Le Discours Explosif d'Erdogan : Qui Tire les Fils de DAESH au Moyen-Orient?

  • last year
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Dans ce reportage, nous explorons les questions brûlantes liées à l'hypocrisie politique et à la manipulation géopolitique au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel, en particulier en Syrie et en Irak. Le discours éloquent du Président Erdogan à l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies met en lumière le fait que des acteurs régionaux et internationaux utilisent des groupes terroristes, tels que DAESH, pour servir leurs propres intérêts politiques et économiques. Ces groupes, souvent créés pour des conflits régionaux, ont évolué en menaces mondiales, contribuant à la radicalisation et aux attentats terroristes à travers le monde. Le Président Erdogan appelle à une coopération internationale renforcée pour contrer cette menace croissante.
En somme, l'hypocrisie politique et la manipulation géopolitique alimentent la violence et menacent la sécurité mondiale. La communauté internationale doit agir de manière concertée pour mettre fin à cette réalité dangereuse, en privilégiant la diplomatie sur la violence. Le monde observe avec espoir, conscient que la sécurité de tous est en jeu.
#HypocrisiePolitique, #MoyenOrient, #AfriqueDuNord, #Sahel, #Syrie, #Irak, #Terrorisme, #GuerresParProcuration, #ManipulationGéopolitique, #InfluenceRégionale, #Erdogan, #NationsUnies, #ConflitsRégionaux, #Géopolitique, #ActeursInternationaux, #Radicalisation, #SécuritéMondiale, #Diplomatie, #CoopérationInternationale

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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and also share the video.
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00:12 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's speech at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly
00:17 confronts us with a burning question, how terrorist organizations such as Daesh
00:22 are they manipulated to serve the political and economic interests of some regional actors?
00:27 Hypocrisy in the region is a subject that preoccupies the international community more and more.
00:33 While many countries publicly condemn terrorist acts and claim to fight against groups such as Daesh,
00:39 it has become increasingly evident that obscure forces are operating behind the scenes to support these organizations.
00:45 The real threat lies in these paramilitary, mercenary groups,
00:49 and certain local elements who are ready to sell their allegiance to the most offending.
00:53 The Middle East, North Africa and the Sahel have become playgrounds for regional and international powers
00:59 who seek to expand their influence in the region.
01:02 Conflicts in Syria and Iraq have become battlefields where state and non-state actors
01:07 are forced to live off war by procurement, thus creating fertile ground for the rise in power of terrorist groups.
01:13 President Erdogan's rhetoric emphasizes an undeniable truth,
01:17 those who feed these terrorist groups to serve their own political and economic interests
01:21 do not have the moral right to complain about the consequences.
01:25 The weapons and funding that reach these organizations only perpetuate an endless cycle of violence,
01:30 endangering the lives of millions of people in these regions.
01:34 To understand the extent of this issue, it is essential to delve into the details of the complex geopolitics of the region.
01:40 Regional actors, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Russia and the United States,
01:46 each have their own strategic interests and seek to shape the Middle East to their advantage.
01:52 In this quest for power, terrorist groups are sometimes instrumentalized to serve as pawns in this great geopolitical game.
01:59 A striking example of this manipulation is the case of Syria, where rebel groups have been financially and militarily supported by various regional and international actors.
02:08 These groups, initially formed to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad,
02:13 have often degenerated into uncontrollable factions, thus contributing to the chaos and the rise in power of Daesh.
02:18 Before continuing, don't forget to subscribe to Ebay Media TV and follow us on other social networks too.
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