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Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a exprimé sa volonté de "se séparer" de l'Union européenne (UE) suite à un rapport critique du Parlement européen sur la Turquie. Ce rapport remet en question la reprise du processus d'adhésion de la Turquie à l'UE et propose d'explorer des alternatives de coopération. Les négociations d'adhésion sont bloquées depuis des années en raison des inquiétudes de l'UE concernant les droits de l'homme et l'État de droit en Turquie.
Le président Erdogan a critiqué l'attitude de l'UE et a déclaré que la Turquie évaluera ces développements et se séparera de l'UE si nécessaire. Les pays européens tels que l'Autriche soutiennent également la fin du processus d'adhésion et proposent d'explorer de nouvelles formes de relations avec la Turquie. Cependant, certains soulignent l'importance de maintenir un dialogue constructif avec la Turquie malgré les obstacles persistants.
#Turquie #séparation #UnionEuropéenne #Erdogan #ebenemediatv #mgm #RapportCritique #ProcessusDadhésion #DroitsDeLhomme #ÉtatDeDroit #NégociationsBloquées #AlternativeDeCoopération #Autriche #DialogueConstructif #Turquie #Séparation #Critique #Coopération #Adhésion #DroitsDeLhomme #ÉtatDeDroit #Négociations #Alternative #Dialogue
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Eben Media TV and also share the video.
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00:17 Ankara has decided, Turkey will separate from the European Union because of the contempt
00:22 of Brussels for Turkey and its hostility several times stated.
00:26 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reacted strongly to the report of the European
00:31 Parliament on Turkey, declaring that his country could separate from the European Union
00:36 if necessary.
00:37 This report, adopted recently, questions the resumption of the process of Turkey's
00:43 adhesion to the EU in the current circumstances, and proposes to explore a parallel and realistic
00:47 framework for relations between the EU and Ankara.
00:50 Negotiations to join Turkey to the EU have been in a stalemate for years, mainly
00:55 because of the concerns of the Union regarding the alleged violations of human rights and
00:59 respect for the state of law.
01:01 Erdogan denounced the EU's attitude by stating that it sought to separate from
01:05 Turkey, adding that his country would assess the recent developments and would separate
01:09 from the EU if necessary.
01:10 The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also criticized the report of the European Parliament,
01:16 calling it "unfounded allegations and prejudices" and deplored a superficial approach
01:20 of relations between Turkey and the EU.
01:23 Some European countries, such as Austria, have also expressed their opposition to the
01:27 adhesion of Turkey to the EU.
01:29 Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehme called on Brussels to end the adhesion process and
01:34 to find a new format for relations with Ankara.
01:37 According to him, Turkey has no chance of becoming a member of the EU, and it is necessary
01:42 to recognize this reality and explore alternatives to deepen relations with
01:46 Turkey.
01:47 However, despite persistent criticism and doubts, some emphasize the importance of maintaining
01:53 a constructive dialogue with Turkey.
01:56 Some diplomats have warned that without Turkey, the EU could not be a real
02:00 global actor.
02:01 However, it is also recognized that the problems related to the state of law and human rights
02:06 must be resolved to allow significant progress in the adhesion process.
02:11 The German Foreign Affairs Minister Anna Barbock stressed the need for a
02:16 "strategic and prospective approach" in relations with Turkey, while avoiding naivety.
02:20 In conclusion, the relationship between Turkey and the EU remains tense, with strong statements
02:26 on both sides.
02:27 While some European countries question the adhesion of Turkey to the EU, others
02:32 emphasize the importance of a constructive dialogue and a resolution of persistent problems.
02:36 The future of relations between Turkey and the EU remains uncertain, but it is clear
02:41 that additional efforts will be necessary to overcome obstacles and find a
02:45 mutually beneficial agreement.
