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Can you name every WWE Elimination Chamber winner in reverse chronological order? Test yourself in the comments...

Put your mind to the test and see if you can do better than our fine cast of wrestling aficionados as they try to name every WWE Elimination Chamber winner!
Starring... Adam Blampied, Oliver Davis, Luke Owen, Sullivan Beau Brown and Dave Bradshaw. Hosted by Tempest.

#WWE #eliminationchamber #wwechallenge

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00:00 [Bleep] Doug! Yes! I'm on a [bleep] roll now! Oh, I can't remember. This is actually gonna, this is gonna destroy me, this one.
00:07 Welcome back to Parts Fun Known Survival Series, the cheeriest wrestling show on YouTube, with the people that most want to be there.
00:16 Challenging their own thoughts and their own knowledge about this great thing that we all love so dearly, by going through a very specific wrestling category in reverse chronological order.
00:26 Joining me today, making his debut on this show, is Dave Bradshaw, voice of British Wrestling and WrestleTalk Magazine writer. Thank you very much for your time, Dave.
00:36 Everything about this experience, Tempest, has been horrendous. Like, waiting outside, it's like a dentist waiting room.
00:43 You come in here, it's like being in, it's like a, like a, how I imagine the CIA interrogate people. Except sort of a nice Canadian interrogating me, but apart from that.
00:51 Today, all of the fine lads in the Parts Fun Known office will be trying to name every Elimination Chamber winner in reverse chronological order.
01:01 Yeah, I'm knackeredy, I'm boned. Okay, I can do this. I revised for this! I thought this might be it! Okay, I can at least do four!
01:13 Thought it might, but I didn't revise. I thought it might. Oh, nards.
01:18 But you've done lists about these too, List Man. I wanna do better than Ollie did with Raw Women's Champions.
01:24 That's not a high bar to try and clear. Oh, but it's one that I might fail.
01:29 If this is your first time watching, please subscribe to Parts Fun Known and make sure you check out all the other episodes of Survival Series we've done so far.
01:35 It's my favourite show to be part of, and my favourite show to watch these guys squirm.
01:39 And of course, if you are watching this for the first time, you will have to know that each of these fine competitors will get three strikes each.
01:46 If you miss out on one of those correct answers, you do not get to move on to the next entry without giving me said correct answer.
01:52 So with that being said, who is the most recent Elimination Chamber winner? Brock Lesnar.
01:58 The most recent ones always feel too easy, but it's Brock, right?
02:01 There was also a Women's one on that card.
02:04 Ah, it is!
02:06 Before that, it's Bianca Belair.
02:09 Oh, I can't remember. This is actually going to destroy me, this one, because I can't remember which actual matches there were.
02:16 Bianca Belair.
02:17 Bianca Belair.
02:18 Bianca Belair.
02:19 Do you need them in literal reverse chronological order? Like, you want the main event of Elimination Chamber 2021, and if there were two on the card, I have to do the second one first.
02:30 Yeah.
02:30 Oh, you're the little worm.
02:33 Drew McIntyre, then.
02:34 That was your first strike, sir.
02:38 No, he won, didn't he?
02:40 Elimination Chamber 2021. There were two matches. Daniel Bryan was in one. Drew McIntyre won the other one. And then they cashed in on him. The Miz did. What am I missing here?
02:51 I can't believe I'm here. I'm here. Oh, I'm rattled. My brain's gone.
02:56 Oh, no, there's two! There were two last year! Bianca Belair.
03:01 F***. F***. F***. F***. F***.
03:07 Then there hasn't been another Elimination Chamber since the one in February of 2021.
03:12 Can you sense a change in energy with me? A defeated change of energy?
03:18 Oh, Oli, it's only the fourth episode of this show. You can't give up already.
03:23 I feel like all the ones, of which there are only really two, that I could have been half decent at and now I'm done. When are you going to do an AEW one?
03:32 What's that?
03:34 That show ended, I believe, with Dickhead Miz cashing in. So, Drew McIntyre.
03:40 You are assuredly further than all we got on Raw Women's Champions.
03:44 Drew McIntyre retained because then he was beaten by The Miz.
03:49 Drew McIntyre?
03:51 The lovely Scott. Drew McIntyre.
03:53 His name's not Scott.
03:54 Scott Drew McIntyre. That's what I call him. Drew McIntyre.
03:57 Daniel Bryan. F***. Oh, you stupid boy. Of course there were two!
04:03 There's always two!
04:05 There was another one on that card because it was also the right to face Roman, which was won by Bryan Danielson.
04:12 Uh, Bryan Daniel Bryan. Would you have given me a strike if I said Bryan Danielson?
04:16 No. No, I would not. I'm not one of those people.
04:19 Daniel Bryan?
04:20 Daniel Bryan.
04:21 Yes. Oh.
04:22 That's four.
04:23 Oh, it's four. It's four.
04:25 Don't call him a liar. He knew at least four.
04:27 2020.
04:30 That was just before the pandemic, right?
04:32 It was mere days before the pandemic.
04:35 Hello. It gets a little bit misty in the eyes. Okay.
04:39 Oh, he's walking through the misty meadow again.
04:41 Oh, here I am in the misty meadow. Oh, I hate this meadow.
04:45 2020.
04:46 Shana Baszler. Are we doing this in order again, are we? Like what Main Event did?
04:52 Let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin.
04:56 I think this closed the show. Shana Baszler.
04:59 This is where it starts getting weird. And is this the point where it's the Miz and John Morrison?
05:07 That is your first in*********.
05:09 ****.
05:10 Damn, damn, damn.
05:11 Shana Basz.
05:12 Shana Baszler.
05:15 Is it Shana Baszler?
05:16 Yes.
05:16 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. Good, good, good, good, good.
05:21 Now, was there a second chamber on that card?
05:23 What the **** happened?
05:32 2020.
05:33 Oh, Drew McIntyre.
05:34 That is your first incorrect answer.
05:37 No, why did I not think about that?
05:39 Was this when there was a tag one? There's a couple of tag ones, right? Two or three.
05:45 Okay. Who are the champs? Roman was a champ. Did he defend it?
05:50 No.
05:51 He would have made that. There was probably a second one. Was there a second one? Was it a tag?
05:57 Roman Reigns.
06:00 That is your second incorrect answer.
06:02 Oh no, it's all come crumbling again.
06:05 I am going to draw a line under the 2020 elimination chamber and go to 2019.
06:11 But that doesn't help me either. Because who the **** was in the 2019 one?
06:15 Is it now the Miz and John Morrison?
06:17 Miz and Morrison?
06:18 Yes.
06:19 Okay, okay.
06:21 He's on a roll. No strikes lost.
06:24 So here's the fun thing for me. I don't like the elimination chamber.
06:29 We're all shocked.
06:30 We're all shocked.
06:31 Oh, hot take.
06:33 I think it's quite a boring match.
06:35 There are some good ones.
06:36 There have been some good ones. But you know, there's also been some good chairs matches.
06:40 Doesn't mean the chair stipulation is a good one.
06:42 Name one.
06:44 That one where Big Shot had the massive chair.
06:46 That's a good one.
06:47 That's a good one.
06:49 Look carefully at the I really wish I weren't here right now button.
07:01 Oh, no. So 2019 would have been Kofi Mania.
07:06 So can I hazard a guess and say that Brian Danielson won?
07:11 That is your first.
07:12 Yeah, okay.
07:13 That's fine. Brian Danielson did win one though.
07:15 Shhh.
07:16 Because that's why I've been making a mistake.
07:19 I was like, Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble.
07:21 You know, how do you orchestrate the singles championships?
07:25 I'm going down the wrong path, aren't I?
07:26 It's a tag team match.
07:28 It's a Smackdown match.
07:29 It's John Morrison and The Miz.
07:32 What would have been the championship?
07:34 It would have been, well, it was Rollins and Lesnar.
07:36 So I don't think there would have been one for the Raw things unless that was a tag team one.
07:39 But the winner of the tag team one go on second.
07:41 That makes me think there's another one at 2020 that I don't know about.
07:44 Or I have forgotten about.
07:46 Oh, was it a tag one?
07:48 I think there was a tag one, wasn't there?
07:50 Miz and Morrison were in it.
07:52 Probably The New Day were in it.
07:53 Who would have won it?
07:54 I don't think Miz and Morrison won it.
07:56 Because I think they were in it.
07:57 Uh, New Day.
07:58 That is your second straight.
08:00 Miz and Morrison.
08:01 That is a correct answer.
08:02 Is it really?
08:03 No, I was about to take my microphone off.
08:05 The Miz and John Morrison.
08:09 Ding.
08:09 Oh, no.
08:14 Okay, 2019.
08:17 Tempest, you have a very unexpressive face.
08:19 You don't give me any clues if I'm on the right track.
08:22 My personal style is Gaga.
08:29 And then is it Daniel Bryan again?
08:31 Ding.
08:31 Yes, yes.
08:33 Okay, and now this is where my revision stopped.
08:36 Because I was like, I'm just going to remember all of these names.
08:40 And I don't know if I can remember beyond this.
08:43 Oh, I just made a lucky guess that it might be Elimination Chamber matches.
08:48 So I'm really happy I did.
08:50 I'm revising.
08:50 Okay, and then is it Danielson?
08:52 Daniel Bryan.
08:53 Roman Reigns.
08:54 Am I out?
08:55 That is your third strike, ****er.
08:57 Thank you.
08:58 Get the **** out.
09:06 What was it?
09:08 It's Daniel Bryan.
09:10 Oh, ****.
09:11 Daniel Bryan.
09:12 Copenmania.
09:13 And that was the only one.
09:15 Right?
09:17 Right?
09:18 Was there another one?
09:19 It's not the women's tag yet.
09:20 It's something before that.
09:22 And then there must be the women's tag.
09:23 So that's Bayley and Sasha Banks.
09:25 Or is it?
09:26 Maybe it's the women's tag.
09:27 Oh, now I'm really stuck.
09:29 Was there another one at 2019?
09:31 I don't know anymore.
09:33 Charlotte was champ.
09:35 Ronnie didn't do the chamber.
09:36 Was that the only one?
09:38 Was it the sexy one?
09:39 Was it Bayley and Banks?
09:41 Yes, I'm on a ****ing roll now.
09:43 Right, that's 2019 done.
09:44 Out of the way.
09:45 Okay, I'm going to guess it.
09:46 Is it Bayley and Sasha Banks?
09:48 Ding.
09:49 Yes.
09:49 Uncriable.
09:52 Oh, amazing, amazing, amazing.
09:53 Oh, bollocks.
09:54 2018.
09:57 Okay, leave 2019.
09:59 What was it?
10:02 What happened in 2018?
10:03 2018 was the seven man and the women's tag.
10:07 Okay, I know those two.
10:09 2017 I can do.
10:10 2016 I can do.
10:12 Was there a second chamber match in 2019?
10:16 Obviously you watching at home, you know the answer, don't you?
10:20 Yeah.
10:21 Pricks.
10:21 I'm going out on a limb and saying that the elimination chamber was the only one that time.
10:30 Unless it was for the women's tag.
10:32 Unless it was for the women's tag.
10:33 Who were women's champions?
10:35 Was that the creation of the belts?
10:37 Because at 35 they defended them and they weren't at 34.
10:41 The boss and hug connection.
10:43 Ding.
10:44 ****.
10:45 Oh, that was close.
10:46 He worked it out, went all the way to the edge, peered over and walked back.
10:50 Oh, I can't be stopped.
10:52 Okay, 2018 is WrestleMania 34, which is the match where the main event was Undertaker and Roman.
10:59 So Roman won the men's elimination.
11:02 Got there in the end.
11:04 Yeah.
11:05 You've got your WrestleManias mixed up a little bit because 34 was Roman and Brock.
11:09 Oh, Roman and Brock.
11:10 I'm sorry.
11:10 Yeah, yeah.
11:11 Okay.
11:11 But regardless, Roman reigns a correct answer for elimination chamber winners.
11:16 33 is when Taker retired.
11:19 2018 is of course...
11:21 Is it 2018?
11:22 That's one bird.
11:22 Yeah.
11:23 2018 was when **** Asuka won the Royal Rumble, didn't she, Tender?
11:26 Calm down.
11:27 Bayley and Sasha Banks, then we go into murky waters, sad little murky waters.
11:32 Oh dear, I'm swimming.
11:32 I'm drowning.
11:33 I'm drowning.
11:34 I can't breathe.
11:35 I can't breathe.
11:36 I can't see.
11:37 I remember on the list was that terrible, hilarious intercontinental elimination chamber,
11:43 but I don't think we're that far back yet.
11:45 What could have possibly been at the chamber in 2018
11:48 that would have necessitated some stuff happening at WrestleMania?
11:51 So is the next one Roman Reigns?
11:53 Ding.
11:56 Hot dog.
11:57 Dog.
11:59 Yes.
12:01 Okay, great, great, great, great, great.
12:03 Okay.
12:03 Thingio Nakamura won that, which means it probably would have been
12:06 something to do with the Universal Championship.
12:09 Roman faced Brock.
12:10 Now, did he win an elimination chamber to get that?
12:12 I don't know.
12:13 Maybe he did.
12:14 So that's, well, park that idea over here.
12:16 So that's Roman Reigns.
12:17 Bank that one, because that could be an answer.
12:19 Where else could there have been?
12:22 Could there have been another tag team one?
12:24 Could there have been a women's one?
12:26 To determine something else.
12:28 Roman?
12:32 Really?
12:32 You're on a roll.
12:34 No.
12:36 Okay, so.
12:37 Uh-oh, now I've got to come over here.
12:40 Was there another one on that show?
12:42 And if there was, who was in it?
12:43 Okay, I'm feeling the table.
12:44 Okay, come on.
12:46 Spirit of wrestling, give me the answers.
12:51 Now it's all guesswork.
12:55 2018 then was Roman Reigns.
12:59 Ding.
13:00 And Alexa Bliss.
13:01 Boom, because it had the Mufasa moment.
13:03 Long live the king.
13:06 Of Sasha just like, f***ing beaning, uh, Bailey off the pod.
13:10 Before they'd eliminated Alexa Bliss, which is f***ing stupid.
13:15 2018 still, that's the first women's elimination chamber match.
13:20 So that's Alexa Bliss.
13:21 Oh, this is hard.
13:24 This is hard.
13:25 That's what she said.
13:26 This is a complete and utter guess.
13:30 Bray Wyatt.
13:31 That is your second strike.
13:32 That might happen.
13:33 I thought that might happen.
13:34 Oh, so it was Bliss and Nia Jax for the women's championship.
13:38 Did Nia Jax win an elimination chamber in order to get that shot of Bliss?
13:42 Or did she just do something on Raw?
13:44 That is an answer I do have.
13:46 Nia Jax.
13:48 That is your third strike.
13:50 Fair enough.
13:50 Well, do you know what?
13:51 I did better than I thought.
13:52 You did quite well.
13:53 Yeah.
13:54 [BEEPING]
13:58 Long as I beat Oli, I'm happy with that.
14:00 Thank you both.
14:00 Get the f*** out.
14:02 This is my last chance.
14:03 Come on, Sullivan.
14:04 Dream.
14:04 Sleep.
14:05 Perchance to dream.
14:07 That's what Hamlet once said.
14:08 And I am like a Danish prince as well.
14:11 Clear your mind, Sally Bobran.
14:13 You know what?
14:14 You know what?
14:14 If I'm going to go out, I'm going to go out.
14:16 Just talk.
14:16 I just need, I just want to talk about that intercontinental, Helen Sel.
14:20 I'm going to go for it.
14:21 I'm going to go for Ryback.
14:22 That is your third strike.
14:23 Oh.
14:24 But that intercontinental elimination chamber was hilarious.
14:32 It's done.
14:32 [BEEP]
14:33 I just love the bit where it all breaks down and Dom Sigler's like,
14:38 all right, you go over there.
14:39 You go over there.
14:41 We're going to do this.
14:42 Shouting at the top of his lungs, Mark, stay there.
14:46 Stay there, Mark.
14:50 Stay there.
14:50 Great. Do you want to do your sign out of telling me to get the [BEEP] out of the room?
14:53 Yeah, get the [BEEP] out.
14:54 It's been a pleasure as always.
14:58 Honestly, Sam, I cannot tell you how much fun this is.
15:01 2017 was going into WrestleMania 33.
15:10 So that's Bray Wyatt.
15:12 Isn't that the WrestleMania with Orton and Wyatt?
15:15 Spooky bug match.
15:16 Yeah, the spooky bug match.
15:17 So that means Bray Wyatt won elimination chamber.
15:21 And I think that that is the only one.
15:25 I think.
15:25 I say this every time.
15:27 Still going.
15:28 No strikes.
15:29 What happened in 2016?
15:31 2016.
15:32 That was the first one with the new design or was that 2017?
15:36 2016.
15:37 I don't think there's an elimination chamber.
15:39 They didn't do the chamber, did they?
15:42 Oh, knobs.
15:46 Which means 2015 is the previous one.
15:49 No more women.
15:50 None of them.
15:51 They had invented women in 2016.
15:53 So it's just men's ones.
15:55 In 2016, the title was around the waist of Triple H and Roman.
16:03 Roman going to Rollins and Dean and AJ.
16:09 I don't remember any elimination chamber matches in here.
16:12 But I might be wrong.
16:15 Sheamus.
16:16 That is your second strike.
16:17 Thought I was so clever with that one.
16:19 There's a match for the vacant Intercontinental, right?
16:22 Which is won by Ryback.
16:23 I had it right, but I got the wrong guy.
16:27 I got the wrong guy.
16:28 Do not make me go out on this man.
16:31 Do not make me go out on this man.
16:33 Ryback.
16:34 I thought Sheamus won that match.
16:37 And the other one then, because that was the main event, I think,
16:40 which means there wouldn't have been a world title one.
16:42 So that must be the other one where there's a tag.
16:45 So that must be New Day.
16:46 Which means that there was also the one with a stupid tag one.
16:49 So New Day.
16:49 This is hard.
16:50 That's what she said.
16:51 You're making it look easy.
16:53 2014.
16:55 So the main event of WrestleMania 30 is obviously Brian, Batista and Orton.
16:59 The elimination chamber match is like another chance for Brian to get into the main event.
17:04 But he gets screwed over and Orton wins.
17:07 Wasn't, he wasn't bold.
17:08 He fought notable brick Alberto Del Rio at 2014.
17:11 Orton.
17:12 Orton.
17:13 The full name of Del Rio is notable brick Alberto Del Rio.
17:16 Correct.
17:17 Canonically.
17:17 He insists upon that title.
17:20 2013.
17:21 Are there two?
17:23 I think there's two in 2013.
17:25 Two matches.
17:26 One for each world championship or is it a challenge for the world championship?
17:32 Jack Swagger.
17:33 2013.
17:34 Unbelievably, it was Jack Swagger.
17:37 So that's one of them.
17:37 So WrestleMania in 2013 is WrestleMania 29,
17:41 which is where Cena ends up facing The Rock.
17:44 What did Triple H do at that WrestleMania in 20,
17:48 WrestleMania 29?
17:50 And what did CM Punk do?
17:52 This is hard.
17:53 That's what she said.
17:55 You can see the gears turning.
17:57 Steam starting to come out of his ears.
17:59 Steamed from the steamed clams we're having.
18:01 I think it's Cena.
18:03 That is incorrect.
18:05 Oh, Tempest.
18:07 Then Triple H.
18:07 That is your second incorrect.
18:10 No.
18:11 No, no, no.
18:12 Oh my God.
18:14 This was going so well.
18:15 This was going so well.
18:16 Oh, no.
18:21 2012 as well.
18:22 2012.
18:24 Oh, 2012.
18:26 They did the double.
18:27 Both retained.
18:28 Who went on last?
18:30 I don't have another guess for it being 2013,
18:33 which must mean it was...
18:35 Was it a one brand only pay-per-view?
18:38 The two for 2012.
18:41 I don't know what order.
18:42 Who went on last?
18:44 Oh, God.
18:45 I know them both.
18:46 It's Punk and Bryan.
18:47 But who went on last?
18:48 Okay, so the two title matches at WrestleMania 28,
18:52 Sheamus and Bryan, which is the 18 seconds,
18:54 whatever it was.
18:54 Punk and Jericho.
18:56 Oh, no.
18:57 Oh, no.
18:58 Oh, no.
18:59 Who main evented?
19:01 But were the elimination matches to be the champions going into that?
19:06 Or were they to be the number one contender?
19:10 How many strikes do I have left, Tempest?
19:12 Just one.
19:12 No!
19:13 Ruined by Ryback.
19:16 One of them is Punk.
19:22 Daniel Bryan.
19:23 That is your third strike.
19:28 Oh!
19:28 This is awful.
19:34 Ding.
19:36 Oh, see ya, Punk.
19:36 Right.
19:37 Okay.
19:38 Okay, so I'm right about 2013, though.
19:40 Yeah, there's only one.
19:41 Is there Swagger in 2013?
19:42 There was only Jack Swagger.
19:44 Okay, so I had it.
19:45 Okay, I'm happy then.
19:47 Because at least I was pretty much right.
19:49 As long as you're happy, Dave.
19:50 Yeah.
19:51 As long as you leave this room happy.
19:53 Like, I have not, I feel like I have not disgraced myself here.
19:57 Not at all.
19:58 Which was my main concern.
19:59 I barely slept last night.
20:01 I was deeply troubled about doing this.
20:03 I think I've shown that I have at least occasionally watched some wrestling.
20:08 You are the most respectable Bradshaw in all of pro wrestling.
20:12 Thanks.
20:13 And this performance has not changed that.
20:15 But I will need you to take off your mic and get the f*** out.
20:19 That's not very nice.
20:20 So tall.
20:23 2011, then.
20:26 I don't know.
20:29 2011 was worst ever won.
20:33 Was it who's going to go on to face The Miz?
20:35 I think so.
20:37 Because The Miz, if I remember rightly, fought Jerry f***ing Lawler at that pay-per-view.
20:42 So I'm going to say John Cena.
20:44 Okay, was there a second one?
20:46 One for the World Heavyweight?
20:47 Who was World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania Edge?
20:51 Did he defend it?
20:52 Inside the Elimination Chamber?
20:55 Edge.
20:57 2010.
20:57 Chris Jericho.
20:59 Never forget you.
21:00 2010.
21:02 Triple H?
21:06 And now I need you to remove your microphone.
21:09 [Groans]
21:12 Triple H, why?
21:13 Before I tell you to get the f*** out, I should also inform you that that is four in a row, sir.
21:24 [Laughs]
21:26 Really?
21:27 I thought I'd lost that one.
21:28 And still your Survival Series Champion.
21:33 From my cold dead hands.
21:37 I might have to take it from him myself.
21:40 Feed me, Tempest.
21:42 I'm ready.
21:44 I taste like Canadian bacon.
21:45 Which isn't ham.
21:48 Bloody hell, step up, boys.
21:51 Now you can get the f*** out.
21:53 Now I'll go.
21:54 Fine.
21:54 I'm keeping the microphone though.
21:57 My prize.
21:58 I think that's going to upset a lot of people.
22:01 You suck.
22:02 Oh, you are f***ing kidding me.
22:05 Tempest, you're a piece of s***.
22:06 Oh my god!
22:08 Hello and welcome back to another edition of Parts Fun Known's Survival Series,
22:14 where our fine lads in the office try and test their wrestling knowledge by naming every s---.
