• 2 years ago


00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:15 Wow!
00:00:17 [Music]
00:00:26 Now bring her down.
00:00:28 [Music]
00:00:34 I lied.
00:00:36 [Music]
00:00:41 I lied too.
00:00:43 You see the way it works is, you have to be chosen.
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00:01:10 [Screaming]
00:01:13 [Music]
00:01:26 You are failing.
00:01:28 [Music]
00:01:57 Stay here.
00:01:59 No problem.
00:02:00 [Music]
00:02:26 Your will is strong, but not strong enough.
00:02:30 You are nothing without the ring.
00:02:33 [Music]
00:02:55 [Music]
00:03:08 You can never beat this.
00:03:10 You'll die.
00:03:11 At least I can get it away from here.
00:03:13 How do you think you're gonna do that?
00:03:14 I don't know.
00:03:16 Maybe I can out think it or...
00:03:19 The dog fight, remember?
00:03:21 Once we're a couple of jets.
00:03:23 [Music]
00:03:27 The ring chose me for a reason.
00:03:29 [Music]
00:03:31 This is why.
00:03:32 [Music]
00:03:34 Look, it's not probably not...
00:03:36 [Music]
00:03:46 Java!
00:03:48 [Music]
00:03:51 [Music]
00:04:06 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
00:04:09 So we don't use a single ring.
00:04:12 Our rings are sanitized together before being re-filled.
00:04:16 [Music]
00:04:18 Aqua 100% pure.
00:04:20 [Music]
00:04:36 Bing Bing Share Eat One-Half Challenge.
00:04:38 Put it in your mouth in one go.
00:04:40 Say Bing Bing Share Eat.
00:04:42 [Music]
00:04:44 [Music]
00:04:46 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
00:04:48 Bing Bing Share Eat.
00:04:50 It's as good as it gets.
00:04:52 [Music]
00:05:06 EXO as Scarlet New Glow Ambassador.
00:05:09 [Music]
00:05:11 All you need to do is put it in your bag.
00:05:13 You can use it anywhere.
00:05:15 Scarlet smells good everywhere.
00:05:17 Scarlet, always glow on the go.
00:05:19 It's available in your favorite store.
00:05:21 I'm so good.
00:05:22 Pure.
00:05:23 Iconic.
00:05:24 Same feeling.
00:05:25 E-Flash.
00:05:26 Feels right when you click.
00:05:28 E-Ultra-Matte.
00:05:29 Smooth.
00:05:30 Great.
00:05:31 My choice can't be compromised.
00:05:33 A-A-A-Perfect-A.
00:05:36 [Music]
00:05:38 To face various conditions every day.
00:05:41 [Music]
00:05:44 Make sure the purity that accompanies you.
00:05:46 [Music]
00:05:48 Bear Brand.
00:05:49 Feel the purity.
00:05:51 I'm so good.
00:05:52 Pure.
00:05:53 Iconic.
00:05:54 Same feeling.
00:05:55 E-Flash.
00:05:56 Feels right when you click.
00:05:58 E-Ultra-Matte.
00:05:59 Smooth.
00:06:00 Great.
00:06:01 My choice can't be compromised.
00:06:03 A-A-A-Perfect-A.
00:06:06 [Music]
00:06:08 Hello, I'm Dylan.
00:06:09 I have a champion's cross package for those who like to play games.
00:06:12 There's a big quota to play as much as you want.
00:06:15 [Music]
00:06:16 And the other interesting bonuses.
00:06:18 Join and share now.
00:06:20 [Music]
00:06:33 G-Samsung Super Premium.
00:06:35 [Music]
00:06:37 Not tasty.
00:06:38 Yes, it's like there's a sweet taste.
00:06:41 Mineral glue is indeed different.
00:06:43 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
00:06:46 Which is important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher.
00:06:50 LEMINERAL.
00:06:51 [Music]
00:07:06 As a mother, I always give optimal protection.
00:07:13 Higher than Phosgos DHA and Omega,
00:07:14 the mother's support makes her a winner.
00:07:17 The winner is NUTRILUN.
00:07:20 Available for winning.
00:07:21 [Music]
00:07:24 Intense sensation with a great pull.
00:07:27 From innovative filter.
00:07:29 Airflow Filter.
00:07:31 [Music]
00:07:33 Marlboro Filter Black.
00:07:35 Pursue flavor.
00:07:37 I believe in the miracle of nature.
00:07:39 Therefore, we do not use a single-use basin.
00:07:42 Our basin is sanitized together before refilling.
00:07:46 [Music]
00:07:48 100% pure aqua.
00:07:51 [Music]
00:07:54 This is Minggu, Dad.
00:07:56 Stop the work first.
00:07:58 Hi, Dad, everyone, cheer up.
00:08:00 [Music]
00:08:06 [Music]
00:08:09 This is Adit from Bandung.
00:08:11 The winner of Mercedes-Benz Kapalapi.
00:08:13 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
00:08:18 I'm busy, I'm in a hurry.
00:08:20 There are still many prizes.
00:08:21 New Sunsilk Anti-Scalp.
00:08:23 With a serum oil for scalp care.
00:08:26 Also aloe vera and ginseng that nourishes hair.
00:08:30 Make the solution.
00:08:32 Scalp, healthy hair, all.
00:08:35 Sunsilk Anti-Scalp.
00:08:37 Mom, why do we have to secrete teeth using a swab?
00:08:39 Because the swab is against bacteria.
00:08:41 New Pepsoden.
00:08:42 With natural and habatus auda swab extract.
00:08:44 Against 99% bacteria.
00:08:46 Give 8 complete benefits for dental health.
00:08:49 Get complete dental health with Pepsoden.
00:08:51 I want to eat outside.
00:08:54 I can't shop either.
00:08:56 Just cook.
00:08:58 What do you cook, Mom?
00:09:00 Just cook.
00:09:02 Only with Bango's touch.
00:09:05 Made from natural ingredients and natural ingredients with high quality.
00:09:09 Make simple dishes more special.
00:09:16 How is it?
00:09:19 It's so good, Mom.
00:09:20 Because the taste never lies.
00:09:22 I mean, I'm with you, right?
00:09:27 Who do we want to meet?
00:09:28 They share.
00:09:29 Yes, you.
00:09:31 Buy Oreo Waffle, scan and check the method on Instagram.
00:09:34 Come on, let's go.
00:09:35 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
00:09:39 So we don't use any soap.
00:09:42 Our soap is sanitized together before being re-filled.
00:09:46 Aqua 100% pure.
00:09:51 Hey, where are you from?
00:09:54 From Rapatawasismu.
00:09:57 You're lying.
00:09:58 You just ate squid, right?
00:10:00 With Padang sauce, right?
00:10:01 That's why, guys.
00:10:02 After eating, kiss first.
00:10:04 Kiss.
00:10:05 Fragrant after eating.
00:10:07 ♪ Hey yo, it's hot ♪
00:10:09 ♪ So I'm wearing a thin layer ♪
00:10:11 ♪ It's refreshing, the smoothness ♪
00:10:13 ♪ Only with a thin layer of honey ♪
00:10:16 ♪ Thin layer of honey ♪
00:10:18 ♪ It's refreshing, the smoothness ♪
00:10:21 Want to refresh your daily activities?
00:10:23 Try Reksona Deolotion Hijab.
00:10:25 With 48-hour protection.
00:10:27 Soak quickly.
00:10:28 And instantly refresh.
00:10:31 Refresh your daily activities.
00:10:33 New Reksona Deolotion Hijab.
00:10:36 Glow and Lovely, now Glow and Lovely.
00:10:38 What's better than a bright face?
00:10:39 Listen to the expert.
00:10:40 For me, the better is a glowing face.
00:10:42 The key is multivitamin.
00:10:44 That's why I use Glow and Lovely.
00:10:46 With multivitamin and glow serum that absorbs for a healthy face, we glow.
00:10:50 Glow and Lovely.
00:10:51 Attention, buy better.
00:10:53 Can be better for free.
00:10:55 Yay, I got better again.
00:10:59 I want to trade.
00:11:00 Wait, wait, wait.
00:11:02 It's delicious.
00:11:04 Hurry up and buy.
00:11:05 Can be better for free.
00:11:06 Are you sure?
00:11:07 The most important black substance.
00:11:08 The content of the substance is more important.
00:11:10 ABC Ketchup.
00:11:11 The most saturated substance.
00:11:13 The ketchup is authentic.
00:11:14 Appearance that stimulates the taste.
00:11:16 Rich taste, make the family.
00:11:19 Ketchup ABC.
00:11:21 The mandatory evacuation.
00:11:23 Everyone must clear the streets immediately.
00:11:25 Police emergency.
00:11:28 Everyone must clear the streets now.
00:11:30 Now.
00:11:31 What the hell is that thing?
00:11:36 Run!
00:11:37 Get out of the way.
00:11:41 Go, go.
00:11:49 Watch out.
00:12:00 Run.
00:12:01 Everybody on the ground.
00:12:07 Now.
00:12:08 Now.
00:12:09 Now.
00:12:16 Now.
00:12:20 Now.
00:12:21 Run.
00:12:46 Now.
00:12:47 I feel your fear growing.
00:13:07 You will be dead soon.
00:13:09 What is that?
00:13:10 Black.
00:13:12 And when you're gone, I'll destroy everything you ever loved.
00:13:16 No evil shall escape my sight.
00:13:19 Your family, your home, your planet will be no more.
00:13:23 Not those who worship evil's might.
00:13:26 The entire human race will be wiped out because you, Hal Jordan, were afraid.
00:13:32 Beware my power.
00:13:34 Greenlight turns the light.
00:13:38 Now.
00:13:39 Now.
00:13:41 Now.
00:13:42 Now.
00:13:44 Now.
00:13:46 Now.
00:13:48 Now.
00:13:50 Now.
00:13:52 Now.
00:13:54 Now.
00:13:56 Now.
00:13:58 Now.
00:14:00 Now.
00:14:02 Now.
00:14:04 Now.
00:14:06 Now.
00:14:09 Now.
00:14:10 Now.
00:14:12 Now.
00:14:14 Now.
00:14:16 Now.
00:14:18 Now.
00:14:20 Now.
00:14:22 Now.
00:14:24 Now.
00:14:26 Now.
00:14:28 Now.
00:14:30 Now.
00:14:32 Now.
00:14:34 Now.
00:14:37 Now.
00:14:38 Now.
00:14:40 Now.
00:14:42 Now.
00:14:44 The bigger you are, the faster you burn.
00:14:53 No!
00:14:54 No!
00:14:56 No!
00:14:57 No!
00:14:58 No!
00:14:59 No!
00:15:00 No!
00:15:02 No!
00:15:03 No!
00:15:04 [MUSIC]
00:15:14 [MUSIC]
00:15:24 [MUSIC]
00:15:34 [MUSIC]
00:15:59 [MUSIC]
00:16:24 [MUSIC]
00:16:50 >> Though his time wearing the ring has been brief,
00:16:53 Al Jordan's defeat of Paradox will be remembered as long as the Corps exists.
00:16:59 His actions are a reminder of why the ring chose each of us.
00:17:02 To overcome fear and destroy evil wherever it may hide.
00:17:08 [MUSIC]
00:17:17 >> As Lanterns we must fight with all our will.
00:17:21 Our wills haven't always been united.
00:17:25 It's time they were.
00:17:28 >> Can I train them or can I train them?
00:17:32 >> You're impertinent Al Jordan.
00:17:34 You're rash, volatile, opinionated.
00:17:39 It seems Abin Sur found another just like himself.
00:17:42 [MUSIC]
00:17:53 [MUSIC]
00:18:03 [MUSIC]
00:18:13 [MUSIC]
00:18:23 >> Wow, I'm never getting used to that.
00:18:26 [MUSIC]
00:18:30 >> My new job requires that I travel.
00:18:33 [MUSIC]
00:18:36 Be away for a while.
00:18:38 [MUSIC]
00:18:41 Away, never gone.
00:18:44 [MUSIC]
00:18:49 >> Al.
00:18:50 >> Yeah.
00:18:52 >> Can you take off the mask?
00:18:54 [MUSIC]
00:18:59 That's really cool.
00:19:01 [MUSIC]
00:19:04 So what happens now?
00:19:07 >> I'm gonna go look for trouble.
00:19:09 [MUSIC]
00:19:19 [MUSIC]
00:19:32 >> Of all the Lanterns who have ever worn the ring,
00:19:34 there was one whose light shined brightest.
00:19:37 At first his humanity was thought to be a weakness,
00:19:40 and yet it proved to be his greatest strength.
00:19:44 [MUSIC]
00:20:04 [MUSIC]
00:20:14 [MUSIC]
00:20:24 [MUSIC]
00:20:34 [MUSIC]
00:20:44 [MUSIC]
00:20:54 [MUSIC]
00:21:04 [MUSIC]
00:21:14 [MUSIC]
00:21:24 [MUSIC]
00:21:34 [MUSIC]
00:21:44 [MUSIC]
00:21:54 [MUSIC]
00:22:04 [MUSIC]
00:22:14 [MUSIC]
00:22:24 [MUSIC]
00:22:28 >> How you doing, Petey?
00:22:29 >> Fine, and you?
00:22:32 >> I'm good.
00:22:38 >> Got this?
00:22:39 >> Yeah.
00:22:40 >> All right.
00:22:45 [MUSIC]
00:22:55 [MUSIC]
00:23:05 [MUSIC]
00:23:15 [MUSIC]
00:23:25 [MUSIC]
00:23:35 >> How we doing?
00:23:39 [MUSIC]
00:23:49 [MUSIC]
00:23:59 [MUSIC]
00:24:09 [MUSIC]
00:24:19 [MUSIC]
00:24:29 [MUSIC]
00:24:39 [MUSIC]
00:24:49 [MUSIC]
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00:25:39 [MUSIC]
00:25:49 [MUSIC]
00:25:59 [MUSIC]
00:26:09 [MUSIC]
00:26:19 [MUSIC]
00:26:21 >> Everything cool?
00:26:24 >> Everything's beautiful.
00:26:32 [MUSIC]
00:26:41 >> And he brings you in, we're taking it all over, Moe.
00:26:44 >> He's got no choice.
00:26:45 Nobody can handle the weight he's got coming through.
00:26:48 >> You never know.
00:26:51 He can be resourceful.
00:26:53 >> No, no way.
00:26:55 Not with the bus, neck to love, getting popped, I'm his only option.
00:26:59 You let him do the talking.
00:27:00 You have something he wants, right?
00:27:02 >> Yeah, you.
00:27:03 >> Well, that means I tell him I don't do nothing without you.
00:27:06 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:27:18 >> Hey, hunk.
00:27:19 >> Hey, can you believe this view?
00:27:22 You can't make it on those streets, you can't make it anywhere in the world.
00:27:27 >> So you're really gonna buy this building?
00:27:29 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:27:34 >> We do this right, I will be fully legitimized.
00:27:38 Our money mixed with theirs.
00:27:41 I'll be working for the city.
00:27:46 Congressman Fritz is a partner.
00:27:49 There is no going back.
00:27:51 >> Yeah.
00:27:52 >> You get it done?
00:27:54 >> Yeah.
00:27:55 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:28:01 >> Good.
00:28:02 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:28:05 So what do you say about 2 million a day for the next two weeks?
00:28:12 That's 20 million.
00:28:14 >> Not a problem.
00:28:16 >> And you don't even think about it like it's nothing?
00:28:20 >> No, it's something.
00:28:24 I mean, you did say these last few times were just a test, right?
00:28:28 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:28:31 >> Okay, so you start making drops today?
00:28:38 >> All right.
00:28:40 >> Good.
00:28:41 >> 20 million in 10 days, there's gonna be too much traffic coming to my place.
00:28:47 >> And what do you propose?
00:28:50 >> Bobby.
00:28:53 So they text us a location, we pick them up, we drop them off,
00:28:57 and they leave the money behind.
00:29:00 >> So you're not [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:29:02 this up and I put a little more in your lap, huh?
00:29:05 >> Well, no disrespect, but I [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:29:07 this up and I don't think it'll matter.
00:29:10 >> Hey, just use this head.
00:29:14 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:29:18 All right.
00:29:20 [BLANK_AUDIO]
00:29:34 >> 20 mil means you and I split 2 mil, all right?
00:29:37 That's all that matters.
00:29:39 [MUSIC]
00:29:49 [MUSIC]
00:29:59 [FOREIGN]
00:30:09 [MUSIC]
00:30:19 [FOREIGN]
00:30:29 [MUSIC]
00:30:39 >> You find your fire, live bold, L-A bold.
00:30:44 [FOREIGN]
00:30:54 [MUSIC]
00:31:04 [FOREIGN]
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00:31:24 [FOREIGN]
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00:33:44 [FOREIGN]
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00:36:04 [FOREIGN]
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00:44:20 >> Come on, let's do this.
00:44:30 [MUSIC]
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00:59:08 [MUSIC]
00:59:18 [MUSIC]
00:59:26 >> God, it hurts.
00:59:28 [MUSIC]
00:59:32 Where are we going?
00:59:34 [MUSIC]
00:59:36 >> We'll get you some help.
00:59:38 Just hang on.
00:59:40 [MUSIC]
00:59:50 >> Are you okay?
00:59:51 >> All right, relax. Just relax.
00:59:52 I had to take Gal at hospital.
00:59:54 [MUSIC]
01:00:00 >> Have some more.
01:00:02 >> Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:00:06 [MUSIC]
01:00:19 >> So what is the last thing you remember?
01:00:21 [MUSIC]
01:00:28 >> I don't know.
01:00:31 >> What's your name?
01:00:36 >> Moe, I think.
01:00:37 That's what he's been calling me.
01:00:42 >> That's okay.
01:00:43 That's all right.
01:00:45 >> You're my doctor.
01:00:47 >> Not unless you're pregnant.
01:00:49 We're friends.
01:00:50 >> What do you think?
01:00:52 >> He needs to see a neurologist, man.
01:00:55 >> So there's no danger in keeping him out of the hospital?
01:00:58 >> He should be fine.
01:00:59 I mean, I'm not an expert, but I would think that everything but the events just right before the accident should come back.
01:01:05 And for now, just reintroducing to all familiar things, apartment, family, friends.
01:01:12 >> What if I can't do that right now?
01:01:14 >> Well, there's got to be something you can show him.
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01:44:25 >> Yo, out the kitchen.
01:44:27 Get everybody out the restaurant.
01:44:29 [MUSIC]
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01:44:43 >> I'll get you, get out of here.
01:44:45 Police.
01:44:47 [MUSIC]
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01:45:02 >> Come on now.
01:45:04 You don't want your girl to get shot.
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01:52:42 >> Sir, you can't be in here.
01:52:44 [MUSIC]
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01:54:04 >> Stay between me and you, all right?
01:54:05 I just want to talk to Perico.
01:54:06 >> Talk to me, come right here.
01:54:07 [MUSIC]
01:54:09 >> Handgun down.
01:54:10 [MUSIC]
01:54:22 >> I made this really simple.
01:54:24 Bring back my money and you two leave town.
01:54:27 >> Cops from the deal, they took him.
01:54:30 He couldn't get away.
01:54:32 [MUSIC]
01:54:39 >> Where is the product?
01:54:40 >> I have it.
01:54:42 >> You have it?
01:54:43 Look, I understand you are Bobby's friend.
01:54:47 But I'm afraid this no longer concerns you, okay?
01:54:50 >> They took the only two people I know.
01:54:53 This is all that concerns me.
01:54:56 >> Hey, hey, hey, look.
01:54:58 They find out he's my nephew.
01:55:01 They will come looking for a deal.
01:55:03 We gave them back their product and this thing works itself out.
01:55:08 >> I understand.
01:55:10 [MUSIC]
01:55:13 >> They killed my girl and my baby.
01:55:16 How the [BLEEP] do you think that's going to work itself?
01:55:20 [MUSIC]
01:55:22 >> Who do you think you are?
01:55:24 Who do you think you are?
01:55:26 Where is the product and my money?
01:55:29 >> You do it my way.
01:55:30 >> All right.
01:55:31 >> Your way.
01:55:32 >> My way.
01:55:33 >> Your way.
01:55:34 You want to do all my money, raise them.
01:55:37 >> I don't want your money.
01:55:39 [MUSIC]
01:55:44 >> They dragged your nephew through the street like a dog.
01:55:48 You want to wait for them to come to you with a deal?
01:55:51 [MUSIC]
01:55:57 What kind of man are you?
01:55:59 [MUSIC]
01:56:04 >> Hey.
01:56:06 [MUSIC]
01:56:16 >> Okay.
01:56:22 I help you find him.
01:56:25 And you bring back my money and their coke.
01:56:29 >> Skunk no longer works for you.
01:56:33 >> So he can work for you?
01:56:35 >> He can do what he wants.
01:56:37 [MUSIC]
01:56:41 >> Okay.
01:56:43 Bring me this dirty pig's heads and you can have him, okay?
01:56:49 [MUSIC]
01:57:02 >> You set us up with the deal.
01:57:06 All right, I need an address.
01:57:08 [MUSIC]
01:57:15 [LAUGH]
01:57:18 >> Yeah.
01:57:19 [LAUGH]
01:57:24 >> Excuse me for a moment.
01:57:25 Come down here.
01:57:26 [MUSIC]
01:57:36 >> Hey, man.
01:57:47 [MUSIC]
01:57:52 >> GPS on the number puts this debo there an hour ago.
01:58:00 I checked with NYPD, still nothing on Diamond or your nephew.
01:58:05 >> Would it kill you to put things off until this blows over?
01:58:08 >> It's possible.
01:58:09 I have two weeks before this building deal closes.
01:58:11 >> What happened to knowing when to walk?
01:58:13 >> I ain't walking.
01:58:16 Don't know the strings I have to pull for this.
01:58:20 >> I saw the strings on the way in.
01:58:23 >> Oh.
01:58:25 [MUSIC]
01:58:42 >> You all right, man?
01:58:46 What is that?
01:58:48 >> It's a ho-ho, guy.
01:58:49 >> You read a ho-ho?
01:58:50 >> No, the bottom.
01:58:52 >> This?
01:58:53 >> I got water in the fuel line.
01:58:56 >> Feel good?
01:58:57 Got the Saturday night special.
01:58:58 It's a good gun, man, but you're not gonna get very far with six shots, brother.
01:59:02 Here, I got you this.
01:59:06 Good to go.
01:59:08 >> Thanks.
01:59:09 >> You ready?
01:59:12 [MUSIC]
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