• last year
The Las Vegas Raiders Josh Mcdaniels' entire post-game press conference after losing to the Buffalo Bills.
00:00 (swoosh)
00:02 You know, when you go on the road
00:06 and play against a really good football team,
00:08 and they're well coached and got a lot of good players,
00:12 obviously we gotta coach and play better than,
00:14 much better than we did today.
00:15 So, that's my responsibility.
00:19 Obviously, we've gotta do a better job
00:20 and get our football team to do more things right
00:23 if we're gonna compete against teams like this
00:25 in this type of an environment.
00:26 So, a lot of work to do and a lot of lessons to learn.
00:30 So, we'll be hard at work at that, obviously, this week.
00:33 What would you attribute the struggles
00:35 and the mind games so far?
00:37 Yeah, I mean, it's, we're gonna have to do a better job,
00:41 obviously, you know what I mean?
00:42 So, there's some where, you know,
00:44 maybe they end up putting another man down there,
00:46 but we faced that all last year, too.
00:48 I mean, they put another guy down in the box,
00:50 you know, many times against us last year as well.
00:53 So, we're gonna need to, you know,
00:55 take a look at what we're doing.
00:57 We're gonna need to take a look at how we're doing it.
00:59 And, you know, no matter what we do,
01:01 we're gonna have to be more productive
01:02 than what we've done.
01:03 So, we can't really get ourselves
01:05 started in a running game.
01:06 And once you lose control of the line of scrimmage,
01:08 it's difficult to have control of the game.
01:10 So, you know, it's not a good way to play on the road.
01:15 What did you say about the first interception,
01:16 the deflected one?
01:17 Do you think after your great start,
01:20 do you think that turned things around at that point?
01:21 I mean, look, this team is historically
01:25 one of the best teams in the league at creating turnover.
01:27 So, we knew all about that.
01:28 And, you know, we're gonna have to do a much better job
01:31 of taking care of the ball.
01:33 You know, we had a turnover in a critical situation last week.
01:36 And then we had, you know, gave them too many short fields,
01:38 too many possessions where, you know,
01:40 they have opportunities to go ahead
01:41 and punch it in quickly.
01:43 And then our defense, you know, just, like,
01:44 put them in a bad spot.
01:45 So, the first one was a screen pass.
01:47 So, we just didn't execute very well.
01:50 And then the ball gets --
01:52 [audio drop]
01:54 I thought we created some momentum
01:55 at the beginning of the game.
01:56 But momentum is, you know, just a word.
01:58 You need to have it for -- you need to play well
02:00 and coach well for 60 minutes.
02:02 You can't just live off the momentum of a drive.
02:05 You know, we had five decent plays.
02:06 And then, you know, that didn't play very well
02:09 the rest of the game.
02:10 Did Buffalo do anything that you weren't expecting?
02:13 No, not really.
02:14 They played nickel, and Sean does a good job
02:16 of mixing it up.
02:18 You know, play some split safety coverage,
02:19 post-safety coverage, a little bit of man-to-man,
02:21 blitzes the safeties a little bit,
02:23 blitzes the linebackers some.
02:24 So, no, I mean, they got good players,
02:27 and they're very well coached.
02:28 And I give them credit.
02:31 He did a good job today,
02:32 and they played and coached better than we did.
02:34 You mentioned the misdirection runs,
02:36 with the misdirection.
02:38 Very successful play that you started the game.
02:39 Yeah.
02:40 You guys seemed like you went away from that.
02:42 We had a couple other ones there, too,
02:44 and I actually strung them out pretty good.
02:45 So, you know, this team's a team
02:48 where you just -- you can't do one thing against them
02:50 the entire game or else they're going to solve the problem
02:52 and make you have to go to something else.
02:54 So we were able to hit them there
02:56 with the one early to Trey,
02:57 and then those plays kind of, you know, those gadget plays,
03:01 you can't live on gadgets, you know what I mean?
03:03 So we were fortunate we had a decent play early.
03:06 But, you know, you're going to have to grind out yards
03:08 against this team. There's no other way about it.
03:11 You mentioned controlling the line of scrimmage.
03:13 What did they do up front to start frustrating you?
03:15 You know, they didn't do a whole lot.
03:18 You know what I mean?
03:19 Like I said, they got good players,
03:20 and they didn't line up in a new front.
03:22 They didn't play a new defense. You know what I mean?
03:23 So, again, I'll have to take a look at the film
03:26 to see if they were doing anything subtly different.
03:29 But we got to be able to, you know, block people
03:33 and get the runner started.
03:34 I thought a lot of times we just didn't --
03:36 we couldn't even really get, you know,
03:38 get into the line of scrimmage without being touched.
03:40 So, again, that's, you know,
03:43 I take responsibility for all of that,
03:45 and I'm going to have to do a better job
03:46 of figuring out what we need to do to get J.J. going.
03:50 What's the status on the line take?
03:51 I don't have any update on him.
03:53 I saw him go in there, too,
03:54 so I don't have any update yet on D.A.
03:56 Josh, you had the ball down three scores
03:58 and you had the ball passed left.
04:00 You kind of held off, you know,
04:01 because you wanted to go faster or what was the plan?
04:04 No, I mean, you're down three scores,
04:06 so, you know, at some point
04:08 there's going to be an on-site kick involved here.
04:10 So, you know, we need to try to execute something
04:15 and string together enough good plays to go down there
04:17 and put ourselves in position to score first,
04:19 you know, before just going fast.
04:21 I mean, just, you know, trying to execute something,
04:24 get ourselves a little bit of positive,
04:27 you know, momentum here
04:28 and see if we couldn't move the football.
04:30 And, you know, obviously we've shot ourself in the foot
04:33 most of the game after that first drive.
04:35 What's your plan on fourth and short at the fourth?
04:38 Yeah, same thing.
04:39 I mean, you make those decisions based on, you know,
04:41 we pin them back if we can, you know,
04:42 we had a chance at a turnover there and it gets called back.
04:45 So, you know, the football game's still got to be played.
04:47 You know what I mean?
04:48 You go for it there and then end up, you know,
04:50 giving them the ball in the short field again.
04:52 It's just -- it is what it is.
04:53 First drive, you got it going.
04:55 What did it change?
04:56 You surprised that we're going faster than you did
04:58 in your first drive?
04:59 I didn't think we -- again,
05:01 we never really got control of the line of scrimmage
05:03 the entire day.
05:05 And so, when you don't have control of the line of scrimmage,
05:08 it becomes a very one-dimensional type of game,
05:10 you know, and I don't know how many carries JJ ended up with,
05:13 but it couldn't have been many, you know what I mean?
05:14 Because we're always in second and long
05:16 and, you know, feeling, you know,
05:18 like you have to throw the ball a little bit too much.
05:19 So, you know, getting control against this team
05:23 is probably one of the most important elements
05:26 of playing them.
05:27 And after the first drive,
05:29 we really never had control of the line of scrimmage.
05:31 And it became too much of a pass-pass game to try to move it.
05:36 And, you know, we just --
05:37 we're trying not to be that kind of team.
05:38 We want to be more multidimensional.
05:40 And obviously, we have a great back.
05:42 We just, you know, we didn't get them going.
05:44 Coach, I know one play on the other line of the league,
05:46 Ben, is betraying.
05:47 Is that kind of what you hope is going to be more?
05:49 It was explosive.
05:50 Yeah, I thought, you know,
05:51 I have to take a look at what Trey did and didn't do.
05:53 But, you know, I thought he had a chance
05:55 on the one-go route there, too.
05:57 And, you know, I think he caught the ball.
06:01 It just ended up out of bounds.
06:03 So, look, Trey's an explosive player.
06:05 We've all seen that, you know, since we drafted him.
06:07 And, you know, now he's had an opportunity
06:09 to play in his first game,
06:10 was able to make a play there in the first drive.
06:12 So, you know, we'd like to get, you know, him obviously involved.
06:15 And we need to get everybody involved,
06:18 you know what I mean, honestly.
06:19 You know, Devontae was very good today.
06:23 But, you know, we need more production from everybody.
06:25 You know, we have other guys out there.
06:27 And we're going to need a lot of production
06:28 from a lot of people here if we're going to be a good offense.
06:30 Back into that, is it encouraging
06:32 to see Jimmy Garoppolo and Devontae
06:33 get in that chemistry kind of going forward?
06:36 I mean, look, you know, we do a good thing.
06:38 We do a good thing. I'm happy about that.
06:40 But I'm not really encouraged about much of what we did today,
06:43 just as an overall team.
06:45 And, again, I take responsibility for that.
06:47 So, I thought they had some good plays.
06:49 I thought there was probably a couple other ones
06:51 where we missed opportunities,
06:52 you know, to connect on some things.
06:54 So, we'll look at it. We got to do everything better.
06:57 You know, we got to coach better. We got to play better.
06:59 We got to run the ball better.
07:00 We got to take care of the ball better offensively.
07:03 We got to try to get off to feel better on defense.
07:04 So, you know, we played the game backwards today.
07:07 And after the first driver,
07:09 you know, first couple possessions there,
07:12 you know, they really controlled the game
07:13 and controlled the line of scrimmage.
07:15 You guys are using that to your advantage with Max.
07:17 What do you see today?
07:18 How do you kind of like that going forward?
07:19 Yeah, I mean, you know, we moved Max.
07:22 Max wasn't always in the same spot, you know.
07:24 And so that's one of the things you get involved in, too.
07:27 You can, you know, move guys around.
07:29 So it's much the same like we do with Devontae.
07:32 You know what I mean?
07:33 So, if that's going to happen,
07:34 then, you know, you have other things you can do.
07:36 At the same time, look,
07:38 the other team gets a vote every play.
07:39 So they can choose to do something
07:41 and try to limit one of your best players.
07:43 And then we have to have other players,
07:44 you know, step up and make some plays
07:46 when those things happen.
07:47 So I didn't, you know,
07:49 I'll have to take a look at what happened or didn't happen.
07:51 I thought he did get some pressure at some times,
07:53 you know what I mean, different places.
07:54 But we'll have to look at that.
07:56 You guys all set? Okay, thank you.
07:58 Thank you.
