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00:00 Mega Man issue 14.
00:02 The first story is wasted on repeating the most recent dialogue.
00:06 A guard grabs Dr. Light from behind and reminds him that all humans need to leave the building.
00:12 I don't know why Mega Man told him to let him go.
00:16 He just wants him to get to safety.
00:18 Right after Harvey said he doesn't want people hurt, he says he's got business with white cunts.
00:24 He talks like he doesn't want them out of the building.
00:27 Harvey tells people to not call the cops or people will get hurt.
00:31 Roll reassures Kalinka and you'd think the guard would hear Kalinka call her father and say she's here with Roll.
00:38 But this doesn't immediately result in Roll getting kidnapped.
00:42 It could have easily been written that Roll and her were far away from the guards by this point.
00:47 When I see her have a second scene with her, I'm expecting her to do something helpful for Mega Man.
00:53 She'll be a waste of time otherwise.
00:55 Dr. Cosmack reassures his daughter and he doesn't have to be so arrogant saying that he's taking care of something far more important than what he stands for.
01:04 No, what he stands for is more important.
01:07 It really is about protecting humanity as a whole and he'd know that.
01:11 She says that would prove nothing.
01:13 He is insane because he says it will prove he's right.
01:16 Even though it won't.
01:18 It'll just make martyrs out of those robots.
01:21 But he does have a reason to have hope that nobody would make advance robots if they think they'd be a target.
01:27 Dr. Light insists to Mega Man that they put everyone in danger with their explosives.
01:32 When he'd know they aren't in danger because they're never gonna get hurt by them because they're humans.
01:37 Dr. Light says it'll buy him time by distracting their leader.
01:41 Why would that help them at all?
01:43 I'm guessing he's gonna utterly fail to argue with him properly and so will his friends.
01:48 So his names are gonna waste time if they're there.
01:51 Also, announcing in front of him that he's here to distract him should cause him to decide not to waste any more time talking to him.
01:58 Wily calls the thing in front of him a device and he hopes the MP field won't fry his equipment.
02:04 Why hasn't it done that already?
02:06 It already affected his car which was way further away.
02:10 The device scares him and takes away his tablet with all of his files and blueprints.
02:15 Then instead of all of the data on the tablet being deleted like you'd expect from an MP field, Quick Man gets teleported to him.
02:23 And Wily's surprised that he was restored.
02:26 Wily fills him in and says his last memory backup was beamed to him the instant that his primary functions went offline.
02:34 He says this after telling him that being defeated is even more than going offline.
02:39 It has to be that the tablet is able to self-destruct any of his robot masters specifically so he could warp them to him at any time.
02:47 Then I see a robot who's annoying because for no reason he was programmed to refer to himself in the third person.
02:54 He wants to be with the donor and even though Elect Man tells him to return to his booth, Buddy still gets shocked as a warning to the other robots.
03:03 And they're told they won't be so gentle next time.
03:07 Harvey gets approached from behind by Xander and somehow thinks he's getting through to them and Xander naturally points out that he can't.
03:16 Their creations took away one of his eyes. It was Wily's fault.
03:21 But if advanced robots hadn't been made possible with technology yet, this never would have happened to him.
03:27 I'm glad it was written that he has a really believable personal reason to hate the robots to fully justify him.
03:34 I'd think that in the future he could have simply bought a new eye that looks like his old one.
03:39 And I have to assume he can't afford it.
03:42 He says Harvey told him that he'd eliminate the robot creators too.
03:45 Why did Harvey even hire him? Why did he think he needed his help so badly that it was right to lie to him?
03:51 He should have known he wouldn't keep putting up with constant disappointment.
03:54 It's like he hired him to keep him under control but he should have known that betrayal was inevitable.
04:00 He is told to go away by that idiot and he calls his friends telling them to meet him and warns them that they have to take matters into their own hands.
04:08 It's sweet to see his friend compliment his intelligence and reassure him.
04:12 He's thanked for it but then told to stop reassuring him already because it's wasting time.
04:18 Not that he says that.
04:20 He makes a plan I don't care enough to type down in case it fails.
04:25 It's only interesting to see a plan happen.
04:28 And while it could be interesting to see people discuss a plan, it's not here because only one emotionless character is doing all the talking.
04:37 And we don't see any character complaining about the plan.
04:41 Megaman runs over to Lekman and I guess the reason he bothers telling him to get Roll to safety is that he assumes he'll be able to escape the building just fine even though no other robots but her have.
04:52 Megaman asks them all to find and disable the bombs.
04:56 It sure is convenient that someone made for geological surveying has tools to find them.
05:02 Just because Quake Woman says she's not worried, Pharaoh Man already assumes she's emotionless.
05:09 But it could have also been that she's totally confident that everything's gonna be fine.
05:14 And the story isn't doing anything to make it look like it's bad that she's emotionless because she's better off here.
05:21 And an interesting contrast to the rest of them.
05:25 There's no reason Kaleenka would simply say no if she's otherwise been speaking perfect English.
05:31 It's a lame way to try to make her interesting.
05:34 She says her father made her this phone so that she could keep in touch no matter what might happen to her.
05:39 I have to assume she means that it can somehow be used in a hospital just fine without causing interference.
05:46 Otherwise, why bother with this and not a cell phone?
05:49 It seems so unlikely that she can get a video of the ringleader talking.
05:54 She says she was looking for the news to see if the cops were coming.
05:58 Just end up recording him saying that his own men have their own way of escaping the building in time.
06:03 Why would they need a different way of escaping the building?
06:06 It doesn't make sense that the video alerted the guard to them and made him say they shouldn't be here when he should have heard them talking.
06:14 It's weird that the guard says "You too shouldn't be here."
06:18 Because there's no reason to assume Kaleenka's a robot because she looks human.
06:22 He would only say "You too" if for some reason he knows that both of them are robots.
06:27 But why would everyone but Kaleenka know that she's a robot?
06:31 She'd have been told the truth eventually.
06:33 And if she was a robot, she wouldn't be going to school, which I assume she's going to or she would know she's a robot.
06:39 It'd be cruel of Dr. Cosack to give her fake memories making her think she's not a robot, considering that Roll's fine with being one.
06:47 So he doesn't have to lie to her.
06:49 Out of nowhere, turns out Quickman isn't the only robot master that Wily got back.
06:54 The device also brought back this ridiculous looking guy off screen seconds later.
07:00 Wily says he doesn't want Quickman smashing himself against a wall going too fast in a dark place after he just got him and his brothers back.
07:08 It's oddly nice of Wily to say "brothers."
07:12 I don't remember Starline referring to Surge as "Kid Sister" in front of her.
07:16 Even though it'd be smarter if he had told her she was his sister right away to make sure that him being made to live to serve her wouldn't result in infatuation.
07:25 The silly looking robot complains that Wily should have told him from the start that he had a heat regulator on his back.
07:31 Somehow, despite what Wily warned Quickman about, he still says he could have searched this place in a minute.
07:39 Instead of simply reminding him that it's dark and he can't see in the dark for some reason,
07:45 he says he doesn't have a keen eye for ancient technology, so he's arrogant enough to think only he would be the one to see it.
07:53 Then they find what Wily calls an "ancient robot master" and plans to complete him once his lab is done.
08:00 It just feels unlikely that an ancient civilization would also have its own robot master.
08:06 Magnetman ends up complete and says his builder, Raw Moon, sends a message through him that Wily's gonna get his lab and army.
08:16 Why would he help him when he just met him? So he doesn't know anything about his personality.
08:21 Maybe he only wants to help him because Wily's talented and good at backup plans.
08:26 We see Megaman without his armor telling the guards he's being chased by a robot dog,
08:32 so finally someone thinks to take advantage of looking human.
08:36 It's explained why this doesn't simply lead to Rush being shot, because he doesn't want to hit Megaman with a shot.
08:44 Megaman lures them into a room and closes the door and uses his enhanced strength to tear off the doorknob.
08:52 I guess a mere helper robot has mild super strength just in case something falls on and pins down Dr. Light.
08:59 A page is wasted. I don't care about the heroes almost defusing the bombs and just finding them.
09:05 I'd rather see them do it in the same panel.
09:08 Harvey sounds stupid by saying that putting personalities in robots is a crude, arrogant mimicry of nature.
09:15 Clearly that's not what's wrong with it, so he won't say that.
09:18 Does that mean he's against test tube babies too?
09:22 It doesn't make any sense that he'd talk like a hippie.
09:25 I'd expect him to be the exact opposite of a hippie if he hates technology.
09:31 Dr. Light says it's not arrogance, it's an expression of mankind's nature,
09:36 because they like to learn and surpass their old limitations, such as making life from nothing,
09:41 and he says some limits shouldn't be overcome, without explaining that he's only opposed to it because Wily could take over the robots.
09:49 Noel naturally says technology is beneficial, and finally he points out that the robot masters tore up the city,
09:56 and then he says that these guys are given the same freedom of choice to become evil to robots.
10:02 Dr. Light wouldn't say yes.
10:04 He'd say that their programming doesn't allow them to choose evil anyways,
10:08 since they're restrained by the first law of robotics, and they're just meant to be helpful.
10:14 He even told Megaman that he's restricted by his coding,
10:18 and him mentioning one little example of a robot being good clearly isn't proving his arguments right.
10:24 Harvey's still got the better arguments here.
10:26 Sure, robots can add to their society, but they're more dangerous than humans when they're taken over by a virus.
10:33 Out of desperation, Harvey says they're starting to crack with no evidence,
10:38 and Xander kicks him and says "There's your crack."
10:41 Xander says he'll give them all a second to make peace with themselves, and then it's all over,
10:46 and the story unfortunately ends there.
10:48 If he was actually competent at what he's doing, he'd literally give them a second.
10:53 So the only way this would make sense to turn out well is if the bombs were already defused by the time that second passed.
11:00 Megaman #15
11:03 Megaman tells the Emerald Spirit Guards outside that his dad's inside and needs help,
11:09 and gets them to follow him because he looks like a human.
11:12 Once again, the story only goes how it does because they're expected to believe somebody doesn't recognize Dr. Light's son,
11:19 who he talks openly about.
11:21 He thanks them, there's a joke at one of the guards' expense because he's scared of rushing into danger,
11:28 and they run into a room with Rush.
11:31 So Megaman closes the door and uses the heat from a laser around the doorframe,
11:36 which is supposed to keep them from opening it.
11:39 One of the guards calls his co-workers to tell them what happened,
11:43 and I don't think it's interesting to get told that only a few of the bombs were disabled.
11:49 It's padding.
11:51 Megaman tells his friends he'll try to keep the guards off their backs,
11:55 and there's another moment where the comic repeats the story from last issue for padding.
12:00 Xander tells Dr. Light why he lost his eye, and at least we get to see him apologize for it.
12:06 She's called out on disagreeing with Xander when she was debating against making smart robots,
12:13 and we see a flashback where we see Quake Woman got hurt for no apparent reason,
12:18 even though you'd think she'd be designed so that she wouldn't do her job in a way where she would get hurt.
12:24 She smartly explains that she'd rather people make robots emotionless so that when they get destroyed,
12:30 people don't feel too upset.
12:32 Dr. Light reveals out of nowhere that rather than Quake Woman never having personality,
12:38 her own mother took her personality away.
12:41 That's needlessly dark of a detail.
12:44 Again, it should have been kept simple.
12:46 Noelle confirms that she's still her little girl, and she's worried about her.
12:51 Dr. Cossack says even Wily cares about his creations, even though he has no reason to think that.
12:59 And Wily wants his robots to bring a robot somewhere to see if Raw Moon can complete it according to his designs.
13:06 There's no reason one of his robots, who's programmed to be loyal to him, would care that what he's doing isn't necessary.
13:14 The blue robot wakes up, and it's so out of character for Wily to say "woo" and "so cool",
13:21 especially just because he's quick to respond.
13:24 The alarm happens because something crossed into their territory.
13:28 So Wily tells his robots to respond.
13:31 The guard grabs Roll and assumes Klinka's her sister, taking advantage of them both being blondes,
13:38 and he says they belong outside.
13:41 I thought they were outside when he first saw them and went after them,
13:45 so if they weren't, the art completely failed at its job.
13:49 Roll asks the guard if he could take them out a different exit,
13:53 and Klinka says it's because they're scared of the other emerald spheres.
13:57 I have to assume the guard agreed because he thinks they're harmless kids and he sympathizes with them,
14:03 and he thinks he'll be able to get away with it by telling them to keep this a secret.
14:07 Klinka thanks him, and in the parking lot, Roll asks for Klinka's phone,
14:13 and for no reason, she repeats the exposition she had about it, so she Skype calls Rosie with it.
14:19 After all, she's not a cop. They could've easily not gotten spotted by the guard.
14:25 We see Needleman get activated, and Wily unnecessarily put his hand on his chest, welcoming him.
14:31 He tells him to start heavy lifting, and Quickman tells him some robot masters shut down near them.
14:38 He wonders why he shut down when his power cord didn't give out,
14:43 and Ramune tells him it's his fault because his electromagnetic field disables every machine not of his making,
14:49 and yet his tablet was fine.
14:52 Wily talks as if something being an ancient robot somehow makes it believable that it could defy scientific understanding.
14:59 If anything, it'd be even less likely to because it's ancient.
15:03 I have to assume it's able to do that because of witchcraft,
15:06 but it's very lacy not to explain that because without it, this thing seems completely forced.
15:12 It just being an alien doesn't mean it makes sense for it to be able to do anything.
15:17 Ramune says that with enough time and power, his presence could be felt the world over,
15:22 and I guess him wanting that combined with not knowing Wily's a bad guy is why he wants to help him.
15:28 I guess that's why the robot masters weren't completely EMPed.
15:33 Ramune didn't defect them because he was trying to suck up to Wily.
15:38 And Xander plans to activate the bombs, only to find out that his guards are tied up, and all of the bombs were disabled.
15:46 So he lost because he grabbed the idiot's ball and talked to people he said were unreasonable last issue.
15:53 I wouldn't do that.
15:55 It's so disappointing that the writer couldn't think of any other way for him to fail.
15:59 He made a mistake writing himself into a corner by having Xander betray Harvey too soon.
16:05 It's like how he had Roule get kidnapped, but somehow Wily didn't reprogram her to fight Mega Man.
16:12 Conveniently, for some reason there's a bunch of humans who aren't Emerald Spears here, when the humans were told to go outside.
16:20 So lasers being around them gives Mega Man the excuse to stick Rush in a guard and get him to drop his ray gun.
16:27 Rush picks up the ray gun for him, and Mega Man calls his friends, telling them to start fighting the guards because they started firing at people.
16:35 Even though it should be obvious that was an accident and the guard was only aiming for him, and that won't apply to the other guards.
16:42 They won't be able to attack guards that aren't firing at people.
16:46 Somehow, the guard thinks she'd be able to successfully tase her Lek Man, and Pharaoh Man shoots a ray gun out of the other guard's hand.
16:54 It makes sense that he can because he's a robot, so he could be programmed to have perfect aim.
17:00 Quake Woman's causing a quake drilling into the floor, and Dr. Light asks Xander who's brought terror to the people that night.
17:08 And naturally, all he has to do is look at the camera footage of the guards being scared and threatened into having their hands up to think that he's right.
17:16 A human thanks Mega Man, and Xander presses a button.
17:19 I assume Roule's already showing Rosie a video of Xander.
17:22 An explosion happens, which makes me confused because I thought all of the bombs were disabled.
17:28 The screen seemed to show that.
17:31 The story ends with Mega Man being told that the lecture hall was caved in on Dr. Light.
17:37 I know he's fine in the next two crossovers, and it's because he's a game character and Dr. Cos-X also from the games, so it's guaranteed that he'll survive.
17:46 So the writer could only write the game characters to get injured from this at best.
17:50 The audience being able to wonder if they got hurt and Noel died is the only reason the tension here works.
17:57 Mega Man issue 16.
18:00 Some time is wasted on the comic reiterating the plot established at the end of the last issue,
18:05 and Mega Man convinces himself that because Roule's smart, she would've gotten Klinka and herself to safety.
18:11 Mega Man tells Pharaoh Man to go to him, and he copies Quake Woman's drill and tells her they'll drill to the doctors.
18:19 He tells Pharaoh Man that he and Rush can guide their digging.
18:23 The Lechman wants something to do and gets told to direct the other robots to get people to safety.
18:29 Xander's allies go up to him and he explains himself.
18:33 Eventually he tries to fire back at Mega Man and makes what's obviously an empty threat because it'd be impossible to tear a robot apart by hand.
18:41 He sees the Lechman and says "You!" and it turns out he was with the army in the first arc.
18:47 And despite getting told that they're just recruits, naturally that doesn't stop him from wanting to help fight Robot Masters.
18:55 He doesn't know Mega Man's the protagonist of a successful game franchise, so he naturally assumes he can't do it alone.
19:02 He defies HQ's order to stay put, and a Lechman chonks his eye and his brother told a doctor that an ugly implant is good enough because he needs to see to fight evil robots.
19:14 There's no believability to cyborg eyes not looking exactly like regular eyes in a future with sentient robots in it.
19:22 With all of the discrimination in human history, people would know better than to keep eye implants looking scary if they have a choice otherwise.
19:30 His brother apologizes when he looks mad and reassures him that it could be worse.
19:35 I'm glad the flashback ends there instead of it showing him disowning his brother,
19:39 because it's obvious that he acted out of care for him and had every reason to assume he'd want to keep his depth perception.
19:45 Xander takes off his eye patch, revealing his inexplicably scary-looking other eye.
19:50 Even Pandora's told his artists have better-looking cyborg eyes than that.
19:55 His lasers just harmlessly bounce off a Lechman, but that still causes Mega Man to just get mad and drill the ground to result in Rush getting his weapon.
20:04 Why doesn't he care in the slightest about the fact that a Lechman took out somebody's eye?
20:09 That's out of character.
20:10 He acts like that revelation never happened and tells Rush to supervise Xander.
20:16 Stern puts his hand on Klinka's shoulder and calls her "honey," asking if she's hurt, and Rosie calls Roll "sweetie."
20:23 Then Stern picks up Klinka and says it's alright and that she can sit in his car.
20:28 I never expected him to act like this.
20:30 It's good to give a character depth, and it doesn't contradict his character earlier because he can still be like this with trust issues.
20:37 Fairman warns about detecting instability ahead, and Quake Woman counteracts with some focused tremors.
20:43 Conveniently, all of the doctors are still alive.
20:47 Their coats are covered in dirt, which is supposed to be a censorship of what it actually is.
20:51 But that's literally it for most of them because the rubble fell around them in a way that created a house, preventing them from getting crushed.
20:58 If Lin wants it badly enough, he's perfectly happy with writing this unrealistic convenience to force someone not to get crushed by rubble.
21:07 Even Noelle's alive, when she could've easily died, which is good for getting to admit to Quake Woman that she was worried and wants to put back the spark she took away.
21:17 Dr. Cossack says his legs hurt, as they wonder why Noelle was just as uninjured as Dr. Light when he could've gotten away with a non-game character being hurt the worst of all.
21:28 And that would've been a lot better for the emotional impact, getting her to keep taking this seriously and remember it.
21:34 Having all of them being standing conditions seems unrealistic.
21:39 Pharaoh Man apologizes to him for not knowing if his daughter is okay when he asks if she is, and Noelle puts her hand on Quake Woman's face, and the heroes get told they missed two bombs.
21:50 Elec Man gets to apologize to Xander and explain himself.
21:54 Then he tells Rush to worry about cleaning up later and says he needs the robot to be getting people out of here.
22:00 Xander tells a needlessly depressing story, but at least it's interesting that he used to live on a farm.
22:05 I like that the writer cared enough to give him even more of a backstory.
22:09 Now if we could get that same attention to detail for Dr. Light and Wily, actually important characters he's supposed to care about, that would be good.
22:17 Otherwise it could be compared to Pandora's favoritizing his characters, as all of the original Flint characters are being more interesting than the game ones, and Rosie's praised more than necessary.
22:29 Xander runs away as Elec Man says he gets to the escape tunnel.
22:33 I'm not expecting to believe he's oblivious, am I? He'd hear that.
22:37 The concept of characters who think they're good guys setting off bombs and hurting innocent people was already done by Flint in the other M comic with the Freedom Fighters, but at least makes sense here.
22:48 Xander's friend plans on heading for a hotel with him.
22:52 Meanwhile, Quake Woman plans to disarm the bomb with Mega Man's help, even though there's a risk of it exploding because it's unstable.
22:59 I guess I think it'll go off any minute either way, so they're better off doing this in case it surprises someone if they don't.
23:06 Noelle says she doesn't want her to be destroyed again, even though she was never destroyed before, just damaged.
23:13 But fortunately she's ignored, even though you'd think she wouldn't be able to ignore orders.
23:18 Dr. Light asks Elec Man if he's alright, an explosion goes off, and Mega Man drills, and of course they've both survived.
23:26 Clanka thanks Pharaoh Man for his help, and he naturally tells her to thank Mega Man and Quake Woman instead.
23:32 So I assume the reason she thanked him instead was that she lives with him, so she's more inclined to be nice to him.
23:38 Dr. Cosmack thanks Rool, and Stern says the Emerald Spheres are loose and admits that robots might be the same as people.
23:46 Then Wily tells Proto Man to show gratitude for his timely rescue, but all he says to support that notion is that he had a power failure and his robots saved him.
23:56 But clearly it's not something he had to be saved from because he wasn't surrounded by danger.
24:01 I assume Wily's not telling him why he had a power failure in order to turn him against Dr. Light more.
24:07 So he says Dr. Light gave him a faulty solar core initially, and he explains that he finished what Dr. Light left incomplete in him.
24:15 There's no way he would've left anything incomplete before first activating him.
24:20 Wily says his old weapon system are top of the line. There's no reason Proto Man would've had weapon systems.
24:28 The writer knows Dr. Light's against violence and only had Mega Man fights because of Wily.
24:33 It better be explained in the games canon why Proto Man had weapons.
24:38 I mean, wouldn't everyone assume that he only had weapons because Wily employed him in the first place?
24:44 That could've easily been the case.
24:46 Wily says he added defensive armor for him. The word defensive is redundant with the word armor.
24:53 No armor isn't defensive. He brags that he's running on a nuclear core of his own design.
24:59 I'm surprised to learn that the nuclear core wasn't Dr. Light's.
25:03 Wily reveals he didn't change his programming and asks him if that was why he left Dr. Light in the first place.
25:10 He tells Wily he owes him a debt because he somehow thinks he saved his life.
25:15 This is so stupid.
25:17 It's obvious that if all he suffered from was a power failure, eventually he'd be found again and recharged.
25:23 It's not like Wily prevented him from being completely engulfed in an explosion.
25:28 The only thing he couldn't be repaired from. Zero was reduced to a head and was still fixed.
25:33 And even the basic theory that he started working for Wily just because he saved him once isn't sound at all
25:39 because unless he's a sociopath, he would still hate him for causing Robot Masters to attack the city earlier.
25:46 Because he was programmed by Dr. Light and he'd have to be living under a rock to not know about it by now.
25:52 If he doesn't even trust Dr. Light not to reprogram him, there's no chance that he would believe Wily when he said he didn't reprogram him.
26:00 Which is a total idiot's ball.
26:02 Wily may know that he left Dr. Light, but he left him without hurting him, so that doesn't prove that he's evil
26:09 and therefore willing to help him take over the world to get rewarded on the winning team if he succeeds.
26:14 He wouldn't like him terrorizing humanity, so why would he want to help him with it?
26:18 It should be established that because his lack of education means he can't make a good resume,
26:23 with no chance of employment, he has nowhere else to go to have a life more interesting than just wandering the world.
26:29 Still, it should be explained that he assumes Wily's plans are all doomed to failure anyways,
26:34 and so it doesn't make a real difference if he helps him out of boredom, because that is the only way that's going to be forced,
26:40 and it's sad when the only way to justify the plot is fanon, because if you're just casually reading it, you won't think that.
26:46 You'll just be confused and annoyed because isn't Proto Man supposed to be a good guy?
26:51 As usual, the writer fails because he should have just kept things simple.
26:55 If he just reprogrammed him to want to be loyal, this would make sense,
27:00 and nothing about him leaving Dr. Light proved that he'd be loyal to Wily,
27:04 so he wouldn't have thought his core programming was good enough for loyalty to him.
27:09 Proto Man tells him not to call him "Blues".
27:11 Wily doesn't want to call him by his model number because that's boring,
27:15 which makes sense because he never calls any robots by their model number.
27:19 So he calls him Proto Man because he's a prototype,
27:22 and conveniently, Proto Man seems to agree to the name, even though he doesn't like that it still ties to his past.
27:29 Wily says it'll help break his enemies, so he agrees to the name Break Man,
27:33 again with no thought bubble explaining why he's fine with this,
27:36 when it should be obvious Wily's enemies are on the right,
27:39 since he's made Robot Masters attack buildings and be fine with hurting people.
27:43 But I can sort of understand why he'd be so shaken by learning that even Dr. Light can't be trusted,
27:49 that he'd consider that Wily might actually have a good vision for the future,
27:53 because he thinks Dr. Light's a bad guy.
27:55 Still, this needed some further justification,
27:58 like Wily lying to him about how he'll make things better for the people after he's put in charge,
28:03 like give more funding to healthcare, education, and medical research.
28:07 He doesn't come off as compassionate, so I don't think he'd care,
28:10 but Proto Man doesn't know him personally like Dr. Light does,
28:14 so it could make sense that he'd believe he wants that,
28:17 and that he's just willing to do whatever it takes to get to that position.
28:20 It makes me wish I did see how a world ruled by Wily would be like for people,
28:24 and I mean in depth, not just as shallow as "Wily's picture is everywhere and that's it."
28:31 I'm only forgiving of him joining Wily for no reason,
28:34 because I know it has to happen for the sake of a game adaptation, and that's only temporary.
28:39 But the point of reading a comic about this is supposed to be that you'll finally know why he joined Wily.
28:44 But this doesn't really explain that if you're smart enough to realize how stupid this is,
28:48 especially since he only came here because of Ra Moon, as you'll find out later.
28:53 Even if him wanting to repay him for just helping him makes sense,
28:57 what doesn't is him helping him with something more than once,
29:01 as his debt would be repaid after the first time.
29:04 He doesn't save his life.
29:07 This issue's about Meg Man eventually getting some other robots to find the bombs to try to defuse them,
29:13 and the only tension comes from Xander wanting his boss to just blow up the building already.
29:18 And at the end, Xander finally gets fed up with his boss,
29:22 who somehow thought it could change the minds of robot creators who think they're smart,
29:27 and somehow didn't instantly cite Wily as why he formed his group.
29:32 So he knocks him out and plans to destroy them.
29:35 It's so forced that Xander didn't knock out his boss much earlier, and then he would've won.
29:41 But at the same time, it should've been written that he waited longer,
29:45 because that's the only way it makes sense for Meg Man to win.
29:48 I have to assume he was hoping his boss would change his mind,
29:51 and he didn't want to resort to this unnecessarily.
29:54 But one, then there really was no excuse for him doing this early.
29:59 And two, he's not afraid of them potentially getting back at him for this in the end.
30:04 So far, it seems like nothing's to be gained in Clinka somehow getting video feed of Harvey.
30:09 I mean, she's gonna be useful with it,
30:11 but there's no point in showing us this if she's not gonna do anything within this issue.
30:16 This is easily the best arc in the comic.
30:19 But it is frustrating to see these two sides argue when it's obvious they won't get through to each other,
30:25 and that the Zero series is gonna prove this guy correct.
30:28 This issue is about Meg Man and his friends disabling most of the bombs,
30:32 while Roll convinces the guard to take her outside a different exit,
30:36 because it conveniently doesn't recognize her for no reason.
30:39 And the only reason people have so much time,
30:42 is that somehow Xander wasted time trying to talk reason into the robot creators,
30:47 grabbing the idiot's ball.
30:49 Xander told off Harvey for doing this, and he planned on activating the bombs right away.
30:54 So obviously he would've just done that.
30:57 It would've been fine to write him betraying Harvey at the end of this issue instead.
31:02 This issue is about Proto Man joining Wily for no good reason,
31:07 and Meg Man predictably discovering that all three of the people in the lecture hall survived its destruction with nothing but bruises,
31:14 with the worst injury being that Dr. Cossack has a hurt leg.
31:18 And while it could be possible that the rubble would fall around them in a way where some bit would catch the rubble falling towards them
31:25 to make it into a roof over their heads protecting them,
31:28 considering that they still got hurt anyways, at that point it feels unrealistic how they were barely hurt.
31:34 It would've been fine and had better emotional impact if Noella had to go to the hospital after this, being more hurt than Cossack.
31:41 I wasn't even told if his leg was outright broken.
31:45 If she had been hurt more, the story would've been more memorable as well.
31:49 It'd be fine because she's not a game character, she's not really important.
31:53 So it wouldn't be too sad with an audience whose only reason to be invested in her is that she's Tempo's mother,
31:58 when Dr. Light could've easily made her instead.
32:01 People appreciate it when stories really make them feel something with the sad moments
32:05 because it makes the comic memorable and makes them want the characters to succeed more.
32:09 I mean sad moments like when Rey told Mighty's sister how hard it was on her brother to think she was gone and that he'll always be there for her.
32:17 And Protoman joining Wily without the writer keeping it simple and having it be reprogrammed would only make sense if he was told that once he took over the world,
32:24 he'd make it better for people in specific ways and he believed him because he already thinks Light is evil
32:30 or just wants his life to stop being about nothing but boring wandering and he's certain he'd always fail at taking over the world.
32:37 The explanations we are given are pathetic.
32:40 He'd know someone else could've recharged him.
32:44 Him actually saving his life or helping him at all wouldn't make him able to like him when he tells him he wants him to break his enemies,
32:51 so clearly it's not nice.
32:53 There's no way Wily wouldn't've reprogrammed a robot that left his master to always want to stick with this new one.
33:00 You might as well skip the scene where he meets Wily because at least your imagination would come up with a better explanation.
33:06 But the rest of the issue is okay.
