• il y a 2 ans


00:00 Mega Man #11. Mega Man approaches Air Man, who somehow talks as if he thinks he's going through his adventure slowly, when he has hours.
00:10 I won't say it every time, because I figure it's too obvious, but some of these Robot Masters look ridiculous, and he's the worst so far.
00:19 Mega Man sends some fire at him that he blocks.
00:23 Again, I have to assume it's the virus making him too stupid to just use the previous weapon he got, but it wouldn't have been frustrating if instead he's having this difficulty because he DOES use the previous weapon every time, and he isn't the right Robot Master for it.
00:37 I like that Mega Man didn't waste my time talking to him.
00:41 He's surrounded by tornadoes and screams and fear, and out of nowhere, he reveals that he's only got the ammo for one more shot from a weapon that could cut through air currents.
00:53 It does make sense that he'd be almost out of ammo for something we saw him use a lot. That could have been worse.
01:00 I have to assume the fact that the fake leaves are getting propelled ahead by rocket fire is why they can cut through air currents.
01:06 But you'd think the energy from the Mega Buster would do that too.
01:10 I guess he thinks it's safer to assume that every Robot Master after the first in every adventure is immune to it.
01:17 He defeats Air Man in one measly hit.
01:22 Those leaves must really be made out of metal on the inside so they can slice through things.
01:26 He copies the power, insisting on pushing forwards despite being tired because "virus".
01:34 And he gets warped to an industrial processing plant, where Dr. Light got told by Stern that there's dangerous robots.
01:43 Mega Man gets told not to be reckless out of nowhere.
01:47 It has to be because he said he'd destroy the last few Robot Masters, because that wasn't in character.
01:53 As soon as he walks into the boss arena, he almost gets hit by a Metal Blade.
01:58 You'd think a robot would be programmed with perfect aim. He must have missed on purpose for a greeting.
02:04 But I don't see why he'd be able to do that, because Wily doesn't want that.
02:08 I like that Metal Man barely talks when introducing himself to him to keep the pacing fast.
02:14 And it is better that Mega Man didn't have the Metal Blades the whole adventure, because they were infamous for making the game too easy.
02:20 It's more interesting to see him use the Leaf Blades too much instead.
02:24 He fires an explosive drill at the wall, and then fires one at the bad guy.
02:29 He gets it off him, and Mega Man moves his arm in a swatting motion, and a Metal Blade gets hit through other ones and heads towards Metal Man.
02:38 It's creative for him to get defeated by his own weapon.
02:42 But you'd think Wily would make a Robot Master resistant to his own weapon for that reason.
02:47 Dr. Light finally plans to force teleport him, but Mega Man hits the side of his head and presses a button to block the teleport signal to the lab.
02:57 Which comes out of nowhere as something he can apparently do.
03:01 Why would Dr. Light make him capable of blocking the teleport signal when he first created him?
03:08 Dr. Light says the virus made it impossible for him to call Mega Man again because it's progressed too far.
03:13 He's smart enough to know Mega Man won't listen to him.
03:16 Then why has it taken so long to figure that out?
03:19 This arc runs on idiot balls, because if he was the type to plan on warping him to the lab quickly against his will,
03:25 then he would have just done it much earlier instead of letting him argue with him.
03:29 Not to mention, he had no excuse for even talking to him before teleporting him home if he was already planning to do it whether he liked it or not.
03:37 So he could have easily avoided the extra drama here.
03:39 But I know Mega Man's gonna win and be cured anyways in a really short amount of time.
03:44 So it's not as bad as most of the drama caused by an idiot ball.
03:48 Still, it makes me wish he'd stop writing outright drama because he almost never has to happen naturally.
03:54 But this wouldn't be as interesting if it was just trying to be funny and silly.
03:58 Like the Sonic X comic.
04:00 I'm glad Dr. Light says he'll never give up on Mega Man.
04:04 He didn't come off like that in the last adventure where he instantly planned to trap him the second he bragged about how quickly he defeated a Robot Master.
04:11 When that's just how Sonic would have acted.
04:14 He tells Auto to make calls while he hacks into Rock and installs a tracking program in anti-virus countermeasure.
04:22 Why wasn't there always a tracking program in him?
04:26 Protoman ran away from him.
04:28 Whatever.
04:30 Mega Man says that since his power is low, he'll have to try to sneak past robots instead of trying to fight all of them.
04:37 I assume him trying to fight all of them was only because of the virus.
04:42 The story pretends that him being stealthy is remotely interesting for two panels.
04:47 When it's just the same thing of him being on floating platforms that don't have you get told why they're floating in a magic-free world.
04:54 I assume it has something to do with magnetism.
04:58 Mega Man's stealthiness becomes satisfying when Flash Man's surprised that he showed up because he didn't hear his shots.
05:04 I like being told that yes, of course the Robot Masters hear Mega Man's shots before he goes into the boss room.
05:11 He says he's fast and gets told he's only stopping time.
05:15 Realistically, why would Mega Man ever win against him?
05:18 He'd only have a chance if he shot at him while he was distracted by stupidly talking instead of just freezing time and attacking him.
05:27 Like he is in the game where he's well-written.
05:29 But somehow he doesn't shoot him here, as I have to assume that his time stop ability can only last for a really short amount of time, like in the game.
05:38 It'd be incredibly stupid of him to unfreeze time before he destroyed him.
05:42 Getting smacked the first time takes Mega Man's helmet off, which is impossible.
05:48 So that forces him to notice he has hair and get jealous.
05:52 While he's distracted, he gets hit in the back and knocked out in one measly hit by Quick Man, who is somehow able to do that.
06:00 It says he will have his duel with him, so he forces Mega Man to drink something because he'll need his strength.
06:06 It should be obvious that he won't be able to heal Mega Man because Wily won't want that.
06:12 Mega Man lampshades that he destroyed his brother.
06:15 He won't stay destroyed though, because there's still a lot left of him, and it can be repaired.
06:22 There's a hand wave that Wily never said he couldn't, but obviously he wouldn't have to.
06:27 This is like if Metal Sonic destroyed robots that Sonic was fighting because he wanted to get to defeat him.
06:33 There's a reason that won't happen.
06:35 It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Wily would want Mega Man destroyed and his robots to survive, and would be against anything that's against that.
06:45 But again, at least this is interesting because it's not from the games.
06:50 Mega Man says something making it obvious he's planning to start a fight with him, so of course Quick Man dodges his shot.
06:56 When he could have just shot at him and succeeded.
06:59 Then Quick Man challenges them to catch him.
07:02 Why in the world would he waste time running away from him?
07:06 Oh, is it because it's not his arena?
07:09 A whole page is wasted, and Quick Man's impressed with them being able to keep up with him.
07:13 I don't know why he was able to do that.
07:16 Why is Mega Man wasting time telling him that he shouldn't be overconfident from his power?
07:21 Especially since the virus would be preventing that.
07:24 Quick Man moves all over the place taunting him that he can't hit him.
07:27 And because of the virus, Mega Man lies to him that he's not the fastest.
07:32 And Quick Man points out that Mega Man couldn't move that fast before.
07:36 Mega Man shoots him with the Mega Buster and copies his power.
07:40 Like I could understand Dr. Light getting rid of weapons.
07:44 But not him getting rid of weapon data that can't hurt anyone.
07:48 Like time stopping abilities.
07:51 He warps to Wily, even though he wasn't able to last adventure.
07:56 So the virus must have let him do that.
07:58 Wily wastes a bunch of time bragging and stating the obvious.
08:02 I don't know why he doesn't find it too boring.
08:05 He brags that he has Mega Man instead of 8 robots.
08:09 Which makes me wonder why he hasn't fixed his new robot masters like last time.
08:14 You'd think he would have had their data backed up.
08:16 And he'd just press a button to restore them remotely.
08:20 Dr. Light comforts Roll when she's crying as it turns out they lost the signal.
08:24 And Otto says he made his calls.
08:26 And the story ends with the original robot masters planning to save Mega Man.
08:30 The whole time I was under the assumption that the antivirus was going to kick in any minute now and turn Mega Man back to normal anyways.
08:37 Because we saw at the start of his fight with Quick Man that his antivirus was 70% uploaded.
08:43 And then we saw the words "Upload Complete".
08:45 And a lot happened after that.
08:47 So either the virus fully kicking in has made Dr. Light's effort pointless anyways.
08:52 Somehow.
08:54 Or these guys aren't going to be needed to turn him back to normal.
08:57 I hope they will be.
08:58 Because it'd be lame if he turned back to normal on his own.
09:02 Mega Man issue 12.
09:04 The story starts with Wily saying he wants Mega Man to look his best.
09:08 Why?
09:09 He hates him.
09:11 And when he's assumed by "look his best" he also means he won't have the black in his eyes.
09:16 Because now his eyes only look different by having red eyeballs.
09:20 It's a nice coincidence that both he and Proto Man like scarves to the point where he gave Mega Man one to improve his looks.
09:29 I don't think he's even treated BASE this well, trying to improve his looks.
09:36 Mega Man's just been silenced so far.
09:38 Which is good for making the comic not take so long to read.
09:42 But it does make me wonder why Wily complained about Tails Man being how he was.
09:47 As if he was opposed to robbing someone of all personality and free will.
09:51 Apparently that was out of character because he's fine with doing the same thing to Mega Man.
09:57 I guess it's only because he's his worst enemy.
10:02 So he was spiteful enough to have his virus not give him the free will to do something because Wily didn't tell him not to do it.
10:08 If it was that easy you'd think he'd be betraying Wily anyways if a Robot Master can be stupid enough to think following Wily's will means doing something he doesn't want.
10:18 Wily wonders why his proximity alarm is going off.
10:22 And time is wasted before he finds out the original Robot Masters are invading his base.
10:29 And they knew where it was because of the tracking program.
10:32 It would've been satisfying to see Guts Man hit a door to get past it if we actually saw him do that instead of his fists not impacting it.
10:41 Some of them have to hide behind convenient things to avoid lasers.
10:47 Why did Time Man go out of hiding?
10:50 He can basically freeze time in general.
10:53 He could've just done that.
10:56 I'm gonna say he did something that could've very easily risked him getting lasered to death.
11:00 I guess the reason the laser is missed was that he was running ahead.
11:05 And the things shooting lasers aren't intelligent enough to aim at where he's going to be based on his running speed somehow.
11:12 He uses time slow on the enemies which makes things easy for his friends.
11:17 He could've made things even easier by doing that at the start.
11:22 Cotton Man makes a pun and Guts Man complains about it and uses his strength and says that the anger gave him the boost he needed.
11:29 Apparently he thinks there's a limit to his super strength most of the time and only annoyance can boost that up.
11:36 So far, most of these guys' story is boring because it's just them running ahead.
11:42 They get threatened with fire breath by a giant robot.
11:46 And Oil Man doesn't have to call Ice Man weak for being weak to fire.
11:51 It doesn't even make sense that Dr. Light made him weak to fire.
11:54 It turns out that of course Wily's watching this and he tells Mega Man to warp to the Mecha Dragon's side and he's able to say "Yes, sir."
12:03 Fire Man says to subdue him and upload the last of the antivirus.
12:08 Time Man says he has something counteracting his time slow.
12:12 It sure is inconvenient that Wily put something that can counteract time slow into that thing.
12:19 But not every robot he made.
12:21 But I assume it makes sense because materials required for that are too rare or take forever to produce.
12:27 Some fire hits Lek Man and somehow Mega Man's able to hesitate at shooting him.
12:33 Meanwhile, Mecha Sally was never able to hesitate at trying to hurt her former allies and she still had her own thoughts.
12:40 This dance ex machina forces Guts Man to be able to tackle him.
12:46 Which results in him telling Oil Man to hurry up with the installer and use it on him.
12:50 Instantly returning him to normal.
12:52 If it was going to be so easy, it really should have just kept it simple and have the time slow work.
12:59 We could have avoided a forced moment if he had been frozen in time right away because one of the robots distracted him so that Time Man could sync up on him.
13:08 Or realistically, Time Man did freeze all time so he could get to right behind him and install it himself.
13:16 Mega Man asks to be filled in on what's going on when it's already obvious what happened.
13:21 Mega Man gets given something with a bunch of support item data.
13:26 So he's able to summon floating things that let them navigate the base.
13:30 Fire Man says he'll protect the people helping to get Lek Man to within range of the teleport signal.
13:37 And then return to battle.
13:39 Mega Man says that some Robot Masters will have to share air boards because he only has so much energy for them.
13:47 These things are amazingly well built if they're able to withstand the weight of multiple robots at once.
13:54 That's at least 600 pounds.
13:57 Eventually they see a giant tank with what looks like a giant Guts Man on top.
14:02 So we get to see Guts Man complain about it.
14:05 I say see, but the artist was too rushed or lazy to actually draw Guts Man.
14:11 And it's just a silhouette.
14:13 You gotta be very careful about what you choose to draw as silhouettes.
14:18 Mega Man says some of his friends have no problem fighting the giant without him.
14:23 So he leaves without them and heads for a maze.
14:26 But that ends up pointless because his friends smart enough to point out he could use an explody weapon to get past the maze easily.
14:33 It's unique because you are never able to blow up the walls, usually making up a level in the game.
14:39 With that, he's out of ammo for that weapon.
14:42 He gets threatened by Wily's Mecha.
14:45 And Wily calls Mega Man's weapon "Earthly".
14:48 Which has to mean he thinks of his own technology as unearthly because it's so superior.
14:54 Both he and Dr. Light made Robot Masters.
14:57 So I guess he only thinks he's a better engineer because he's also made giant machines.
15:02 And he thinks Dr. Light cunt out of delusional arrogance.
15:06 Mega Man throws a Metal Blade.
15:08 And it seems like that defeats the Mecha right away.
15:11 Seriously?
15:13 It's absolutely pathetic to have him get through even one phase of the final boss fight in one hit.
15:20 This is why this is the most forgettable Mecha fight in the comic.
15:25 I know it's referencing how the Metal Blades are the most overpowered weapon.
15:29 But they're not overpowered because they can one-shot everything.
15:34 They're overpowered because it could fire them in any direction.
15:38 I assume that it's impossible for him to aim Cut Man's weapon upwards.
15:43 Because due to its programming, his arm won't let him.
15:46 Even though Wily would have edited that to make it more dangerous.
15:50 So you'd think in an alternate continuity where the Robot Masters' weapons are already more dangerous because they one-shot everything.
15:58 Every single weapon would also let him aim them in 8 directions.
16:03 If that isn't the case, then the right way to pay tribute to the Metal Blades being overpowered was to establish that it could only fire them in 8 directions.
16:13 And to have him need to fire them in a fancy direction.
16:17 While he makes a big deal out of this weapon one-shotting, that only makes sense because the Wily Mecha wasn't one-shotted by any weapon last time.
16:25 But every weapon one-shot is everything else than that.
16:29 This isn't the right way to reference how overpowered it is.
16:32 It makes me wonder if he even played the game.
16:35 How about have him have to aim at buttons on the wall to progress?
16:41 Mega Man confronts Wily lifting up the thing above him and the supposed Wily seems to turn into a big alien.
16:48 It would be different from the games if in this continuity he actually was an alien.
16:54 People would whine about it because they don't know what real writing problems are.
16:59 And I bet Capcom wouldn't allow it.
17:02 So it's just referencing the end of the actual game and doing nothing with it.
17:07 It would be doing something with it if it's going to be revealed that this was an alien that was working for Wily and not just fake.
17:15 He claims Dr. Light never knew he was an alien and Mega Man runs away from lasers and conveniently puts his hand on a specific thing and says it's another hologram decoy.
17:26 He could have easily not touched that.
17:29 He shoots and reveals that the alien was just a hologram and Wily's behind a machine generating it.
17:35 If he was really smart, he'd have already been long gone by now.
17:40 And had a robot operating this machine because he already thought to use a hologram as a decoy and be long gone by a certain point.
17:48 Mega Man grabs him and Wily's shoe lands on a button causing the castle to have a plan to self-destruct in minutes.
17:56 And Wily falls through a trap door with Mega Man only taking his coat from him.
18:01 I guess the reason he always wears his lab coat is that he's a show-off.
18:05 Because in real life, scientists only wear lab coats in front of executives playing to give them funding.
18:11 Most of the time they just wear casual clothing.
18:14 I have to assume the reason there's a time limit as generous as 5 minutes is that Wily needs it to escape the castle alive.
18:22 But if he was really smart, he wouldn't have even been in this castle.
18:27 He was smart enough to keep Time Man and Oil Man deactivated until he'd be arrested.
18:32 So it would have also been in character for him to merely have a fake Wily robot here.
18:37 Despite thinking that Mega Man would stay on his side.
18:40 Because obviously the original Robot Masters would still have a chance of wrecking his mecha.
18:45 Even if he does beat Mega Man, it's just gonna result in all the original Robot Masters at once storming his castle.
18:52 It's obvious they'd all destroy Mega Man if they tried hard enough.
18:56 Even if they didn't have an anti-virus installer because they would never have him.
19:01 With a robot him there, couldn't he have pressed a button from far away that could remotely activate the castle's self-destruct?
19:08 And had it self-destruct right away?
19:10 So he could have defeated all of his enemies there.
19:13 Especially if the bomb was at the very outside of the castle.
19:18 So they're running out of the castle trying to avoid its destruction.
19:22 But they would just end up running straight into the bomb.
19:25 But it is believable that he'd have assumed the Mecha Dragon would have defeated most of the Robot Masters because it's bigger than them.
19:32 He runs over to one of his friends and we see Guts Man running while carrying Time and Oil Man.
19:38 I guess Time Man doesn't use his time-slow power here because he got picked up before he could think that if he did that, he could run to safety with no challenge.
19:47 And while he's picked up, freezing Time would only keep Guts Man from getting to safety with him.
19:53 But Time Man would instantly tell Guts Man he could just put him down and let him slow Time so that he could escape on his own easier.
20:01 Everyone escapes the base just in time for it to explode.
20:05 Because Time Man can either freeze one person or all of Time but him.
20:10 Guts Man's standing in front of a karaoke microphone in front of Roll as Ice Man creates ice cubes for the oil punch bowl with his ice breath.
20:19 Why are the robots programmed to enjoy dirty black oil with ice cubes in it?
20:25 Meg Man shows pity for Lack Man being hurt and gets reassured by him and Donk to Light right away.
20:32 Donk to Light apologizes that his last support unit wasn't finished until now and he whistles for Meg Man's new robot, Donk.
20:40 When you think about it, it doesn't make sense that it looks like this instead of being cute.
20:45 I really wish it had fur.
20:47 It makes sense if its armor was only something that was on the outside and it could de-equip it.
20:53 And beneath the armor, it still looked like a regular Donk.
20:56 It's not appealing looking and I don't see why Meg Man's laughing at it sitting on him and trying to lick him.
21:04 The story ends with a screen revealing that an aircraft on autopilot is targeting some ruins that I've never heard of.
21:10 This issue is about Meg Man defeating the last of the Robot Masters with Quick Man somehow betraying Wily.
21:17 And eventually getting turned to Wily's side because he got the last of his malware put in him by copying data.
21:23 It makes sense that he still kept copying data because for all he knew, he would actually need the weapon data every time.
21:31 And so that Donk didn't warp him home instantly the first time he wanted to.
21:34 If it turns out he's the type to plan on warping him home against his will.
21:38 He could've avoided him being taken over by a lazy rip-off of the evil virus from Meg Man 8 if he had just been firm with him like when he trapped him.
21:48 When he's the type to be able to figure out that it'll never listen to him.
21:51 But since I know the plot point of him being brainwashed is gonna be wrapped up in the next issue.
21:57 And it won't even matter because he won't be made to do something he'll regret.
22:01 It's not terrible as usual that it was forced to happen.
22:04 And the virus that made him reckless and mean was keeping things interesting in general.
22:09 But I can't honestly say it's a good plot point for being unique if it's really only the idiot ball and jerk-ass ball virus.
22:17 And it's still just a story adapting Meg Man 2.
22:21 So the only thing actually impressive is that he deflected a metal blade through some more of them to defeat Metal Man.
22:27 You can't do that in the game.
22:29 And that's what makes it great.
22:31 And it's sad to say that it's the first thing original to this comic's game adaptations that's actually good instead of forced or boring.
22:40 Quick man aside, I suppose this issue is good for an adaptation.
22:46 This issue is about Oil Man effortlessly returning Meg Man to normal and then Meg Man wrecking both faces of Wily's boss fights in one measly hit each.
22:55 I don't know how the writing got worse after last time.
22:58 Something stops Time Man from using his slowing power in front of Meg Man.
23:02 But then Meg Man somehow hesitates to shoot Elec Man.
23:06 And that means it's forced that Guts Man had the time to tackle him so that he could be brought to normal.
23:13 At that point, it really would have been better writing to simply have the time slow work right away.
23:19 I also realized that the same guy who left Time and Oil Man alone to free him from jail despite thinking he'd never be jailed...
23:27 ...should have also had only a Wily fake beat with Meg Man so that he could remotely self-destruct the castle right away from a safe distance if the Robot Masters returned him to normal.
23:39 You should have thought that was inevitable because of course Dr. Light would make an antivirus installer.
23:43 And they all outnumber him.
23:45 As usual, he only lost because he was made too stupid.
23:49 Which makes me wonder why he was smart enough to have a trap door leading to a way to escape the building and head for some ruins...
23:55 ...if he must have thought he was guaranteed to win.
23:58 At that point, why didn't he just keep a Wily robot with Meg Man?
24:02 What's the harm in having him with them for a little while until all of the Robot Masters were defeated?
24:08 But I can forgive that forced writing because its presence is mandatory to ensure the survival of the heroes.
24:14 Even if it is still a problem because if you write yourself into a corner, it's better to just write a different situation then.
24:21 Most of the story was just only bad because it's a redundant game adaptation, which is good by Meg Man comic standards.
24:29 But again, it was so boring when it wasn't about the Robot Masters fighting Meg Man and getting him back to normal.
24:37 It wasn't interesting that we saw the Robot Masters head for the Mecha Dragon because it was nothing but them running ahead.
