Difensore civico, Aurigemma: “Consiglio regionale Lazio al fianco dei cittadini insoddisfatti”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il Consiglio regionale del Lazio ha investito molto e sta investendo molto per cercare di stare vicino a tutte le persone del nostro territorio che non si sentono appagate dalle soluzioni alle problematiche con le quali sono costrette a convivere nella quotidianità”. Queste le parole del presidente del Consiglio regionale del Lazio Antonello Aurigemma, a margine dell’evento di presentazione della Conferenza dei Difensori civici mondiali, prevista a Roma dal 21 al 22 settembre 2023 per promuovere la collaborazione internazionale e lo scambio di buone pratiche, al fine di tutelare i diritti dei cittadini e garantire una governance trasparente ed equa.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 We are very happy to host this meeting, which will take place next week
00:08 at the Chamber of Deputies' rooms, which brings together all the civic defenders of Europe.
00:14 This is important because it is a role, especially in the last period
00:18 that has followed the pandemic crisis and the energy crisis,
00:21 has tried to fill those gaps that sometimes are created between institutions and citizens.
00:27 So it is a role on which the Regional Council of Lazio has invested a lot
00:31 and is investing a lot to try to stay close to all the people of our territory
00:36 who have problems or do not feel paid for the solutions or problems
00:42 they are forced to live in everyday life.
00:46 Our civic defender has also been elected civic defender of all regions of Italy
00:53 and this is a blessing for our region and we will certainly be able to make a synthesis
00:58 to try to support all the civic defenders of our territory
01:02 to have adequate tools ready and immediate for the next challenges
01:07 from digitization to the PNRR and the many situations we will live with.
01:13 We have said since the beginning that the region wants to be the house of the municipalities
01:17 and we are working hard on this to bring the region to the territories,
01:21 which is something that is missing and is represented by 40% of the citizens who voted in the last electoral discounts.
01:30 We would like to recover that 60% of people who did not participate in the vote,
01:34 or rather, did not feel represented by the political proposal that was in February 2023
01:41 and we are working in this direction not only with the civic defender but also with the regional administration.
