Decoding why Susan is in London. The reason surprised everyone. - Days of our li

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Decoding why Susan is in London. The reason surprised everyone. - Days of our li
00:00 [intro music]
00:08 Salem is in chaos and as the mystery surrounding Susan Banks continue to unfold,
00:14 one can't help but be intrigued by the unfolding story. Recent episodes of Days of Our Lives
00:18 have left fans wondering where Susan Banks could be and why she hasn't returned to Salem,
00:22 especially if she's still breathing. The plot has a dramatic twist with Harris and Ava's daring
00:26 escape from Bayview. This happens after EJ, motivated by a vendetta against Susan, dispatches
00:30 an assassin to eliminate Ava. As the duo dive deeper into the murky waters of this mystery,
00:35 they gradually uncover the chaotic circumstances surrounding EJ's birth. Their investigation leads
00:40 them to London with the sole goal of locating Edmund Crumb. Hints from recent storylines suggest
00:45 Susan may be struggling with partial amnesia, which could shed light on her bewildered actions.
00:50 It's a pretty difficult situation. If the only era she remembers is the time of EJ DeMera's birth,
00:54 she could very well be wandering into the bustling streets of London in search of Edmund Crumb.
00:59 One must delve into the chaos surrounding the birth of baby EJ. Susan, after becoming infatuated with
01:03 Edmund, makes a life-changing decision to marry him and then move to England. Meanwhile in Salem,
01:08 everyone agrees that baby EJ is being lovingly raised under the protective care of Susan and
01:12 Edmund. However, the reality is far from this peaceful picture. Stefano, EJ's biological father,
01:17 pulled him away from Susan's loving arms. Stefano's mansion in New Orleans, the infamous
01:21 Maison Blanche, became EJ's first home. What followed was the succession of elite boarding
01:26 schools in England. Given this complicated past, if Susan's mental timeline was frozen in this era,
01:31 her frantic search for her long-lost son and estranged husband in England would make sense.
01:35 For EJ, Susan's amnesia means she has no memory of the painful time, especially the time she was
01:41 kidnapped by Stefano. But this is where the plot thickens. Due to the prolonged loss of contact
01:45 between Edmund and Susan, even as she manages to track him down, will he lead her back to her now
01:50 adult son, do you think? It's been years since their paths crossed, and for all we know, Edmund
01:59 could have moved away, making Susan's search even more difficult. However, Harris remains determined
02:03 to carry out his mission, surmising that if they can locate Edmund, he may hold the key to Susan's
02:08 whereabouts. And if he happens to encounter a disoriented Susan, hopefully he can help her
02:13 perhaps cover her in her vulnerable state. Thanks for watching. Goodbye.
02:17 (outro music)
