
00:57:05 off of Room for Square."
00:57:07 Is it
00:57:09 cliche to say that's
00:57:11 still my favorite John Mayer song?
00:57:13 I still love that song.
00:57:15 It's a really good song. Especially when
00:57:17 "Your Body is a Wonderland" was on that
00:57:19 and that's a little too
00:57:21 lovey-dovey. This one actually had some
00:57:23 good...
00:57:25 guidance counselor
00:57:29 color outside the lines or whatever.
00:57:31 I don't know. You think it's really cool when you're in college.
00:57:33 I still like that song.
00:57:35 Yeah, it's good. Run through the halls of your high school.
00:57:37 For the win
00:57:39 to win 12-10 though, here we go.
00:57:41 This is for
00:57:45 Che to take home
00:57:47 the victory. Here it is.
00:57:49 Three defensive tackles went in the first 10 picks of the
00:57:51 2010 NFL Draft. Andama
00:57:53 Kansu, Darrell McCoy, and
00:57:55 this player tenth overall to an AFC
00:57:57 team. If you had any
00:57:59 honor, Stephen Che, you would
00:58:01 muff this and get over the top.
00:58:03 To win at 12-11.
00:58:05 And of course I'm doubling this.
00:58:09 A real career revival
00:58:11 after being drafted
00:58:13 by Jacksonville.
00:58:15 And this player...
00:58:17 Oh, he was
00:58:19 trying to get fancy for a second there.
00:58:21 I'm naming the player
00:58:23 not the team. So he had a career
00:58:25 rebirth with the Steelers. It is Tyson
00:58:27 Alu-Alu from the University of California.
00:58:29 Final answer? Yes.
00:58:31 That is correct. That is
00:58:33 tough.
00:58:35 This is a problem that's haunted me since
00:58:41 first grade. I don't read the instructions.
00:58:43 I just go. I'm like, "Oh yeah, I get it. I go."
00:58:45 It is...
00:58:49 It is tough.
00:58:51 I will note the last match
00:58:53 Chief didn't say someone's first name.
00:58:55 And he was like, "Come on, let's just go to..."
00:58:57 This is more of like... He didn't know
00:59:01 that. You knew this. You said it. You just read
00:59:03 it wrong. I didn't even
00:59:05 really read it.
00:59:07 I was just in my head. "Yeah, I understand what's going on."
00:59:09 I was just...
00:59:11 Too cocky, I guess you could say. But I think
00:59:13 it was just like...
00:59:15 Yeah. I can't even explain it.
00:59:17 That's a good spot though for
00:59:19 X, Y, Z after large
00:59:21 struggle.
00:59:23 You come in here, you put up 11. You really
00:59:25 put up 12 points. You said the correct answer
00:59:27 at one point. But...
00:59:29 Joe Dirt's a niche for
00:59:31 season 4. That seems very clear.
00:59:33 Can I pitch
00:59:35 Joe Dirt for a second?
00:59:37 You're the movie podcast. Joe Dirt might be the perfect
00:59:39 movie. You laugh. You cry.
00:59:41 You fall in love with all the characters.
00:59:43 You have the entire nation
00:59:45 falling in love with this underdog via
00:59:47 the radio. It's great.
00:59:49 Dennis Miller, poop jokes.
00:59:51 Joe Dirt is a true
00:59:53 American classic. And I actually don't even
00:59:55 mean that sarcastically. That is an American
00:59:57 comedy classic. Joe Dirt...
00:59:59 When you hear Joe Dirt, your ears perk up a little bit.
01:00:01 If you're from our generation, like, "Oh, tough way
01:00:03 to end it." But you can put a feather in your cap
01:00:05 of like, "Look, I didn't really get that one wrong."
01:00:07 Che advances. Now you gotta say...
01:00:09 Now if Che keeps advancing, though, you can
01:00:11 use that thing as like whatever transitive property.
01:00:13 They basically should have tied Che.
01:00:15 This is fun. This is fun. I loved it.
01:00:17 Che, you will take on in the
01:00:19 next round, uh,
01:00:21 PFT.
01:00:23 PFT has some very interesting
01:00:25 niches. I don't know if it'll change him, though.
01:00:27 He, also like Ken Jack,
01:00:29 sort of misunderstood. He thought
01:00:31 that he had to pick things that
01:00:33 couldn't be stolen. So he did pick modern
01:00:35 USA air-to-air fighter jets.
01:00:37 Um, so things like that.
01:00:39 They were very... Yeah, they're very
01:00:41 odd categories. Uh, that's it.
01:00:43 Thank you for watching. I don't know
01:00:45 what the match will be tomorrow because as of when
01:00:47 we record this, we haven't had the
01:00:49 schedule. But, you will
01:00:51 see something along the lines of Kirk, Fran,
01:00:53 Nick, Brandon, uh, Titus,
01:00:55 KB, Fights, Compton.
01:00:57 Uh, thanks for watching. We'll see you tomorrow night.
01:00:59 [outtro music]
01:01:01 [outtro music]
01:01:03 [MUSIC]
01:01:13 [MUSIC]
01:01:23 (upbeat music)
01:01:26 you
