Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty is a Telugu comedy, drama movie directed by Mahesh Babu P. The movie casts Anushka Shetty, Naveen Polishetty, jayasudha, Murali Sharama in the main lead roles along with Rohini, Bhadram, Tulasi Shivamani, Harsha Vardhan, Nassar and many others have seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by Rathan while the cinematography was done by Nirav Shah| మిస్ శెట్టి మిస్టర్ పొలిశెట్టి సినిమా కామెడీ, డ్రామా ఎంటర్టైనర్ చిత్రం ఇందులో నవీన్ పొలిశెట్టి, అనుష్క శెట్టి తదితరులు నటిస్తున్నారు. యంగ్ డైరెక్టర్ మహేష్ P దర్శకత్వం వహించారు.
00:00 Naga Ashwin, do you see any change in Naveen?
00:07 Is he changed?
00:10 Naveen?
00:13 Actually, it is a highlight to give the last nod to me.
00:22 Normally, I feel uncomfortable when I give the last nod to the director.
00:28 But, when I came as a guest, I felt like giving the last nod.
00:31 So, I thought of giving the last nod to the director.
00:35 I went to the movie with my family for the first weekend.
00:40 I saw the trailer and it was good.
00:44 I don't know how the movie will be.
00:48 I thought it will be good.
00:51 It was so much better. My parents and family were laughing non-stop.
00:58 So, it is just a testament for how hard the team worked.
01:03 Good luck to everyone. I mean congratulations.
01:06 Congratulations to Mahesh, Yuvi, Naveen, Anushka and the whole team.
01:12 Because, everyone involved in this movie, you know, there is such a good vibe.
01:17 Everybody wants only success for them.
01:20 They work so hard for their movie.
01:23 Whether it is Yuvi's creation or everyone involved.
01:27 So, congratulations first.
01:29 And, how Naveen changed...
01:32 I thought of Naveen when I saw him in AV.
01:35 Actually, when I saw him for the first time,
01:38 I was in AD and I took an audition from Shekhar Kamala.
01:43 Naveen was giving the audition.
01:45 So, I was invited as a guest to Naveen's success meet.
01:50 What a circle it was!
01:52 It was like...
01:54 It was...
01:56 When we had time, we both were just...
01:58 Naveen was improvising.
02:00 I was giving directions when I was an assistant director.
02:03 We used to have a good time.
02:06 So, it is always rooting for this guy.
02:11 When this guy went to Bombay and when the agent came,
02:16 I think the shooting started.
02:19 I don't know.
02:20 I told Andeep, "Boss, if you make this movie, let me tell Naveen first."
02:23 So, after Jathi success...
02:26 And, this movie...
02:28 You must have seen the movie promotions.
02:31 How he put it up on his shoulders and how he took it to the public.
02:36 And, just super happy, proud to be here.
02:40 And, congrats Naveen.
02:41 Congrats, you deserve it.
02:43 And, Naveen's comedy...
02:46 I mean...
02:48 Is it for the project?
02:50 I am running Project P in Polisetti.
02:53 Project Polisetti.
02:54 I came to Polisetti.
02:56 So, Naveen...
02:57 I wanted to tell you about the audios of those festivals.
03:00 But, I forget about my worries and problems.
03:03 So, I will tell you two years later.
03:05 We think comedy is Naveen's strong point.
03:08 He has made us cry with his comedy and emotions.
03:12 I feel Naveen is such a good actor that I think...
03:16 If somebody gives him an action role, if somebody gives him a villain role...
03:20 If somebody gives him any role, he will make you believe it.
03:22 So, I am looking forward for him doing different stuff.
03:25 That's it.
03:26 Looking forward.