FTS 12:30 13-09: Chinese president Xi Jinping meets Venezuelan head of state Nicolas Maduro

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Cuba sets details ahead of the Summit of the G77 and China
*Russian president Putin hosts North Korean leader Kim Jong Un


00:00 The Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Venezuelan head of state Nicolas Maduro Moros met in
00:16 Beijing as both leaders pledged to take bilateral relations to the highest level.
00:24 Cuba sets all the details ahead of the summit of the G77 and China to be held in Havana
00:30 as heads of state and leaders arrive in the island.
00:36 The Russian President Vladimir Putin received his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un at
00:41 the Vostok-Nikashimodrom, where he pledged support for the North Korean space race.
00:52 Hello from the headquarters of Telesudy English in Havana, Cuba.
00:56 This is from the South.
00:58 I'm Yaren Corglades Quesada and these are the news.
01:01 The Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted a welcomes ceremony for visiting Venezuelan
01:05 President Nicolas Maduro Moros on Wednesday.
01:08 While receiving the head of state, the military band played the national anthems of Venezuela
01:13 and China and a one-gun salute was fired.
01:17 Accompanied by Xi, Maduro reviewed the Guard of Honor of the Chinese People's Liberation
01:21 Army and the two heads of state also watched a march past of the Guard of Honor and the
01:27 performance of the military band.
01:29 Attending this remedy were also Xi's wife, Pan Lijuan, and Venezuela's first combatant
01:34 and deputy to the National Assembly, Cydia Flores.
01:42 Upon receiving the Venezuelan President, Xi Jinping expressed his support for Venezuela's
01:46 efforts to maintain its sovereignty, the national dignity and social stability, as well as to
01:51 resist external interference.
01:54 In a meeting at the Great People's Palace, the Chinese President assured that his country
01:58 and Venezuela are good friends and partners.
02:01 For his part, the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro thanked the authorities for the support
02:06 of the Asian nation and assured that their relations are a model of the links between
02:11 the countries of the global South.
02:13 In the meeting, both presidents announced that they will take diplomatic relations to
02:17 the highest level.
02:18 The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been on an official visit to the Asian country
02:23 since September the 8th, as he has been touring technological hubs and other sites of economic
02:29 and social interest.
02:31 This is the fifth visit to China as President.
02:38 And the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, attended the closing ceremony of the 17th
02:42 Joint China-Venezuela Commission, where he was together with the Executive Vice President
02:48 of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, and her Executive Cabinet.
02:52 China and Venezuela focused their conference on promoting unilateral development proposals
02:57 for the evolution of both nations under the perspective of investments and growth.
03:02 Likewise, Beijing and Caracas strengthened their bilateral and diplomatic ties to maintain
03:07 the brotherhood between both nations.
03:15 In other topics, the Salvadoran Parliament has approved on Tuesday for the 18th time
03:20 an extension of President Nayib Bukele's emergency regime.
03:24 The Central American nation has now spent 17 months with limited constitutional guarantees
03:29 as a strategy to reduce violence.
03:32 The request, presented by the Minister of Security, Gustavo Yattoro, was approved by
03:36 the ruling party Nuevas Ideas and its allies with 67 votes.
03:41 Although the United Nations organization, based on evidence provided by Salvadoran organizations,
03:46 has expressed concern about the length of time and the exercise committed under this
03:51 regime, the President of Parliament has insisted on its effectiveness.
04:01 In Guatemala, Bernardo Arevalo, the country's President-elect, suspended the transition
04:05 process and announced measures against the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
04:10 After completing the second protocol or step for the orderly handover of mandates agreed
04:15 with President Alejandro Gimadé, Arevalo temporarily suspended the entire process.
04:21 He claims that the conditions are not adequate.
04:24 After the Special Prosecutor's Office against impunity intervened, at least 160 electoral
04:29 boxes.
04:30 The leader of the Zemilla movement points directly to Attorney General Consuelo Borras,
04:36 Prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche and Judge Freddy Guevara, whom he identifies as the ringleaders
04:41 of ACUDITA.
04:49 As President-elect, I am addressing these officials to demand that they resign immediately
04:54 from office, that they cease this assault on the Constitution and stop this persecution
05:00 commanded by mafia groups and elites.
05:04 Only their departure from office will guarantee the constitutional order of the country.
05:09 We are filing a request for a preliminary trial against the prosecutor Consuelo Borras
05:14 and the judge Freddy Orellana, and a complaint against the prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche
05:20 and the assistant prosecutor Cintia Monterroso.
05:25 Arevalo informs that the decision to suspend the process of the change of government was
05:30 communicated to the national executive.
05:35 In view of the situation caused by these officials, we have informed President Alejandro Gimadé
05:41 that we are temporarily suspending our participation in the administrative transition process until
05:47 the necessary institutional political conditions have been re-established.
05:53 The President-elect of Guatemala, Fernando Arevalo, once again links members of the prosecutor's
05:58 office and the judiciary to ACUDITA, alluding, as part of the conspiracy, to some political
06:04 figures defeated in the ballot.
06:07 Guatemalans, the coup perpetrators, must resign.
06:13 The Attorney General Consuelo Borras, the prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche and the judge
06:18 Freddy Orellana, in perverse association, have undertaken a new escalation in the ongoing
06:25 coup d'état that they began at the end of the first round of elections, granting a judicial
06:31 disguise to a shady political action of the UNEPARTI.
06:35 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at @tellusorenglish,
06:42 where you will find the news in different formats, news updates and more.
06:49 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:06 Welcome back to From the South.
07:08 On Wednesday, Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla offered a press conference
07:13 ahead of the G77 and China summit to be held in Havana.
07:17 The diplomat defined the main guidelines of the Global South gathering.
07:21 The summit intends to evaluate and debate the main challenges as well as the core development
07:32 issues affecting the nations of the South and the indispensable contribution to be made
07:38 by science, technology and innovation for development.
07:43 Rodriguez Parrilla also explained the relevance of the summit for future similar gatherings
07:48 and other advances of South-South cooperation.
07:52 Next, Havana summit to be held in the next few days will contribute to promoting the
08:01 voice of the G77 and China on the present international circumstances as part of the
08:09 relevant negotiation intergovernmental processes that will take place very soon.
08:17 The summit of Heads of State and Government of the G77+ China will take place in Havana
08:46 on September 15th and 16th with the purpose of reinforcing unity and deciding on collective
08:52 and practical actions to face contemporary challenges.
08:55 Our correspondent in Havana, Fabiola Lopez, tells us more about it.
09:02 This September 2023, Havana will become the capital of the Global South when the leaders
09:07 of the Group of 77 and China will meet in this city to discuss current development challenges
09:12 as well as the role of science, technology and innovation.
09:17 This is an indispensable summit in the midst of the economic and multidimensional crisis
09:24 that is occurring on a planetary scale at a time when the countries of the South are
09:31 seeking a solution to these problems within the scopes of independence, sovereignty and
09:38 a greater degree.
09:40 I would say of awareness of where the roads that will take us toward development mostly.
09:49 Twenty-three years ago, when inaugurating the first South Summit, the supreme decision-making
09:54 body of the G77 and China, precisely in Havana, Fidel Castro said that in the globalized world,
10:00 where knowledge is the key to development, the technological gap between the North and
10:04 the South was widening in the conditions of increasing privatization of scientific research
10:10 and its results.
10:14 Never before has humanity had such a formidable scientific and technical potential, such an
10:20 extraordinary capacity to generate wealth and well-being.
10:25 And never before has the world been so unequal and inequality so profound.
10:31 The special representative of the Group of 77 and China, Ambassador Pedro Luis Pedroso,
10:37 explains to Telesur that today, more than ever, developing countries and the world as
10:41 a whole need to move towards a new philosophy and paradigm of development, because the resource
10:47 base on which humankind sustains is increasingly depleted.
10:55 Capitalism does not sacrifice consumption for man, which is proven and demonstrated.
11:05 And the only way to advance towards a new paradigm is not only with a political orientation
11:11 that leads to that, but it has to be on a technological and innovative basis.
11:20 If Cuba, in the midst of the most complex and difficult situation it has gone through,
11:28 which was not only a blockade intensified to unprecedented levels, but also the consequences
11:36 of the Cuban Covid period, and Cuba in the midst of that was able to produce five vaccines,
11:44 three of them already in the market in use.
11:46 So what we, 134 countries, can do if we decide to unite our individual potentials?
12:00 In calling the meeting in Havana, President Miguel Díaz-Canel considered that the scientific
12:05 technical progress that is key to achieving development is inaccessible to a large part
12:10 of humanity and has its roots in the unfair international economic order.
12:18 We can do many things if we decide to unite our potentialities, our capacities, our resources,
12:25 and we will not necessarily have to depend on the North, as it will be a new source of
12:31 liberation of the South.
12:34 And therefore, what we intend with the summit is that, to say that we have potentialities
12:40 among us, we can do many things.
12:44 Cuba's commitment is to promote international solidarity and cooperation among the countries
12:49 of the South by advocating the use of science, technology and innovation as engines of sustainable
12:55 development.
13:00 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
13:05 channel at Telesur English, and there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, the
13:09 top stories, the special broadcastings and more.
13:12 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
13:16 world's most recent events.
13:21 We have a final short break.
13:22 Don't go away.
13:23 Welcome back.
13:44 On Wednesday, the Russian President Vladimir Putin received his North Korean counterpart
13:49 Kim Jong-un at the Vostokshiny Cosmodrome, where he pledged support for the North Korean
13:54 space race.
13:56 Hours earlier, in an interview to his nation's media, the North Korean leader had described
14:00 his trip as an expression of the strategic importance Pyongyang attaches to bilateral
14:05 relations with Moscow.
14:07 In the first part of the meeting, they toured the base facilities, including the Soyuz-2
14:11 rocket launch pad.
14:13 Although the Russian President assured that various issues will be discussed calmly at
14:17 Wednesday's meeting, and said that his country will support the space race launched by Pyongyang.
14:29 Of course, we need to discuss economic cooperation and humanitarian issues, the situation in
14:34 the region.
14:35 We have a lot of issues to discuss.
14:37 I want to say that I am very glad to see you and thank you for accepting the invitation
14:43 and coming to Russia.
14:46 At the official meeting, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un told Russian President Vladimir
14:50 Putin that Pyongyang will make bilateral ties with Moscow its number one priority.
14:56 It is our government's strong position that we will prioritize the North Korea-Russia
15:03 relationship and put it as the number one priority of our foreign policy from now on.
15:08 We have always expressed full and unconditional support for all the measures taken by the
15:13 Russian government and President Putin.
15:16 And I take this opportunity again to affirm that we will always be with Russia at the
15:22 front line of the struggle for independence against imperialism.
15:27 In other topics, Italy received in only 24 hours more than 5,000 immigrants coming mostly
15:33 from Libya and Tunisia.
15:35 In the midst of the migratory wave, a five-month-old baby lost his life when a boat he was travelling
15:40 in capsized.
15:41 The island of Lampedusa issued an alert as on Tuesday a land received 5,112 migrants
15:50 and refugees.
15:51 The trend continued in the morning of this Wednesday where it estimated that about 30
15:55 boats crossed the Italian coast.
15:58 Emergency services reported the overturning of a vessel in which about 40 migrants were
16:02 travelling.
16:03 The coast guard heeded the call for help as they were getting ready to board the patrol.
16:08 A baby of Guinean origin travelling with four families fell into the waters of the Mediterranean.
16:17 The number of children in poverty in the United States has doubled.
16:21 The nation now has more than 9 million.
16:23 According to official data, this is the largest increase in poverty for children in just one
16:28 year in the history of this country.
16:30 According to Sharon Parrott, who shares the Center for Budget and Policy Authorities and
16:35 Priorities, this increase is the responsibility of the Congress.
16:39 The overall poverty rate has also increased from 7.8% to 12.4%.
16:45 Experts say these figures are the result of policy decisions that prioritized tax cuts
16:50 for the wealthy, the main beneficiaries of federal assistance.
16:54 We move on to other topics.
17:12 In Libya, more than 5,000 people have died in the castle city of Derna alone.
17:18 Thousands are still missing and likely to add to the death toll.
17:21 Broken roads, failed communication networks, the legacy of years of civil conflict and
17:26 the effects of climate change contributed to making Libya one of the world's most humanitarian
17:31 crises, said Elie Abou Daboun, Libya Director of the International Rescue Committee.
17:37 According to officials, more than 5,300 dead have been counted as dead, but the number
17:42 could double given the number of missing people.
17:45 Officials in the castle town of Tokra, to the west of Derna and the east of Benghazi,
17:49 warned on Wednesday that a dam there could also collapse and cause several scenes of
17:54 destruction, the state-run Libyan news agency reported.
17:58 Officials urged nearby residents to leave immediately.
18:09 Egypt has sent three military cargo planes to Libya on Tuesday with a large quantity
18:14 of humanitarian aid to the victims of the recent catastrophic flash floods in the country.
18:19 According to a press release by Egypt's defense ministry, the assistance includes medicine,
18:24 medical supplies, tents and search and rescue teams, and is part of Egypt's solidarity with
18:29 the Libyan people to help alleviate the effects of the recent storm Daniel.
18:38 And the Pope Francis uses his weekly audience to pray for the victims of the flooding in
18:42 Libya and for the people of Morocco hit by a deadly earthquake.
18:47 My thoughts are with the people of Libya hit hard by violent rains that caused flooding
18:53 and inundation, causing numerous deaths and injuries as well as extensive damage.
19:00 In Sudan, over 100 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in bombings in the capital
19:05 region in the last 48 hours.
19:08 The Sudanese non-governmental organization Lawyers for Emergencies denounces indiscriminate
19:13 bombings in residential areas and markets in Khartoum, the capital, and Omdurman.
19:18 They blame the attacks on both the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.
19:24 Between the Nile and Omdurman regions, almost 51 people were killed by aerial artillery
19:29 between Sunday and Monday, in addition to the 53 victims of the bombing of a market
19:34 in Khartoum that left about 300 wounded on Monday.
19:42 And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
19:45 Remember, you can find this and many other stories on our website at TELUSFORENGLISH.NET.
19:50 And also, if you feel so inclined, please join us on social media for all the latest
19:54 news.
19:55 We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
20:01 For TELUSFORENGLISH, I'm Yorenco Hergladis Quesada.
20:04 Thank you for watching.
20:05 [music]
