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00:00 Electric eels have an ability to generate an electric current.
00:04 It's shaped like a normal eel.
00:06 Some electric eels can discharge up to 860 volts,
00:10 instead of the previous recorded 650 volts.
00:14 30 scary moments crocodiles messed with the wrong animal
00:19 and die from 860 volts.
00:22 An electric eel caught the eye of a crocodile.
00:25 Due to being too hungry, the crocodile did not hesitate
00:28 and launched a bite on the prey.
00:31 However, instead of getting a full meal,
00:33 the crocodile was electrocuted by the eel and was unable to move.
00:37 The current doesn't kill the alligator instead,
00:40 but it instantly terrifies the predator.
00:43 When he saw the electric eel lying in the middle of the road,
00:49 a domesticated dog rushed into attack.
00:52 After being hurt by the electric eel,
00:55 this dog had to immediately release it and run away.
00:58 A shark hunts with an electric glider.
01:03 Do you know if such a big shark can defeat an electric eel?
01:07 Although the body is not as good as the opponent's,
01:10 the electric eel still fights back fiercely.
01:13 The electric eel's response doesn't seem to be enough to scare this shark.
01:19 The battle becomes more intense.
01:23 The electric eel uses its skills to attack the opponent.
01:27 It seems that the current is too weak.
01:31 The shark doesn't mind and walks away.
01:34 The octopus was suddenly attacked by a moray eel.
01:39 The clash was very dramatic.
01:43 I do not know what the outcome will be.
01:46 The Komodo dragon slowly approached the electric eel
01:52 that was floating on the stream.
01:54 Not sure if it was a trick of the electric eel or if it was in trouble.
01:58 After a short period of probing for its prey,
02:04 the Komodo dragon dragged the prey onto the rock to see the reaction.
02:08 But it seems that this electric eel has long since ceased to be alive.
02:12 This hunt is too easy for the Komodo dragon
02:18 because it doesn't take any effort to hunt.
02:21 A sumptuous meal was laid out in front of the Komodo dragon.
02:25 It was indeed a blessing.
02:27 After enjoying the meal, the Komodo dragon left.
02:31 The battle between the electric eel and the sea snake.
02:38 Both sides bite and hold onto their opponent and do not want to let go.
02:43 I do not know when they have kept each other like that.
02:47 This time the two opponents are very evenly matched,
02:51 so it is difficult to distinguish the winner.
02:53 In the electric eel, about 5000 to 6000 generators
02:58 can deliver shocks up to 860 volts and currents of up to 1 ampere.
03:03 But in the end the results were clear.
03:06 The sea snake defeated the electric eel,
03:09 probably because the sea snake's venom was too powerful.
03:12 A python is curled around a crocodile.
03:15 When he saw the python slithering through his mouth,
03:19 the crocodile kept biting, but still can beat the python's speed.
03:24 When he saw the crocodile attack him,
03:29 the python returned to the crocodile with a bite in the mouth.
03:32 A precise attack of the crocodile made the python in pain slip away and struggle and run away.
03:42 The jaguar slowly steps closer to the prey.
03:45 Not immediately acting, the jaguar carefully observes.
03:49 When there is a certain distance, the jaguar rushes to the target and attacks accurately.
03:57 Although this hunt was underwater, it could not be difficult for the jaguar.
04:01 Very quickly a caiman was caught on the shore by the jaguar.
04:06 Electric eel tying for fine food.
04:09 After a few rounds of searching, the electric eel also discovered the prey.
04:16 Despite trying to stay inside the cave,
04:20 this unfortunate octopus was still dragged out by the electric eels.
04:24 This octopus struggled with all of its might,
04:30 but the jaguar was able to escape.
04:33 This octopus struggled with all of its might, but no luck happened.
04:37 The three lions discovered something.
04:41 They headed in the same direction together.
04:44 A crocodile was targeted by a lion.
04:49 They surrounded the crocodile so that the crocodile could not escape.
04:53 Seeing the lion surrounding him,
04:59 the crocodile panicked, biting around to prevent the lion from approaching.
05:02 Seeing the crocodile reacting fiercely, the lion did not come too close.
05:07 Gymnothorax undulatis is very careful to approach its prey,
05:12 not to be detected by it.
05:14 Soon the prey is in the mouth of Gymnothorax undulatis.
05:21 Are the scenes and footage from the beginning until now enough to satisfy your eyes?
05:30 Please leave your comments below in the comment section after watching the video.
05:35 The jaguar walks along the river to get close to the prey's position.
05:39 The caiman doesn't know the danger is coming.
05:42 It's still enjoying its delicious meal.
05:44 With the ingenuity and skill available to the jaguar,
05:48 it's very difficult for the prey to detect its appearance.
05:52 When it was discovered, it was too late.
05:56 The jaguar rushed to bite and hold the caiman.
05:59 Although the caiman tried to escape, the jaguar wouldn't let that happen.
06:03 When the lion approached, the crocodile raised its head to be ready to fight.
06:10 The fight quickly took place, and several other lions came to support their brethren.
06:18 The war is very chaotic.
06:20 Quick-witted crocodile ran away from this unfavorable situation.
06:28 The brutal scene of the crocodile.
06:30 Alligator resting on the hippo's territory.
06:34 The hippo doesn't seem to like this.
06:36 He comes over and teases the crocodile.
06:39 Surely it's not simply tumbling,
06:43 as the hippopotamus is constantly following the crocodile's back.
06:47 Perhaps it has a different purpose.
06:49 Tried to dodge to cut the hippo's tail, but it couldn't.
06:56 Knowing that I'm not the opponent of the hippo to the crocodile,
07:00 I do not hesitate to attack first.
07:03 After a while, the hippopotamus attacked and tried to drown the crocodile.
07:11 But fortunately, the crocodile avoided it.
07:14 The clash between the three lions and the crocodile.
07:21 With the difference in the number of lions, very confidently rushed to attack.
07:25 Losing in numbers and not having the same advantages in the water,
07:30 what will crocodiles do next?
07:32 Not afraid of the crocodile, still stubbornly attacked by three lions.
07:38 Will victory belong to the lions or the crocodiles?
07:44 This is not yet confirmed.
07:49 The tiger used all of his strength to bite the crocodile.
07:52 The crocodile struggled in vain as the tiger climbed on the crocodile's body to attack.
07:57 Let's guess the result together.
08:00 When being bitten by the caiman,
08:03 the python used its large and strong body to squeeze the caiman.
08:07 They all have different advantages and ways of fighting.
08:12 The python will squeeze the prey and the crocodile will attack.
08:16 The python will squeeze the prey until the prey is suffocated and no longer alive.
08:22 The prolonged war will be more and more unfavorable for the caiman.
08:27 Who do you think is the winner?
08:29 After meeting on the shore, these two crocodiles plunged into a fierce battle with each other.
08:37 The reason is that they want to fight for territory.
08:42 After a few seconds of fierce biting, these two crocodiles fell into the water.
08:47 Without stopping, they continued to bite each other.
08:50 The two crocodiles are still fiercely fighting,
08:54 but they don't want to give up and they want to decide victory or defeat to the end.
08:58 After fighting for so long, they got tired and both of them left.
09:03 Caiman was lying in the sun on the mound,
09:06 when a jaguar emerged from the water and rushed to bite at the caiman.
09:11 Being attacked by surprise, the caiman panicked and struggled to run into the water,
09:15 but was still held by the jaguar.
09:18 The cloud lizard was lying in the nest to incubate its eggs, when the caiman approached.
09:24 When seeing the caiman rushing in, the cloud lizard tried to stop the caiman from going inside.
09:30 When he couldn't stop it, the cloud lizard rushed in to attack the caiman.
09:34 Biting on the mouth and biting on the tail of the caiman made it jump back painfully.
09:41 After a while of fighting, the caiman also lay motionless at the feet of the cloud iguana.
09:46 A herd of lions is surrounding the crocodile.
09:50 Although the number is larger, they are still very careful not to attack their prey.
09:55 Maybe it's because the crocodile's ferocity in the lions has not yet attacked half.
10:00 When seeing the lion rushing in, the lion rushed to help.
10:07 The crocodile panicked and took a bite and quickly ran into the swamp.
10:11 These are scenes that are very difficult for us to come across often.
10:19 Giant pythons are very easy to swallow a baby crocodile in the stomach.
10:26 Seeing the appearance of the python, the crocodile quickly ran away.
10:35 With a large and strong body, even though the prey is an adult crocodile,
10:40 the python still eagerly squeezes it until it's motionless.
10:44 The ratten's nest has been targeted by the caiman.
10:52 It's trying to run the ratten's nest.
10:54 Very quickly it rushes into the nest without fear.
10:57 Seeing the caiman rush in, the ratten panicked and ran out.
11:04 After keeping calm, the cloud salamander returned.
11:07 The caiman saw the ratten and immediately rushed to attack, making the iguana helpless to leave.
11:14 Thank you for watching until the end of the video.
11:17 I hope my video is enough to meet what you're looking for.
11:20 We always listen and absorb your suggestions to improve the content of our channel.
11:25 If you find it interesting, please subscribe and comment below my video.
11:30 video.
