Dars e Quran - Surah e Baqarah Ayat 99 to 101 - 14 September 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Dars e Quran

Tilawat (Recitation): Qari Noman Naeemi

Tafseer (Details): Allama Hafiz Owais

#AllamaHafizOwais #QariNomanNaeemi #DarseQuran

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasayil-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:12 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:22 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:31 [Quran-e-Hakeem, Surat-ul-Nabi (SAW) - Verse 1]
00:51 And if We had sent down to you clear signs,
01:16 and they did not believe in them except the defiantly disobedient,
01:41 and they did not believe in them except the defiantly disobedient,
01:47 And if We had sent down to you clear signs,
02:13 And if We had sent down to you clear signs,
02:35 and they did not believe in them except the defiantly disobedient,
02:57 and every time they came to a meeting, they sent a party of them,
03:16 but most of them did not believe.
03:41 God Almighty has spoken the truth.
03:51 We praise and bless His Noble Messenger.
03:55 After this, I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
03:58 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
04:00 Respected listeners, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
04:04 We are here with a new program of Dars-e-Quran.
04:09 The commentary of Surah Baqarah is still going on.
04:14 And the commentary of Surah Baqarah was mentioned before.
04:19 The verses that Qari Sahab recited in a beautiful voice are Surahs 99 and 100.
04:29 We will translate them first and then we will move to the commentary.
04:34 Allah Almighty says in Surah Baqarah, verses 99 and 100,
04:40 "And no doubt, O Messenger, We have sent down clear signs to you,
04:47 and the defiantly disobedient only deny these signs.
04:52 Is it not the truth that whenever they make a covenant,
04:57 a party of them rejects that covenant,
05:03 but most of them do not believe?"
05:07 Respected listeners, if we link Surah Baqarah verses 99 and 100
05:12 with the previous verses in terms of context and context,
05:17 then you will remember that in the previous verses Allah Almighty had stated
05:22 that He calls Gabriel the Trustworthy His enemy.
05:26 And because of the enmity of Gabriel the Trustworthy,
05:29 he claims that if he brings the covenant,
05:33 then because the enemy has brought it,
05:35 he will not accept those signs.
05:39 So, his basic problem is that he does not believe in the Holy Quran.
05:44 He rejects the Holy Quran.
05:46 And because of this problem, he has to reject many things.
05:52 So, he also rejected Gabriel the Trustworthy.
05:55 So, Allah Almighty has mentioned his excuses in the previous verses.
06:00 And now, the next verse that Allah Almighty has mentioned
06:07 is "And We have sent down clear signs to you"
06:12 The point is to see what we have brought down.
06:17 How magnificent is that word!
06:20 Who has brought it down? Who has brought it down?
06:25 See this.
06:26 And see what is the glory of the entity on which it has been brought down.
06:32 So, if you keep all three things in front of you,
06:36 then you will get the same result.
06:38 "And We have sent down clear signs to you"
06:41 "We are the Lord of the worlds"
06:45 "The Creator of all the worlds"
06:48 "The One who created you"
06:50 "The One who created the entire universe"
06:52 "The One who runs the entire system of the universe"
06:54 "We have sent down our word"
06:56 How magnificent is this!
06:58 So, the word was sent down by Him.
07:00 And to whom has the word been sent?
07:04 To the Imam of the Prophets.
07:06 He is the Beloved of the Universe and the Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds.
07:12 He is the most superior being in the entire universe.
07:18 He has been sent down.
07:20 And how magnificent is that which has been sent down.
07:24 "Ayat-e-Bayyinat"
07:26 These are very clear signs.
07:28 It is the glorious word of the Lord.
07:31 So, when you keep all these three aspects in front of you,
07:34 then you will get the same result.
07:37 "And none can deny it except the transgressors"
07:40 Only the transgressors can deny it.
07:44 The one who is crooked,
07:46 the one who is misguided,
07:48 the one who is mentally disoriented,
07:52 the one who is heartless,
07:54 only he can deny it.
07:56 So, all these are just your excuses.
08:00 You are just making excuses that Jibreel-e-Ameen is like this,
08:03 and so and so is like this,
08:05 but in reality, in your heart, the only thing that is denying the Holy Quran is the disease.
08:11 And then he said,
08:13 "We have sent down to you the Ayat-e-Bayyinat"
08:16 What does the Ayat-e-Bayyinat mean?
08:19 It means those signs and those arguments
08:22 which Allah the Almighty has given to His beloved Prophet (PBUH)
08:27 as the evidence of his prophethood.
08:31 Generally, those are the arguments of the Holy Quran,
08:36 the various paragraphs of the Holy Quran,
08:39 the various Surahs of the Holy Quran,
08:42 the facts, details, subtleties, and definitions that are mentioned in it.
08:48 All of these are the Ayat-e-Bayyinat.
08:50 And the Prophet (PBUH) used to practically
08:54 express many miracles in front of them.
08:58 He used to see many miracles on the hand of the Prophet (PBUH)
09:03 The Prophet (PBUH) turned the sun,
09:06 the Prophet (PBUH) split the moon in two,
09:09 the Prophet (PBUH) used to pray for blessings for something,
09:14 then the food of a few people used to be fulfilled in a thousand people.
09:18 If there is a little water, then water is released from the fingers,
09:21 then fifteen hundred people used that water.
09:25 So, at every stage, all these things
09:28 have been revealed to the Prophet (PBUH) as Ayat-e-Bayyinat.
09:33 So, the office of Ayat-e-Bayyinat is very vast,
09:37 which Allah the Almighty revealed to His beloved Prophet (PBUH)
09:41 And this is his Sunnah.
09:43 He sends a messenger with clear Ayat-e-Bayyinat.
09:48 He sends with a very clear sign.
09:50 He sent Moses (PBUH)
09:52 with a stick, with a white hand,
09:55 his evidences and proofs were in front of everyone.
09:59 The verses of his book were revealed to him.
10:03 They are in front of everyone.
10:05 Similarly, different Prophets bring Ayat-e-Bayyinat,
10:09 and these things are also in the knowledge of the Jews,
10:12 who are mischievous.
10:14 So, this is a sequence of those Ayat-e-Bayyinat.
10:17 On one hand, they see that the Ayat that are being revealed to the Messenger of Allah
10:23 are very clear and they are words based on the truth.
10:27 And on the other hand,
10:29 the things that are being revealed to the Prophet (PBUH)
10:33 as a miracle, as a miracle,
10:36 as the honor and honor of the Prophet (PBUH)
10:39 all those things are also clear in front of them.
10:42 So, Allah the Almighty says that
10:44 we have always been revealing these Ayat-e-Bayyinat.
10:48 And the revelation of these Ayat-e-Bayyinat to the Prophet (PBUH)
10:52 is also a sequence of those Ayat-e-Bayyinat
10:54 that we have been keeping.
10:56 And Allah the Almighty also gave these Ayat-e-Bayyinat to His Beloved Prophet (PBUH).
11:01 Then Allah the Almighty said that
11:03 after such clear Ayat-e-Bayyinat,
11:05 "Wa maa yakfuroo biha illal faasiqoon"
11:07 "The disbelievers can only deny it."
11:10 "Faasiq" is basically the meaning of "Allah ka naafarmaan"
11:19 Now, the disbelief of Allah is "Faasiq"
11:22 Now, the disbelief of Allah is of any category, of any level.
11:27 If it is less, then the level of "Faasiq" is less in its "Fisq".
11:31 It is of a lesser level.
11:33 And if its disbelief is of a higher level,
11:36 then it is of a higher level.
11:39 You can see here that Allah has also called the disbeliever of the Ayat-e-Bayyinat "Faasiq".
11:44 This means that it is of such a level that Allah has called him "Faasiq"
11:47 that to the extent that he has gone to the level of disbelief.
11:51 And before this, in Surah Baqarah, this sentence had come
11:54 "Wa maa yudillu bihi illal faasiqeen"
11:58 that because of this Quran, because of its denial,
12:01 these "Faasiq" people are misguided.
12:03 So, this is the level of disbelief to which Allah the Almighty has mentioned this word here.
12:08 And if the level of "Fisq" is less,
12:11 a person is a Muslim, but he also disobeys Allah,
12:14 then he is also "Faasiq", but his "Fisq" is of his level.
12:18 But the fundamental meaning of this is that he disobeys Allah.
12:22 And if we ponder upon the reality of the word "Fisq",
12:26 as I have indicated earlier,
12:28 that is that "Fisq" means that a person should move away from his "Fitrah".
12:35 The "Fitrah" on which Allah the Almighty has created him,
12:39 as it has been said that every child is born on the "Fitrah" of Islam,
12:44 then later on his parents make him a Jew or a Christian.
12:49 So, in the same way, practically speaking,
12:52 a person is born on the "Fitrah" of goodness,
12:55 but gradually he spoils his "Fitrah".
12:58 He becomes "Kajji" (stubborn) in it, he becomes "Taird" in it.
13:02 He starts to dislike good things, and vice versa.
13:07 This can also happen.
13:09 You see, a person, Allah forbid, is a "Badkari",
13:14 but this gives him peace, and he considers it good.
13:18 A person is committing theft, and he considers it good.
13:22 A person is committing murder, and he considers it "Fakhr" and good.
13:26 Why?
13:27 Because the "Fitrah" on which Allah has created him,
13:32 the "Qalb-e-Saleem" on which Allah has created him,
13:35 his "Tabiyyat-e-Saleema" has been removed from everything.
13:39 Now, for him, evil has become good.
13:42 So, this thing which is born in a person,
13:45 then he sees the positive thing as negative.
13:50 And then he sees everything from the perspective of negativity.
13:55 And he sees everything from the perspective of negativity,
13:59 which he has to accept, which he has to believe,
14:02 which is his perspective.
14:04 He starts to see everything from that frame of negativity.
14:07 So, this is why Allah said, how can it be that the words are of Allah,
14:12 and who is the one who is being presented?
14:15 Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah (PBUH)
14:18 Today, the mind is confused on this,
14:20 that how were the people who even after seeing the Prophet,
14:23 they refused to believe in Allah?
14:25 So, Allah says, "Wa maa yakfuroo biha illal faasiqoon"
14:28 The reason for this is that they were the "Faasiqs"
14:31 Their hearts were corrupted, their minds were corrupted.
14:34 They were naturally removed from the path of truth.
14:40 So, the result of this was so dangerous,
14:43 that they refused to believe in Allah's Ayat-e-Bayyinat.
14:46 And a person should seek refuge from this,
14:49 that we should keep our nature on that nature,
14:52 on which Allah has created us.
14:54 We should see the badness from the perspective of the badness,
14:57 and the goodness from the perspective of the goodness.
14:59 We should not mix them.
15:01 We should not make the badness as goodness, and the goodness as badness.
15:04 This is Ayat-e-Ninah-Nuayh.
15:07 Then in Ayat-e-Sau, Allah says,
15:09 "Awa kullama aahadoo aahda nabazahoo fareequm minhum"
15:13 So, will this continue to happen?
15:17 Or has this continued to happen,
15:20 that they have made any covenant with their Lord.
15:23 So, one of their groups was such that
15:26 the one who threw them away.
15:29 Allah says, "Bal aksaruhum laa yu'minoon"
15:33 Most of them do not believe.
15:36 So, when the Prophet presents his Dawah,
15:38 when the word of Allah comes,
15:40 then these groups are formed.
15:42 One is the one who accepts,
15:45 and the other is the one who denies.
15:48 But the one who denies, Allah says,
15:51 "Innime ghalibain"
15:53 They have always made a covenant.
15:55 Prophet Moses would have made a covenant with them,
15:57 they would have accepted it,
15:59 and they would have broken it after a few days.
16:01 So, this chain is around for thousands of years.
16:03 Thousands, two thousands of years have passed.
16:06 Now, when they have come in the era of the Prophet,
16:10 then this is the same thing.
16:12 The Prophet made a covenant with them,
16:14 the Prophet made a promise with them,
16:16 or in their books,
16:18 they had a covenant that
16:20 they have to believe in the Prophet,
16:22 they have to believe in the Quran.
16:24 So, even today, they are on the same path.
16:26 Even today, they have denied.
16:28 Like, most of them used to deny before,
16:31 even today, they have denied.
16:33 Although, they know that these things
16:35 are written in our books.
16:37 This is a matter of our knowledge,
16:39 this is a matter of our experience,
16:41 this is a matter of our knowledge
16:43 that comes to our hearts.
16:45 It is clear to everyone that they are the messengers of Allah.
16:48 But Allah is telling them the same habit,
16:50 the same nature,
16:52 that whenever they make a promise,
16:54 they break it.
16:56 This has always been their habit.
16:58 Most of the people have had this habit.
17:00 "Bal aksar hum la yuminoon"
17:02 The real thing is that they do not believe.
17:05 There is also a side of the expression of surprise in this.
17:08 Allah is explaining it in this way,
17:10 that will this continue?
17:12 Will you keep doing this?
17:14 This is the style of surprise.
17:16 This is the expression of surprise
17:18 for someone's surprise.
17:20 So, Allah has explained here
17:22 that how long will this continue?
17:24 Will you keep doing this?
17:26 You are coming from Prophet Moses,
17:29 and till the time of Prophet,
17:31 you are still on this habit.
17:34 Will you keep doing this?
17:36 You have made a promise to Allah,
17:38 and you broke it.
17:40 You have made a promise to Allah,
17:42 and you broke it.
17:44 There is a meaning of one verse of the Holy Quran,
17:46 "Alam ya'anilin lazeena aamanoo an takhshaa quloobuhum li zikri Allah"
17:50 Has that time not come yet?
17:52 Has that time not come yet?
17:54 That you get fed up of Allah's fear?
17:57 When will you change?
17:59 And on the other hand,
18:01 they have given this sign that
18:03 the Muslim Ummah should not be worried about them.
18:05 This is their habit.
18:07 They should understand their style,
18:09 and they should hold on to this Quran.
18:11 They should not follow their footsteps,
18:13 who threw away the book.
18:15 They threw away the commandments of the book.
18:17 The Muslim Ummah should not be like them.
18:19 This is their habit,
18:21 and it is the habit of the Jews.
18:23 In the verse number 100,
18:25 they have told that they make a promise to Allah,
18:27 and they break the promise of Allah.
18:29 So, this is the verse number 99 and 100,
18:33 and the way Allah has spoken to them,
18:37 has been explained to you.
18:41 And, God willing, we are moving towards Waqf.
18:44 And when we return from Waqf,
18:47 Qari Sahib will recite the next verse.
18:50 Then, God willing, we will move towards its translation and interpretation.
18:53 You stay with us.
18:55 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
19:02 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
19:21 And when a Messenger came to them from among the Jews,
19:34 he was a man of truth for Allah.
19:50 He said, "Say, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
19:55 some of those have taken the Book.
20:17 The Book of Allah is beyond the comprehension of the minds,
20:31 as if they do not believe.
20:45 And when a Messenger came to them from among the Jews,
21:01 he was a man of truth for Allah.
21:07 He said, "Say, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
21:18 some of those have taken the Book.
21:32 The Book of Allah is beyond the comprehension of the minds,
21:48 as if they do not believe.
22:01 He said, "Say, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
22:06 some of those have taken the Book.
22:10 He said, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
22:15 some of those have taken the Book.
22:20 He said, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
22:32 some of those have taken the Book.
22:39 And when a Messenger came to them from among the Jews,
22:50 he was a man of truth for Allah.
22:58 He said, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
23:06 some of those have taken the Book.
23:12 He said, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
23:18 some of those have taken the Book.
23:24 He said, 'To those with whom I have sent the Book,
23:31 some of those have taken the Book.
23:39 The Messenger is used here as a negative,
23:43 and the attributes after the Messenger are used to explain it.
23:49 But the reason for the negative description of the Messenger
23:53 is the greatness of the Prophet.
23:56 So, the translation of the Prophet will be that
24:01 when a great Messenger came to them,
24:05 who has made an impact on them
24:09 from the outside and inside,
24:12 who has made an impact on them
24:15 from his miracles,
24:18 who has made an impact on them
24:21 from his morals,
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35:48 who has made an impact on them
35:51 from his morals,
35:54 who has made an impact on them
35:57 from his morals,
36:00 who has made an impact on them
36:03 from his morals,
36:06 who has made an impact on them
36:09 from his morals,
36:12 who has made an impact on them
36:15 from his morals,
36:18 who has made an impact on them
36:21 from his morals,
36:24 who has made an impact on them
36:27 from his morals,
36:30 who has made an impact on them
36:33 from his morals,
36:36 who has made an impact on them
36:39 from his morals,
36:42 who has made an impact on them
36:45 from his morals,
36:48 who has made an impact on them
36:51 from his morals,
36:54 who has made an impact on them
36:57 from his morals,
37:00 who has made an impact on them
37:03 from his morals,
37:06 who has made an impact on them
37:09 from his morals,
37:12 who has made an impact on them
37:15 from his morals,
37:18 who has made an impact on them
37:21 from his morals,
37:24 who has made an impact on them
37:27 from his morals,
37:30 who has made an impact on them
37:33 from his morals,
