• last year


00:00:00 Saskia Gothic has started to negotiate the house that is in Cikarang, Bekasi
00:00:05 Even since February 20, 2023
00:00:09 At that time, Sang Biduan sold his house for Rp 800 million
00:00:14 But now it has dropped to Rp 750 million
00:00:18 It can still be negotiated
00:00:20 Is it true that Saskia Gothic really needs money?
00:00:23 Along with her job, singing and shooting also seem to be rare
00:00:29 But especially to the Insert team
00:00:31 Saskia Gothic actually clarified that the house was not sold
00:00:37 Except for the property of her younger brother who is intending to move to Bandung, West Java
00:00:42 The house was sold to her brother
00:00:45 His brother lives behind his mother's house in Cikarang
00:00:52 He wants to move to Bandung
00:00:56 So he asked for help to sell the house
00:00:59 He hopes that the house will be sold soon
00:01:02 Saskia also admitted that because of selling the house
00:01:06 She and her family were also involved in various unpleasant issues
00:01:10 Such as bankruptcy
00:01:12 Until they need money to survive
00:01:15 Even so, Sang Biduan tries to take all the bribes as a breeze
00:01:21 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:25 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:29 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:32 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:37 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:41 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:44 I hope that the house will be sold soon
00:01:48 I want to explain that the house was sold to her brother
00:01:54 He wants to sell the house to buy a house in Bandung
00:01:56 She tried to avoid the issue, said Warkanet
00:02:00 Many comments are hurting her
00:02:03 About the corruption case that is dragging her husband
00:02:07 Saskia Gautik only gave in to fate
00:02:10 But she insisted that Warkanet can only be angry
00:02:14 Or say negative words to herself
00:02:17 But not to her children
00:02:19 Because if the children are attacked
00:02:22 Gautik will be the first to defend her three children
00:02:26 Because she is not responsible for the haters
00:02:30 How do you feel about the comments?
00:02:32 I don't feel bad
00:02:33 I don't feel bad
00:02:37 If people want to comment bad things about me, it's okay
00:02:41 The important thing is not to insult my children
00:02:43 Because if it's a child's problem, it's very sensitive
00:02:46 People who were quiet, people who didn't want to interfere
00:02:50 People who didn't want to do anything
00:02:52 If the child is insulted, they will be attacked
00:02:55 That's all
00:02:56 If I have a principle, people can comment anything
00:03:02 It doesn't matter
00:03:03 But if it's a child's problem, it's different
00:03:13 That's the clarification from Saskia Gautik
00:03:16 Although her husband was called by the KPK
00:03:19 Because his name was involved in the corruption case
00:03:22 The construction of a church in Mimika
00:03:25 But this is still a witness
00:03:28 And this is not the first call
00:03:31 On the 9th, the KPK also called
00:03:34 But from Sirajudin, he was not present at the call
00:03:37 Today at 10 am, the news was called
00:03:40 Whether he was called or not, we will confirm later
00:03:44 But from Saskia Gautik, hopefully the house will be sold soon
00:03:47 Because her brother wants to move to Bandung
00:03:49 The price has started to fall
00:03:51 From 800 million to 750 million
00:03:54 It can still be negotiated
00:03:55 If it can be 100 million, I'll take it
00:03:57 It's too far
00:03:59 But don't worry, because usually the price will go up on Monday
00:04:02 But it's impossible
00:04:05 Why is it so expensive?
00:04:07 The maintenance cost is tens of millions
00:04:10 I followed her Instagram
00:04:12 Her husband is a rich man, so it's impossible
00:04:15 Her brother's house really wants to move to Bandung
00:04:18 For me, the maintenance is worth tens of millions
00:04:22 Why do people have filters on Instagram?
00:04:26 But there is still a camera
00:04:29 But that's all for the first news
00:04:31 See you this afternoon
00:04:33 Back with us on Insert, I'm Maria Christy
00:04:36 We are live from Insert Transivis studio
00:04:39 We are ready to give celebrity information from the country and the country
00:04:44 And next, we will see John Martin in Asal Usil
00:04:49 Usilin Ibu-Ibu who is playing games, how is the story?
00:04:52 But this time, maybe it's related to a TikToker
00:04:56 Tony Chu, who is indeed
00:04:59 The content is the same, close to Ibu-Ibu
00:05:02 Then also close to Wange
00:05:05 Idola Ibu-Ibu, this is from Asal Usil
00:05:08 What's that?
00:05:11 Why are people so crowded?
00:05:13 It's like a 17th competition, this is not a competition
00:05:17 We will come
00:05:19 We are giving out the tickets
00:05:26 What are you watching?
00:05:29 I'm watching Tony Chu
00:05:32 There are so many gifts
00:05:35 Are those for the winner?
00:05:37 No, for the winner
00:05:39 It's for the winner
00:05:41 You don't play?
00:05:42 No, I don't
00:05:43 You are rich at home?
00:05:45 What are you playing?
00:05:49 I'm playing games
00:05:51 What games?
00:05:52 I'm playing with my friends
00:05:54 Why don't you join?
00:05:55 Come on
00:05:56 Come with me
00:05:57 Raise your hand, shake hands
00:05:59 Me!
00:06:01 Me!
00:06:03 Bro!
00:06:12 Bro!
00:06:14 This poor lady hasn't eaten for 3 days
00:06:18 I can't hear you
00:06:22 Hey!
00:06:24 Bro!
00:06:26 Do you want to play?
00:06:28 I don't want to play
00:06:30 You are chosen?
00:06:33 Yeah!
00:06:35 Good luck!
00:06:37 We will see, if she doesn't succeed, we will shake hands
00:06:44 Yeah!
00:06:46 Come on!
00:06:54 What did you get?
00:07:01 I got a kiss
00:07:03 She got a kiss?
00:07:05 Hey!
00:07:08 Maria!
00:07:09 No!
00:07:11 No!
00:07:13 Is there anything more expensive than this?
00:07:20 Yes, there is
00:07:22 What is more expensive?
00:07:23 There is a rice cooker, why don't you buy it?
00:07:26 I don't want to
00:07:27 Rice cooker is more expensive
00:07:29 You can buy this every month
00:07:31 It's a bit provocative
00:07:34 Just laugh
00:07:38 I don't want to
00:07:39 Why are you so provocative?
00:07:41 Don't you have a husband?
00:07:43 Provocative
00:07:45 Have you played?
00:07:47 I don't want to
00:07:48 Rice cooker, rice cooker
00:07:50 Don't you want rice?
00:07:52 You can buy rice every month
00:07:54 No!
00:07:56 Me!
00:07:59 My husband hasn't come home for 2 years
00:08:04 No one pays for me
00:08:07 I don't want to play
00:08:09 We have to help her to get rice cooker
00:08:12 Who is that?
00:08:14 I'm her husband
00:08:21 What?
00:08:24 I'm her husband
00:08:26 She's playing?
00:08:32 Yes
00:08:33 She's wearing a lot of gold, but she's still playing
00:08:36 She's rich, but she's still playing
00:08:39 The glasses are expensive
00:08:49 Just let the common people play
00:08:55 I'm playing
00:09:04 That's it!
00:09:06 Change the place
00:09:09 I want to see the gift
00:09:11 The gift
00:09:13 The gift is just for the common people
00:09:17 Are you ready?
00:09:19 Yes
00:09:20 What are we going to say?
00:09:21 Let's play!
00:09:23 No shouting
00:09:25 No shouting
00:09:28 [The game is over]
00:09:31 [The game is over]
00:09:33 [The game is over]
00:09:37 [The game is over]
00:09:40 [The game is over]
00:09:44 [The game is over]
00:09:48 [The game is over]
00:09:52 [The game is over]
00:10:00 We got the gift!
00:10:02 My wife hasn't got the gift yet
00:10:06 She's her husband
00:10:08 Mom, pray first
00:10:13 Why is mom's hand so fast?
00:10:28 She never eats rice
00:10:30 Her wife got 5 kg of rice
00:10:36 Mom, we already have one warehouse of rice
00:10:42 Why do you want to steal the rice?
00:10:44 I want to join the game
00:10:49 [The game is over]
00:10:51 [The game is over]
00:11:02 [The game is over]
00:11:16 Mom got 2 kg of rice
00:11:20 Who else?
00:11:26 Where's mom?
00:11:28 Mom!
00:11:30 My mom!
00:11:33 This is her mom
00:11:40 How long haven't you seen her?
00:11:42 I don't know
00:11:45 [The game is over]
00:11:47 My mom left her family
00:11:49 Her boyfriend is a bus driver
00:11:51 What do you want?
00:11:57 My mom is a prostitute
00:12:01 Come on, mom!
00:12:06 Please give her a big hand
00:12:10 Come on!
00:12:14 Be careful if you get more rice
00:12:18 Got it!
00:12:20 Got the rice!
00:12:26 Why do you always get the rice?
00:12:28 Is this a set up?
00:12:30 We don't have a set up
00:12:33 Really?
00:12:35 Ask the ladies
00:12:37 Is it true?
00:12:39 We don't have a set up
00:12:41 It's free
00:12:43 Free?
00:12:45 I have a KTP Indonesia
00:12:47 Oh my god
00:12:49 My mom is a prostitute from Uzbek
00:12:52 So we can't do it?
00:12:56 Sorry, we can't
00:12:58 It's easy to get a girlfriend
00:13:07 It's easy to get a girlfriend
00:13:09 Hurry up!
00:13:19 I want to ask you something
00:13:23 What is it?
00:13:24 How many kilograms of rice have you got today?
00:13:27 As a gift
00:13:28 We just played for 15 minutes
00:13:30 I think we have almost 20 packs
00:13:32 2.5 and 5 kilograms
00:13:35 Wow!
00:13:37 But there are many kinds
00:13:42 Where did you get the sponsors?
00:13:44 We don't have any sponsors yet
00:13:47 What?
00:13:48 All of it is from our personal money
00:13:50 How much do you usually spend on this kind of event?
00:13:56 It's hard to calculate
00:13:58 Sometimes we buy it
00:14:00 If we play for 20 games, we buy it
00:14:02 If we play for 20 games, we buy it
00:14:04 Minimum, we buy it
00:14:06 Minimum, it's around 10 million
00:14:08 10 million!
00:14:10 So, this is your own money
00:14:16 How long have you been doing this?
00:14:18 1 year
00:14:19 It's only 1 or 2 months
00:14:21 Seriously?
00:14:22 You are a hit on Tok Tok app
00:14:26 Tok Tok?
00:14:27 You have millions of followers
00:14:29 Where did you get the idea of this kind of content?
00:14:34 First, Indonesian people love the 2017 Olympics
00:14:38 Okay
00:14:39 And I love playing games
00:14:41 So, that's what inspired you?
00:14:43 Did you try to make this kind of content first?
00:14:46 Or did you already have the concept of having the Olympics content in the community?
00:14:51 I already had the concept
00:14:53 I love playing games
00:14:55 I love playing games
00:14:56 Because if I play games, the people will be happy
00:14:59 The people will be happy
00:15:01 Everyone will laugh, everyone will be happy
00:15:03 If you fail, everyone will be happy
00:15:05 So, you already had the concept
00:15:07 So, when the followers suddenly exploded, it's already viral?
00:15:12 No, it's not viral
00:15:14 I just play and upload
00:15:16 Is there anyone who watch your live?
00:15:17 No, it's okay
00:15:18 So, every time you gather, do you decide the location by yourself?
00:15:23 Or is there someone who moves?
00:15:24 No, it's by myself
00:15:26 Because there are so many comments
00:15:28 I want to have my own location
00:15:30 Lampung, Bekasi, Garut, Pemalang, Klonkiana
00:15:36 I want to have it all over Indonesia
00:15:39 So, how many KK have you made so far?
00:15:46 One car?
00:15:48 Almost
00:15:50 Almost one car
00:15:53 Wow, cool
00:15:54 Keep going
00:15:56 Let's see the result
00:15:58 Adil, what do you think?
00:16:00 The blessing door
00:16:02 If it's empty, what will happen?
00:16:04 Add more, Tony
00:16:06 500
00:16:08 500
00:16:10 500
00:16:12 And the blessing door is
00:16:18 3, 2, 1
00:16:23 Are you sure you're clean after washing your face?
00:16:43 Yes, I am. I use Garnier's No. 1 water mist
00:16:46 With a magnetic mist, 99% of makeup and dirt are removed
00:16:52 Keep your skin smooth and not dry
00:16:54 Use Garnier's water mist
00:16:56 Kinder Joy
00:16:58 A combination of milk and chocolate cream with two wafers
00:17:03 It's delicious
00:17:05 Thank you, Mom
00:17:07 Make kids happy with Kinder Joy
00:17:12 Hey, where are you from?
00:17:14 From Rapatosis, Mom
00:17:16 You're lying. You ate squid, right?
00:17:19 With sauce, right?
00:17:21 That's why, guys. After eating, kiss first
00:17:23 Kiss. Fragrant after eating
00:17:27 Your body's poetry is victory
00:17:29 You want to let me play your rhythm tonight
00:17:32 You're my body, my everything
00:17:34 I wanna be with you, with you, with you
00:17:37 That's the love that I want
00:17:39 X-Force
00:17:41 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
00:17:45 Are you sick?
00:17:46 Yes, now kids get sick easily
00:17:49 Kids don't get sick easily, but demons get stronger and more dangerous
00:17:53 Ooh
00:17:55 Regular soap is not enough to fight it
00:17:58 Huh?
00:17:59 Bathe with Lifebuoy new multivitamin
00:18:02 100% stronger, effective against dangerous demons
00:18:06 Bathe with multivitamin?
00:18:07 Just use Lifebuoy
00:18:09 Lifebuoy with multivitamin
00:18:11 In the world of lies, you have to be careful
00:18:17 Just use the one you bought
00:18:19 You must be satisfied with the one you bought
00:18:25 Aqua believes in your wisdom and natural miracles
00:18:30 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains
00:18:33 Not a place that is easily contaminated
00:18:35 Aqua is sucked by layers of protective rocks
00:18:38 Without any recycling process
00:18:40 Aqua contains natural minerals
00:18:42 Without any additional hazardous substances
00:18:47 So, Aqua feels cold without being cooled
00:18:50 Explain, if your cup of water is Aqua
00:18:54 Aqua 100% pure
00:18:56 Moving forward in the world
00:18:58 Antangin is believed to be an official sponsor
00:19:02 Gresini Racing MotoGP 2023
00:19:05 If it's windy, I drink Antangin
00:19:08 WSWS 12 winds
00:19:11 The weather makes me sick easily
00:19:13 Be grateful, every day is a good day
00:19:16 Be grateful, give milk 7 dates
00:19:18 The goodness of sterile milk and dates
00:19:20 Becomes one, give sterile milk 7 dates
00:19:23 God willing, double the benefit
00:19:26 I want noodles, please
00:19:28 Relax, there's Oven Noodles, healthier choice
00:19:31 The product is in the oven, not fried
00:19:33 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better
00:19:37 Delicious
00:19:39 Oven Noodles, healthy, delicious
00:19:42 Hungry?
00:19:43 Roma Marcus Crackers
00:19:45 A lot of sugar
00:19:47 With 7 layers of crispiness
00:19:49 Extra energy
00:19:51 Roma Marcus Crackers
00:19:52 A lot of flavors, ready to be fun
00:19:54 Now, 3 in 1, more
00:19:56 I always choose SGM Explore
00:19:58 Because only with Iron Sea
00:20:00 My child's support grows maximally
00:20:02 Let me be
00:20:05 Come, tie it here
00:20:07 Wow, cool
00:20:08 SGM Explore
00:20:11 Hey guys
00:20:13 What?
00:20:15 Lee
00:20:20 SGM Explore
00:20:22 Ice
00:20:23 I bring a glass of milk
00:20:25 Pour it like your father
00:20:27 Play your beat, sing a song
00:20:29 All eyes are on you
00:20:31 Hey, look at me
00:20:33 Turn around, be fun
00:20:35 Hey, look at me
00:20:37 Turn around, be fun
00:20:39 Choose the right IndoFood chili for you
00:20:43 Spicy IndoFood chili
00:20:46 Extra spicy IndoFood chili
00:20:50 Spicy IndoFood chili
00:20:52 Spicy IndoFood chili
00:20:55 Wow, there's a new one
00:20:57 Besides making your skin brighter
00:20:59 Vice Lumines White Brightening Cream
00:21:01 8 times brighter skin
00:21:03 Brightening your skin
00:21:05 SPF 36 PA++
00:21:08 Love my Vice Cream
00:21:10 Let's go
00:21:11 Coffee with coffee
00:21:14 Anytime
00:21:18 Anywhere
00:21:20 Nescafe
00:21:25 This is my cafe
00:21:26 This is a heavy workout, don't worry about sweat on your clothes
00:21:28 I'm not worried about sweat on my clothes
00:21:30 We use Soaping Puwangi Active Sport
00:21:32 New, quick absorb sweat, clothes still dry
00:21:34 Protect your clothes from bad smell
00:21:36 Clothes still fresh
00:21:37 Soaping Puwangi Active Sport
00:21:38 Free from smell, sweat on clothes
00:21:40 No way
00:21:41 Winscare
00:21:42 Move, join Sprite Cheat The Heat promo
00:21:45 Win Vespa and other cheat prizes
00:21:48 See, it's easy
00:21:51 Winners are announced every week
00:21:53 Move, join
00:21:54 Move, cheat
00:21:56 Where there is strength, there is kindness
00:22:05 Support them with kindness of milk and biscuits
00:22:09 Good strength from inside
00:22:11 Are you sure you've washed your face?
00:22:13 No, I'm clean
00:22:14 Use Garnier's No. 1 Water Micellar
00:22:16 With a missile like magnet
00:22:18 99% makeup, even dirt that can't be seen
00:22:21 Cleansed
00:22:22 Stay soft without feeling attracted
00:22:24 Use Garnier's Water Micellar
00:22:26 What are we going to play now?
00:22:38 I want to know first
00:22:39 Because this is different, Mirsa
00:22:41 How many games do you prepare for this content?
00:22:44 30
00:22:45 30?
00:22:46 You also make your own property?
00:22:47 Yes, I make my own property
00:22:48 So, there are 30 properties?
00:22:50 Yes, 30 properties
00:22:51 All of them are 30 properties
00:22:52 Oh my god
00:22:53 So, you can't work alone, right?
00:22:55 How many people are in your team?
00:22:56 4 people
00:22:58 What?
00:22:59 Why 4 people?
00:23:00 We plan everything
00:23:02 4 people
00:23:05 Open the bag
00:23:08 Open the bag
00:23:09 Do you want the pink one or the yellow one?
00:23:14 The yellow one
00:23:16 The pink one
00:23:19 Take all of them
00:23:21 One
00:23:23 One
00:23:24 Just one
00:23:25 Open it
00:23:27 Open it
00:23:31 What's inside?
00:23:33 A rock
00:23:36 Open it
00:23:38 Don't be naughty
00:23:41 A key
00:23:43 Close it
00:23:46 Open it
00:23:47 Open it
00:23:48 Open the box
00:23:49 The key
00:23:50 The key is over there
00:23:52 Do you want it?
00:23:54 Yes, I do
00:23:55 Yes, right?
00:23:56 Yes, I do
00:23:57 100 thousand?
00:23:58 No
00:23:59 Sir, I want to open it
00:24:00 No, I want to open it
00:24:01 200?
00:24:02 200?
00:24:03 Okay, ready
00:24:04 Do you want 200 or the lucky door?
00:24:05 The lucky door
00:24:07 300?
00:24:09 300
00:24:10 Sir
00:24:11 Hold it
00:24:12 The lucky money
00:24:13 I don't know
00:24:15 Who wants it?
00:24:17 I don't know
00:24:19 Sir, hold it
00:24:21 Be sincere
00:24:23 Be sincere
00:24:24 Be sincere
00:24:25 Okay
00:24:26 Do you want to choose 400 thousand, the lucky door, or the red key?
00:24:30 The red key
00:24:33 You're lying
00:24:35 Okay, be sincere
00:24:39 The lucky door
00:24:41 The lucky door
00:24:43 What if it's empty?
00:24:45 No
00:24:46 Okay
00:24:47 It's impossible
00:24:49 But it's okay
00:24:51 Try to add more money
00:24:53 Add more money
00:24:55 500?
00:24:56 500?
00:24:57 500?
00:24:58 It's a lot of money
00:24:59 500?
00:25:01 Here
00:25:03 Let's open it together
00:25:05 If we don't get the money
00:25:09 And the lucky door is
00:25:18 3
00:25:21 2
00:25:22 1
00:25:24 Thank you
00:25:25 Wait
00:25:33 3
00:25:34 2
00:25:35 1
00:25:36 It's not 500 thousand
00:25:41 It's a lot
00:25:42 It's a lot but it's only 2000
00:25:44 It's not 400 thousand
00:25:46 Hold it
00:25:48 I don't know
00:25:50 I told you
00:25:52 It's more than 500 thousand
00:25:54 It's a lot
00:25:55 Thank you
00:25:57 Thank you
00:26:02 Thank you
00:26:05 Thank you
00:26:10 Thank you
00:26:14 Thank you
00:26:21 Let's go home
00:26:23 It's more complicated
00:26:25 It's only 2000 thousand
00:26:27 Good morning
00:26:32 See you again in the next episode
00:26:37 I got a helmet
00:26:40 I got a helmet
00:26:42 I don't need to go to the game
00:26:44 I lost my money
00:26:48 I lost my money
00:26:50 Tony Channel is known for being a kind person
00:27:01 But this time he's not sincere
00:27:03 Maybe he lost his money and helmet
00:27:06 But that's how content creators are
00:27:10 Making a content become expensive
00:27:13 Can you imagine?
00:27:15 How much money do you need to spend on a content?
00:27:19 How much money do you need to spend on a content?
00:27:22 So that it's watched, watched and got more engagement
00:27:27 Is that the answer?
00:27:29 I don't know
00:27:31 Next, we're going to see a senior actress
00:27:33 Who's in her 80s to 90s
00:27:36 She's 54 years old
00:27:38 She's Sally Marcelina
00:27:40 We know that she was known in 1991
00:27:44 Through the movie "Mystery"
00:27:46 Don't talk about marriage with Ibrahim
00:27:49 But this time, Sally Marcelina
00:27:52 She wants to show us what she has
00:27:57 Which is a wheel shoe
00:28:00 And this time, she's not just playing
00:28:02 She's also planning to make a career from a wheel shoe
00:28:07 This is like a flashback to the past
00:28:10 We're going to see the full information
00:28:12 Only on Insert
00:28:15 [Insert]
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00:37:55 Compact, fun and exciting.
00:37:58 That's how the moments of senior athletes are united.
00:38:02 Not only having fun alone,
00:38:05 Sally also teaches a little girl who is interested in joining her.
00:38:09 So, I'm Insert's teacher.
00:38:12 I started learning to ride a bicycle when I was 10 years old.
00:38:17 I learned a little from Alea.
00:38:19 I was taught by these seniors, so I became an athlete.
00:38:23 Alea, do you want to be an athlete? / Yes.
00:38:26 Exercise that is compact and disciplined.
00:38:29 Okay, let's pose.
00:38:32 Let's practice again.
00:38:35 It's been a long time since I saw Sally on the glass screen.
00:38:40 Apparently, Sally has been behind the screen for a long time as a producer of wide screen films.
00:38:46 She has written 15 screenplays and has been a hit since 1992.
00:38:50 This multi-talented actress is planning to make a new film again.
00:38:55 After more than 20 years of not working in the wide screen industry in Indonesia.
00:39:00 I have written more than 15 screenplays and have been produced.
00:39:09 Now I'm starting to write more screenplays, dramas, and movies about bicycle shoes.
00:39:21 What kind of story? It's a secret.
00:39:23 Indeed, her love for bicycle shoes has been a leap forward.
00:39:29 Until when will this sport be number one in her life?
00:39:33 In addition, Sally and her friends plan to make a bicycle shoe competition at the national level.
00:39:38 This sport has been a hit in various competitions.
00:39:42 We just finished our practice. We are very tired.
00:39:46 We have been walking around since earlier.
00:39:48 And now our friends are done with their practice.
00:39:52 How was it? Was the practice okay?
00:39:55 We also have a plan to make a national level bicycle shoe competition in mid-December.
00:40:07 Don't forget to follow the news.
00:40:10 And when we open the new registration, don't forget to join.
00:40:15 Because it's really exciting.
00:40:17 We will hold a bicycle shoe competition at the school.
00:40:20 Speed from beginners, seniors, and juniors.
00:40:24 Okay, see you.
00:40:36 Wow, cool.
00:40:37 I thought it was a hand-holding. But it's a flying shoe.
00:40:41 Don't be so pessimistic.
00:40:44 It's amazing, Sally.
00:40:46 We know that bicycle shoes were very famous in the early 90s.
00:40:52 Although at that time, it was not inline skates, but quad skates.
00:40:57 But now it's back to the trend.
00:41:01 Including inline skates.
00:41:04 And now they want to make a film about bicycle shoes.
00:41:06 If it's a pair of glass shoes, there will be a Cinderella movie.
00:41:09 But if you talk about Buntung, I immediately remember about you.
00:41:15 I like the song.
00:41:17 Because now my partner, Rian Ibram, will give a challenge to Adam and you.
00:41:25 Sorry, it's not me.
00:41:28 The one who will give the challenge is not me, but he is more handsome than me.
00:41:32 I'm not curious, I just want to know the answer.
00:41:34 I'm 100 percent handsome.
00:41:36 Hi viewers, it's time for the answer challenge.
00:41:44 There's a fun from the pair of Cinderella, Inul Daratista and Adam Suseno.
00:41:49 Who are challenged by Rian Ibram to answer the questions quickly.
00:41:53 There's even an interesting fact behind Adam's character, who is known as a quiet person.
00:41:58 He is actually the opposite of his reality.
00:42:01 [The answer is...]
00:42:02 [The answer is...]
00:42:04 [The answer is...]
00:42:06 [The answer is...]
00:42:08 [The answer is...]
00:42:10 Please point at each other, yourself or your partner.
00:42:13 Who is the most sensible?
00:42:15 Please point.
00:42:17 Me too.
00:42:28 Me too.
00:42:30 Me too.
00:42:31 Why did you lose last time?
00:42:33 Why did you lose last time?
00:42:35 If there's something, I always lose.
00:42:39 What do you think?
00:42:41 It's okay, it's true.
00:42:43 It's true, he and Adam.
00:42:45 How's your hair?
00:42:57 It's a little bit.
00:42:59 It's okay.
00:43:00 It's okay.
00:43:02 I'll cover it with a cotton.
00:43:04 Especially, you have Instagram now.
00:43:06 Who is the most joking?
00:43:19 Joking.
00:43:21 People know you are quiet.
00:43:24 But, you are actually like that on Instagram.
00:43:27 I'm just joking.
00:43:28 Sometimes, I don't post it.
00:43:30 I don't have the mood to post it.
00:43:33 Because I'm tired of posting it.
00:43:35 So, I'm joking.
00:43:37 I don't want to post it.
00:43:39 I'm joking, too.
00:43:41 Wow, you're pointing at each other.
00:43:54 It's not me.
00:43:56 You're pointing at each other.
00:43:57 Oh, right.
00:43:59 Why didn't Adam offer you?
00:44:13 I don't know.
00:44:15 He doesn't know what a good restaurant is.
00:44:18 He knows...
00:44:20 He just sits and eats.
00:44:23 Once, when we were not in a good mood,
00:44:26 I didn't offer him food, he didn't eat, either.
00:44:29 How come?
00:44:43 Sometimes, I hold my phone.
00:44:48 Sometimes, I don't.
00:44:51 If you work with me, you always hold your phone.
00:44:53 It's just a coincidence.
00:44:56 I saw you holding your phone.
00:44:59 Both of you?
00:45:15 What a pity.
00:45:18 It's unexpected that Adam is the one who is the reason behind all the rumors on social media.
00:45:25 There are still many other interesting stories from Indonesian celebrities.
00:45:29 Don't forget to watch Insert Challenge.
00:45:32 Only on Insert Siang.
00:45:35 Insert Challenge
00:45:37 Insert Challenge
00:45:38 Insert Challenge
00:45:39 Insert Challenge
00:45:41 Insert Challenge
00:45:43 Insert Challenge
00:45:45 Insert Challenge
00:45:47 Insert Challenge
00:45:49 Insert Challenge
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00:51:56 Welcome back to Insert.
00:51:59 In this segment, we will see some of the celebrity's postings.
00:52:04 Including the comments from netizens.
00:52:07 First, we see Nagita Slavina.
00:52:10 She said she's dancing.
00:52:14 Netizens said that she's focusing on her body.
00:52:19 What do you think about her postings?
00:52:24 Look at her.
00:52:27 She's dancing.
00:52:29 Is she doing aerobics?
00:52:31 Don't forget that there are many sports facilities in her house.
00:52:37 There are tennis courts and table tennis courts.
00:52:43 The most important thing is to consider her business.
00:52:46 We know that she often posts about her business on Instagram.
00:52:51 Let's see the comments from netizens.
00:52:55 Someone said that she's so slender.
00:52:57 Her mother is a gypsy.
00:53:01 She's so slender.
00:53:04 But for the ladies out there, beauty doesn't have to be slender.
00:53:08 It has to be feminine.
00:53:11 Her body has to be slender, curvy, and healthy.
00:53:14 Healthy and happy.
00:53:16 Maybe this is the new life slogan from Wendy Walters.
00:53:21 We know that when they broke up,
00:53:23 Wendy found new hobbies.
00:53:27 Like hiking or traveling.
00:53:30 The latest one is driving.
00:53:33 Can you imagine how it feels?
00:53:36 Let's see.
00:53:40 I can't.
00:53:41 Let's see.
00:53:43 It's so amazing.
00:53:45 I'm confused.
00:53:47 How can a beautiful woman like her end her marriage?
00:53:53 If she's looking for a partner,
00:53:55 I want to be seduced by a beautiful woman like Wendy.
00:53:59 You're being seduced?
00:54:01 No problem.
00:54:03 I'm just trying to be sympathetic.
00:54:05 I have a new hobby.
00:54:07 I have a new partner.
00:54:09 I want to be close to you.
00:54:10 Let's see the comment from Netizen.
00:54:13 She's so slim without a new partner.
00:54:15 Maybe it's a new life.
00:54:17 I want to move on like Chiwen.
00:54:19 I want to upgrade my skills, but I don't have much money.
00:54:22 You can pay for your skills.
00:54:24 Chiwen's definition is "cooler".
00:54:27 This is good.
00:54:29 When we're single, we don't have a partner.
00:54:31 We can expand our friendship.
00:54:33 We can meet new people.
00:54:36 It means we have more chances to meet new people.
00:54:39 That's from us who don't have a partner.
00:54:42 Thank you.
00:54:44 Next, maybe piano lessons can be one of your references.
00:54:48 Like Amina.
00:54:50 You heard it right.
00:54:52 Amina is young.
00:54:54 She's been taught piano lessons.
00:54:56 Let's see.
00:54:58 Amina is good at playing the piano.
00:55:00 Put the beat on the drum.
00:55:03 Put the beat on the drum.
00:55:06 On the drum.
00:55:08 Put the beat on the drum.
00:55:11 Put the beat on the drum.
00:55:14 Put the beat on the drum.
00:55:16 Now we jump.
00:55:18 Now we want to put the beat on the panda.
00:55:21 One, two, three, four.
00:55:23 One, two, three.
00:55:25 Put the beat on the panda.
00:55:28 One, two, three, four.
00:55:29 Put the beat on the panda.
00:55:31 Put the beat on the panda.
00:55:33 Put the beat on the panda.
00:55:35 Put the beat on the panda.
00:55:37 On the panda.
00:55:39 Is this a piano lesson or a lesson from her?
00:55:42 No, it's just a lesson.
00:55:45 We know that Amina has been introduced to her parents and grandparents.
00:55:55 Yes, her family is mostly musicians, including her father, a content creator.
00:56:00 We read some comments from netizens.
00:56:02 "Amina is so cute."
00:56:06 "Amina is so cute."
00:56:08 "She's a smart girl. She doesn't have to be cute all day."
00:56:12 I agree. Amina is so cute.
00:56:15 I can't wait to see her cute side.
00:56:21 Let's continue with Baby Issa.
00:56:25 We know that Baby Issa is a child of Nikita William.
00:56:29 She said she wanted to wash her hands.
00:56:32 But she actually washed other things.
00:56:35 What did she wash? Please, Baby Issa.
00:56:37 She said she washed her hair.
00:56:42 It's so funny.
00:56:44 She loves to play in the water.
00:56:48 She cried a lot because she didn't want to stop swimming.
00:56:51 She loves to play in the water.
00:56:55 Let's read some comments.
00:56:57 Someone said, "Issa is so random. She's a child. What should we do?"
00:57:01 "God sent her a calm mother, but her child is hyperactive."
00:57:05 "Issa and Cipung are so random."
00:57:09 What's so random?
00:57:11 But we can see that they're growing up from celebrities.
00:57:15 We can see that their parents are also growing up.
00:57:18 Hopefully, they can be a role model for other children.
00:57:22 Amen.
00:57:24 We also want to see updates from Rianadea and Sang Suami.
00:57:29 Maybe they had a baby blues when they had their new baby.
00:57:35 It's normal for all mothers in the world.
00:57:39 But, their support is the main answer.
00:57:44 Here's the story.
00:57:45 Many children, many blessings.
00:57:49 Is there any truth that can be expected from this miracle?
00:57:53 Not all of them feel the same.
00:57:56 Because not all children are a burden for their parents.
00:58:00 But for Rianadea, who just gave birth to her third child in August 2023,
00:58:05 her child is a source of energy that cannot be avoided.
00:58:10 But behind every happiness, there's a young soul that wants to be alone.
00:58:15 Imagine how busy Rianadea is with her three children who are not that far apart.
00:58:23 Oh my God.
00:58:32 Why are you crying?
00:58:36 You're very weak.
00:58:38 (Sigh)
00:58:39 Hi.
00:58:52 Oh my God.
00:58:55 Hello.
00:58:58 (Baby crying)
00:59:26 Alhamdulillah, she's healthy.
00:59:28 She just gave birth two months ago.
00:59:32 So, she's still energetic, still growing up.
00:59:38 She's a boy.
00:59:41 I'm already nervous.
00:59:43 The house is getting more crowded.
00:59:46 I thought, because the last child was four years apart,
00:59:52 I thought she understood.
00:59:55 But she's still a bit nervous.
00:59:57 She's still trying to find attention.
01:00:01 So, there's a way for her to cry, to be proud, to not want to lose.
01:00:08 So, I'm confused how to share this with her so that her children won't feel burdened.
01:00:20 So, she won't feel like, "Since I have a younger sibling, I'm not being noticed."
01:00:27 When she hears crying and fighting, she'll be like, "What's going on? Why is this happening?"
01:00:34 So, there's always something like that.
01:00:38 One woman and two men are a challenge for Rianadea to manage her time and enjoy being alone.
01:00:48 Her focus is on her younger sibling.
01:00:50 Her older siblings also hope to get the same love.
01:00:53 No wonder, when she's not feeling any better,
01:00:56 she has to take a break and hand over the responsibility of taking care of her children to her assistant or her parents.
01:01:02 I'm aware that if I'm too tired, too stressed with my child, or taking care of my older siblings,
01:01:11 I'm aware that if I continue, I might get baby blues.
01:01:17 When I'm too tired, I usually give my baby to my mom or mom-in-law.
01:01:21 I'll sleep first.
01:01:24 If I'm sleeping late, or I have to keep on throwing up,
01:01:28 like yesterday, I threw up.
01:01:30 I feel so tired and stressed.
01:01:34 So, I'll reduce my time with my baby.
01:01:37 I'll give my baby to someone else.
01:01:42 In fact, there's a husband who can help Riana to calm her children down,
01:01:46 who are not far from their age.
01:01:48 It's beyond her expectation.
01:01:51 Instead of complaining to her children,
01:01:53 her husband focuses on his work.
01:01:55 Not only does he complain to his beloved husband, Puadin Reddy,
01:01:59 Riana also embraces the situation.
01:02:02 I don't think my husband is a burden to me.
01:02:09 He's a workaholic.
01:02:12 He's crazy. He works like crazy.
01:02:15 He goes home late every day.
01:02:19 I don't think I'm a burden to him.
01:02:23 If he wants to...
01:02:26 Usually, men don't stay up late.
01:02:30 So, when he goes home, he has to meet his children.
01:02:33 He has to wake up his baby, play with her.
01:02:37 He's been away for 5 minutes.
01:02:39 He's like, "I'm tired. I want to sleep."
01:02:43 But, I just let him enjoy his time.
01:02:46 But, their anger is far from being a problem.
01:02:50 Their husband is always working.
01:02:52 Riana handles all the housework.
01:02:55 She's helped by her assistant and her parents.
01:02:58 Even so, it doesn't mean that Puadin Reddy doesn't care about his neighbor's life.
01:03:04 When he's not working, he wants to focus on his daughter's development.
01:03:09 There's no me time. What's a me time?
01:03:14 No. It's hard for them.
01:03:18 He's always working. I'm also taking care of my daughter.
01:03:21 He's a hard worker.
01:03:24 So, when he has time, he doesn't want to spend it with me.
01:03:27 He wants to spend it with his children.
01:03:30 Every time I travel, I never leave my children.
01:03:34 I always take them.
01:03:36 We don't take our mother with us.
01:03:38 Because we want to give them a chance to live their life.
01:03:44 When we're working, our children are with their mother.
01:03:47 So, when we're on vacation, we want to spend quality time with our children.
01:03:51 We take care of them from when they wake up to when they go to sleep.
01:03:55 It's like what Riana said, "That's me!"
01:04:07 The most important thing is, when you're triggered, you have to wait a minute.
01:04:14 Give it to others, maybe to your parents, or maybe to your husband.
01:04:19 So, you can get back to normal or a little bit of a routine in your daily life.
01:04:24 Be positive!
01:04:25 I salute to her husband.
01:04:27 I'm ready to be a husband who's ready to take care of Lilin.
01:04:32 Take care of other people, not just Lilin.
01:04:35 And take care of her wife.
01:04:37 Next, we're going to see a housewife.
01:04:41 We know that she has a lot of households.
01:04:45 Not only households, but also a lot of assistants.
01:04:48 Not only assistants, but also a lot of bags.
01:04:52 That's why when she brings her bag and her assistant, she often forgets.
01:05:00 Because she always brings them.
01:05:02 It's okay if she forgets her bag, but she should never forget her wealth.
01:05:05 Stay tuned on Inzard!
01:05:08 I'm like a kid.
01:05:09 This is it.
01:05:37 Shampoo that fights against itchiness and itchiness.
01:05:38 Or shampoo that fights against stiff hair.
01:05:40 I want both.
01:05:42 Complete package.
01:05:44 Shampoo that fights against itchiness and stiff hair.
01:05:48 Complete.
01:05:50 Meria Bareng Mega 2023 is here with the winners.
01:05:53 Mega is inviting the winners to go on a vacation to Hong Kong and Macau.
01:05:57 I'm so surprised.
01:06:00 Because I've never won in my life.
01:06:02 Surprise. It's my first time going to Hong Kong and Macau.
01:06:06 I can go on a vacation with my friends.
01:06:07 It's like a honeymoon.
01:06:09 So save up at Mega Bank.
01:06:11 Get the prizes around the world.
01:06:13 You can choose your destination.
01:06:15 Only Mega Bank can make you smile.
01:06:17 Fragrant clothes with Molto Parfumboos.
01:06:22 With Parfumboos technology, make your clothes 10 times more fragrant.
01:06:32 Fresh all day.
01:06:35 Pan Pan Pan.
01:06:36 Live more comfortably.
01:06:38 Pan Pan Pan.
01:06:40 With the best of luck.
01:06:42 Pan Pan Pan.
01:06:44 Always ahead.
01:06:46 Pan Pan Pan.
01:06:48 There's always hope.
01:06:50 Pan Pan Pan.
01:06:52 Live more comfortably.
01:06:54 Pan Pan Pan.
01:06:56 With the best of luck.
01:06:58 Pan 12 Pan.
01:07:00 Live more comfortably.
01:07:03 Choose the right milk.
01:07:04 Fidoran Smart.
01:07:06 Healthier.
01:07:08 Low sugar.
01:07:10 High immunity.
01:07:12 Smart mother.
01:07:14 Active.
01:07:16 Smart.
01:07:18 Optimal body.
01:07:20 Fidoran. Ready to be strong and smart.
01:07:22 Are you sure you've washed your face?
01:07:24 Use Garnier's No. 1 water mist.
01:07:26 With a missile like a magnet,
01:07:28 99% of makeup, even the dirt that is not visible,
01:07:31 remains soft without feeling drawn.
01:07:32 Use Garnier's water mist.
01:07:34 Hi, I'm Real.
01:07:36 In the middle of my crazy activity, my body condition remains stable.
01:07:38 I always drink Indomil Steril.
01:07:40 The benefits are real.
01:07:42 Indomil Steril, the milk is real, the honey is real, the deliciousness is real.
01:07:45 Indomil Steril, the benefits are real.
01:07:47 Oh my God, I'm hungry.
01:07:52 Aha, just use the foam.
01:07:55 Extra foam, extra foam, extra energy.
01:08:00 Romomal Kiss, more flavor, more fun.
01:08:02 Now fill in three more.
01:08:04 Hey, where are you from?
01:08:06 From Rapat Ausis, Mom.
01:08:08 Liar, you just ate squid, right?
01:08:12 Using a sauce, right?
01:08:14 That's why, guys, after eating, kiss first.
01:08:16 Kiss, fragrant, after eating.
01:08:19 We've used whitening, but why is her dress whiter?
01:08:26 Oh, whitening.
01:08:29 We use Funnish White.
01:08:30 Forget the whitening.
01:08:32 Use Funnish White every time you wash.
01:08:34 With Crystal White innovation,
01:08:36 the stain is gone.
01:08:38 Extra white clothes.
01:08:40 Really white.
01:08:42 Cool, the stain is gone, really white.
01:08:46 Forget the whitening, choose Funnish White.
01:08:49 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
01:08:52 So we don't use any soap.
01:08:55 Our soap is sanitized together
01:08:58 before being filled again.
01:09:00 Aqua 100% pure.
01:09:05 Are you sure after washing your face, it's clean?
01:09:07 Use Garnier's number one water mist.
01:09:10 With a missile like a magnet,
01:09:12 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible,
01:09:15 is removed.
01:09:17 Stay soft without feeling attracted.
01:09:19 Use Garnier's water mist.
01:09:21 Want a free vacation?
01:09:23 It's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break.
01:09:25 Get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other prizes.
01:09:27 Buy Fresh Tee with the various garland-covered,
01:09:29 QR scan and code input behind the bottle cap.
01:09:33 Hurry up before it runs out.
01:09:34 Welcome, please.
01:09:36 Is there a time for a headache?
01:09:40 Panadol Extra,
01:09:42 quickly relieve headaches and itchiness.
01:09:45 Panadol Extra, quickly relieve headaches,
01:09:48 can be drunk before eating.
01:09:50 Coffee with a cafe.
01:09:52 When can I?
01:09:54 Where?
01:09:57 Anywhere.
01:09:58 Nescafe.
01:10:04 This is my cafe.
01:10:06 Just use soap to bathe the remaining dirt.
01:10:08 New ProGuard Daily Purifying.
01:10:10 Clean the mineral of the dirt until the pores are bleeding.
01:10:12 Anti-bacterial plus against 99.9% of germs.
01:10:15 Maximum clean skin with ProGuard Daily Purifying.
01:10:18 Wingscare.
01:10:20 I have a muscle cramp.
01:10:22 I have a neuromassive tablet.
01:10:24 The expert will reduce muscle cramp and dandruff.
01:10:26 Ouch, itch, cramp, itchiness.
01:10:28 Neuromassive Nuro,
01:10:30 returns activity without itchiness and itchiness.
01:10:32 Neuromassive, keep moving, keep moving forward.
01:10:34 This exercise is not afraid of sweating in clothes.
01:10:37 I'm not worried about sweating in clothes.
01:10:39 We use Soap Queen Fragrance Active Sport.
01:10:41 New, quickly absorb sweat, clothes remain dry.
01:10:43 Protect clothes from bad odor.
01:10:45 Clothes remain fresh. Soap Queen Fragrance Active Sport.
01:10:47 Free from odor, sweat in clothes.
01:10:49 Wingscare.
01:10:51 Finally, both of us can go to the tree.
01:10:54 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing.
01:10:56 With honey, avocado oil, vitamin E and B5.
01:10:59 Skin becomes moist and soft.
01:11:01 Extra soft for your skin.
01:11:03 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing.
01:11:05 From actress Tia Aristia,
01:11:18 when met by the Insert team a while ago in the transmedia area.
01:11:22 This time, Insert team wants to check the contents of the bag.
01:11:27 What are the contents of Tia Aristia's bag?
01:11:30 Let's unpack it.
01:11:32 In the morning, I'm still sleepy.
01:11:36 So, I wear black glasses.
01:11:38 I use my phone to charge.
01:11:40 Now, I don't have money, but I don't leave my phone.
01:11:44 Because if I pay for something, I can use my phone.
01:11:48 After that, I have a cotton bag.
01:11:54 After that, I have a pillow.
01:11:59 Lipstick.
01:12:01 And I have cash.
01:12:03 If I bring cash, I have a lot of money.
01:12:05 That's all.
01:12:07 Although she is busy as an entrepreneur in the field of fashion and property,
01:12:12 these two mothers don't feel the lack of aura when they appear on the screen.
01:12:17 Not only by words,
01:12:18 Tia also looks simple with hijab,
01:12:21 wearing simple things.
01:12:23 She doesn't feel the lack of aura when she works.
01:12:26 However, she admits that forgetfulness is a common thing in daily activities.
01:12:32 She also shares her experience when she forgets to take her luggage when she comes to an event.
01:12:38 Actually, I prefer the big bag.
01:12:41 I can put everything in it.
01:12:43 I can put everything in the bag.
01:12:46 But I'm the type of person who likes to forget things when I bring my bag.
01:12:55 So, I once came to an event,
01:12:58 I sat down, and I went home.
01:13:01 I was like, "Where is my bag?"
01:13:05 I was like, "Where is my bag?"
01:13:07 I went back to the event, and I still had my bag.
01:13:09 Her forgetful personality is like a face that is often smiled at.
01:13:15 She has a career as a housewife and a businesswoman.
01:13:18 She is grateful for the assistance from her assistant wherever she goes.
01:13:24 Because most of the time,
01:13:27 if there is an assistant, we just go straight away.
01:13:34 So, we don't like to be left behind.
01:13:36 So, you mean you always bring your assistant?
01:13:38 Yes, I do.
01:13:40 Very often.
01:13:43 When I go to the event with my husband,
01:13:45 I'm like, "Did I bring my bag?"
01:13:48 I like to do that.
01:13:50 As a relatively young couple,
01:13:52 she and her husband are in love with a different job.
01:13:56 Although her husband is a businessman with a lot of property,
01:14:00 he doesn't make all of the Javanese artists stay quiet.
01:14:04 He is also active in creating various new fashion models
01:14:08 that he makes his business idea.
01:14:11 But who would have thought that
01:14:13 this 37-year-old artist likes to make local products.
01:14:17 I like to make local products.
01:14:22 I like local brands that have their own models.
01:14:30 So, I don't copy other brands.
01:14:33 I like foreign brands that have their own mirrors.
01:14:40 I like local brands that have their own identity.
01:14:43 The quality is good,
01:14:45 and the price is affordable.
01:14:48 Okay, I'm done.
01:14:50 Thank you.
01:14:52 Thank you. Bye.
01:14:56 Good job, Tia Arissia.
01:15:01 Not only as a celebrity, but also as an entrepreneur.
01:15:04 She has so many assistants to manage various lines of business.
01:15:09 But I also saw one of your talents.
01:15:12 What is it?
01:15:14 You can change money into bags.
01:15:16 That's why almost all women have that talent.
01:15:21 But I can see that there are many hobbies of yours
01:15:25 that can make money.
01:15:27 But you have an amazing hobby.
01:15:29 You went to Berlin for a marathon.
01:15:32 Of course, it's because you're getting older.
01:15:35 Who is she? Tara Budiman.
01:15:38 We'll be back after the break.
01:15:39 Insert!
01:15:40 Insert!
01:15:41 Insert!
01:15:42 Insert!
01:15:44 Insert!
01:15:46 Insert!
01:15:48 Insert!
01:15:50 Insert!
01:15:52 Insert!
01:15:54 Insert!
01:15:56 Insert!
01:15:58 Insert!
01:16:00 Insert!
01:16:02 Insert!
01:16:04 Insert!
01:16:06 Insert!
01:16:08 Insert!
01:16:10 Insert!
01:16:11 Insert!
01:16:13 Insert!
01:16:15 Insert!
01:16:17 Insert!
01:16:19 Insert!
01:16:21 Insert!
01:16:23 Insert!
01:16:25 Insert!
01:16:27 Insert!
01:16:29 Insert!
01:16:31 Insert!
01:16:33 Insert!
01:16:35 Insert!
01:16:37 Insert!
01:16:39 Insert!
01:16:40 Insert!
01:16:42 Insert!
01:16:44 Insert!
01:16:46 Insert!
01:16:48 Insert!
01:16:50 Insert!
01:16:52 Insert!
01:16:54 Insert!
01:16:56 Insert!
01:16:58 Insert!
01:17:00 Insert!
01:17:02 Insert!
01:17:04 Insert!
01:17:06 Insert!
01:17:08 There's a new one!
01:17:09 K-Natural White Jaju Lemon
01:17:11 My skin is glowing!
01:17:12 With Korean Rice Milk and Jaju Lemon
01:17:14 Against the fire-resistant body
01:17:16 Wow, it's pretty!
01:17:18 Beautiful!
01:17:19 By Jura Wat
01:17:20 K-Natural White Jaju Lemon
01:17:21 New!
01:17:22 Wingscare
01:17:23 Now, fried chicken is practical and delicious
01:17:26 Just use one spice, it's enough for Royco
01:17:28 My favorite, right, ma'am?
01:17:29 Yes, because Royco is made from chicken that has been boiled for a long time
01:17:32 Like a mixture of spices, it is immediately absorbed perfectly
01:17:35 My favorite fried chicken!
01:17:36 Fried chicken is enough for Royco
01:17:38 Finally, both of them are as sweet as a tree
01:17:41 Use this!
01:17:42 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing
01:17:44 With honey, avocado oil, vitamin E and B5
01:17:47 Skin becomes moist and soft
01:17:49 Extra soft for your skin
01:17:50 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing
01:17:53 Arlo, what's wrong?
01:17:54 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk
01:17:57 My son too
01:17:58 Try it!
01:17:59 SGM Explore Isoprosoy
01:18:01 New!
01:18:02 The right nutrition for cow milk
01:18:04 Small support, optimal body
01:18:06 SGM Explore Isoprosoy
01:18:09 New!
01:18:15 Chicken Fried Chicken Wings
01:18:17 The only one in Indonesia with bird's eye chili
01:18:20 Spicy!
01:18:22 Autocelorize!
01:18:25 Try this!
01:18:26 Chicken Fried Chicken Wings
01:18:29 Chewy oil, combined with chicken broth that makes you cry
01:18:33 It's delicious!
01:18:34 It's so good!
01:18:35 It's really good!
01:18:36 It's made from the best ingredients from Eastwood
01:18:38 It's not enough!
01:18:40 Just try it!
01:18:42 Only from Pucuk Harum Tea
01:18:43 From Pucuk Tea Pilihan
01:18:45 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge
01:18:49 Make your day more exciting
01:18:52 Pucuk Harum Tea
01:18:53 Socklin Lantai
01:18:54 Now with a new formula
01:18:56 Optimal protection kills 99% of germs
01:19:00 Dry fast, shiny clean, long-lasting fragrance
01:19:04 Socklin Lantai
01:19:05 Clean, protected, long-lasting fragrance
01:19:07 Wingscare
01:19:08 I believe in your wisdom and natural miracles
01:19:12 I come from the chosen mountains
01:19:15 Not a place that is easy to get stuck
01:19:17 I am swept by layers of protective rocks
01:19:20 Without any recycling process
01:19:22 I contain natural minerals
01:19:25 Without any dangerous additives
01:19:29 So the aqua feels cold
01:19:31 Without being cooled
01:19:33 Explain
01:19:34 If your cup of water is aqua
01:19:36 Aqua 100% pure
01:19:38 Welcome, please
01:19:40 Is there a time for headaches?
01:19:44 Panadol Extra
01:19:46 Reduces headaches and nausea
01:19:49 Panadol Extra
01:19:50 Reduces headaches and nausea
01:19:52 Drink before meals
01:19:53 Amazing
01:19:57 He can do this because he likes to observe
01:20:00 He likes to observe because his brain is smart
01:20:03 Smart brain because of good sleep and digestion
01:20:07 This is because of optimal stimulation and nutrition
01:20:10 LactoGrow
01:20:11 The only milk with L-reducterin enriched with omega 3 and 6
01:20:16 Support good digestion
01:20:17 Help smart brain and active body
01:20:19 LactoGrow
01:20:20 Amazing things start from the inside
01:20:23 I love what I do
01:20:25 Royal Perfume Series by Soclin
01:20:27 Inspired by world celebrity perfumes
01:20:30 Royal Active Touch
01:20:32 Spreads its fragrance on every touch
01:20:34 With Royal Perfume Series by Soclin
01:20:36 I win my world
01:20:38 Wow, there's a new moisturizer
01:20:40 In addition to making the skin brighter
01:20:42 Vice Luminous White Brightening Cream
01:20:44 New
01:20:45 8 times lighter skin
01:20:46 Get a clear, luminous skin
01:20:48 SPF 36 PA++
01:20:51 Love my voice cream
01:20:53 Better than using soap
01:20:55 The dirt still remains
01:20:57 New ProGuard Daily Purifying
01:20:59 Remove dirt and blood from pores
01:21:01 Anti-bacterial class against 99.9% of germs
01:21:04 Maximum clean skin with ProGuard Daily Purifying
01:21:07 Wingscare
01:21:08 Hi Leodra
01:21:10 Hi Kalpa
01:21:11 You're so smooth
01:21:13 The chocolate is thick
01:21:15 The coconut sprinkle is savory
01:21:17 That's right
01:21:19 Coconut chocolate becomes one
01:21:21 The coconut is so delicious
01:21:23 Kalpa
01:21:24 Move, join the Sprite Cheat The Heat promo
01:21:27 Win Vespa and other cheat prizes
01:21:30 Look, it's easy
01:21:33 Winners are announced every week
01:21:35 Join now
01:21:37 Move, cheat
01:21:39 Our guest is back on Insert
01:21:47 We know Tarabudin Iman through his posting on social media
01:21:50 He often promotes sports activities
01:21:53 Especially running
01:21:55 And Berlin Marathon is a marathon event
01:21:58 Many runners make Berlin Marathon their dream
01:22:02 To fly there
01:22:04 One of them is Tarabudin Iman
01:22:06 Who became a finisher in Berlin Marathon
01:22:08 And also a birthday gift for himself
01:22:11 In September this year
01:22:13 I also pray that my friend, Reyn Ibram
01:22:15 Can get his wishlist come true
01:22:19 He will see us this afternoon
01:22:21 Don't be sad
01:22:22 See you again on Insert Today
01:22:24 Only on TransTV
01:22:25 Our show together
01:22:26 Bye
01:22:27 Senior actor Tarabudin Iman
01:22:31 Seems to have a new hobby outside of acting
01:22:35 Through his personal Instagram
01:22:37 Tara actively promotes running sports activities
01:22:40 For a while
01:22:41 He has been running for a few races
01:22:43 This actor is known for his humor
01:22:45 Seems to be comfortable with his new hobby
01:22:48 Tara admits that he likes challenges
01:22:51 To measure his own ability
01:22:53 He found that out in running
01:22:56 But not only the physical challenges
01:22:58 That he feels when doing his new hobby
01:23:01 There are also emotional challenges
01:23:03 That he has to overcome
01:23:05 I do it not only for my health
01:23:07 But also to keep my emotions
01:23:11 To keep my mindset
01:23:13 To make people not more weak
01:23:17 So the things that I can't tell others
01:23:24 I like to ask myself
01:23:26 So when I run, I have a me time
01:23:28 Where I talk to myself
01:23:30 That's why when I run, I never listen to music
01:23:33 That's when I talk to myself
01:23:36 And be more open with the surroundings
01:23:38 I like it when I'm given challenges
01:23:42 I can see the limits of my own ability
01:23:46 That's why now
01:23:48 When there are no more races
01:23:50 There are some series that are already organized
01:23:54 Besides playing in entertainment and business
01:23:56 I also run sports
01:23:58 Like yesterday, I joined a marathon
01:24:00 I was challenged
01:24:02 Can I run for 42 kilometers
01:24:07 I said no
01:24:09 He's been loved and he's got a fish
01:24:13 He's been chasing his hobby
01:24:15 Finally a golden opportunity came
01:24:18 He had the opportunity to join a marathon
01:24:21 Which was held in Germany
01:24:23 He was very grateful for the momentum
01:24:25 Because the event was close to his birthday
01:24:29 It was exciting
01:24:31 It was an unforgettable moment
01:24:33 Maybe, what is it?
01:24:35 So marathon became my dream
01:24:38 But I never knew when the opportunity came
01:24:42 I've been running since 2012
01:24:45 The opportunity came in 2023
01:24:48 It was only 3 months of training
01:24:51 Actually, marathon training is 4 months
01:24:53 I was offered to run a marathon
01:24:55 Running a marathon is 4 to 6 months
01:24:58 I only have 3 months
01:25:00 But the coach also believes
01:25:02 You can do it
01:25:04 And it happened to be only 2 days after my birthday
01:25:07 So I feel like a great gift
01:25:11 The opportunity didn't come twice
01:25:13 The senior actor also accepted the offer
01:25:17 He was more and more motivated to train
01:25:20 Because he got the support from his beloved wife
01:25:23 But unfortunately, they didn't have a chance to run together
01:25:28 He was invited but he didn't want to
01:25:32 But hopefully, because we have an event in Singapore
01:25:36 We can run together
01:25:38 There will be Gigi, Ranas, JJ
01:25:41 We have a lot of friends
01:25:43 So I realized that it's fun to run
01:25:46 Because Raffi is running too
01:25:48 So we decided to run together
01:25:50 And I have a friend
01:25:51 He wanted to wake up early to run
01:25:54 It's hard to wake up early
01:25:56 He's crazy
01:25:57 I'm sorry
01:25:59 But this is the reality
01:26:01 He only wakes up early for his first flight
01:26:05 And for the second one
01:26:07 If he has a job
01:26:09 And for the third one, if his kid asks him to
01:26:11 So if I say, "Come on, let's run together"
01:26:13 He says, "No, sleeping is the most important thing"
01:26:16 Because it's true that resting is the most important thing
01:26:18 But I mean, sometimes we want to run together
01:26:21 We used to only play tennis together
01:26:23 But now we run together
01:26:25 Accompanied by his beloved wife
01:26:30 He's doing sports as a result of his two children
01:26:35 But he's not only that
01:26:37 There are still other targets that he wants to achieve this year
01:26:42 One of them is to perform Umrah with his life partner
01:26:47 There are still a lot of goals that haven't been achieved
01:26:51 Like Umrah with a big family
01:26:55 That hasn't been achieved yet
01:26:57 I hope that in the next year or the year after that
01:27:00 I hope so
01:27:01 What about your wife?
01:27:02 I'll take care of my kids later
01:27:04 I'll take care of my two kids first
01:27:05 If I'm given a chance, I'll do it
01:27:07 But until now
01:27:10 I still learn how to be fair
01:27:14 I think it's really hard to be fair
01:27:17 With these two kids
01:27:20 Even if I'm not a good father
01:27:22 I still want to be a good father
01:27:24 I want to be considerate to these two kids
01:27:27 Even to my wife
01:27:29 There are three people that I have to share my love with
01:27:33 I still learn how to do that until now
01:27:35 I still talk to her about it
01:27:37 I still have a lot to learn
01:27:39 By sharing my love to Kalea, Kalea, and Kaima
01:27:44 Kalea
01:27:47 Kalea
01:27:50 Kalea
01:27:53 Kalea
01:27:56 Kalea
01:28:01 Kalea
01:28:06 Kalea
01:28:11 Kalea
01:28:16 Kalea
01:28:21 Kalea
01:28:26 Kalea
01:28:31 Kalea
01:28:36 Kalea
01:28:41 Kalea
01:28:46 Kalea
01:28:51 Kalea
01:28:56 Kalea
01:29:01 Kalea
01:29:06 Kalea
01:29:11 Kalea
01:29:16 Kalea
01:29:21 Kalea
01:29:26 Kalea
01:29:31 Kalea
01:29:36 Kalea
01:29:41 Kalea
01:29:46 Kalea