Eric’s Revenge on Ridge- Strips Away His Authority at FC_ The Bold and The Beaut

  • last year
Eric’s Revenge on Ridge- Strips Away His Authority at FC_ The Bold and The Beaut
00:00 The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers!
00:05 Angry Eric points Burke as the new CEO, doesn't want Sun destroying company.
00:11 With Steffi Forrester's exit, The Bold and the Beautiful might make some shifts in the
00:15 show even if it's temporary.
00:17 It will take some time for Steffi to return, but the show must go on.
00:21 Eric Forrester and Rich Forrester have started fighting and it's only going to escalate
00:25 from here on out.
00:27 Rumors have it that Eric will refuse to talk to Rich directly and make Burke Logan Delver
00:31 messages to Rich on his behalf.
00:34 After Steffi departs, Eric may think Rich does not qualify to be the CEO of Forrester
00:39 Creations.
00:40 Honestly, Rich has been acting petty, trying to force Eric to retire, calling him old-fashioned
00:45 and whatnot.
00:47 So maybe it's Eric's trick or maybe Eric just genuinely thinks Rich does not have the
00:50 mentality to be the co-CEO of Forrester Creations so he might make Burke replace Rich.
00:56 FC's new CEO.
00:58 While Steffi is away, the show must continue, but a brewing conflict between Eric Forrester
01:03 and Rich Forrester could further complicate matters.
01:06 The son and father's fighting will get scorching hot with characters having to take sides as
01:10 well.
01:12 Whether it's a strategic move by Eric or a genuine belief that Rich isn't the right
01:16 fit, there is a possibility that Burke could step in as the new CEO to steer the company
01:21 in a different direction.
01:23 Burke has always wanted that possession back.
01:26 She did serve as the CEO once and she loved it.
01:29 Plus, she is also one of the oldest employees of FC and has given this company her whole
01:34 life.
01:35 While she will be thrilled to get this possession back, she won't want to do it on Rich's
01:41 expense.
01:42 But Eric still has major authority over decision making, so if he wants Burke to replace Rich,
01:47 she will have to.
01:48 After everything that has happened recently, Eric may view Rich as a narrow-minded person,
01:53 is not fit to be a CEO.
01:55 Or maybe Eric feels petty, so he just wants to shake Rich, tell him to focus on his designing
02:00 career more, just like how Rich asked him to retire.
02:04 Nonetheless, the bottom line is that this family battle is going to get even bigger.
02:09 Until Steffi returns, the company may turn to a complete chaos, who knows?
02:14 But the only way to solve all of this is by making everyone know about Eric's health
02:17 crisis, so we'll have to wait for that to unfold.
