He Reincarnates As A Little Boy & Steals A Older Girl From Another Man

  • last year
He Reincarnates As A Little Boy & Steals A Older Girl From Another Man
00:00 This is Story Recapped.
00:02 Today, I'm going to explain a drama, romance, and mystery film called Birth.
00:06 Spoilers ahead, watch out and take care.
00:09 Sean is heard giving a lecture, explaining that he doesn't believe in reincarnation.
00:14 Then, he goes on a run in a snowy park and suddenly collapses under a bridge.
00:18 Unfortunately, Sean suffers a fatal heart attack.
00:21 Meanwhile, somewhere in the city, a baby is born.
00:24 Ten years later, Sean's wife, Anna, visits his grave and sheds some tears.
00:28 On the other hand, her new fiancé, Joseph, waits in the car.
00:32 Then, that night, Sean's brother, Clifford, and his wife, Clara, wait for an elevator.
00:37 But when it arrives, Clara excuses herself, saying she forgot the ribbon for her gift.
00:41 So, Clifford arrives alone at the party as Joseph speaks about his relationship with Anna
00:46 and everyone celebrates their engagement.
00:48 Downstairs, Clara thinks about her gift.
00:50 Then, she sees a young boy sitting in the lobby before she sneaks out.
00:54 Clara goes to the park and buries her gift, oblivious to someone following her.
00:58 After that, she wipes her dirty hands and replaces her gift with a fancy mirror.
01:03 Back at the party, Clifford congratulates Anna and gets pleasantly acquainted with Joseph.
01:07 As Clifford walks away, Anna commends Joseph's courteousness and kisses him.
01:11 Moments later, Clara returns with her new present and sees the boy from earlier still sitting there.
01:16 The boy stares into space the following day, ignoring a friend calling out his name, Sean.
01:21 Then, that night, Joseph and Anna spend dinner with their mother, Eleanor,
01:26 her pregnant sister, Laura, and Laura's husband, Bob.
01:29 A guest, Mrs. Hill, divulges that Anna has chosen a May wedding and everyone cheers.
01:34 In the hallway, the young Sean waits and when some guests notice, he tells them he wants to see Anna.
01:40 So, the guests enter with Sean in tow.
01:42 Then, he waits for Eleanor to blow the candle on her cake before telling everyone he's there to see Anna.
01:47 Everyone wonders who the boy is, especially when Sean asks to talk privately with her.
01:52 They go to the kitchen and Anna asks what he wants.
01:54 Sean says he wants her because she's his wife.
01:57 Anna laughs and tells him she's marrying Joseph, but the boy claims that he's Sean.
02:01 Anna keeps smiling, but her late husband's name catches her off guard.
02:05 She takes the boy to the elevator and Sean says she's making a big mistake marrying Joseph.
02:09 In the lobby, the doorman, Jimmy, identifies the boy as Sean, frustrating Anna even more.
02:15 She hands Jimmy some cab money to send the boy home, but Jimmy only takes Sean outside and makes him take the subway.
02:21 Upstairs, Anna tells Laura everything the boy said and they laugh it off.
02:25 Much later, in the middle of intimacy, Anna tells Joseph what Sean said, but Joseph just ignores her.
02:30 The next day, Anna receives a note from Sean but only gets to read it at work.
02:34 Anna later tells her family about the note and they pass it around.
02:37 Joseph opens it, reading "Don't marry Joseph."
02:40 He asks why she didn't tell him and Anna responds that she's telling him now.
02:44 They all start discussing the boy's claim, but they laugh and dismiss its absurdity.
02:48 That evening, Joseph asks why Anna didn't show him the note earlier.
02:52 Anna explains that she only read it at work and, sensing his distress, Anna asks him to stop talking about the boy.
02:58 However, Joseph presses on and calls the lobby, hoping to ask Jimmy.
03:02 Then, Sean answers, surprising Joseph.
03:05 So, Joseph hangs up and tells Anna that Sean's downstairs.
03:08 Joseph meets Sean and when told that his father's in the building, Joseph asks if they can talk.
03:13 They ride the elevator together and Sean leads him to his father.
03:16 Joseph speaks with him and calls Anna later, telling her to meet them downstairs.
03:20 In front of the couple, Sean's father forces Sean to swear that he'll never see or bother them again.
03:26 However, Sean repeatedly declines, saying he can't do it, so Anna looks into his eyes and firmly tells him never to bother her again.
03:33 Then, Sean watches the couple leave.
03:35 Unfortunately, as Anna turns to the elevator, she sees Sean collapse.
03:39 She gets in and Joseph, oblivious to Sean's condition, tells her she's done well.
03:43 They arrive late to a show and Anna's distracted, mulling over everything.
03:47 Meanwhile, at Sean's house, his parents discuss what Sean has done and laugh when they talk about their son's note.
03:53 Later, with Sean already tucked in bed, his mother comes and initiates a silly and playful conversation.
03:59 However, Sean only tells her he's not his son anymore and turns away, shocking her.
04:03 The following day, Sean is sent to the principal's office for being late.
04:07 Instead of going to the principal's office, he uses a payphone and leaves a message on Anna's answering machine,
04:12 telling her to meet him at the park and that she knows where it is.
04:15 Meanwhile, Eleanor hears it.
04:17 At lunch, Eleanor asks Anna why the boy is calling her, but Anna doesn't know.
04:21 But seconds later, Anna asks about the message, so Eleanor tells her.
04:25 That afternoon, Anna walks to the park, straight to the bridge where her husband died.
04:29 Then, from the darkness, the young Sean emerges.
04:32 Anna is upset, asking Sean if it's funny to him.
04:35 Sean sternly tells her no and suggests that Bob test him.
04:38 Anna's even more confused, so Sean clarifies that she should believe him if he gets Bob's questions right.
04:44 Anna challenges him instead, asking who told her there wasn't a Santa Claus.
04:48 However, Sean answers that he'll know when he sees them.
04:51 Anna steps back, telling him he's just a little boy, and hurriedly leaves.
04:55 That night in bed, Joseph is amazed that the boy knew where Sean died, but Anna only tells him she's tired.
05:01 So, Joseph kisses her goodnight and turns the lights off.
05:04 After that, he says they'll get him.
05:06 Soon, Bob visits Sean and his mother at home.
05:09 Bob records the conversation and states that he's neither a psychiatrist nor a therapist, just a regular doctor.
05:15 Bob adds that if he's truly Sean, he'd say it's impossible, as the older Sean dismissed spiritual things.
05:21 Bob begins by asking where Sean lived.
05:24 The boy answers Anna's current apartment and adds that they didn't have their own place since he wasn't around much, always busy working.
05:30 When asked where he worked, Sean says different places and specifies that he once lectured in Bob's hospital about splitting the atom.
05:37 Sean asks why Bob and Laura aren't living in their own place anymore, guessing that Bob lost his job.
05:43 Bob laughs, explaining that they're redecorating to welcome a baby.
05:46 Sean is surprised, saying he didn't think Laura could have a baby.
05:50 Later, Joseph, Anna, and the family listen to the recording.
05:53 Bob asks for something intimate, so Sean talks about marrying Anna 30 times in 30 churches in 30 days.
05:59 Bob asks if he was ever his best man, but Sean says it was Clifford.
06:03 Bob then asks for something the boy couldn't have overheard or looked up.
06:07 Without hesitation, Sean says they did it on Bob's sofa and specifies the green one.
06:12 Then, Sean asserts that it doesn't matter what Bob thinks because he's Sean and he loves Anna.
06:16 At the end of the recording, everyone falls silent until the doorbell rings.
06:20 Anna lets out a single, dry laugh, making Joseph wary.
06:24 Their housekeeper, Lee, lets Sean and his mother inside.
06:28 When asked for a drink, Sean requests some apple juice.
06:31 Lee wonders if Sean remembers her, and he says a little.
06:34 Everyone else keenly listens as Lee says she'll keep an eye on him.
06:37 In the family room, Laura immediately states doubt about Sean's claims and sharply presses him to tell the truth.
06:43 When Sean receives the apple juice, he thanks her, calling Lee by her name.
06:47 Laura scoffs, but Eleanor only offers him a cake.
06:51 Later, Sean's mother tells Anna that he's said he's not her son anymore.
06:55 Anna sympathizes and asks to let Sean stay the night, committing to help.
06:59 Anna will pick him up from school tomorrow and return him after.
07:02 After that, Mrs. Hill arrives as Sean walks around, correctly identifying his working desk.
07:07 Everyone closely watches when Mrs. Hill, knowing they didn't meet at the birthday party, tests if Sean knows her.
07:14 Sean says yes, although he doesn't know her name.
07:16 Sean knows, however, that she told Anna the truth about Santa Claus.
07:20 Eventually, as Sean eats cake, Joseph questions how he knew where the older Sean died.
07:25 The boy says it's like deja vu, but still unconvinced, Joseph asks where Sean met Anna.
07:30 The boy wonders if Anna ever told him, and when Joseph shakes his head, Sean says they met at the beach.
07:36 Eleanor interrupts them, asking how Mr. Reincarnation enjoys the cake.
07:40 Sean asks for Anna, so Joseph sternly explains he's only staying because Anna wants to help.
07:45 Then, Eleanor asks how he knows things, and the boy only says it's because he's Sean.
07:49 However, that night, Joseph tells a sleeping Sean that he doesn't have him fooled before returning to the room and planting a kiss on Anna's shoulder.
07:56 The next day, Anna visits Clifford and Clara.
07:59 She apologizes, explaining that she wasn't expecting them at the party, but they say it's okay.
08:04 Anna tells them about meeting someone seeming to be Sean.
08:07 The two don't quite understand, so Anna begins explaining that she loved Sean so much and that it hadn't gotten easier for her.
08:13 Then, she met Joseph, who sincerely loves her and accepted her situation.
08:17 Anna soon gets emotional as she explains meeting a 10-year-old who she truly believes is Sean.
08:22 Clifford and Clara stare at her, utterly stunned, so Anna stands to leave.
08:27 Clifford asks how he can help, so Anna explains, refusing to fall for Sean again.
08:31 She begs Clifford to come and tell the boy to go away because she can't do it.
08:35 That afternoon, Anna picks up Sean from school and takes him to an ice cream shop.
08:39 Anna says that a man must provide for his wife and asks how Sean will manage that, but Sean only says he'll get a job.
08:45 Anna then earnestly asks how he'll fulfill her needs, if he's ready, and if he ever made love to a girl.
08:51 So, Sean says that she'd be his first.
08:53 Sean's bus arrives, but they take a carriage ride instead.
08:57 Then, Anna explains that while she appreciates Sean's feelings for her, they can't be real.
09:01 Anna goes on, telling him that he'll meet a girl his own age and forget about her, but Sean just looks at her.
09:07 Meanwhile, Joseph is with a realtor, waiting for Anna, but she misses their appointment to be with Sean.
09:13 Because of that, Joseph bitterly stares out the window.
09:16 Later, Anna calls Sean's mother, thinking Sean should hear the wedding music to make him realize she's getting married.
09:21 So, Sean's mother lets her, but as they hang up, the boy's mother worries.
09:26 When they get home, Anna sits in the tub while Sean enters and removes his clothes.
09:30 Anna stares as he approaches and joins her in the tub.
09:33 And when she asks what he's doing, Sean replies he's looking at his wife.
09:36 Then, Anna hears a creak and turns sharply to the door.
09:39 On the other side is Joseph, who stops himself from opening the door and walks away.
09:43 In her frustration, Anna asks Sean to leave.
09:46 Later, a string trio plays wedding music for a small audience in the apartment.
09:50 Joseph and Anna simmer in tension while Sean's bored by it.
09:54 Suddenly, Joseph moves and crossly asks Sean to stop tapping his foot on the chair.
09:58 So, Sean halts momentarily, but soon resumes.
10:02 Joseph snaps and pulls Sean by the foot.
10:04 Bob and two others sees him before he beats the kid.
10:07 Joseph seemingly regains composure, so they let him go.
10:11 Joseph airs out his grievances and expresses feeling disrespected.
10:14 He then pushes a grand piano towards Sean to trap him inside the study.
10:18 And then he goes over the piano.
10:20 Bob and the others rush to stop him, but he grabs and spanks the kid.
10:23 Bob yanks Sean from him, and while Joseph is restrained, Sean runs away.
10:27 Anna glares at Joseph and runs after Sean.
10:30 Bob follows them and finds Sean and Anna outside.
10:33 At that moment, Sean takes Anna's face in his hands and kisses her on the lips.
10:37 Disturbed, Bob walks back inside.
10:40 Later, Clifford arrives, wondering where everyone is, and sees Lee cleaning the messy apartment.
10:45 Meanwhile, Joseph prepares to leave and stay at Bob's place, so Eleanor says she'll talk to Anna.
10:50 Anna waits in the kitchen as Clifford walks in, telling her that Clara left the wine in the car.
10:55 Sean appears, and when Clifford turns, the boy runs and embraces him tightly.
10:59 Clifford quietly studies the child's face until Anna dismisses Sean.
11:03 With the boy gone, Clifford strongly tells Anna that he's not her husband.
11:07 But Anna's convinced that he is, and even when Clifford repeats himself, Anna insists on it.
11:12 Sean waits in the hall when Clara arrives, looking pleased to see him.
11:15 She asks Sean for the bathroom to wash her dirty hands.
11:18 When they get there, Clara makes sure no one's looking and ushers Sean inside.
11:22 Clara washes her hands and asks Sean to dry them.
11:25 She then writes on Sean's hand with a pen, explaining that she had moved into a new address.
11:29 Sean asks her not to tell Anna.
11:32 Meanwhile, Joseph arrives at Bob's place and sits on the green couch.
11:35 Back in the kitchen, Anna has a disagreement with Laura and Eleanor.
11:39 Anna tries to leave, but Laura stops her.
11:41 Eleanor tells Anna to send Sean home, or Eleanor will call his mother, and his mother will call the police.
11:47 Eleanor asks if Anna understands, but she firmly says no, so Eleanor orders Laura to move.
11:52 Anna goes to the bedroom and sees Sean already in bed.
11:55 Then, she stops him from getting up and tucks the blanket under the mattress.
11:59 After that, she looks at Sean and weeps.
12:01 Eventually, they take a cab, and Anna says they'll tell his mother that everything's okay.
12:06 Sean remembers the night of the engagement party.
12:08 When Clara buried Anna's present, Sean followed her and dug it up, finding letters inside.
12:13 Soon, Sean visits Clara, who says she knows he's not Sean from the moment he opened the door the previous day.
12:19 Sean asks who she is, and Clara reveals that she is his lover.
12:22 She says that if he had been Sean like she hoped, he would have come to her first.
12:26 Clara unzips his bag and finds Anna's love letters inside.
12:29 Sean then tries to leave, but Clara forces him to sit and tell him he can't go around telling lies.
12:35 Clara reveals that Sean gave her Anna's letters unopened to prove that he loved her more.
12:39 Sean couldn't leave Anna, and Clara hated her for it.
12:42 She admits to planning to give Anna the letters as a malicious wedding present, but she couldn't do it.
12:47 After their conversation, Sean flees and climbs a tree.
12:50 Meanwhile, Anna receives news that Laura has given birth to a girl.
12:54 At the nursery, Eleanor and Anna talk about Sean while they watch the newborn baby.
12:58 Anna's fully convinced that her dead husband and Eleanor knows it,
13:02 but Eleanor says she should just write a goodbye letter to Sean and get back together with Joseph.
13:06 However, Anna says she can't do it.
13:08 That night, the police find Sean and ask for his address.
13:12 Sean says he needs to tell Anna that he's not her husband because he's truly in love with her.
13:16 But when the police are distracted, Sean escapes.
13:19 Later, Anna comes home and Lee informs her that Sean has returned and his mother is coming to get him.
13:24 Anna rushes and finds Sean in the tub, gladly telling him her plans to run away together,
13:28 determined to wait until he's 21 so they can get married.
13:31 Then, Anna cradles his face and tells him she loves him.
13:34 Unfortunately, the boy admits he's not Sean and quickly goes under the water.
13:39 Anna pulls him up and he repeats that he's not Sean because he loves her.
13:42 Anna's confused, but Sean can't explain it better and only asks to put his clothes back on before his mother arrives.
13:48 Frustrated, Anna shakes him up, repeatedly asking him if he's a little liar.
13:52 Sean then says yes, and Anna finally realizes her mistake.
13:56 Anna cries and tells him he certainly had her fooled.
13:59 She thought he was her dead husband, but he's just a little boy.
14:02 Disappointed, Anna stands, throws him a towel, and leaves.
14:06 Then, as Eleanor and Sean wait for his mother, Eleanor admits she never liked the older Sean.
14:11 The following day, Anna visits Joseph at work to explain her actions.
14:14 Anna admits to making a mistake and apologizes, and she pleads to get back with Joseph,
14:19 saying she wants the good life and happiness he'll provide.
14:22 So, Joseph says okay, and Anna kneels, takes his hand, and kisses it, thanking him.
14:27 In May, Anna gets married as planned.
14:29 However, as she's being photographed, she gets distracted, staring blankly into space.
14:34 Then, Joseph walks with a wide grin, but he immediately realizes something's wrong when he sees her.
14:39 As it turns out, Sean wrote to Anna, telling her that he's happy in school and he's seeing an expert for help.
14:44 Sean apologizes for the mess he made and hopes to see Anna in another lifetime.
14:49 Moments later, Joseph runs to the beach, where Anna cries in anguish.
14:53 So, he slowly approaches her, holding her as she weeps and whispers to her ear.
14:57 Then, eventually, they walk back together.
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15:09 (upbeat music)
