The Amazing Race Canada S09E11

  • l’année dernière
The Amazing Race Canada S09E11


00:00 C'est parti !
00:01 Cette saison sur l'incroyable RACE CANADA !
00:04 10 des équipes les plus compétitives et stratégiques que cette course a jamais vues
00:12 ont sauté de la pente au début de la course dans le neige de Winnipeg
00:16 sur une longue route à travers le pays, jusqu'à un seul à un.
00:20 Gail, Giselle, Ali, Eddy, Shayla, Joel, Gracie, Lily, Derek, Jazpal, Germaine, Justin, Devin, Amanda, vous avez été éliminés de la course.
00:30 Le terrain s'est étendu jusqu'à la 3ème place.
00:33 Le couple Calgary, Ty et Kat, ont continué d'être au top du leaderboard.
00:38 L'équipe numéro 1, qui a gagné 4 jambes différentes,
00:43 prouve que le travail dur,
00:46 l'amour,
00:49 et l'amour,
00:51 sont une combinaison de victoire.
00:53 Mais avec un objectif sur leur dos,
00:55 Ty et Kat, ils sont dominés.
00:56 Nous devons essayer de faire un mouvement sur cette jambe.
00:58 C'est l'unique au dessus.
01:00 Et une élimination dans la jambe penultime, qui s'échappe.
01:04 Peuvent-ils le faire ensemble et gagner ?
01:06 C'est la finale, les filles !
01:08 Les meilleurs amis, Ben et Anwar, n'ont jamais gagné une jambe.
01:12 En ce moment, nous nous battons en arrière de la paire.
01:14 Mais ces amis de toute vie ont une forte stratégie sociale.
01:17 Allons travailler ensemble sur cette jambe, et après, nous nous séparerons.
01:20 J'adore.
01:21 Faire le plus grand mouvement de la course,
01:23 qui les a propulsés jusqu'au top 3.
01:25 Nous sommes adaptables, nous avons appris à voler.
01:27 Nous n'avons jamais abandonné.
01:28 Oui, monsieur !
01:29 Et avec leur vitesse mentale et physique,
01:32 ils ont le momentum pour capturer le prix ultime.
01:35 Allez !
01:36 Les couples en couple Tyler et Kayleen
01:38 se sont mises en cours pour inspirer.
01:40 C'est parti, Ty !
01:41 Leur mot de mot...
01:42 Le plus lent, le plus lent, le plus lent, le plus rapide.
01:44 ...est devenu la motivation de leur équipe
01:46 pour vaincre chaque challenge.
01:48 C'est bon, bébé !
01:49 On va le battre.
01:50 Le plus lent, le plus lent.
01:51 Cette équipe résiliente de BC a pris en charge 3 vies.
01:54 Vous êtes l'équipe numéro 1.
01:57 Mais peuvent-ils le faire encore une fois ?
02:00 Ne vous en faites pas, c'est juste un jeu de smart.
02:03 Je devrais être bien à ce genre de choses.
02:05 Mon cerveau est friand.
02:06 J'ai vu Jody Middick en saison 1.
02:08 Une motivation immense.
02:09 Maintenant, nous sommes là,
02:11 nous allons dans la dernière étape.
02:13 Nous pouvons le gagner.
02:14 Nous venons pour vous, John !
02:16 C'est la Colombie-Britannique
02:17 contre la Manitoba
02:19 contre l'Alberta.
02:20 Dans une course pour le but,
02:22 la nouvelle Chevrolet Colorado ZR2.
02:26 Une course de puissance pour deux
02:28 autour du monde
02:29 grâce à Guru Organic Energy,
02:31 un quart de million de dollars de cash
02:33 alimenté par Samsung
02:35 et le Canada de la course incroyable.
02:39 [Musique]
02:43 [Musique]
02:46 [Musique]
02:55 [Musique]
03:10 [Musique]
03:13 [Musique]
03:24 La dernière étape.
03:27 On l'a eu.
03:28 On l'a eu.
03:29 Tyler et Kayleen ont gagné la dernière étape du cours
03:31 et départent d'abord à 2 h 13.
03:33 C'est ça, la dernière étape du cours.
03:35 Voyage à Halifax, Nova Scotia.
03:37 Vous avez 1 400 dollars pour la dernière étape du cours.
03:40 - Allons-y !
03:41 - Allons-y.
03:42 J'espère que les gens qui regardent ça
03:44 voient que vous pouvez pousser par tout.
03:46 - Tant que Tyler pousse par la douleur
03:50 et par les barrières,
03:52 - C'est cool de gagner le Canada de la course incroyable
03:55 en tant que double amputee.
03:56 - A l'aéroport, monsieur.
03:58 - Allons-y !
03:59 - Halifax, bébé !
04:00 - La dernière étape, c'est pour tous les prix de cash.
04:03 - Allons-y !
04:04 - Pas seulement nous nous représentons,
04:05 nous représentons nos familles et nos communautés.
04:07 Vivant à Winnipeg, nous avons tous grandi dans le logement gouvernemental.
04:10 Ma famille est de Somalie, sa famille est d'Ethiopie.
04:13 - Ils n'avaient pas un emploi, ils ne parlaient pas le langage.
04:15 Et trouver du travail dans ce pays
04:17 et se battre pour élever des enfants,
04:18 leur capacité à marcher nous donne la capacité à courir.
04:21 - Et nous mettons le standard pour la prochaine génération
04:23 de nos enfants, de nos familles.
04:25 Et quel meilleur moyen de le faire
04:26 que de gagner le Canada de la course incroyable ?
04:28 - C'est la finale, bébé ! Allons-y !
04:31 - Voyage à Halifax, Nova Scotia !
04:33 - Halifax, bébé !
04:34 - La dernière étape, je pense que nous avons atteint notre point de départ.
04:37 Nous avons vraiment besoin de ça
04:38 pour apprendre que nous pouvons l'overtir.
04:40 - Allons-y, allumez la flamme !
04:41 - Je ne serais pas là si ce n'était pas pour cette belle fille
04:44 qui m'a amené jusqu'au bout,
04:45 et qui m'a aussi encouragé et m'a empowéré
04:48 quand je suis au plus haut.
04:50 - C'est tellement gentil !
04:52 - Nous nous battons pour 16 anges incroyables
04:55 qui nous regardent d'en haut.
04:56 - Nous allons regarder le ciel,
04:57 peut-être un peu plus, pour cette motivation,
04:59 pour savoir qu'ils sont avec nous toute la journée.
05:02 - Halifax, bébé ! - Halifax, allons-y !
05:04 - Les 3 derniers équipes
05:06 voyagent maintenant plus de 1 700 kilomètres
05:09 vers la ville de Halifax.
05:11 Une fois qu'ils se lancent,
05:12 les équipes vont se faire la route vers la Cauve des Pêcheurs
05:14 pour trouver leur prochaine clue.
05:16 - Tout dépend de ceci, la dernière étape de la course.
05:19 Les 3 dernières équipes vont se battre pour avoir la chance de gagner
05:23 la course incroyable du Canada.
05:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:32 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:36 - Let's go !
05:37 Taxi, taxi, taxi !
05:39 - Up here, up here, up here !
05:41 - There's one.
05:42 - Going to Fisherman's Cove.
05:44 - We are leaving the airport on our way to Fisherman's Cove.
05:48 [sonnerie de train]
05:50 - Eddie is a part of our family today.
05:52 And we're grateful for Eddie.
05:54 - We got a quarter million dollars on the line today.
05:56 - Let's do this.
05:58 - Ashmell's here.
06:00 Our local driver.
06:01 - Let's do this !
06:02 - Kevin, not a big deal, but this is the finals.
06:05 - I hope I didn't pop you in.
06:07 - Ah, yes, thank you so much.
06:08 - Thank you.
06:09 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:13 - Let's go, let's go, let's go.
06:14 - Grab it.
06:15 - Got it.
06:16 - Roadblock.
06:17 Who's bad with directions ?
06:19 - In this roadblock, one racer will take to the skies
06:22 with the brave members of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
06:25 - Whoo-hoo !
06:27 - Teams will make their way to CFB Shearwater,
06:30 one of the oldest military airfields in the country
06:32 and home to 12-wing.
06:34 Here, one racer will board this CH-148 Cyclone helicopter
06:38 carrying a slung load.
06:40 - Using a series of special commands,
06:41 they'll have to direct the pilot to lower the load...
06:44 - Roger, 100 stable.
06:46 - Precisely on the target below.
06:48 - If they hit the target in five minutes or less...
06:51 - Colonel McNamara will give them their next clue.
06:54 - Okay, I'm doing the roadblock.
06:56 - We're going to the base.
06:57 - 12-wing Shearwater.
06:59 - All right, Kevin, you're the man.
07:00 Here we go, we're in it now.
07:03 - Get to the chopper.
07:04 - I've never been in a helicopter before.
07:06 Have you ?
07:07 - No, but I'm so excited for you.
07:08 - I'm actually pretty excited to do this.
07:10 - Yeah, this is probably gonna be fun.
07:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:17 - Tyler is a skydiving coach.
07:20 After he lost his legs, he was back skydiving,
07:23 jumping out of anything, so he's right at home.
07:26 - This is up my alley, so in saying that,
07:28 let's hope I don't screw it up.
07:31 [rumbling]
07:33 - Oh, ho, ho, ho, this is insane.
07:36 This is a nice little lead, and if we can hold this,
07:38 it's gonna feel good.
07:39 This is a pretty cool way to start the day off
07:41 and get some energy going.
07:43 - This is the coolest thing I've ever done in my life,
07:46 hands down, I'm so excited.
07:48 - Just such an honor to be here and to be doing this.
07:50 It's incredible.
07:51 - Thank you so much for everything you do for the country.
07:53 - I'm gonna do the brave service to people here proud,
07:56 and I'm gonna cross this challenge.
07:58 - And they're off.
07:59 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:02 - Tyler, what about you?
08:03 Get you situated here on your belly?
08:07 - I can see the target here.
08:08 It's quite a bit smaller than I thought it might be,
08:10 but oh, man, I hope I can get it in the center.
08:13 - It's time to win.
08:15 It's time to get out of here.
08:17 - Clock started.
08:19 - That's me?
08:20 - That's you.
08:21 - Forward 10.
08:22 - Roger.
08:23 - We have five minutes to put this weight
08:25 in the middle of the target.
08:27 - Steady.
08:28 Right one.
08:29 - The most difficult part of this challenge
08:31 is communicating with the pilot and learning their timing.
08:35 - Steady.
08:36 Down two.
08:37 - Roger.
08:38 - When you say something
08:39 and when they actually make that movement
08:41 and how that will match up with the swing of the weight.
08:45 - Time check.
08:46 - 1 minute 58 seconds.
08:48 - 2, 1, down, down, down.
08:52 - Landing.
08:54 [buzzer]
08:55 - Ah!
08:56 - Keep putting the thing down,
08:57 and hopefully you get it in there.
08:59 Top one.
09:00 Steady.
09:01 - 3 minutes.
09:02 - Forward one.
09:03 Down two.
09:04 - Roger.
09:05 - Steady.
09:06 That's it.
09:07 - Landing.
09:08 [ding]
09:09 - 3 minutes 21 seconds.
09:11 - Hey!
09:12 - Good hit.
09:13 - Decoupled.
09:14 - Decoupling and landing.
09:15 - Woo!
09:16 - We're sitting in first place right now.
09:18 It feels pretty good.
09:20 - Thanks, man.
09:21 Good job.
09:23 - Ahead three.
09:25 Ahead two.
09:28 - Good!
09:29 Down three, two, one.
09:30 - Lander.
09:31 [ding]
09:32 - 3 minutes 50.
09:33 - That was the coolest thing ever.
09:35 - Right one.
09:38 Steady.
09:41 - Down.
09:42 - Lander.
09:43 [ding]
09:44 - 2 minutes and 29 seconds.
09:46 - Wow!
09:47 Wow, I love this!
09:50 - Well done.
09:51 - Thank you so much.
09:52 Thank you very much.
09:53 Thank you.
09:54 Thanks, buddy.
09:55 Yeah, let's do it!
09:56 Beautiful.
09:57 - Yeah.
09:58 - Teams must now make their way from Shearwater
10:00 across the Halifax harbour to find this Staples store.
10:03 Once here, they'll search for this bell kiosk
10:06 to find their next clue.
10:08 For over 30 years, Staples has been supporting Canadians
10:10 with their working and learning needs.
10:12 And today, in a finale first, they'll be connecting teams
10:15 with a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4.
10:17 Because when teams pass a challenge,
10:19 their clue directing them to the next location in the race
10:22 will be delivered in pictures.
10:24 - This will be fun, though.
10:26 I love treasure hunts.
10:27 - Adds another little wrinkle in the whole thing.
10:29 We're leaving in first, but everyone's hot on our tail.
10:32 - We see Tyler and Kayleen.
10:34 Oh, yeah, baby!
10:35 - Eddie, you're the best.
10:36 - Eddie, you're the best!
10:38 Yeah!
10:39 - That's them.
10:40 - Our team motto is "Slow and smooth, smooth is fast," so...
10:43 - We're in first place, thanks to Eddie!
10:47 - Got eyes on Staples.
10:49 - We'll be right back.
10:50 - Oh, right here. Right here.
10:52 - Here's your Samsung.
10:53 - Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
10:55 - Thank you.
10:56 - Okay, we got photo gallery.
10:57 Okay, Dartmouth, Alderney Ferry Terminal.
10:59 - Eddie, this is where we're headed.
11:01 - Alderney Ferry Terminal?
11:02 - Let's go.
11:03 - Yeah, let's do it.
11:04 - Thank you.
11:05 - Here, I gotta get in. I gotta get in.
11:06 - Yeah, yeah, you go, you go.
11:07 - Hello.
11:08 - Hi.
11:09 - Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
11:10 - Get in the back.
11:11 - Thank you.
11:12 - We're going to the Dartmouth-Alderney Ferry Terminal.
11:14 - We're searching, I think, this ferry.
11:17 - It's so tight in this race right now.
11:20 Super stressful.
11:21 - Yeah, who knows if we're actually going down in front of the ferry
11:25 or if we're going inside the terminal.
11:27 - Alderney Ferry Terminal. Search the ferry.
11:30 - Like, the actual ferry, though.
11:32 There's no margin for error here.
11:33 Minutes are costly here.
11:38 - Once we get there, we're searching the ferry for our next clue.
11:41 - And we are going to get Cat's cat eyes out.
11:44 Bingo.
11:46 What do you think, Cat?
11:48 - I think I'll go this way.
11:49 - Hello, sir.
11:50 - Wait, we just want to ask you one question.
11:52 Can we get onto the ferry through here?
11:53 - Yeah.
11:54 - Okay, thank you.
11:55 - So it's not here yet.
11:56 - This is the ferry that we just got to search for our clue and get out.
11:58 - Ben and Anwar are here waiting with us right now for the ferry,
12:01 and Tyler and Kayleen are still running around.
12:03 - We haven't checked this way. It's kind of a dead end.
12:05 - This is closed, though.
12:07 - Oh, there they come.
12:08 - Hide, hide, hide, hide, hide.
12:09 - Try and hide.
12:10 - Oh, there it is.
12:13 - When do you get on?
12:14 - Four minutes.
12:15 - My heart's pumping.
12:17 - So the first photo's here. The second photo's the front door.
12:20 - Let's go--let's go back.
12:22 - No, no, no, let's go through here again.
12:23 - No, no, no, no.
12:24 - Kayleen. - Why?
12:25 - Because the photo's here.
12:26 - We're in a race for $250,000.
12:29 We don't know what we're looking for.
12:31 This might be the ferry in the picture.
12:33 - We don't know.
12:35 - Kayleen. - What do you want to do?
12:37 - Ah!
12:38 - This might be the ferry in the picture.
12:44 - Oh, it's right down there.
12:45 Yeah, there's something on the front of the ferry, Kayleen.
12:48 - Tyler and Kayleen have found us.
12:50 Now it's all of us.
12:51 Our next clue should be on the ferry.
12:53 [horn honks]
12:54 [buzzer sounds]
12:55 - Come, come.
12:56 [dramatic music]
12:59 - Ben, Ben.
13:00 - I think we should go up, Ty. Up, up, up, up, up.
13:04 - Got it. - Got it.
13:05 - This way, this way.
13:06 - Let's open it, let's open it.
13:08 - Ready?
13:09 - Rude info.
13:10 This is child's play.
13:11 - Teams must now make their way to Woozles Bookshop,
13:14 Canada's oldest children's bookstore.
13:16 Once here, teams will listen to three separate children's books.
13:19 - "Goodnight, Nova Scotia."
13:20 - "Goodnight, Hill."
13:21 - And put the picture pages of each book
13:23 in the correct order on the display outside the store.
13:26 Once they get their story straight,
13:28 Liz, the owner of Woozles, will give them their next clue.
13:32 - Let's go. Woozles.
13:33 - Okay, yeah, just double-check to make sure there's only one.
13:36 There's only one, right?
13:37 - We're leaving in first place,
13:38 but everyone is hot on each other's heels right now.
13:40 - All righty.
13:41 Do you know where Woozles is?
13:42 - Bookstore?
13:43 - Woozles?
13:44 - Have fun. - Yeah, that's one.
13:46 - I think we're in second place.
13:47 - Woozles Bookstore. - Woozles Bookstore.
13:49 - We'll find the address.
13:50 - We were running around like idiots.
13:52 We are all neck and neck.
13:54 - Today is super intense.
13:55 There's very, very little gap between the teams.
13:57 The first team to kind of, I guess, stumble on a challenge
14:00 is gonna deal with the first deficit,
14:03 and it might be hard to overcome.
14:04 Woozles, we're at the underdog store right now.
14:07 Everyone loves an underdog store.
14:10 - Hello. - Hi, welcome to Woozles.
14:13 - Hello. - Hello.
14:14 - How are you?
14:15 - Migma Wysisk. Migma animals.
14:18 Gobit is a beaver.
14:21 Halibu is a caribou.
14:23 - You don't have that much time to memorize these pictures,
14:26 and a lot of these pictures look very similar
14:28 with just small details deciphering between them.
14:31 - Guillaume is a moose.
14:33 - You're a really good reader.
14:35 - Beavers first. - Okay.
14:36 - Caribou second. This is caribou.
14:38 - Yeah, humpback whale next.
14:39 - Let's go get Woozly.
14:41 - Couple books again. - What is this?
14:42 - Okay, these look like-- - Halifax Harbor.
14:44 I bet you this is Halifax Harbor.
14:45 - We have a station here.
14:46 We're gonna try and organize it
14:47 by what we think is already the same book,
14:49 and then we're gonna go listen in to a story.
14:50 These ones are all gonna be the same book.
14:52 - This is it right here. - Good.
14:53 Very good. Thank you, Kevin.
14:55 - Okay, let's do it.
14:57 - Okay, that's perfect. That's one done.
14:58 - Let's do Halifax Harbor, one, two, three, okay?
15:01 - Oh, I'm dripping.
15:03 - Halifax Harbor, one, two, three.
15:05 One White House. Two bridges.
15:08 - This is a memory challenge.
15:09 We're not great at them,
15:11 but images are much easier to remember than words.
15:14 - Nine. Nine seagulls.
15:17 - Okay, I've got the last four.
15:19 - Here, one.
15:20 - This is seven.
15:22 We should be able to count what's in them.
15:24 - And this one here is four. One, two, three.
15:28 - And some ships and a mountain trail.
15:34 - Thank you so much. - Thank you so much.
15:36 - Hill, ships, mountains. - And then it goes the same way.
15:39 - This book has a day section and a night section,
15:42 and we figure out that they're actually the same photos.
15:45 One's just during the day, and one's at night.
15:47 - Do you think there's a moon in the day one?
15:50 - And then there's turtles at the very end.
15:53 - Yeah, let's try it.
15:55 - Can we get a check, please?
15:57 - You did it! - Really?
16:00 - Yeah, so I'm ready to send you your next clue.
16:02 - Yes, please, yes. - Oh, my gosh.
16:04 - Thank you! - Okay, this is downtown.
16:05 - Up to Eddie we go. - Grand Parade, downtown.
16:07 - All right, Eddie. Grand Parade.
16:09 - Show him the photos.
16:10 - We're leaving in first place. Wow.
16:12 And we're on our way to our next clue.
16:14 - Beaver was... It went B, C. - Yeah, yeah, okay.
16:16 - It's been neck and neck so far,
16:18 so to take this lead right now is a huge win for us.
16:21 - Yes, please. - Yes, you've got it.
16:23 - Oh, yes! - Thank you.
16:25 - Grand Parade? Does that mean anything?
16:27 City Hall or something? - Yep, yep, yep.
16:29 - Amazing, Kevin.
16:30 - Benin-Anwar is still there.
16:31 - And some ships and a mountain trail.
16:33 - We're looking for almost like a parliament-looking building.
16:39 - It's right ahead. It's directly ahead.
16:41 [tambourine playing]
16:44 [tambourine playing]
16:47 - Let's do it. - Yes!
16:49 - Dancing? Oh, jeez.
16:51 - Go, go, go, go.
16:52 - Oh, here we go. Your dance card is full.
16:55 - A maritime tradition for over 40 years,
16:58 this is the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.
17:01 The tattoo is a celebration of marching bands,
17:04 dance troops, acrobats, and so much more.
17:08 Here in this race edition of the tattoo,
17:10 each team will learn and perform a trio of dances
17:12 that includes an indigenous shawl dance,
17:15 a Scottish highland dance,
17:17 and a Punjabi bhangra dance.
17:19 Once their performance is worthy
17:22 of the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo,
17:24 Stephanie will give them their next clue.
17:27 - I think I'll do good at highland.
17:29 - Okay, I'll do the shawl.
17:30 Left, right.
17:33 Oh, no, sorry, I gotta do it with one hand.
17:35 This is extremely challenging,
17:37 but the shawl dance is beautiful.
17:39 It is such an honor to be able to do this.
17:42 - I love this shawl.
17:43 - This footwork is tough.
17:45 Highland dancing, not easy.
17:47 [fart]
17:50 - You can look down at your sword.
17:52 - Okay, I'll try that again.
17:53 - This is the day version of that.
17:55 This is when she says,
17:56 "Good night, Nova Scotia, good night something."
17:58 Oh!
18:01 These ones should be the exact same order,
18:03 but in night version.
18:04 Got it? - Yeah, yeah.
18:05 - Like this.
18:06 Can we get a check?
18:08 - Yep, you've got it. - Awesome!
18:10 - Smile.
18:11 - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah? Okay.
18:13 - We got there in first place, we left there in last,
18:15 but the other teams are just slightly ahead of us.
18:17 This race is quite tight.
18:19 [bagpipes playing]
18:20 - I played bagpipes for most of my youth.
18:23 I wish I was playing bagpipes instead of dancing.
18:26 We'd be out of here a lot quicker, I think.
18:29 - One, two. - Yep.
18:31 - One, two, three.
18:32 - Oh, man.
18:33 Okay, I was just watching your feet.
18:35 I don't know if I can even do that.
18:37 - Five, six.
18:38 One, two, three.
18:40 - Do a little Scottish dancing.
18:42 - Okey-dokey.
18:43 - We're learning separate dances, right?
18:45 So you go with shawl? - Yeah.
18:46 - Highland? - All right.
18:47 - Let's go. - I'm doing the shawl dance.
18:49 This is the first time I've ever done, like,
18:50 a choreographed dance in my life.
18:52 It's a very intense situation right now.
18:54 We want to get out of here as quick as possible.
18:56 [dramatic music]
18:58 Yeah.
18:59 All right. - How are you feeling?
19:01 - Not bad. - Do you want to try the bhangra?
19:03 - Yeah, let's do that.
19:04 [bagpipes playing]
19:05 This one's a little tricky.
19:07 - Bhangra!
19:08 [trilling]
19:09 - Oh!
19:10 - I don't know how to do that.
19:11 [laughter]
19:12 - Now, positions.
19:13 - Uh, yeah. - Yeah.
19:14 - Okay.
19:15 - Five, six, seven, eight.
19:17 - One.
19:18 - One, two, three.
19:19 - This bouncing, so painful on my stumps.
19:22 - Ah!
19:23 - My knees are feeling it, my hips are feeling it.
19:25 Prosthetics with that much impact all day, every day.
19:28 My body is absolutely destroyed.
19:32 ♪ ♪
19:33 - Five, six, seven, eight.
19:36 ♪ ♪
19:39 - I'm in way too much pain.
19:41 ♪ ♪
19:47 All three teams here, everyone's here.
19:50 The pressure is just out of control.
19:52 Just got to get it done.
19:53 Doesn't have to be pretty, just has to be good enough.
19:56 - One.
19:57 - I think we got to try.
19:59 - Let's go.
20:00 ♪ ♪
20:02 - Ah, this is terrifying.
20:04 [tambourine]
20:05 ♪ ♪
20:11 ♪ ♪
20:17 [tambourine]
20:18 ♪ ♪
20:26 ♪ ♪
20:34 ♪ ♪
20:39 [record scratch]
20:40 - I'm sorry, you're going to have to try that again.
20:42 - Just, like, kind of blacked out on that last move.
20:44 - Pump, pump, pump.
20:47 - Okay, let's try it.
20:48 - Yeah, let's try.
20:49 Let's have some fun.
20:50 - Yeah, let's try.
20:51 - Keep a smile on, keep a smile.
20:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:59 - Let's be ready.
21:00 Just keep going through that in your head.
21:02 ♪ ♪
21:06 - You're going to have to try that again.
21:08 ♪ ♪
21:12 [record scratch]
21:13 ♪ ♪
21:17 - We're trading attempts right now with Ty and Kat.
21:21 - Someone gets this, like, that's huge.
21:23 ♪ ♪
21:30 - Congratulations.
21:31 Get your phone, and we'll give you your next clue.
21:33 - Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God!
21:35 Thank you so much!
21:37 - Okay, let's give it a try.
21:38 - Okay. - Okay.
21:39 - Ah, ah, ah!
21:41 - Alyssa, Ty and Kat just passed.
21:43 - ♪ Near my chair ♪
21:45 - Yeah, we got it. Thank you so much.
21:46 - Thank you so much.
21:47 - Honey, we're going!
21:48 - Do you recognize Sea Halifax?
21:51 - Okay, jump in.
21:52 - Yeah.
21:53 - Um, a seaport, it looks like.
21:54 - We're leaving the dance in first place.
21:56 We're headed to the water.
21:57 We're trying to find our next clue.
21:59 - ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
22:02 [record scratch]
22:03 - I'm sorry, you're going to have to go try that again.
22:06 ♪ ♪
22:12 - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
22:14 - Congratulations, guys.
22:16 - Thank you, thank you, thank you.
22:17 - Thank you, guys.
22:18 - Kevin!
22:19 - Sea Halifax tours.
22:21 - That was unbelievably difficult,
22:23 but I really liked that third dance.
22:24 It was actually a lot of fun.
22:25 - Very nice.
22:26 - [laughs]
22:27 - ♪ Wee-haw, wee-haw, wee-haw-ee-ah ♪
22:30 ♪ Wee-haw, wee-haw-ee-ah ♪
22:32 [tambourine]
22:33 [tambourine]
22:34 ♪ ♪
22:44 [record scratch]
22:45 - That's not good enough.
22:47 - The timing just seems so off.
22:49 ♪ ♪
22:55 - We are going to the harbor front.
22:57 - We're going to the harbor front.
22:59 - We're trying to find our next clue.
23:01 Oh, there it is.
23:02 Let's leave our backpacks.
23:03 - I'm gonna meet you.
23:04 - In that parking lot. Thank you, Eddie.
23:06 - Right there?
23:07 - Yeah.
23:08 - Oh, right here, near here.
23:10 - Roadblock. - Roadblock.
23:12 - Here at the Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk,
23:15 teams will check in, suit up,
23:16 and head to Georgia's Island National Historic Site.
23:19 The racer that didn't complete the previous roadblock
23:21 will have only one minute and 15 seconds
23:24 to ride their watercraft through this marked course
23:27 and safely rescue Stripy the floating zebra
23:30 to receive their next clue.
23:32 - Let's go.
23:33 - So where do you change?
23:35 - Oh, right here.
23:36 - Can I take a piece of energy from each of you?
23:38 Driver's license?
23:39 - Oh, [bleep]
23:41 - No, we just gotta go. We gotta get that.
23:43 - Let's go, let's go.
23:44 - We're told you need an ID.
23:45 Our backpacks are with Eddie and our cab.
23:48 - Where's Eddie?
23:49 - He's gotta be around down here, Ty.
23:51 - Yeah, yeah, there it is, right there.
23:53 - Where? - Right--
23:54 - Go right into this parking lot.
23:55 - Here? - Yeah.
23:56 - Bring our backpacks.
23:57 - Roadblock, it's gonna be you.
23:58 - Yeah, you must attempt this one.
23:59 - Okay, sweet, we can do that.
24:01 Just drop it. Drop mine.
24:03 - Where Ty and Kat-- this should be in there.
24:06 - I see you. He's fighting.
24:08 - Oh, yeah.
24:09 - Wait, Ty, he's gotta be around here.
24:11 Eddie?
24:12 - We're looking for Eddie. We need Eddie.
24:14 - We got a quarter million dollars on the line.
24:16 - Oh, man. - Oh, my God, this is a disaster.
24:18 We should have grabbed our bags.
24:20 Try this way? We've tried everywhere else.
24:23 - We need Eddie.
24:26 Really, really bad.
24:28 Eddie, please.
24:29 Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.
24:31 [dramatic musical flourish]
24:34 [musique rythmée]
24:37 ♪ ♪
24:44 - Congratulations. Go get your phone.
24:46 You can go get your phone.
24:47 - Awesome, thank you so much.
24:48 - There you go. - Thank you so much.
24:49 - Thank you guys so much. Thank you.
24:51 Thank you. Thank you.
24:52 - Fishmeal, that's the Alphax boat tour and adventure.
24:54 We're currently heading here.
24:55 Hopefully there's a couple more challenges.
24:57 We definitely need to make up some ground here.
24:59 ♪ ♪
25:01 - Where's Eddie?
25:02 - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.
25:04 Oh, no!
25:05 - There he is. There he is. There he is.
25:07 - We just need our IDs. We'll be back, Eddie.
25:10 - Thanks, Eddie.
25:11 - We made a really stupid mistake
25:14 and didn't take our bags with us from the car,
25:17 and we needed our IDs.
25:18 - We don't know where Ty and Kat are.
25:20 - We just have to focus on ourselves
25:22 and getting it done smoothly.
25:24 - I hope we can lock it in now.
25:26 - We forgot our IDs, and that's all right.
25:29 We'll get our lead back.
25:30 - Okay, baby, you got this.
25:32 ♪ ♪
25:37 - So [bleep] stupid.
25:38 - Hey, it's all right.
25:41 - Just stupid.
25:43 - Hey, don't worry.
25:45 Now it's a race.
25:46 ♪ ♪
25:48 - Ty and Kat are not here.
25:49 That's good. We get a little head start.
25:51 Ah, that's great.
25:52 Okay, it looks like here's the course laid out, Aileen.
25:55 - You're gonna go between the first two red buoys.
25:58 That's gonna be your start line.
25:59 Pick up a floating zebra.
26:02 Just left, right, left, right.
26:03 - And what's the time I have to do it in?
26:05 - 1:15.
26:06 - Okay. - Okay.
26:08 - Come on, Kaitlin, you got it. You got it.
26:11 - The water's my thing.
26:12 I've grown up on boats,
26:13 but I've never actually driven a jet ski.
26:17 - You got it.
26:18 - And I don't really know the feel of how they operate.
26:21 - Come on, Kaitlin, you got it.
26:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
26:30 - Oh, yeah, she's ripping.
26:33 - Yeah, she's getting aggressive.
26:35 - Come on, Kaitlin.
26:37 - She's lying around.
26:40 - Zebra time.
26:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
26:44 - Ah, she missed the zebra.
26:46 - Come on, come on.
26:48 Ah, come on, Kaitlin, come on.
26:50 - [bleep]
26:52 - That's a no, that's a no, okay.
26:54 I see Kaitlin on a sea-doo.
26:56 - Except catch back up.
26:58 - [bleep]
26:59 - All right, babe, it's all you.
27:01 - All right, let's do this.
27:03 - You got this, babe.
27:04 - I'm going to get that zebra.
27:06 - Bring the action, baby!
27:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
27:10 [horn honks]
27:11 Go, Ty!
27:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
27:14 Go, babe, go!
27:16 - He's got to grab that floating zebra fast.
27:19 ♪ ♪ ♪
27:24 - Bring it on, bring it on!
27:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
27:28 - Go, babe, I'm back in my element.
27:30 Let's go!
27:31 - I'm so proud of you, babe, you killed that!
27:33 - Candle's lit.
27:34 - I'm going to quick-share you some photos.
27:36 - Quick-share time, let's go.
27:37 - We got it, thank you so much.
27:39 This race is neck and neck.
27:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
27:44 - Come on, Kaitlin.
27:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
27:48 - Get it, get it.
27:50 - Okay, we got the zebra.
27:51 - He's got it. Let's see.
27:52 - Pin it, pin the thing, pin the thing.
27:55 Pin it!
27:56 - Yes! Yes, Kaylee!
27:59 Yes!
28:00 - Photos? - Got 'em.
28:02 - Awesome, thank you so much.
28:03 - Good luck. - Thank you.
28:04 - We got to go, we got to go.
28:06 ♪ ♪ ♪
28:09 - Okay, thank you.
28:10 Back on the move.
28:11 - Where's Eddie?
28:12 He's over there.
28:13 Eddie, we're back.
28:17 - To the Queen's Mark.
28:18 If you can get us there.
28:19 - Oh, yeah.
28:20 - We're leaving in first place right now.
28:22 - Should I keep pinning it on my...
28:23 - Stay here, here.
28:24 Find a parking, and then, yeah, okay?
28:26 Thank you.
28:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
28:30 - Throw him down, throw him down, Keeley.
28:33 - All right, you got this, let's go.
28:34 Hello.
28:35 - We're in it, like, we're still in the game.
28:37 - We got this.
28:38 - Okay, we're on this way.
28:39 - Kevin!
28:40 - Queen's Marquis.
28:42 - Right now, we're in last place.
28:44 We're hoping to catch up on some of these challenges,
28:46 but we got to get an A+ on every single one of them
28:48 to make time.
28:49 There's no prizes for second place.
28:51 Now he's about to go pick up the zebra.
28:53 Come on, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up.
28:55 Yes, he got it, he got it.
28:56 He's coming back right now.
28:57 Let's go, let's go, let's go.
28:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
29:01 Anwar is about to go pick up the zebra.
29:03 Come on, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up.
29:05 Yes, he got it, he got it.
29:07 He's coming back right now.
29:08 Let's go, let's go, let's go.
29:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
29:15 - Okay, we don't know what's ahead,
29:17 and we got to get to Queen's Marquis.
29:21 - It's right there.
29:22 - That's the last building.
29:23 - Right here, right here, yeah, I see it.
29:24 - Let's go.
29:25 Right here.
29:27 Rude info, it's a cross-examination.
29:31 - At the Queen's Marquis,
29:32 teams will be met by the Rise Again steps.
29:35 These steps are a symbol of the city's spirit
29:37 and ability to rise above challenge.
29:39 And here, teams will find the final test of the race.
29:43 Teams will need to use only their memory
29:45 as they think back over the course of the entire race
29:48 to solve the Amazing Race Canada crossword puzzle.
29:51 Once they've correctly completed the crossword,
29:53 Stephanie will give them their final clue.
29:56 - Okay, Kat, let's go.
29:58 Here we go, babe.
29:59 - Okay, you take down, I take across.
30:00 - Yeah.
30:01 - Okay, two across.
30:02 You flew on it.
30:04 It's got to be a helicopter.
30:05 - 20 down, 20 down.
30:07 - We sniffed it.
30:08 - One.
30:09 [musique]
30:12 - Thank you, Captain.
30:13 - Right here.
30:14 - Okay, we got a puzzle.
30:15 - Ah!
30:16 - Complete a race-themed crossword puzzle
30:17 about locations and events you've experienced during the race.
30:20 - Crosswords, we've been doing crosswords.
30:21 - We got this.
30:22 We've been practicing all race for this.
30:24 Throughout this whole race,
30:25 we've both been working on a lot of crosswords.
30:28 - You flew on it, you flew on it.
30:30 Helicopter.
30:31 - Two across.
30:32 - Tyler and Kaitlyn just got it.
30:33 - Okay, we got this, we got this.
30:35 - Three down.
30:36 You played it, you played it.
30:37 - Hey, no actions from the audience, please.
30:40 [musique]
30:43 - Poker, poker.
30:44 [musique]
30:49 - Keep going, keep going.
30:50 - Six down.
30:51 - You set it.
30:52 We set a table.
30:53 11, you searched a glass one for art.
30:56 - Exhibit?
30:57 - Exhibit?
30:58 - Hall, that can't be it.
31:00 Oh, um, in Winnipeg.
31:02 - Find a specific stone carving in the visible vault.
31:05 - Vault, vault, vault.
31:06 - Vault, vault, vault.
31:08 - You did the next one.
31:09 - Seven down.
31:10 You went down it.
31:11 [screaming]
31:13 - Waterslide, waterslide.
31:16 - You raced through it on the fifth leg.
31:19 - Um, Long Beach.
31:21 - Raced through it, you raced through it on--
31:23 Oh, To-phino, To-phino.
31:26 - To-phino.
31:28 - We're neck and neck.
31:30 [musique]
31:33 - Anwar's going for a second attempt.
31:35 - Way faster than he did last time.
31:37 [musique]
31:39 - Good job, Anwar.
31:40 - See if we can catch up to the rest of the teams.
31:42 - We're heading to Queens March.
31:44 [musique]
31:51 - You got out of there.
31:52 You got to move on.
31:53 Bring the good energy into this next one.
31:55 [musique]
31:58 - Let's do this, let's do this.
31:59 We're almost there.
32:00 You carried it.
32:01 Torquay, Torquay.
32:03 - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it.
32:04 Wait, but then what did we race through on the first leg?
32:07 - Calgary, Winnipeg?
32:08 - Calgary, that has to be Calgary.
32:10 Tortillera has an A in it.
32:11 That has to be it, that has to be it.
32:13 [musique]
32:16 - Oh, my God, that's it, that's it, that's it.
32:17 - Keep going, keep going.
32:18 - 13 down, what's 13 down?
32:20 You surged through it.
32:21 Forest?
32:22 - Cowspit, cowspit.
32:23 [musique]
32:25 - We can do this, we can do this.
32:27 - 10 across as you carried it.
32:30 - Tortillera, Tortillera.
32:31 - It doesn't fall.
32:32 - Yes.
32:33 No, it doesn't.
32:34 - What else did we carry?
32:36 Let's go through this together, okay?
32:38 You carried it.
32:39 Um...
32:41 Backpack?
32:42 - You got it, Kayleen, you got it.
32:44 Kayleen is on fire right now.
32:46 16 across, you surged for it.
32:48 - Golf ball.
32:49 - Golf ball.
32:50 Kayleen.
32:51 God, look at her go.
32:53 - Okay, baby, two more, two more, two more.
32:55 - You surged for it.
32:56 - Golf balls, golf balls, golf balls.
32:57 - That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.
32:59 - Okay, okay.
33:00 Where's the O, where's the O?
33:02 - Oh, he's on the O.
33:04 - We don't have an O.
33:06 Is that how you spell "tortillera"?
33:08 ♪ ♪
33:11 - Come on, we can do this.
33:13 Two left.
33:14 - Which one?
33:15 - 11 across.
33:16 You surged a glass one for art.
33:19 - Um...
33:20 It was Winnipeg Art Gallery,
33:22 but it was, like, a glass column.
33:24 - No, it was, like, a big tower.
33:26 - No.
33:28 Ah, what is it called?
33:30 - Seven down, seven down.
33:32 - You went down it.
33:33 What if we go down, babe?
33:34 What if we go down? Think, think, think.
33:35 Just think what we went down,
33:36 and then we can figure it out.
33:37 Look at it.
33:38 Seven down, that's a long word.
33:40 What did we go down?
33:41 ♪ ♪
33:43 - I have no idea at this point.
33:45 - They're close, they're close.
33:47 - Okay, from Tofino, we went to Saugonay,
33:49 Windsor.
33:51 - Water slide.
33:52 - Water slide.
33:54 - So then something's off.
33:55 - It's not tortillera.
33:56 It's not tortillera.
33:57 - Did you carry?
33:58 - It's not.
33:59 - Oh, no, that's how you spell it.
34:01 I think that's how you spell it.
34:03 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
34:05 Okay, okay.
34:06 - Go, go, go, babe.
34:07 Go, go, go.
34:08 - Okay, can we get a check, please?
34:09 - They're getting a check.
34:10 Come on.
34:11 Don't be right, don't be right.
34:13 ♪ ♪
34:16 - I'm so sorry, that's incorrect.
34:17 - Thank you.
34:18 - It's not tortillera.
34:19 - It's not tortillera.
34:20 - It's not right.
34:21 It's good.
34:22 - We've got two that we just can't nail down.
34:25 Search the glass.
34:26 - It's not tortillera.
34:27 - It's not tortillera.
34:28 Search the glass.
34:29 ♪ ♪
34:31 - Vault.
34:32 - Yes, Kaelin.
34:34 - No, stop looking.
34:35 - Come on, Kaelin, we'll see it across.
34:37 - You got a clue from it.
34:39 - Eee, I think so.
34:40 - Eurgh!
34:41 - Alien, alien, alien.
34:43 ♪ ♪
34:45 - You got it, Kaelin, you got it.
34:47 Kaelin.
34:48 ♪ ♪
34:50 - Check. - Yes, Kaelin.
34:51 ♪ ♪
34:57 - You got it, Kaelin, you got it.
34:59 ♪ ♪
35:00 - Check.
35:01 - No, stop looking.
35:02 ♪ ♪
35:06 - I'm sorry, it's incorrect.
35:07 - Ah, sorry.
35:08 ♪ ♪
35:11 - Ah...
35:13 Water.
35:14 - We spelled water wrong.
35:15 - It's not water.
35:16 - Oh, we searched through flowers.
35:20 Oh, my God.
35:21 ♪ ♪
35:23 - We're just gonna go for it.
35:25 - Portier, are we sure that's it?
35:27 - We've carried it. What else did we carry?
35:29 ♪ ♪
35:33 - Backpack. - Backpack.
35:34 - Backpack. - What?
35:35 - Backpack. We're getting a backpack.
35:36 - Where? Oh, my God.
35:38 Yeah, go, go, go, go, go, go.
35:41 Give me a K, give me a K.
35:43 Can we get a check, please?
35:45 ♪ ♪
35:47 - That is correct.
35:48 - Oh, my God.
35:49 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
35:51 - I will send you your next clue.
35:53 - Okay, where is that?
35:55 - Teams must now find the Bonaventure anchor
35:57 in Point Pleasant Park.
35:59 And here, on the edge of the Halifax harbour
36:01 in the City by the Sea, is the finish line.
36:04 The first team here will win the Amazing Race Canada.
36:08 - Let's go. - Okay, thank you so much.
36:10 Thank you, thank you.
36:11 Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip.
36:13 Damn. - It's okay.
36:14 Hey, keep it together.
36:15 - Hattie, Hattie, you know where that is?
36:17 - We've got to go as fast as we can.
36:18 - Bonaventure anchor, Bonaventure anchor.
36:20 - We're gonna go see John. - I think we're gonna go
36:21 see John. I hope we're gonna go see John.
36:24 [dramatic music]
36:27 - We are so close.
36:29 - We searched through it.
36:32 Tunnel...
36:34 Castle.
36:36 Okay, check, please. - Good job, City.
36:39 - That's a crack. - There you go.
36:42 - Thank you so much. - Thank you.
36:43 - Thank you. - Kevin!
36:45 - Point Pleasant Park. - Point Pleasant--
36:47 Yes, you're the best.
36:48 - Cillian, you crushed it.
36:49 They just ran out. - Man, I hope we can
36:51 pull it off. We're so damn close.
36:54 - Just construction up there.
36:56 [horn honks]
36:57 - There's traffic. - Oh, my gosh.
36:59 - Come on, people.
37:01 - We're in a race!
37:04 - We need to find that anchor.
37:06 - We're so close.
37:08 [horn honks]
37:09 - Please, please, please. Come on.
37:11 [horn honks]
37:12 - Come on, come on, come on.
37:14 Come on, come on. - Please, please, please.
37:16 [musique]
37:19 ♪ ♪
37:26 ♪ ♪
37:28 - They're running!
37:30 ♪ ♪
37:31 - [laughs]
37:32 - Come on, man.
37:34 - Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
37:36 [all cheering]
37:39 ♪ ♪
37:44 Oh, my God.
37:46 ♪ ♪
37:53 - I think we did it.
37:55 ♪ ♪
38:01 - We did it.
38:03 ♪ ♪
38:08 - Oh, my...
38:10 Oh, my God.
38:11 [en anglais]
38:14 [en anglais]
38:17 [en anglais]
38:19 - We did it.
38:20 - We did it.
38:21 - We did it.
38:22 [all cheering]
38:24 - Six provinces, 11 cities,
38:27 and over 12,000 kilometers from coast to coast.
38:30 Ty and Kat, you want to know what you've won?
38:32 - Yes.
38:33 - You have won the all-new
38:35 2023 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2.
38:38 That's one for each of you.
38:40 - Oh, my God, yes!
38:42 - A feel-good energy trip for two around the world
38:44 courtesy of Guru Organic Energy.
38:47 A quarter of a million dollars cash
38:49 powered by Samsung.
38:50 - Oh, my God!
38:51 - And...
38:52 - Oh, my God!
38:53 - The Amazing Race Canada.
38:55 [all cheering]
38:58 - Oh, my God.
38:59 [all cheering]
39:01 - You're an inspiration to every Canadian watching right now
39:04 and all the folks here today.
39:05 How does it feel?
39:06 - It feels like our prayers and our dreams were answered.
39:09 - The gratitude is filling my heart and my soul right now,
39:12 but I can't express what this individual beside me
39:16 means to me, and it's just--
39:18 it's beyond words.
39:20 - I want Kat to know that there's being a rock
39:24 and then there's just being the exact person
39:28 that somebody needs.
39:29 Kat is that.
39:31 - This experience has just been nothing short
39:34 of truly amazing, and I feel so lucky to be here
39:36 and so thankful to do this with you.
39:38 [soupir]
39:40 It's just been such an honour and a privilege
39:42 to be able to do this with you and run for those 16 families,
39:45 and it's your story, but I'm here to support you,
39:47 and it's just been such an honour to share that with you
39:50 through this journey.
39:51 - What do you want to say to the families
39:53 and your humble community?
39:55 - April 6, 2018 is a day that I'll never forget,
39:57 and there's-- I always say there's 16 beautiful families
40:01 that have a forever missing seat at the dinner table,
40:04 and, I mean, the love and support we received
40:07 is still to this day something that you can't even
40:09 put into words, and I just want to thank Canada.
40:12 [cheers and applause]
40:15 - What is next for the two of you?
40:17 - Hopefully a ring on my finger.
40:19 - Yeah!
40:20 [laughter]
40:22 - It will come.
40:24 [laughter]
40:26 [cheers and applause]
40:29 [♪♪♪]
40:32 [cheers and applause]
40:35 [cries]
40:38 [cheers and applause]
40:41 [screams]
40:43 [cheers and applause]
40:46 - Good job.
40:48 - Hey.
40:49 - That just brought me to tears.
40:51 - I love you, buddy.
40:52 - Tyler, Kayleen, team number two.
40:56 [cheers and applause]
40:59 - How proud are you two of yourselves?
41:02 - Of course we wanted it.
41:04 We wanted to get it.
41:05 I don't know if I'd make it through one leg,
41:07 but we're standing on the final mat.
41:09 Yeah, we've got to be proud of this.
41:11 - We're so proud of ourselves to be here,
41:13 but it still really hurts.
41:15 - What do you want Canadians to know right now
41:17 who've watched you run this entire race?
41:19 - It's painful.
41:20 It's, you know, a lot of tears, but you've got to keep going.
41:23 This absolutely proves it.
41:25 - Tyler's taught me not to put limitations on myself
41:29 and ourself, and I think the Amazing Race Canada
41:33 really solidified that.
41:34 - I'm proud of Kayleen 'cause she pulled through
41:36 in some critical moments,
41:38 really held us together in so many ways.
41:41 - We did it.
41:42 - You did good, sweetie.
41:44 Good job.
41:45 [cheers and applause]
41:48 - Bring it in!
41:49 - Yeah!
41:50 - Let's go!
41:51 - Yeah, buddy!
41:52 - Hey.
41:53 - Whoo-hoo!
41:54 - Hey.
41:55 - Way to go, guys.
41:56 - So proud of you.
41:57 - Yay!
41:58 - Ben, Anwar, team number three.
42:01 [cheers and applause]
42:04 - It's a surreal feeling.
42:05 You know, this is an incredible feat for both of us.
42:07 It's incredible people look like us.
42:09 We came here to tell a story.
42:11 I think we told that story.
42:12 And so, proud of ourselves.
42:14 - Ben always says this, you know,
42:15 "Our parents walked so that we could run,
42:18 and we're running so that the next generation can fly,
42:20 and I'm sure they're gonna be super proud of us."
42:23 - Canada's a friendly place.
42:24 We've always known that,
42:25 but it's just when you're in this race,
42:26 you really can feel the love.
42:28 So much culture, so much diversity.
42:30 Couldn't be more proud to be a Canadian.
42:32 - The ultimate battle is the amazing race Canada,
42:35 and it really tested us, and we made it out, man.
42:37 I'm so proud of you, bro.
42:38 - Me too, man. Good job.
42:39 - Ben and Anwar, proud of you both.
42:41 - Thank you so much. - Thank you, guys.
42:43 - Great ending.
42:44 - [sighs]
42:46 I'm sorry.
42:47 [laughter]
42:49 - Oh, my God.
42:51 - I want Ty to know how special he is
42:53 and how much impact you have that you don't even realize.
42:56 You are a light to this world
42:58 and not just a light in my life.
43:00 You are my everything,
43:01 and I'm so lucky to share this life with you.
43:03 - Oh, my God. - I love you.
43:05 - I love you so much.
43:07 - Let's hear it for Ty and Kat,
43:09 winners of the amazing race Canada.
43:12 [cheers and applause]
43:15 ♪ ♪
43:21 [Musique]