• last year


00:00 Ayu was shocked and closed his mouth tightly.
00:04 Ayu didn't give a chance to speak, he just walked to his car.
00:07 Even though he was being questioned about his involvement in promoting online gambling.
00:12 Ayu, please take a little bit of the case.
00:16 Take a hair cut case, how is it?
00:18 Maybe it's not necessary.
00:21 What about online gambling?
00:23 Ayu, what about it?
00:25 [Music]
00:29 And to solve the ongoing online gambling issue in the Maya world,
00:34 the police have also called Wulan Gurito to ask for his explanation.
00:38 At the time of the call to clarify on September 14, 2023,
00:44 Wulan didn't talk much.
00:46 He was actually relieved when he could explain this situation to the investigators.
00:50 And Wulan Gurito is only one of 26 artists with various professional backgrounds
00:55 who are suspected of promoting online gambling.
00:58 So I want to say that I am very happy to be called to clarify.
01:10 And I'm really happy to be given the money to clarify.
01:16 I would like to thank the police for the professionalism.
01:25 And I also thank the friends who are always waiting for me.
01:29 Now I have to go.
01:31 Suspected by 26 artists with various professional backgrounds
01:36 who tried to create a content related to the promotion of online gambling.
01:43 Therefore, we have already conveyed the information to the police,
01:47 especially CYBER, related to this criminal event.
01:50 There are 26 people, but the video has been circulated.
01:54 One of them is Wulan Gurito, then there are singers, comedians, and filmmakers.
02:03 So there are 26, I have already conveyed it to the police,
02:07 so that it can be investigated in detail.
02:10 If Wulan Gurito is ready to follow Sule, if he is late, he will be called to the investigator.
02:14 However, Sule does not cover the possibility of a reverse attack.
02:18 Feeling deceived and being a victim,
02:20 will Sule really demand an online gambling?
02:22 Because he was nicknamed as a comedian?
02:25 We already know that, we don't do that.
02:31 Because we are public figures, we don't want to be nicknamed.
02:37 But because of our intelligence, people are more suspicious.
02:41 Maybe because of that.
02:45 If we are always disadvantaged, we will definitely return.
03:02 It seems that this case has been circulating since 2018.
03:06 There are already many artists who are involved in this case.
03:08 But there are still many new names that have finally come out.
03:12 Maybe because there are many three digits,
03:16 or because there are many endorsements,
03:19 so it's not known if all of this is accepted.
03:21 Oh, this is just a game, but it's not well investigated.
03:23 Until it was finally revealed when there was a call to the police.
03:28 We hope that as public figures, influencers are more diligent in choosing jobs.
03:35 Especially, Dinar Candy once made a statement that
03:37 the payment is very difficult, three digits is the biggest.
03:41 But obviously, online games,
03:43 which are actually online gambling,
03:45 which are known as online games,
03:46 hopefully not only the influencers who are called,
03:50 maybe the one who chooses the game itself,
03:52 who is the one who destroys it.
03:54 Until the roots, right?
03:56 So if it's just on the outer, but the roots are replaced,
03:58 there will definitely be more names that will be in trouble again.
04:01 It's not over yet.
04:03 And the news was also once again,
04:05 welcome to Insert this morning with me, Intan Alatrino.
04:08 And I'm Oke Alparais.
04:09 Next time, we will tell you about the activities of water celebrities,
04:13 and the outside world, as well as viral things.
04:16 Only on Insert Bali.
04:18 Okay, and the viral thing is,
04:20 it seems that there is also a phenomenon now,
04:22 where it seems that 24 hours there is only one who livestreams, right?
04:26 From the morning sales, we saw it.
04:28 We didn't scroll, in the morning there was a clothing sale.
04:30 Very varied, right?
04:32 Even the one that may be a bit similar,
04:34 where there is indeed a petition,
04:36 not another one, but several petitions,
04:38 who do live streaming on purpose,
04:40 with the background of children,
04:42 petitioners who are resting,
04:44 even at 5 am, and this also seems to cause pro-contra, right?
04:48 Yes, but this is very disturbing,
04:50 because the activities of the children should be learned,
04:52 but they have to live to petition online.
04:55 Like this, actually, the online petitioning case has been around for a long time.
05:00 Like the grandma who took a bath,
05:02 it's already finished,
05:04 and this may be a new trend again, online petitions,
05:06 and of course we hope that this is a move from the government too,
05:09 or for example, a place to stop,
05:14 because the children are really pitiful.
05:16 But on the other hand, is it possible that the minimum contribution or aid is needed for this petition,
05:22 so that it is forced to take such action?
05:25 And as the news says, let's see.
05:28 Children born from the womb inherit all the beauties that God has given on earth.
05:37 As complete as that beauty,
05:39 their body's fragrance is so fragrant,
05:41 representing the aroma of heaven.
05:43 So it is appropriate that they are cared for, protected with love.
05:47 But what happened in one of the orphanages in the northern Sumatra region,
05:51 doing live with the children,
05:53 is inviting public attention.
05:56 The children are being treated with love and respect.
06:00 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:04 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:07 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:10 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:13 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:16 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:19 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:22 The government is also doing a lot of work to protect the children.
06:25 The video shared by @lihun_real on social media
06:29 shows a perpetrator being live with a child at 1 p.m. on Monday,
06:33 when another child was sleeping soundly.
06:36 And what makes the people most angry
06:38 is the act of the guardian giving food and water to the child who is expected to be 2 months old.
06:43 The accident, although he was choked, the perpetrator still continued to live.
06:50 In my opinion, because the child is 2 months old,
06:53 he should not be given food.
06:57 The place itself is already inappropriate.
07:01 So we have to inform the people around there.
07:09 The place is already inappropriate, especially since there is a baby being fed.
07:14 We don't know what the baby is supposed to look like.
07:17 The baby's size should be the same as a bottle of milk.
07:23 We never know what he's feeding.
07:26 That's not a good behavior.
07:29 Meanwhile, elsewhere, @conformfs posted a complaint
07:34 that is suspected to be online masturbation practice
07:37 using children who are still 2-5 years old.
07:40 In the complaint, it is written that if the children are suspected to be still in a sleepy condition,
07:44 they should be lived at dawn or still dark.
07:48 In contrast, this is also a pro and contra.
07:51 [Music]
08:16 The definition of a "panty" as a place to look after and care for orphaned children is indeed heard as noble.
08:23 But in reality, the lives of orphans there are not as beautiful as they seem.
08:28 Just imagine when a house is considered a place of refuge for orphans,
08:33 it is used to earn money with the expense of lack of funds.
08:37 Then, the policy of the decision of the Panty to drag children under the age of to do live
08:42 to invite sympathy on social media.
08:46 Then, maybe the action is in line with the charge of exploiting children according to Mr. Seto.
08:49 [Music]
08:53 This is if the possibility of employing children to be beggars
08:59 in the sense of getting money and the money is for the interests of the Panty itself,
09:06 then it can be considered as exploitation of children.
09:11 This certainly violates the law.
09:13 The Panty brand that is looking for money on social media by halaling in various ways,
09:18 using children to get sympathy from donors is heard.
09:23 But also, it cannot be denied that the needs of milk, food,
09:27 and the cost of education and care for orphaned children are quite large.
09:30 The God wants to eat the fruit of the Malakama.
09:32 On the one hand, the lives of orphaned children require a large amount of funds.
09:37 On the other hand, the threat of law will be if it is considered as exploitation of children.
09:41 If so, should the Panty Asuhan have standards and qualifications to accommodate orphaned children?
09:47 Every Panty Asuhan must be officially registered at a local social service.
09:53 It means that it must be registered under the coordination of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
09:57 in each area of the social service and must meet the requirements.
10:02 It means that there must be a place, then there must be a source of funds,
10:07 there is also an activity program, a sponsor, etc.
10:11 There is a definition.
10:13 So it can't be just like, "I want to make a Panty to help the people for what, for orphaned children."
10:20 But it turns out that it is actually exploiting the law,
10:24 violating the law, violating the law, from the Pisadik, because it can be convicted.
10:29 Of course, anyone who finds this can report it.
10:35 Because in the Child Protection Law, there is also a article that states that
10:39 anyone who has a violent attitude towards children,
10:43 just be quiet, don't try to push or at least don't report it, it can also be sanctioned.
10:49 That's not good.
10:51 If it's because of the law, I think it's better to discuss with people who understand the situation there.
11:03 Because if the action is followed by the law, it is not necessarily followed.
11:09 Thanks to the phenomenon, can the perpetrators of heavy crimes
11:13 if found guilty of violating the Child Protection Law?
11:17 The perpetrators in the child protection law are mostly children.
11:22 If they only rely on support, formula milk,
11:25 maybe the child protection law is not enough to provide formula milk for their children.
11:31 So by helping feed the children, it can also increase their immune system.
11:37 As a replacement for the formula milk, the perpetrator of the child protection law
11:42 doesn't have to be a criminal, just a small punishment.
11:47 A small example is a letter of warning,
11:51 a punishment that can make the perpetrator aware that he doesn't have to go to court.
11:58 That's what I think.
12:08 This must be found immediately.
12:12 Maybe by negotiation, mediation,
12:14 maybe also to hear the statement from the perpetrator
12:18 about why the live streaming was done.
12:20 So that it's clear between the two parties, so it doesn't get out of hand.
12:25 Is there a lack of funds or something?
12:28 Because the comments earlier were about donations.
12:30 That's right.
12:32 So maybe there are some lack of funds, so they are looking for funds from other things like online.
12:38 This is also about children, because this is also very devout.
12:43 This is one of my classmates on campus.
12:45 So the child is really good.
12:47 Devout, because if you are devout, you will be successful with your parents.
12:50 That's the key.
12:51 Moreover, yesterday there was an interview from Fadil Jaidi,
12:56 who said that before the pandemic, his parents were determined to build a house.
13:02 But of course, when he paid for the rent, it was a bit heavy.
13:05 So there was a prayer that finally came from Fadil.
13:10 When he prayed at night or maybe said a prayer to his parents,
13:14 the videos were booming.
13:16 Immediately booming.
13:17 And he was surprised, "Why did you give money to his mother?"
13:20 But his mother still asked for permission from him to use the money that was saved by Fadil Jaidi.
13:25 Okay, what is the full story?
13:27 We will present it, but for now, stay with us on Insert Fadil.
13:31 Bye!
13:32 [Music]
13:40 [Music]
13:45 [Music]
14:00 [Music]
14:15 I think all minerals are the same.
14:17 Mineral oil is different.
14:19 Mineral oil is indeed different.
14:21 Each drop contains a balanced essential mineral that is important for the body
14:25 and also makes the water taste fresher.
14:27 The freshness of the mineral oil.
14:30 [Music]
14:45 In order to get the best water source, mineral oil does hundreds of explorations.
14:50 Each drop contains a balanced essential mineral that is important for the body.
14:54 A new gallon that is free of BPA.
14:57 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
14:59 Sido Muncul has 70 years of experience in herbal treatment.
15:03 With the most complete product variant.
15:05 The latest innovation, soft capsule wind treatment.
15:08 We believe in Sido Muncul.
15:10 If you get in the wind, smart people drink wind treatment.
15:14 Sarimi!
15:17 New! Sarimi beef and beef tenderloin, price Rp 2,500.
15:21 Must get in! Sarimi beef and beef tenderloin, ready to be swallowed!
15:26 The beef and beef are so tasty!
15:29 Fall, fall, fall!
15:31 Sarimi chicken, the crunch is so good!
15:35 Crunch, crunch, crunch!
15:38 The taste is so good, Rp 2,500.
15:41 Get in! Sarimi Rp 2,500, the taste is so good, keep swallowing!
15:45 Not good.
15:47 Yes, it's like there's a sweet taste.
15:50 Lemineral is different.
15:52 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals.
15:55 Which is important for the body and also makes the water taste fresher.
15:59 Lemineral.
16:00 Keep swallowing, keep eating, keep tasting good!
16:03 Sweet and sour, chewy!
16:06 Sweet and sour, chewy!
16:08 Sweet and sour, chewy!
16:09 Keep swallowing, keep eating, keep tasting good!
16:11 Don't stick to your teeth!
16:13 Hey, where are you from?
16:17 From Rapatawasis, ma'am.
16:20 Liar! You just ate squid, right?
16:23 With spicy sauce, right?
16:24 That's why, guys.
16:25 After eating, kiss first!
16:27 Kiss! The smell is so good, after eating.
16:30 Herbal Pepsoden, fresh nafas for 18 hours.
16:33 Even after breakfast, sambal terasi.
16:35 Yes, Herbal Pepsoden, fresh nafas for 18 hours.
16:38 Even after lunch, using butter.
16:41 Yes, Herbal Pepsoden, fresh nafas for 18 hours.
16:44 Wow, even after dinner, using Kambing Guling.
16:47 Yes, Herbal Pepsoden, fresh nafas for 18 hours.
16:51 Herbal Pepsoden, with natural ingredients,
16:53 with celery and lime leaves,
16:55 fresh nafas for 18 hours.
16:57 New, Herbal Pepsoden.
17:00 I want noodles.
17:01 I want noodles.
17:02 Please.
17:03 Be careful, kids keep asking for noodles.
17:06 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles.
17:08 The choice is healthier.
17:09 The product is in the oven, not fried.
17:11 The water is clear, the noodles are chewy.
17:14 The wet powder makes it more delicious.
17:16 I want some.
17:18 Delicious.
17:23 I want more.
17:25 No problem.
17:26 Oven Noodles, straight noodles, healthier and more delicious.
17:30 Prepare yourself for extraordinary achievements and cross the limit.
17:36 Stargazer X, Unleash the X in You.
17:45 Wardah Perfect Bright Micellar Water.
17:47 With booster serum, 4 times bright berries, rich in vitamins.
17:51 4 times brighter, clean your face.
17:54 Comfortable to use, many times.
17:56 Wardah Perfect Bright Micellar Water.
17:58 Very bright, ready to glow.
18:00 Don't forget to drink Yakult.
18:02 I take care of my family with love.
18:04 Don't forget Yakult.
18:06 Like the good bacteria in Yakult, take care of your intestines.
18:10 Love your intestines.
18:12 Drink Yakult every day.
18:15 It's hot, very hot.
18:18 It's all in the noodles.
18:20 All in the noodles.
18:22 Only in the noodles.
18:25 Noodles, noodles.
18:27 All in the noodles.
18:30 Panu, panu, panu, live more freely.
18:33 Panu, panu, panu, together we are more free.
18:37 Panu, panu, panu, always go ahead.
18:41 Panu, panu, panu, there must be hope.
18:44 Panu, panu, panu, live more freely.
18:48 Panu, panu, panu, together we are more free.
18:52 Panu, 12 Panu.
18:55 [Music]
19:00 The formula is updated continuously.
19:02 Soap is the number one washing soap all the time.
19:06 The new variant is more popular.
19:08 Shiwa's economic cream.
19:09 Must use the economic cream.
19:11 The dirt, dirt and dust are gone.
19:14 Wingscare.
19:15 Coffee, sugar, sand.
19:17 The taste is patent.
19:18 Makes everyone want it.
19:19 The aroma is not a joke.
19:21 Only coffee, coffee, sugar, sand.
19:23 The taste is not a joke.
19:25 Coffee and sand are more patent.
19:27 Choose two for free.
19:28 Pick coffee, the coffee expert.
19:30 I'm confused, what should I cook?
19:32 Want to cook delicious?
19:33 Use the delicious black sesame sauce.
19:35 Wow, boss.
19:36 Only 1000 can cook delicious.
19:38 Wow, there is a chef's chef's bonus, boss.
19:40 Let's cook.
19:41 Now, the sachet packaging contains more.
19:45 The black sesame is more dense.
19:47 1000 becomes less even more.
19:50 Well, try it.
19:53 Delicious.
19:54 Delicious black sesame is the special black sesame sachet.
19:56 1000 plus bonus recipe.
19:57 Buy 2 plans, free shipping.
19:59 From Wingsfood.
20:00 In order to get the best water source,
20:02 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
20:05 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals,
20:08 which is important for the body.
20:09 Always new gallon and free of PPA.
20:12 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
20:14 Something sweet to chill with your friends.
20:16 Plus a natural dessert selection.
20:18 Spray cologne and body wash.
20:19 Fragrant pink cupcake, so sweet and cheerful.
20:22 The foam is so fluffy and fresh.
20:24 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection.
20:28 Be sweet, be you.
20:29 Wingscare.
20:30 Do you know if your mom says you don't look good?
20:41 For example, you want to ask for something but it's not good.
20:43 Oh, yes.
20:44 Like, she's really...
20:45 I really saw my mom's face,
20:47 I was so upset.
20:49 "Adil, can I ask for money?"
20:55 Like that.
20:57 "What for?"
20:59 I said.
21:00 "No, just for the house needs."
21:03 She said.
21:04 Then I said,
21:05 "Why not?"
21:08 "All of your money is with me."
21:10 "I never use your money."
21:13 I was like...
21:14 "I'm sorry, I'm not good at this."
21:18 The shock that made Fadil Jaidi put his hand on his shoulder,
21:21 when his beloved mother said the words that were deeply
21:25 about the income that his son gave,
21:27 turned out to be a savings.
21:29 Starting a life journey from a simple family that is in debt,
21:32 to pay for the rent,
21:34 plus the daily food expenses,
21:36 Fadil struggled to solve his family's economic problems
21:39 by becoming a content creator with his father.
21:42 The struggle that burdened the back of the second child of these three siblings,
21:45 finally paid off.
21:47 One day before Fadil asked his mother not to ask for money from him,
21:51 because Fakus wanted to pay for the rent,
21:53 the content that Fadil made became a booming
21:55 and was successfully accepted by the people of the country.
21:58 I told my mom,
22:00 "Mom, do you want this house to be paid for?"
22:05 I said like that.
22:06 Then my mom said,
22:07 "What do you mean?"
22:08 "Yes, Adil will pay for this house."
22:10 "But Adil asked for one."
22:11 I said like this,
22:12 I actually didn't want to say it,
22:13 but I was like,
22:14 "But I have to say it."
22:17 "Mom, can you not ask Adil for money for a year?"
22:21 You said that?
22:23 "For a year, you don't have to ask Adil for money."
22:26 "But you promised to pay for this house."
22:28 "Because Adil doesn't want to see you cry again."
22:31 I said like that.
22:32 Then my mom said,
22:34 "Yes, I want to."
22:35 "For a year, you and dad will be more..."
22:40 "You will try to cover the debts."
22:44 Then, the next day, I uploaded the video.
22:48 Behind the success of Fadhil Jaidy,
22:51 he didn't forget to serve his parents.
22:55 All the income he got,
22:56 he didn't save it for his mom and dad.
23:00 He was raised by his parents,
23:02 even though they faced many limitations together,
23:05 now Fadhil can give a number of gifts
23:07 to the two people he loves.
23:09 Like one of them,
23:11 a luxury white car
23:13 that he prepared for his mom's birthday.
23:16 Ready?
23:18 1, 2, 3.
23:21 Bye.
23:23 Wait, guys.
23:36 I want to cry.
23:38 I've been crying since then.
23:40 Your struggle is not a waste, son.
23:52 Even though there are many people who don't like you,
23:55 but your family will always be there to love you.
23:57 The success of Fadhil is no different
23:59 because of the prayers from his parents.
24:01 And the fruits of that success
24:03 he gives as the most beautiful gift for them.
24:06 Not only this year,
24:07 last year,
24:08 Fadhil gave his mom a beautiful and elegant ring.
24:12 And look how happy his mom's face was
24:15 when the ring successfully circled his finger.
24:18 Here, I'll put it here.
24:23 It's so beautiful.
24:30 It's so beautiful.
24:34 Look at this.
24:35 It's so beautiful.
24:37 Here, Fadhil.
24:39 Thank you.
24:44 The gift of Fadhil's achievement is not only there.
24:48 A business in Bintara for his mom
24:51 was also successfully established.
24:52 And because of his spirit to sell,
24:54 the customer who followed the business
24:56 immediately made a photoshoot as a seller
24:59 wearing a traditional black berbeji berbati.
25:03 Two.
25:04 Okay, thank you.
25:06 Don't be naughty.
25:08 Put the bowl down.
25:11 Put it down.
25:12 Put it down.
25:13 No, no.
25:14 It's broken.
25:15 Okay, I'm ready.
25:17 I'm ready.
25:18 I want to be a good person.
25:21 So, yeah!
25:23 I'm kidding.
25:24 The harmony of his family continues to flow
25:29 because of the presence of a humorous child
25:31 who makes the atmosphere of their work full of laughter.
25:34 Just like Ayu Ting Ting,
25:36 the singer who is now a singer,
25:38 gives all her income to her family.
25:41 Even her money is still managed by her mother.
25:44 I never know how much money I have.
25:49 So, when I go to work,
25:52 I always ask my mother for money.
25:53 I ask for 500 thousand rupiahs.
25:56 I ask for 1 million rupiahs.
25:59 My assistant uses her money.
26:02 She'll be left behind.
26:04 You never know?
26:06 I never know.
26:07 So, all the money is still there.
26:08 All my money.
26:09 Even my own budget, I never know how much it is.
26:13 Budget per episode?
26:14 Yes, I never know.
26:16 That's why my manager,
26:17 when I ask him,
26:18 he'll be surprised.
26:20 "Ben, you ask like this,
26:22 usually you never want to know."
26:24 But your mother knows.
26:26 Yes, my mother knows.
26:27 All mothers.
26:29 The success of children is because of prayers and support from parents.
26:33 And the success of parents,
26:34 when they successfully bring their children to a better life than their own,
26:38 keep fighting, young man.
26:40 Achieve your dream,
26:41 and don't forget your parents.
26:43 Because the great God's wish,
26:45 is also the wish of both parents.
26:48 Still, whatever the news is,
26:55 there's always a twist at the end.
26:56 There's always a twist.
26:57 There's always a twist.
26:58 But, both celebrities are very into family.
27:03 Like Felicia,
27:04 because of the blessing of her parents,
27:06 her video will be successful.
27:08 And Tayo Ting Ting also said,
27:09 she doesn't know how much money is in the savings,
27:12 but her mother knows.
27:13 Do you know how much money is in the savings?
27:16 So, it's not my children's money.
27:17 Don't be fooled.
27:19 But, actually,
27:20 if we talk about parents,
27:22 maybe it's not just about material things.
27:25 Don't forget that we also have to pay attention to our children.
27:28 And we saw that this stage saved us from the pandemic.
27:32 Because of the twist,
27:33 we successfully entertained everyone.
27:35 Hopefully,
27:36 even though it's a success,
27:38 it's also a manifestation.
27:41 If we have good intentions,
27:42 especially towards our parents,
27:43 it will definitely happen.
27:45 It's also an example for young people to love their parents.
27:49 But, this time,
27:50 there are also those who learn to love the living creature.
27:54 Especially, this is an animal.
27:56 So, if you have a child,
27:58 you don't have to take him to the zoo.
27:59 You can take him to your house.
28:01 No problem.
28:02 For the last scene,
28:03 making a mini zoo at home,
28:07 what's inside?
28:08 I thought there might be chimpanzees inside.
28:10 But, no.
28:11 The inside is a catfish.
28:13 Catfish?
28:14 Peletabes.
28:15 Like the color of the catfish.
28:16 Don't look at the market.
28:18 No.
28:19 This is also a lesson from a father.
28:23 From us, Kiranda.
28:24 We want our grandchild to love animals.
28:28 And, until now,
28:29 it's true that
28:31 Atar loves the chicken.
28:35 Let's see how cute it is.
28:37 Here it is.
28:38 That's the chicken.
28:40 The chicken.
28:42 What is that for?
28:45 You have to keep it here.
28:47 There's a cage, too.
28:49 It's a nest.
28:50 Why is it so small?
28:52 It's a nest.
28:53 You have to take care of it until it grows up.
28:56 Okay?
28:57 Okay?
28:58 Okay.
28:59 Three years ago,
29:02 when Atar was still a baby,
29:04 he didn't know anything
29:05 and was comfortable in the arms of his grandchild.
29:08 His heart was given a special gift from his beloved grandfather.
29:11 A white-colored chicken tail
29:13 was given as a gift to welcome his beloved grandson.
29:16 And, look at it now.
29:17 Three years later,
29:18 when Atar just celebrated his third birthday a few years ago,
29:21 his grandson and his brother, Reski,
29:23 ran to their house
29:25 to play with Pablo,
29:27 the beloved chicken tail
29:29 from his grandfather.
29:30 There was no fear.
29:32 Atar was brave.
29:33 Not only did he see from afar,
29:34 Atar also carried and carried
29:36 Pablo's first chicken tail
29:38 to his house.
29:40 You carry it, Pablo.
29:47 He's a baby.
29:49 You carry it, Pablo.
29:51 You carry it, Pablo.
29:54 You hold it.
29:55 You don't bite it.
29:57 You carry it.
29:58 You hold it.
29:59 Like this.
30:00 Like this.
30:01 Like a father.
30:02 One below.
30:05 One above.
30:07 Above.
30:09 There.
30:10 Stop.
30:12 Stop, Pablo.
30:13 Yes.
30:14 Yes.
30:16 Lift it up again.
30:18 Lift it up again.
30:19 Lift it up.
30:20 You carry it, Pablo.
30:21 You carry it.
30:22 Mama!
30:31 Mama!
30:32 Mas.
30:35 Let's take it out, Mas.
30:36 Come here.
30:37 Play here.
30:38 Play here.
30:40 Let's go, Mas.
30:42 Mas, bring it here.
30:44 Over here, Mas.
30:46 No!
30:47 No!
30:49 Riang playing with his grandfather's chicken
30:52 also left a happy and longing feeling in Citra's heart.
30:56 Riang, who returned in 2021,
30:59 couldn't see his grandson keep his promise
31:01 to take care of and love Pablo with all his heart.
31:04 Meanwhile, in the video that was shot on September 5, 2020,
31:08 a few days after Atar was born,
31:11 the late Iwan Siregar gave an excuse
31:14 to his grandson, Atar, to be his chicken's friend.
31:18 And the reason is now proven.
31:21 Atar is brave and loves animals.
31:24 Atar is a man.
31:28 So?
31:29 He loves animals.
31:30 Atar is big.
31:32 Like a grandma.
31:34 Yes.
31:35 Yes, Atar.
31:36 He gives his chicken to the white baby.
31:39 He also gives it to the birds.
31:40 There are a lot of birds.
31:41 Yes, Atar.
31:42 Yes.
31:43 Yes.
31:44 Oh, I see.
31:45 This is a chicken from his grandfather.
31:49 When Atar was born,
31:51 his father gave him this chicken.
31:54 Then his father said,
31:56 "Atar, you have to take care of Pablo."
31:59 "You have to love animals, Atar."
32:02 That's what his father said.
32:04 "You have to love animals, Atar."
32:09 "You have to love animals, Atar."
32:11 Atar's father, Chitra Kirana, who provides a large land,
32:14 a mini zoo in their house,
32:16 sees Atar's courage,
32:17 there is a sense of surprise.
32:19 At the age of Atar, who is only three years old,
32:22 Chitra Kirana did not imagine that her grandson could be as brave
32:25 and really inherit his grandfather's hobby.
32:27 As a mother, Chitra Kirana is full of happiness.
32:30 And as a child, Chitra Kirana breathes freely.
32:33 When she promised to give her beloved father,
32:35 this has been realized.
32:36 With Atar's passion for playing with a number of animals.
32:41 How?
32:42 I didn't expect Atar to be this brave.
32:45 But, God willing, he loves animals.
32:48 He really loves them.
32:50 Maca, do you want it?
32:54 Maca, do you want it?
32:56 Here.
32:58 Come on.
32:59 This one.
33:00 Maca.
33:02 No, it's not biting.
33:06 No, it's not biting.
33:07 It's just tickling.
33:08 It's tickling.
33:09 It's tickling.
33:12 Come here, give me your hand.
33:14 Give me your hand.
33:15 Give me your hand.
33:16 Here, here, here.
33:27 It's on the head.
33:28 It's on the head.
33:29 A chicken gift,
33:32 a story of Chitra Kirana and her father.
33:35 Simple and simple, but so meaningful.
33:37 More than a pile of material,
33:39 the chicken gift from her father's animal friend for Atar is much more meaningful.
33:43 At the same time, it shows Atar's love for all living creatures in the Maya world.
33:47 Through her social media pages,
33:49 Chitra Kirana also shared Atar's moments playing with Pablo,
33:52 while saying the words of longing for her father who is no longer with them.
33:57 Who is Pablo?
34:04 This is Pablo, Atar's favorite chicken.
34:08 Who is that?
34:09 That's Bird.
34:11 Hello, Bird.
34:14 Hello, Bird.
34:16 What's that?
34:23 It's a bird.
34:25 Lift it up again.
34:26 Come on, hold Pablo.
34:29 What?
34:30 Hold him.
34:34 Hey, hold him.
34:35 Hold him.
34:36 Hold him.
34:37 Hold him.
34:38 Hold him.
34:39 Since he was a kid, Atar has been used to be close to animals.
34:44 So, he can be like his grandmother, a lover of animals.
34:47 My father loves birds, chickens, cats, and dogs.
34:51 He loves all of them.
34:52 I think Atar loves animals.
34:55 Hopefully, he will be like his grandmother.
34:57 But I still tell Atar
35:01 not to be rude to animals.
35:03 Because he doesn't know that a pig is a pig.
35:07 So, we have to educate him.
35:10 Who is that? Do you want to be the winner?
35:24 All of them are in Trans-Tibet.
35:27 I think all minerals are the same.
35:44 Mineral oil is different.
35:46 Mineral oil is different.
35:48 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
35:52 It also makes the water taste fresh.
35:54 It's so fresh.
35:56 To get the best mineral,
36:14 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
36:17 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
36:21 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
36:24 This is Lemineral's commitment.
36:26 Give them energy to be nutritious.
36:29 With 2 times malt extract, milk, vitamins, and minerals.
36:32 It tastes good.
36:35 Drink it, Milo.
36:36 Support them to be active everyday.
36:38 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:42 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:43 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:44 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:45 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:46 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:47 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:48 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:49 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:51 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:52 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:53 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:54 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:55 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:56 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:57 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:58 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
36:59 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:00 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:01 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:02 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:03 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:04 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:05 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:06 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:07 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:08 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:09 Milo, energy to be active everyday.
37:11 [Music]
37:12 Headache, make your day with Bodre.
37:13 5 OK's of Bodre, quick headache relief, can be taken before eating without sleep.
37:14 Bodre, the best headache relief in Indonesia.
37:15 Le Mineral, very different, smoother, fresher.
37:16 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
37:17 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
37:18 And more effective.
37:19 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
37:20 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
37:21 And more effective.
37:22 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
37:23 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
37:24 And more effective.
37:25 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
37:26 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
37:27 And more effective.
37:28 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
37:52 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
37:59 And more effective.
38:00 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:01 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:02 And more effective.
38:03 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:04 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:05 And more effective.
38:06 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:07 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:08 And more effective.
38:09 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:10 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:11 And more effective.
38:12 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:13 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:14 And more effective.
38:15 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:22 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:26 And more effective.
38:27 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:28 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:29 And more effective.
38:30 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:31 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:32 And more effective.
38:33 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:34 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:35 And more effective.
38:36 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:37 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:38 And more effective.
38:39 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:40 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:41 And more effective.
38:42 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:43 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:44 And more effective.
38:45 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:46 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:47 And more effective.
38:48 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:49 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:50 And more effective.
38:51 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:52 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
38:53 And more effective.
38:54 Le Mineral is indeed different, each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are
38:55 important for the body and also make the water taste fresher.
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49:15 And more effective.
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49:27 And more effective.
49:33 And more effective.
49:39 And more effective.
49:46 And more effective.
49:53 And more effective.
50:01 And more effective.
50:08 Prepare yourself for extraordinary achievements and cross your limits.
50:14 Stargazer X. Unleash the X in you.
50:18 In order to get the best water source, Lemineral has done hundreds of explorations.
50:24 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body,
50:28 a new gallon and free of BPA.
50:31 This is the commitment of Lemineral.
50:34 The weather makes me sick.
50:37 Be grateful.
50:38 Every day is soft.
50:39 Be grateful.
50:40 Give milk, seven dates.
50:41 The goodness of sterile milk and dates becomes one.
50:44 Give sterile milk, seven dates.
50:46 God willing, double the benefits.
50:49 [Music]
51:04 [Music]
51:06 If accompanied by the thick taste of miso soup,
51:09 the authentic sesame seed porridge,
51:11 the warmth of the mouth is always wanted.
51:14 Indomie Rameen Series.
51:16 The authentic taste of my nation.
51:19 I think all minerals are the same.
51:21 Lemineral is different.
51:23 Lemineral is different.
51:25 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body
51:29 and also make the water taste fresher.
51:31 Oh, it's fresh.
51:33 Lemineral.
51:34 Now, fried chicken is practical and delicious.
51:37 Just use one spice, it's enough for Royco.
51:39 My favorite, right, Mom?
51:40 Yes, because Royco is made from chicken that has been boiled for a long time,
51:43 like a mixture of spices, immediately reveals and absorbs perfectly.
51:45 My favorite fried chicken.
51:47 Fried chicken is enough for Royco.
51:49 Children want to eat.
51:50 Wise mothers choose Mie Gelas.
51:52 Mie Gelas, number one in Indonesia.
51:55 With protein, without preservatives, and without coloring.
51:59 Hmm, trusted since ancient times.
52:01 Mie Gelas, number one in the trust of mothers.
52:04 Just brush your teeth with nano soft pads.
52:06 Two, three, four.
52:08 Four?
52:09 Yes, there are four layers of plaque on the teeth.
52:12 Use nano soft pads.
52:13 Use a nano tip to pierce the deepest layer.
52:16 Remove four layers of plaque.
52:17 New, Pepsoden Nano Soft.
52:19 Ehh, lots of germs.
52:21 Too much shampoo makes the skin dry.
52:24 Use Lifebuoy Mildcare.
52:26 100% stronger against germs.
52:28 With 10 times moisturizer, extra soft on the skin.
52:31 Lifebuoy Mildcare, stronger against germs, soft on the skin.
52:34 Every day we are at the location of the shooting,
52:38 being slapped, being slapped,
52:40 the slap is every time it's rough.
52:42 The slap is usually on the hand.
52:44 I feel like I don't trust myself.
52:47 Try Dove Hair Care Slap.
52:51 With serum and Dynazing.
52:53 Nutrition and lock the hair at the root,
52:56 so the hair is strong and the slap is reduced by 99%.
52:59 I am confident to show the best version of myself.
53:02 Because Dove is strong from the root.
53:04 Dove, that means I'm with you, right?
53:09 Who do we want to meet?
53:10 Them, Cher.
53:11 Cher?
53:12 Yes, you.
53:13 Buy Oreo Waffle, scan and check the method on Instagram.
53:17 Let's go.
53:18 Prepare yourself for an amazing achievement and cross the limit.
53:25 Now, you are satisfied after being transplanted.
53:37 Satisfied because it's guaranteed fresh?
53:39 Satisfied because it's super complete?
53:41 Satisfied because all the prices are up?
53:44 The price of transplants is cheaper.
53:46 Is there anything cheaper?
53:48 Replaced by double the price.
53:51 Even cheaper with a 10% discount using Mega Credit Card.
53:56 Come on, apply Mega Credit Card now.
54:02 I want it.
54:05 I want it.
54:06 Please.
54:08 Don't worry, I always ask for noodles.
54:10 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles.
54:12 The choice is healthier.
54:14 The product is in the oven, not fried.
54:16 The boiling water is clear, the noodles are chewy.
54:18 The wet seasoning makes it more delicious.
54:21 I want it too.
54:22 Delicious.
54:28 I want it again.
54:29 Sure.
54:30 As long as it's Oven Noodles.
54:31 The noodles are straight, healthier and more delicious.
54:34 There's a new one.
54:35 K-Natural White Jeju Lemon.
54:37 I want it too.
54:38 With Korean Rice Milk and Jeju Lemon,
54:40 against the bacterial body acne.
54:42 Wow, it's pretty.
54:44 By Surawat, K-Natural White Jeju Lemon.
54:47 New.
54:48 Wingscare.
54:49 I love what I do.
54:50 Royal Perfume Series by Soklin.
54:52 Inspired by the world's celebrity perfumes.
54:55 Royal Active Touch,
54:57 spreading the fragrance in every touch.
54:59 With Royal Perfume Series by Soklin,
55:02 I win the world.
55:03 Wingscare.
55:05 Celebrate the proud journey of life.
55:08 Every moment and achievement to reach this point.
55:13 YAMAHA MX155.
55:16 Live the Pride.
55:19 Transmart September Ceria Full Day Sale.
55:22 Discount up to 50% plus 20% with Aloe Prime.
55:26 Mega Credit Card or Mega Sharia Bank.
55:29 Daily needs.
55:31 Fresh products.
55:33 Household appliances.
55:35 Department Store products and electronics.
55:38 Shop now, pay later.
55:43 Today, at Transmart all over Indonesia.
55:46 Transmart.
55:48 Why cereal breakfast?
55:51 Cereal is made from wheat.
55:53 So nutritious and full of energy.
55:55 The number one cereal in Indonesia.
55:57 Made from Australian wheat.
55:59 Nutritious and full of energy.
56:01 Delicious.
56:02 Yummy.
56:03 Don't be sad, bro.
56:05 Hey, who's not sad, bro?
56:06 Top Coffee, Milk, Sugar, Aren.
56:07 Tubruk.
56:08 Combination of Tubruk Coffee, Milk, and Sugar, Aren.
56:10 Crazy.
56:11 The compost is smoother, brother.
56:13 The compost is delicious.
56:15 Top Coffee, Milk, Sugar, Aren.
56:17 Tubruk.
56:18 From Wings Food.
56:41 Thank you for watching us for an hour.
56:45 We've shared useful information.
56:49 Don't forget, we'll be back at 11 PM.
56:51 Only on Insert Siang.
56:53 Of course on TransTV.
56:54 Here we are.
56:56 Have a nice day.
56:58 [Music]
57:01 [Music]
57:04 [Music]
57:15 [Music]
57:18 [Music]
57:21 [Music]
57:24 [Music]
57:27 [Music]
57:30 [Music]
57:33 [Music]
57:36 [Music]
57:39 [Music]
57:42 [Music]
57:45 [Music]
57:48 [Music]
57:51 [Music]
57:52 Don't be sad, don't be sad.
57:54 Don't be sad.
57:57 Amateur video recorded the excitement of the people collecting the money of the 100,000 IDR
58:02 scattered on the road of Imam Poncol Medan, Sedim Siang.
58:05 It seems that the owner of the money, who is a motorcycle driver, is helped by the people and road users
58:09 busy collecting the money that is in debt.
58:12 The owner of the money then put it in a plastic bag.
58:15 The amount is estimated to be tens of millions of rupiahs.
58:18 The hotel security officer in front of the scene said
58:22 the motorcycle driver brought the money in plastic.
58:25 However, the plastic money was torn and the money scattered on the road.
58:29 Meanwhile, the KUS man driving a sedan car
58:36 and robbing the police in the post of the police of the district of Pekalongan on Friday afternoon
58:40 became viral on social media.
58:43 The 48-year-old man from the district of Kudus
58:46 escaped from the police and headed for the robber.
58:49 He was then able to be arrested by the police after being trapped in a traffic jam on the road of Pantura Pemalang.
58:54 The suspect was driving with a woman who turned out to be not his wife.
58:58 The police found three bottles of illegal drugs
59:01 dissolved in a bottle of mineral water that the suspect wanted to throw away.
59:05 On Monday afternoon, the district of Pekalongan, AKBP Wahyu Rohadih stated
59:09 that the results of the KUS urine test were found to be negative for drugs.
59:13 The suspect was previously reported to the police for robbing another driver and escaped.
59:18 The police denied the offender with a violation of traffic laws and health laws
59:22 and was given a bail.
59:24 The driver of this online Ojek is suspected to be the victim of a robbery
59:35 when he was delivering his passenger on the Benyamin Sueb road on Tuesday afternoon.
59:40 From this video recording, the driver of the online Ojek and the passenger were seated weakly.