Mga residente sa paligid ng Taal, pinag-iingat sa smog ng bulkan

  • last year
Mga residente sa paligid ng Taal, pinag-iingat sa smog ng bulkan
00:00 V-Volts continue to remind us that in particular in areas near the volcano's caldera,
00:05 volcanic smog or fog can reach the area,
00:08 and that it should only be kept inside their homes.
00:10 If not, it is inevitable that N95 masks will be worn.
00:17 Joshua Garcia is live in the details. Joshua?
00:20 Rise and shine, Philippines. Rise and shine, Audrey.
00:25 Despite the volcano's containment of Alert Level 1,
00:28 high levels of steam and smoke are still observed in its mouth.
00:33 That is why the affected areas of the volcano are affected,
00:37 such as Agoncillo, San Nicolas, and several towns in the northern part of the volcano.
00:42 But Audrey of V-Volts explains that this depends on the climate, humidity,
00:47 and moisture of the air in the area of the volcano.
00:49 Yesterday, it was not that severe because the isoto emission was not that high.
00:58 And most probably, what we saw yesterday was the part of Agoncillo, San Nicolas,
01:02 because the wind drifted to the southwest.
01:05 Audrey, in the last report of V-Volts this Monday,
01:09 the volcanic dioxide of Taal Volcano reached 4,332 tons per day
01:15 while they recorded 6 volcanic tremors in the past 24 hours.
01:20 It should be noted that V-Volts first explained that the fog is
01:24 small droplets of air formed by volcanic gas,
01:27 such as sulfur dioxide, which can cause irritation to the eyes,
01:31 eyes and respiratory tract.
01:33 And just like what you mentioned earlier, Audrey,
01:34 this is a continuous reminder of V-Volts,
01:37 particularly in areas near the caldera of Taal Volcano
01:40 where volcanic smog or fog is reaching,
01:42 which can only remain inside the house.
01:43 And if it cannot be avoided to go out, wear N95 face masks.
01:48 Audrey?
01:48 Okay, Joshua, in these hours,
01:51 is V-Volts a possibility to increase the alert level in Taal Volcano?
01:57 Yes, Audrey.
02:04 As of now, we are standing here in the Taal Observatory of V-Volts.
02:08 It is 6 to 7 kilometers away from the volcano.
02:10 And as we can see,
02:14 the surroundings are clear and we do not see any signs of volcanic smog or fog.
02:18 But according to V-Volts, as of now, they do not see any significant events
02:22 that they can consider to increase the alert level
02:25 because their monitoring parameters are still at the baseline of alert level 1.
02:31 Audrey?
02:32 Okay, Joshua, in your tour there,
02:34 we have many fellow Filipinos there following the advice of V-Volts
02:38 wearing N95 face masks.
02:42 [Music]
02:48 Audrey, we have observed a few people,
02:50 especially those outside the house wearing face masks.
02:53 But earlier, on the roads we passed, there were no signs of fog.
02:57 So the situation here is still good.
03:00 Audrey?
03:00 Alright, take care. Thank you very much, Joshua Garcia.
