• 2 years ago
Nas últimas temporadas, especialmente em 2021, o Atlético era destacado na imprensa, para além do mérito esportivo, como detentor de uma das três maiores folhas salariais do Brasil. Em entrevista ao podcast “FALA AE”, do jornalista Lauro Lopes, nesta quarta-feira (13/9), o diretor de futebol Rodrigo Caetano falou sobre o tema.

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/futebol/time/atletico-mg/noticia/2023/09/13/atletico-no-top-3-rodrigo-caetano-responde-sobre-folha-salarial-do-clube/

O No Ataque apurou que a folha salarial do Galo ronda a casa de R$ 14 milhões mensais. A cúpula alvinegra trabalhou para reduzir esse número ao longo de 2023.

Na concepção de Rodrigo Caetano, o Atlético não está mais no top 3 de folhas salariais do futebol brasileiro. De acordo com as projeções do dirigente, o Galo tem hoje, uma das seis maiores folhas de pagamento do país.

“Pelos contatos que eu tenho com vários outros dirigentes, eu não diria que estamos entre as três não. Porque muitas coisas se modificam no decorrer do ano. Vários jogadores nossos saíram. Mas creio eu que, entre os seis, com certeza”, afirmou.

“É difícil mensurar isso. Nós estamos fazendo o certo, que é analisar o nosso orçamento e o gasto/investimento no futebol com todos os encargos. Tem clube que divulga sem os encargos, só a CLT, sem imagem. Nós não. Divulgamos todo o custo do futebol. Mas acho que estamos ali, entre os seis, com certeza”, acrescentou.

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#atlético #rodrigocaetano #alterosaesporte #podcast


00:00 Rodrigo, we see Flamengo with a lot of financial power,
00:05 spending more and more on football.
00:08 Palmeiras continues in this direction.
00:10 We've heard a lot from Bruno Muos,
00:14 and some conversations, for example,
00:16 that have been said a lot in the name of the club,
00:18 about the need for leaflet reduction,
00:20 the need to reorganize financially.
00:24 Especially now that Atlético-ELMA-SAF is,
00:27 besides the football club, a business.
00:29 How to compete with these clubs,
00:34 having to deal with the reduction of the payment sheet?
00:38 I ask, would Atlético-ELMA-SAF look, ideally,
00:43 much more like a Botafogo management,
00:45 without big expenses, more organized,
00:47 than with big expenses like Flamengo and Palmeiras?
00:50 Or not? Is it a management with its own identity?
00:53 Man, let's go.
00:55 It's very difficult to compete with the problem
00:59 that they spend, that they collect.
01:01 I think that the problem of Galo...
01:04 One thing is linked to another.
01:06 Yes, but the problem of Galo has always been the passive.
01:09 And of course it's hard to compare
01:12 the level of collection of Flamengo, for example.
01:15 Not even Palmeiras gets close,
01:17 maybe Corinthians gets closer.
01:19 So, they collect a lot,
01:21 consequently, they reduced their expenses,
01:25 their passive,
01:27 and I spent four years there.
01:30 So I know this restructuring process well.
01:33 I was there,
01:35 and today the bill is simple.
01:38 They collect much more than they spend,
01:40 but much more.
01:42 There are no debts that we have today,
01:45 that consume our collection, with interest, anyway.
01:48 So it's difficult.
01:50 I think that Palmeiras is a club
01:53 that is financially healthy,
01:56 but it's not only because of the collection,
01:59 because it's structured.
02:01 I think that Galo should follow this path,
02:04 to structure itself internally,
02:07 to equate its passive,
02:09 and work on the level of collecting more.
02:12 It's not just about selling players,
02:14 because we could have examples,
02:16 Fluminense, for example,
02:18 a good part, if not almost all,
02:21 of their collection comes from the sale of players,
02:24 that don't even go through the professionals.
02:26 I think that's not the desired model.
02:28 So, this dependence,
02:30 so big, on the sale of players.
02:32 I also, Lauro,
02:34 I don't see Botafogo as the leader of the Brazilian.
02:38 But we can't take them as a model.
02:41 Botafogo doesn't have a training center,
02:45 it's re-adapting, I know the space.
02:49 Botafogo spent,
02:52 because the players don't have,
02:56 maybe, such a big projection,
02:58 but they spent.
02:59 Otherwise, we could bring Diego Costa,
03:01 that we brought in 2021,
03:03 we could bring Chiquinho.
03:05 Otherwise, we wouldn't have bought Chiché.
03:07 Chiché used to play with us here,
03:09 and he was criticized, many times,
03:13 and São Paulo sold him to Botafogo.
03:16 So, I don't start from the beginning,
03:19 because, at least, there he charges
03:21 the same or more than he charged here.
03:23 So, it's not like that.
03:25 It's because he's the champion of the championship,
03:27 with a big advantage.
03:29 But I think it's far from being a model
03:31 ready to be followed.
03:33 I think that Galo
03:35 has to focus, as you said,
03:37 on his own model,
03:38 look at his problems,
03:40 his problems,
03:41 and try to solve them.
03:43 Because then, the leverage comes.
03:45 Today, we're talking about it here,
03:47 Botafogo has a concession
03:51 from Nilton Santos de Migeão.
03:53 Galo didn't. Galo made his stadium.
03:55 So, there are many other ways
03:58 of leverage,
04:00 of collecting more,
04:02 but for that,
04:03 you have to do the homework,
04:05 which is what Bruno Muzi mentioned,
04:07 which is to stack your passive
04:11 once and for all.
04:12 That's why it's becoming necessary.
04:14 That's why I hope it works.
04:16 But look at the other models
04:20 to build your own.
04:22 I think that's what Galo is doing.
04:24 I think that's the way to go.
04:26 Many people comment,
04:28 and I want to know from you,
04:30 that Atlético would have the third largest
04:32 salary sheet in Brazil.
04:33 Does it really happen or not?
04:35 Well, from the contacts I have
04:39 with many other managers,
04:43 I wouldn't say we're among the top three.
04:47 Because many things change
04:50 throughout the year.
04:52 Many of our players left,
04:54 but I think we're among the top six.
04:59 It's hard to measure that.
05:03 There are clubs that put their value...
05:06 We're doing the right thing,
05:08 which is to analyze our budget and expenses,
05:12 our expenses/investments in football,
05:14 with all the commissions.
05:16 There are clubs that disclose without commissions,
05:18 there are clubs that only disclose the salary sheet
05:20 and not the image.
05:21 We don't do that.
05:22 It's all the cost of football.
05:24 But anyway,
05:25 I think we're among the top six,
05:27 for sure.
05:28 (bell dings)
