• il y a 2 ans


00:00 The Jetsons/Charlton Issue #16.
00:03 Astro makes it clear he's got a crush on a dog named Fifi on a commercial.
00:08 I wonder why Elroy has to tell George this if it's already happened a few times.
00:14 And then I remember Elroy goes to school for such a short amount of time a day that he's back at home by lunch,
00:20 so he'd be home longer than George is.
00:22 Enough to see Astro's reaction to the TV a bunch.
00:26 The second panel was a waste of time if you don't find it funny to look at.
00:30 Somehow George thinks it's just a coincidence instead of believing Elroy,
00:35 and he says he has to get someone's signature on a contract for gears.
00:39 And it's such a huge coincidence that he'll see Fifi because of it.
00:44 Since Astro can understand English, he insists on coming along.
00:49 And George drives all the way over there and lands the car on another planet.
00:54 Not that you can tell.
00:56 The jerk owner of Fifi insists on insulting Astro.
01:00 Why did he say his dog would never associate with a common dog when it's obvious he's wrong?
01:06 And that a dog would never know the difference.
01:10 I'd say he was handed the conflict ball, but for all I know he's always like a jerk.
01:15 The dogs run away and he tells George to go after them.
01:19 He shouldn't have to tell him more than once.
01:22 And he has no reason to think anything would happen to Fifi because of a dog that clearly likes her.
01:27 George grabs Astro's tail and falls in the mud for comedy relief.
01:32 He drives away with him.
01:33 And the story ends with some confusing dialogue from George.
01:37 He says that the guy with the silly name mailed him the signed contracts,
01:41 and Fifi sent Astro a big bone because Fifi wouldn't do the commercials unless he let her and Astro be friends.
01:49 Which he figured out.
01:51 Even though it was somehow stupid enough to think she was crying because Astro was troubling her.
01:56 In the next story, George comes home mad at Rosie for being in his chair,
02:00 and Jane wants to help him because he's tired.
02:03 A toy plane hits George,
02:06 and Rosie has the gall to tell him to be quiet because she's trying to read the newspaper.
02:11 Jane defends her anyways because she's been working hard all day,
02:15 although that clearly doesn't justify the maid acting like that.
02:20 And she says the family needs a vacation because the whole family's been working hard.
02:24 George compliments her idea,
02:27 and I don't blame him for wanting a vacation without Rosie with her bad behavior.
02:31 But it should be obvious the family would have a harder time living without her,
02:35 unless the place she's planning to vacation at will have people clean up and cook for them.
02:40 She's got no reason to accuse him of saying he doesn't mean that.
02:44 He insists to Rosie that he wants his chair,
02:48 and Jane finally defends him even if she doesn't respect him.
02:51 It wouldn't be so bad if we were shown another chair in front of the TV.
02:55 There should be other chairs because I saw them in previous stories.
03:00 But this comic doesn't have continuity, so it looks like he'd be expected to sit on the floor.
03:05 She falls into him, and somehow nobody asks him if he's okay, all worried about him,
03:10 because something heavy and made of metal crashed into him.
03:14 I like that instead of Rosie complaining about him not wanting her on a vacation,
03:19 which the maid normally wouldn't get entitled to anyways,
03:22 she just says she'll get dinner.
03:24 The family acts sad for a few panels.
03:26 George tells him off in a way that makes me wonder why he still thinks of her as just a piece of machinery,
03:31 and Astro bites him,
03:33 because it's just a cartoon where he can get away with it,
03:36 despite having human intelligence.
03:38 I doubt Jane would refer to Rosie's eyes as visual sensors just because she's a robot,
03:44 when that's not how the phrase goes.
03:46 The next morning, George says he closed down Rosie's circuits and removed her power cells,
03:52 so she won't know they even left.
03:54 Then how is she crying?
03:57 I get why the writer's trying to make us feel sorry for Rosie,
04:00 but I don't know what he was thinking, having her act antagonistically to George at the start,
04:04 if we were supposed to think she deserves to go with them.
04:07 Finally, the story makes it clear why George made a mistake,
04:11 because Jane tells him to unfold lawn chairs.
04:15 Thankfully, it's explained why Jane never does it,
04:17 because George can't and ends up trapped.
04:20 I have to admit, it is charming to see Astro smiling at this while he's told it isn't that funny.
04:26 George is told to start the fire for their barbecue because Rosie always did it before,
04:31 and he gets overwhelmed by the smoke.
04:33 There's no reason he'd ask Jane what she did to the steaks when he started the fire.
04:38 She punished them by telling him to do the dishes.
04:42 But she would have made him do that anyways.
04:44 The next morning, the family's happy to hear Rosie
04:48 because George woke her up and got her here because she needs a vacation too.
04:52 But how's it a vacation if she's just gonna be doing all the same work for them that she always does?
04:57 I guess she really likes to be with the family because she isn't pointing this out.
05:01 In the next story, it's called "Some Toys Revenge",
05:05 so at least for once it's honest about the fact that he's gonna do something sociopathic on purpose,
05:11 because usually he does something to inconvenience George and that isn't confirmed.
05:15 George was mad about the TV breaking down when he wanted to watch a football game.
05:19 I really hate that he's written to tell Elrie to stop pretending Som's playing with them,
05:24 and then wish she would stop that nonsense about him.
05:26 I wonder if it's the same writer who did this in issue 2,
05:30 as it's blatantly obvious that he knows Som exists.
05:33 He would have heard him walk around and sit down behind him before the first panel.
05:38 Elrie says Som doesn't want George to see him.
05:41 Som uses his magic powers to jump into the TV without breaking it,
05:46 and brags about the fact that he fixed it.
05:48 If all Elrie has to do to wake George is tell him to wake up,
05:52 there's no excuse for him saying that the TV started working by itself
05:56 when Som just said he fixed it in front of him.
05:59 The story ends with the football getting thrown out of the TV and at his head.
06:03 That's his only revenge.
06:06 I know it hurt, but that's lame for a story with that title.
06:09 Why did he want to get back at him for not believing he exists
06:12 and being mean to Elrie about him when he doesn't want him to see him for no reason?
06:17 The story comes off like he didn't have this happen on purpose.
06:21 He really had no reason to think that three-dimensional TV would be better.
06:26 So he must have.
06:28 After the previous story, it's almost cathartic that golf clubs fall out of the closet on him.
06:33 George doesn't like Rosie vacuuming up his trout flies,
06:36 which he dismisses as weird junk,
06:39 and he doesn't explain why they're valuable.
06:41 He somehow takes the risk of hitting a robot, damaging his golf club in the process.
06:46 Naturally, Jane tells him off for it,
06:49 but for the wrong reason, that Rosie's a lady.
06:51 Since she's a robot completely unharmed by that,
06:55 it's not really crossing the line that he did this
06:57 because he wouldn't treat a normal maid like that.
07:00 Once again, we have the story where he tries to get rid of Rosie
07:03 when he should know his family's gonna be sad about it
07:05 and tantrum him into getting her back.
07:07 This time, he shouldn't have left his junk lying around on the floor
07:11 when he should have known she'd end up vacuuming it.
07:13 And he also could have avoided this by telling her what the trout flies were ahead of time.
07:18 And he wouldn't have had stuff from a closet fall on him
07:21 if she warned him ahead of time not to open it.
07:24 But if she thought it was a good idea to overstuff the closet that much and close the door,
07:30 she didn't think ahead in the first place.
07:31 So she really did do something incompetent in this story
07:35 by not thinking to stuff half of this stuff in a different closet
07:38 or at least put it right next to it.
07:40 What if George got really hurt?
07:42 Maybe he might have in real life.
07:44 So that should have been written to make it look like he wasn't a total straw man here.
07:48 And when your arguments can't even stand up to straw man, there's a problem
07:53 because he's once again being provoked into this.
07:56 He tells the robot control department's representative
08:00 that he wants a male robot replacement.
08:02 Some people go to his house,
08:04 and Rosie has no reason to turn it back to him to make it easy for her to be turned off.
08:09 So I have to assume she's just hard-programmed to act like this
08:12 to make it easy for anyone who wants to repair or retrieve her,
08:15 regardless of how opposed she is to it.
08:18 Why is it the stupid butler robot from the 60s comic again?
08:23 Was he in the show?
08:23 He looks like the same one.
08:26 And it's annoying because it makes it even more predictable that he's gonna suck.
08:29 Surprisingly, he isn't about forcing upper-class snobby things on the family this time.
08:35 Instead, he says he's not programmed for dishwashing and window cleaning
08:39 just because those are female chores, even though it's the future.
08:42 What George obviously should have done instead was order a male maid bunt,
08:47 but apparently those don't exist
08:49 because that kind of general is still popular in the future.
08:52 He should have known he'd have to order a new maid bunt.
08:56 It comes out of nowhere that he insists on getting a male robot
09:00 as if Rosie's gender was the problem when it wasn't,
09:02 unless she thought that her being female was why she can get away with anything.
09:07 But I always had the impression that she thought that
09:09 because the family's dependent on her and freaks out when a job is at stake.
09:12 It's not like he always wants to try to hurt the maid.
09:17 And he should know that he wouldn't get away with it anyways.
09:20 So because Isamu thought hiring a butler instead of a maid
09:24 wouldn't permanently put him in the doghouse with his family,
09:26 he gets served to vitamin cocktail by him while Jane and Judy are being useful for once.
09:32 Jane's washing the window that's colored like a wall anyways, and Judy's vacuuming.
09:38 I'm supposed to hate this, but I actually like that they're being productive.
09:42 And Judy says the steak from Horace was too rare.
09:45 And even though it's the future, Judy says a sexist remark as if all men overcook meat,
09:52 which is confusing because chefs are usually men and he's a chef.
09:56 Somehow, because apparently that wasn't designated as a female chore,
10:01 despite how Judy talks here.
10:02 He invites some robot friends to his house,
10:06 and George gets annoyed at him playing poker at the table.
10:08 George complains about them smoking his best cigars and drinking the imported brandy.
10:14 Suddenly it's like Futurama where the robots smoke despite nicotine doing nothing for them,
10:19 just because they want to look cool.
10:21 Which is what Bender said, but they don't explain it, making it look arbitrary.
10:26 You'd think a butler robot would be programmed to never do this without permission.
10:30 Antonin explains that the robots drink alcohol for fuel like in Futurama,
10:36 but that has to be the case.
10:37 Or they want to drink it at all because it damaged them.
10:40 And this has the fact that George drinks brandy come out of nowhere.
10:45 He was shown to smoke one time in the 60s comic though.
10:49 Are they not allowed to show it if it's not mandatory for the plot?
10:52 Then why are they allowed to reference it?
10:54 He says his butler won't listen to him either.
10:58 Wasn't a program to never be like this.
11:01 There's no reason robot servants would have that amount of free will.
11:06 It defeats the purpose of going through all the trouble of producing them.
11:10 Jane says Rosie would know what to do if she were here, and he wishes she was.
11:15 So she rushes into the room and Horace leads with her chasing him.
11:19 Jane says that off screen she told the delivery men to leave Rosie here
11:23 until they were sure they wanted Horace.
11:25 So all she had to do was reactivate her off screen.
11:29 It's disappointing that we don't see Rosie do anything against Horace,
11:34 like throw something at him.
11:35 But it could have been worse.
11:36 In the next story, it's ridiculously forced right away that Judy's new boyfriend
11:41 would have his hair completely covering his face, and we never see it.
11:44 She went to date him because he doesn't look good at all.
11:49 They're dancing to a record, and George thinks it's too loud.
11:51 And Judy tells Hubert to turn it off.
11:54 Hubert's unsympathetically saying he's out of date,
11:58 even though you wouldn't have to think that to hate music being too loud.
12:02 He's got every reason to tell him to go home because it's after 11,
12:06 so they should be sleeping.
12:07 Somehow, Hubert asks if he's trying to tell him something.
12:11 George tells him to comb his hair, as if that would fix his problem.
12:16 He treats George like he's ignorant,
12:19 somehow expecting me to believe that anyone other than him
12:22 is going for the cousin-it hairstyle.
12:24 So it's satisfying when George kicks him out of the house.
12:28 Too bad there's a flash of light censoring it,
12:30 when the artist would know we don't want that.
12:32 Jane's a horrible wife by picking a fight with George for this when it was past 11.
12:38 So no parent would be okay with that.
12:40 He says she doesn't even know what he really looks like.
12:44 I wish it said that he can't drive a car with that hair,
12:47 making him have to rely on others to drive for him.
12:49 So that'd be a great argument for why he shouldn't marry Judy later.
12:53 Judy acts completely melodramatic saying that her life is ruined
12:57 and she'll never look at another man and she'll be a hermit,
13:00 when he clearly had every reason to kick him out for overseeing his welcome
13:04 and being rude to him.
13:05 Judy's nice to Hubert over the video phone and tells him to get his hair cut.
13:10 She says she loves him twice, thankful that he actually agreed.
13:14 It turns out he's not good looking enough for her because he's got a long pointy nose.
13:19 And that's it.
13:20 Otherwise he's one of the best looking guys she's dated so far.
13:25 How does he think he's glorious looking?
13:27 He would have been teased for his nose his whole life.
13:30 And that could have been why he grew out his hair in the first place.
13:34 So she looks shallow and unsympathetic for kicking him out.
13:39 You'd think she would have made sure to find out what his face looked like
13:42 a lot earlier and avoided the plot.
13:44 Who wouldn't?
13:45 In the next story, George gets overwhelmed by Jane and Rosie
13:50 telling him that they need a new vacuum and automatic meal-o-matic
13:53 and says they should stop wasting money.
13:56 He says they won't buy any more new appliances
13:59 and he's gonna fix anything that breaks from now on.
14:01 Oh boy, another story where the writer doesn't know he's good at fixing things.
14:06 Of course he screws up.
14:08 And I wish he just cut to that point right away to save on time.
14:12 If he says he's always been handy with tools
14:15 and wanted to be an adventurous boy,
14:17 there's no excuse for him sucking at this.
14:19 I'd expect him to be fixing all of his appliances anyways
14:23 if he can fix a futuristic car in a food-o-matic.
14:26 The story ends with George calling appliance repair while under the bed.
14:30 That sucked.
14:32 George frustratingly interrupts Elroy while bragging
14:36 that his old car can still drive fast
14:39 and then a traffic cop catches up to them.
14:42 There's a complete miracle
14:44 because he decides not to give him a ticket
14:47 purely because he's in a good mood
14:48 when it doesn't look like he is.
14:50 It's satisfying that after all of the tension that the traffic cop caused
14:56 and all the different times they were paying the neck in the series
14:58 that he says,
15:00 "Give some people a little authority and it goes to their heads."
15:02 But it only went to his head in the sense that he abused his authority
15:06 by not ticketing someone just because he felt like it.
15:09 It's too obvious he's gonna get in trouble anyways
15:12 because there's a page left in this.
15:14 George rants while driving away
15:16 and somehow he starts speeding again
15:18 as he rants that he should have reported him
15:20 which doesn't make sense for him to say
15:23 because he benefited from him not acting properly.
15:26 Elroy points and somehow George tells him it's rude to point
15:30 rather than looking in his direction like anyone would
15:34 and says he's rude like that idiot who tried to tell him how to drive.
15:38 It's confusing that the traffic cop says this is just a warning
15:42 when he's writing him a ticket anyways
15:44 and somehow the ticket's for talking too much.
15:48 The Jetsons, Trial 10, Issue 17.
15:50 George notices all the noise Rosie's making.
15:54 She falls on her back
15:56 and somehow he thinks she's trying to get out of work
15:59 despite all the noise
16:00 and the fact that she breaks down constantly.
16:04 At least the writer sort of justifies it
16:07 because he thinks she wants a robot doctor she's in love with to visit her
16:12 even if that doesn't explain it.
16:13 I guess he only thinks the robot doctor's a quack
16:16 because he's a robot
16:18 and you think he wouldn't think poorly of robots
16:21 when nobody else does.
16:22 Jane tells him to stop picking on her
16:25 and says Rosie has good taste in men
16:28 tells him to be nice to the doctor
16:30 who puts a stethoscope on her chest
16:32 and says she has pain.
16:34 Maybe George is just in denial
16:36 because he doesn't want to believe she's got a problem
16:38 that he'll have to pay for again.
16:40 He sets the dials of his scanner to try to see where it is
16:45 and for some reason he says it doesn't come out right.
16:48 He hits her chest with a hammer
16:51 so George was actually right that he's a quack.
16:54 That's shocking but it's a pleasant surprise
16:57 that he wasn't a totally wrong straw man.
16:59 Rosie says like the doctor thought
17:02 that her pain's in her head
17:04 and somehow he thinks acupuncture will work on a robot
17:08 despite her metal skin.
17:09 He tells George to hold what Rosie doesn't recognize
17:14 as a needle tight while he swings a hammer.
17:16 Why is there a panel of just sound effects
17:20 censoring the slapstick
17:21 when we already saw the slapstick
17:23 even if it was censored by light anyways?
17:26 The doctor says Rosie's as good as new
17:29 hands George the check while thanking him for calling him
17:33 says she's fine
17:35 and when Rosie complains to George
17:38 that she's in pain again, he cries.
17:40 So he hits his robot patients with a hammer
17:43 to get more visits and money out of them.
17:45 This was supposed to be the ideal future of Earth.
17:49 There's no point making it stereotypical instead.
17:51 In the next story, George sees Rosie try to hypnotize herself
17:56 into getting sleepy just by talking to herself in the mirror
17:59 because she's very naive.
18:01 Being a robot is probably only a few years old.
18:05 George says a sleeping pill would work faster
18:09 which makes no sense because she's a robot.
18:11 Then he somehow thinks hitting a robot with a bat
18:15 would help her go to sleep
18:17 and thinks she'd be okay with it.
18:18 She tells him she's taking a hypnosis course
18:22 and needs a subject.
18:24 He laughs at her idea
18:25 which you'd think he'd have done in the second panel
18:28 and Jane somehow sides with Rosie
18:30 because she thinks her failing to hypnotize them
18:33 or successfully doing it and humiliating them
18:36 would be fun.
18:37 Even if she succeeds,
18:40 why try to teach your maid to have that kind of power over you?
18:43 Why does she oppose George at every opportunity
18:46 when it doesn't make her look compatible with him?
18:48 It should have been Judy who had this position all the time.
18:51 Then she'd have a personality besides just being boy crazy.
18:56 Rosie tells them they're getting sleepy
18:58 and are going way back in time
18:59 and somehow they fall into the sand
19:02 and are frightened by being sent somewhere new.
19:05 Somehow instead of assuming they're dreaming right away
19:09 because of Rosie's impossible success,
19:11 they take this too seriously
19:14 and of course they meet Fred Flintstone for the first time.
19:18 This is the most ill-thought-out excuse for them to meet ever
19:22 but at least it's creative
19:24 so it might have taken a lot of thought in that sense.
19:26 I just remembered Fred is a jerk
19:28 so it's confusing that he's so nice to them on sight.
19:31 He assumes they're going to a costume party.
19:33 Then he acts two-faced by telling his wife they're weirdos behind their backs
19:38 because he doesn't believe them about them being from the future
19:41 but at least he plans to be nice to them
19:44 and give them a tour of Bedrock anyways.
19:46 George wishes the seats of Fred's car were comfortable to sit on
19:52 and unfortunately they end up running from dinosaurs
19:55 without George asking how that's even possible
19:57 which doesn't take advantage of him being from the future where people know better.
20:02 I have to assume the dinosaurs are really genetically engineered
20:06 and brought back wrong by scientists to make for a zoo
20:09 because not only would they not survive on our oxygen levels
20:12 but they're supposed to have feathers and don't.
20:14 George gets picked up and carried by a giant bird
20:17 and dropped on some unexplained fire.
20:20 The fact that it's not explained makes it needlessly cruel.
20:23 You'd think that all of the most dangerous animals such as these
20:27 would have been constant victims of hunters
20:29 wanting to make sure this wouldn't happen anymore.
20:31 A pet tiger pulls Barney along by a leash in its mouth
20:36 as they wonder when Barney got a pet tiger.
20:39 Something incredibly stupid of him to trust.
20:41 Ellie's friend invites George to go bowling.
20:44 Rosie calls Tom about what she did.
20:47 I'm thankful to see her interact with him for the first time.
20:51 He turns some dials as if he had already made a machine
20:54 just in case this would happen to them.
20:57 And George and Jane warp back.
20:59 They both wonder why they're thinking about the caveman days
21:04 and don't know where the stone bowling ball came from
21:06 because amnesia is a part of the warping process.
21:09 George throws the thing and shockingly
21:12 someone asks his wife Wilma where his bowling ball is below George
21:17 and gets hurt by it.
21:18 So this writer actually had the guts to make the fan theory
21:22 about them being from the same time period canon.
21:24 Why else would he say this?
21:26 Fred did say they were saying they're from the 2070s
21:30 as if they aren't really from that.
21:32 But different countries can have different calendars.
21:36 And since when is there a cloud there?
21:38 You'd think if Rosie hypnotized them to go back in time
21:42 they would have only thought they went back in time.
21:44 Not brought a bowling ball with them.
21:47 That being sent to where they were
21:48 made it look like they were actually sent back in time.
21:51 But this proves they weren't.
21:53 So then Rosie had reality warping powers
21:56 because she read a hypnosis book somehow.
21:59 Because I guess it was a book created by a witch
22:01 whose powers rubbed off on it.
22:04 And you'd think her reality powers
22:05 would have literally sent them back in time.
22:07 But instead her magical book disobeyed her and lazied out
22:11 by simply sending the two to the surface of the planet
22:14 because it looks like a more primitive time.
22:17 And I don't get why it even thought to scan the planet
22:19 in the present day for a place like the past.
22:21 How would magic ever work properly
22:23 if it can disobey its user to try to save on magic use?
22:26 I really don't see the point of writing The Flintstones
22:30 without explaining once
22:31 why there's dinosaurs and humans coexisting.
22:33 Because that's like not explaining
22:35 why the main characters of a show
22:38 don't need air to live when they live in space.
22:40 At least it sort of subtly explained it
22:43 because the final panel outright confirms
22:45 that Fred lives in the same time period as George.
22:48 Meaning that the dinosaurs could have been made by scientists.
22:50 But I'd rather be confirmed than implied.
22:53 And it doesn't explain why the surface people
22:55 have cars like this just because they're less wealthy.
22:58 In the next story, Elroy tells Astro
23:01 it's nice of him to walk him home
23:02 and calls him a real pal.
23:04 So this is the first time he ever did this.
23:07 What prompted that?
23:08 Guess he just got him.
23:11 Elroy wants to take the long way home
23:13 because he's expected to take a note from the teacher to his mother.
23:16 Why would he call her mother?
23:17 Jane tells him off and expects an excuse
23:21 from not doing his homework.
23:22 Elroy said he did his homework
23:24 but she makes him leave the house so early
23:26 and he doesn't want to be the first one at school
23:29 so he plays on the way.
23:30 He made a space plane out of it
23:32 and someone hijacked it.
23:34 He means someone stole it after it landed.
23:37 Someone hijacking it would be impossible.
23:40 In the next story, Jane compliments Judy's outfit.
23:43 George kisses Judy's cheek and compliments her dress
23:46 and hopes she'll have a nice time with her boyfriend.
23:48 As I'm glad the comic lets her have a new outfit.
23:52 At least I hope it's new
23:53 because it'd be lame if it looked like the dress she always wears.
23:57 She thanks him.
23:58 And after padding,
23:59 they're shocked to see how tall her boyfriend Melvin is.
24:02 George wants him to tell him about some of his basketball games.
24:06 And even though he says it was great to meet him,
24:09 he's got neck pain from looking up at him so much.
24:11 If this isn't realistic, it's insulting to tall people.
24:16 In the next story, Jane tells George judgmentally
24:18 that he does nothing but watch TV on his days off.
24:21 And eventually realizes how hypocritical she is
24:24 because she does nothing most of the time.
24:26 So why doesn't he call her out on it?
24:29 It's also not very fair of her
24:31 because she can't think of anything for him to do.
24:33 So she should be assuming he's got a right to relax
24:36 when they've got a maid.
24:38 George says he only works two days a week in this computerized age,
24:42 so there's nothing for him to do.
24:44 That applied to the house too with all of its machines.
24:48 She tells him he should find something to do
24:50 without an argument for why,
24:52 making it look mean to her own husband
24:53 when this applies to her.
24:55 And she warns him that eating too much is getting him to gain weight.
24:58 Which is true.
25:00 I'm proud of him when he actually asks Rosie
25:02 if she'd mind him helping her with her work.
25:06 Now I hope he won't be clumsy and break things while doing it again.
25:09 Naturally, she says she doesn't want him messing things up.
25:12 I only say naturally because of one of the earlier stories proving her right.
25:16 Because normally a maid would agree to it.
25:19 She says she'd only have to do everything over again.
25:22 He's once again overly harsh with her
25:25 because he's got a bad temper with her
25:27 and finds her a juicing machine.
25:29 So he assumes it's for losing weight.
25:31 And I have to assume some maid does, if not Elroy,
25:34 because it's got no explanation.
25:36 He better have one.
25:37 That should be the first thing done.
25:39 He gets drunken, of course.
25:41 Nearly avoids getting crushed.
25:42 But it isn't interesting because I don't know what he was nearly crushed by.
25:46 There is something I can really compliment
25:49 and that's more realistic than a lot of plots like this.
25:51 Like the one on G-Sonic.
25:53 Because his voice isn't strong enough for anyone to hear it.
25:56 And he can't cause Rosie any pain by kicking her.
25:59 And he says she's got no feeling.
26:02 Which doesn't make sense because she's complained about pain to a robot doctor.
26:06 So it really is because he's small.
26:09 Astro tries to kill him
26:11 when obviously he'd recognize him
26:13 because he'd have the same appearance and scent.
26:15 George loses his temper with him.
26:17 Which is so cringe-worthy to see
26:20 because he's his pet dog and he didn't have to.
26:23 But he probably thought he had to defend himself
26:25 to get him to stop trying to kill him.
26:27 Somehow Rosie thinks he's a bug and vacuums him up.
26:32 It'd be too dark if it was confirmed that they know it's George
26:35 and are jumping at a lame excuse to kill him.
26:37 So there is no excuse.
26:39 George sneezes and she hears it.
26:42 And she hears it again.
26:43 So those two panels were wasted.
26:45 She frees him and Elroy returns him to normal
26:48 and says someone had invented the machine.
26:50 Him saying "some toy" makes it clear how redundant it is
26:54 for some to be good with gadgets.
26:56 Elroy almost never gets his time to shine as inventor in the comics.
27:01 So I'm still assuming that some did all the work.
27:03 George says he's got an idea for a machine because of Elroy.
27:08 Elroy says he knows a lot about electronics.
27:11 But that doesn't really help
27:13 because he doesn't explain that he did have to work on this.
27:15 So in the context of the comic, it comes out of nowhere.
27:20 The story ends with George planning to make a spanking machine.
27:23 Another deity of the comic.
27:25 When there already was one in a page in the 60s comic.
27:29 So why doesn't it exist?
27:31 The first story is Astro insists on going along with George like a human
27:36 to the owner of his favorite dog from a commercial.
27:39 Who George miraculously has to sign a business contract with.
27:43 And Astro runs away with his dog who conveniently for him likes him on first sight.
27:48 Which annoys the business owner because he's a snob.
27:52 So George has to run after Astro.
27:55 And the final panel is George says stuff to explain how goddamn happy ending
27:59 because there wasn't enough space to show VB refusing to do a commercial.
28:03 And her owner finally saying a humor since it wasted too many of its panels.
28:09 George having to drive a flying car in outer space to get to that guy's house
28:14 is the only thing that made it sci-fi.
28:15 And it wasn't necessary for the plot
28:18 because he might as well have had a house on Earth.
28:21 The plot was too predictable and lazy right away.
28:24 With it immediately boring me with its cliche premise.
28:27 The second story is about Rosie provoking George into not wanting her on a vacation
28:32 because she sat in his chair and didn't care that he got hurt.
28:35 So once again there's a story where Rosie's the karma Houdini
28:39 and George goes overboard despite her.
28:41 Which doesn't mean she should have no punishment for being out of line in the first place.
28:45 It's a mundane plot where George can't replace Rosie go figure.
28:50 And his family should have told him that ahead of time.
28:52 But he wouldn't have listened and avoided the plot
28:55 because he thought he would be able to unfold a lawn chair and use a barbecue.
28:59 Where's the sci-fi in this story?
29:01 The third story that somehow is George not believe in some again
29:06 has some make his broken TV three-dimensional
29:09 with no benefit to himself getting him hit with a football.
29:13 It sucked because of George's dialogue alone.
29:17 The fourth story is another plot where George tries to get rid of Rosie
29:20 when he should know he'd be in the doghouse with his family the whole time.
29:24 And of course the replacement sucks to force the status quo back.
29:28 So it's a good thing it's in a different way to justify the cliche story.
29:34 But it doesn't make any sense that in the ideal future
29:37 Horace refuses to do certain chores not because he's a man servant.
29:41 But because they're female chores.
29:43 When he still cooks for them.
29:45 And it's definitely not believable that he's got the free will
29:49 to invite his friends over to play poker with him.
29:51 And they doesn't listen to his boss.
29:54 When he's a robot.
29:55 It seemed to take advantage of the sci-fi environment
29:59 because there's robots and a robot delivery man with a crate.
30:03 But it only really does that because Rosie was reactivated off screen.
30:07 It could have been about George firing a normal maid
30:11 and getting a butler instead for the same plot.
30:14 It's forced that he wanted a male robot
30:17 because Rosie's gender was never the problem for him.
30:21 She caused him to fire her for a different very good reason.
30:24 But once again nobody acknowledged that he had a good reason.
30:28 The fourth story is tedious because after George has every reason
30:34 to get mad at Judy's ridiculous looking boyfriend
30:37 for playing loud music at 11 at night and calling him out of date.
30:40 He kicks him out like anybody would just to be demonized by Jane for it
30:44 because she just likes being against him.
30:47 It's force of habit at this point
30:49 because sure she would sympathize with her daughter and be a hopeless romantic.
30:53 But he was overseeing his welcome.
30:54 It was impossible to take Hubert seriously
30:57 because he somehow had his hair in front of his entire face.
31:01 And somehow expected us to believe it's a popular hairstyle.
31:05 He at least agrees to cut his hair.
31:07 Only for Judy to hate how he looks
31:09 because she somehow didn't know about it and kick him out.
31:12 So why did he even agree to cut his hair in the first place
31:15 if he should have known this would happen?
31:18 Where is the sci-fi in this story?
31:19 This was aggravating.
31:21 The final story has George get pulled over for speeding
31:26 and make a decision nobody ever would by going right back to speeding
31:30 after he was somehow not given a ticket.
31:32 He somehow rants as if the traffic cop was being rude after that
31:36 and when he gets another ticket somehow he isn't for speeding.
31:40 It's the nicest traffic cop ever but he isn't drawn to look like it.
31:45 And it's too rare that I see this kind of thing
31:47 so the whole story just had tension instead of me appreciating him
31:50 as I always try to get it fine.
31:51 This story didn't really take advantage of the sci-fi setting
31:55 because it could have been about normal cars instead of flying cars.
31:58 This issue was frustrating.
32:00 The first story was about Rosie getting an inexplicable house visit from a doctor
32:05 who somehow thinks it's okay to hit her with a hammerlunt.
32:08 That sucked.
32:10 It didn't do anything with her having a crush on him
32:13 like Hubert says she's over it now.
32:16 The second story went from one potential plot
32:18 where somehow Jane agrees to let Rosie hypnotize her and George
32:22 which could have led to a bunch of different things
32:25 to the most arbitrary excuse for a Flintstones crossover.
32:28 Why didn't the story explain that the hypnosis book has witch magic on it
32:32 from some toy
32:34 since he knew to make a machine to bring them back home ahead of time?
32:37 It's just about George suffering because of the most predictable reasons
32:41 with not enough happening.
32:42 So while it could have been exciting and mattered from a crossover
32:46 it was just pointless.
32:47 The third story eventually has already explained to Jane
32:50 that he made a paper plane out of his homework and someone stole it
32:53 resulting in a teacher sending him home with a note for not having his homework done.
32:58 This had nothing to do with sci-fi at all and was just depressing
33:02 but at least it was creative
33:03 even if the first page is technically pointless.
33:06 The fourth story was a lazy plot
33:08 where George eventually meets a really tall guy
33:11 and has neck pain because he had to look up at him so long
33:14 and it could have just been one page
33:16 because the first one was completely expendable.
33:18 The final story has George want to lose weight
33:21 and use Elroy's reducing machine to shrink
33:24 because Elroy never told him what it was
33:27 and had it out in the open for no reason.
33:29 So he has to deal with the giant Rosie and Astro
33:33 even though they'd obviously recognize him instantly.
33:35 Not vacuum him.
33:37 Good thing she hears his sneeze.
33:39 But I've already seen a shrunken character sneeze in a vacuum
33:43 in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
33:45 So the only new thing this did to make it interesting
33:49 was that George had to avoid Astro's attack
33:52 and failed to cause Rosie pain because he's small
33:55 and established that Elroy helped some make the device.
33:58 But when he was small, not enough happened to take advantage of it.
34:02 So this issue sucked.
