Episode 58: Mike Golic Jr On Notre Dame vs Ohio State, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift, and Working With His Dad

  • last year
Mark Titus | The Mark Titus Show
00:00 Today's episode of the mark Titus show Mike golly jr. Joins me, Notre Dame, Ohio State this weekend this Saturday
00:05 It's the game of the year in college football
00:07 For now, I don't know you can and even if it's not you can say it you just you just roll with it
00:11 That's how that works. You just there's a lot of games of the year as it turns out
00:14 That's what that's one thing. I've learned working at bars tool. This is game of the year. There can be more than one
00:17 But yeah, Ohio State Notre Dame are playing and go lick is someone I don't know him super well
00:23 But I he's a friend of a like a lot of connections in the industry and I I was actually funny enough
00:28 We went to the same wedding
00:30 This summer in Santa Barbara and go look and I I should have brought that up
00:33 Why did I not bring that up in the interview? We shredded the dance floor he and I?
00:37 That was the wedding TJ we talked about on the show that was a wedding
00:42 I came back and I was like, oh I was like I killed that wedding
00:45 I was like that was the that was the best damn the best wedding of my career. My goalie jr. Was at that wedding
00:49 But yeah, we've known each other a little bit and you know, I don't know how else to describe it
00:55 You have mutual friends all that sort of thing and with the big, Ohio State Notre Dame game coming up
00:59 I thought there's one person I would like to talk to you most about Notre Dame football. It's Mike goalie jr
01:04 So I brought him on the show
01:05 We talked a little bit about Notre Dame a little bit about Ohio State obviously through some other stuff in there
01:09 It was a fun conversation. He's great at that talked about his dad at the end
01:12 Who's the man? I freaking love Mike and Mike when I was growing up just like everybody. I mean who didn't love those guys
01:18 So yeah, that's that's the show today is talking with Mike goalie jr. About all sorts of things, but mostly
01:24 This big Notre Dame, Ohio State game we got coming up
01:26 All right, joining me now is Mike goalie jr. The host of gojo and goalick show Monday through Friday 8 to 10 Eastern
01:34 He's also a former Notre Dame football player
01:37 which is why I wanted to have a have him on the show to be the Notre Dame representative as
01:40 The Fighting Irish are hosting my beloved Buckeyes this Saturday and Mike I want to I want to say you can correct me if I'm
01:48 wrong, but it feels like the buzz to this game is reaching nuclear levels and
01:53 I guess my question is one
01:55 Do you feel that too that like there's a buzz around Notre Dame right now heading into Saturday that I don't say is unprecedented
02:02 But has not been felt in quite some time and to why is that buzz?
02:07 for this game when last year these two teams played and they were ranked number two and number five and
02:11 It feels like this year has more buzz to it
02:14 Yeah, I think it almost all and it feels like a cop-out but with Notre Dame and everything this year
02:21 It's come back to the quarterback like this the first time in so long that Notre Dame's had a dependable quarterback on their campus
02:27 Yeah for you guys you're used to that. That's every year for Ohio State where you got a future first rounder under center there
02:32 So I think for Notre Dame fans
02:34 We've had good seasons before like you mentioned
02:37 There was plenty of promise going into last year for Notre Dame and you've had other big games on campus recently. I was talking
02:43 With my mom before because a lot of the conversation here this week is about well
02:48 Notre Dame fans don't want to see another invasion of red jerseys in the crowd from another team, Georgia
02:54 And I think 2017 or 2018 kind of pulled off the same thing
02:57 But even back then it was early in the season and I don't think you had
03:01 Someone that felt like a rock star under center for you in the way that's a legitimate draw now
03:06 And you know, it's the top position in football gives everyone the most hope when you got a dude there
03:11 So I think it's the Sam Hartman effect. Yeah, I would agree with you
03:13 I think as a guy who frankly Mike if I'm being completely honest, I've been a Notre Dame football
03:18 Hater for most of my life. I grew up in Indiana
03:20 I basically basically what that means is I grew up in Indiana and I'm not Catholic
03:25 So, you know
03:27 I cheered for the Hoosiers and it would drive me crazy all the the IU fans that would cheer for Indiana basketball
03:33 But then be Notre Dame football fans and like I had a lot of friends that were that way
03:36 And I was like, this is disgusting behavior from all of you
03:38 But I say that to say like this is one of the first Notre Dame teams probably since
03:44 Like the Brady Quinn era where I've stopped and it's to your point
03:47 It's probably the quarterback where I've stopped and I've been like, oh, oh this team might actually be
03:51 Something and I think Saturday if they get the job done against, Ohio State and also
03:57 I think it might be paired with the the landscape of college football this year
04:01 Sure, because like the story with Notre Dame is every year when you guys are good, you know, not to twist the knife
04:07 but as you know, like every year it's like Notre Dame's got a good team, but
04:10 Like let's wait and see what happens when the playoff comes or if they play Clemson or bet, you know
04:14 And this year I don't feel like it's that I don't feel like the boogeyman is waiting down the line
04:19 We're like if Notre Dame wins on Saturday
04:21 I don't feel like we're gonna wake up on Sunday and say yeah, but wait till
04:25 Cuz Georgia and Michigan and the rest of there's there's no like it doesn't feel like there's like a dominant team right now
04:30 No, and I think you know a lot of those that you mentioned - it's quarterback turnover at certain spots that have certainly made it
04:37 That way but you're right just in general. It feels like it's all more ripe for the picking right now
04:42 I can tell you what happened if Notre Dame won this game that Notre Dame USC game
04:46 That's also gonna be in South Bend with supernova
04:48 Caleb Williams coming into town, but no I'm like I don't want to put the cart before the horse there because this is still a game
04:54 where I
04:56 Think Ohio State's favored right now according to the lines
04:58 They should be like they've earned the benefit of the doubt in what Ryan day and company have been able to do there for a
05:03 While and even going back before that Notre Dame's had a big game problem and you mentioned like Clemson
05:08 We've chipped away at that in recent years, but we also understand part of that is Clemson
05:12 We're not really sure the trajectory of that program right now
05:15 You beat him during the pandemic when DJ was at quarterback and Trevor Lawrence was out for that game
05:20 You beat him pretty bad last year
05:21 But again, there are question marks around that for Ohio State while you know, maybe
05:27 Competition wise for both teams, you know, Ohio State had to play a Big Ten game right out of the gate this year
05:32 So you get the respect from that, but I think we both look at these teams and probably go
05:36 All right, we're still not a hundred percent sure what they look like a great top flight competition
05:40 But again with Ohio State the caliber quarterback you guys recruited there
05:43 This is blue chip stock all across the board all the usual positions
05:47 We're used to Ohio State being really good at they appear to be really good again this year
05:50 so it feels like finally the litmus test where
05:53 Notre Dame fans are either gonna breathe a sigh of relief and feel like their feelings are all validated or we're gonna continue to ask
05:58 Some of those kind of existential questions. Yeah, it's weird trying to gauge the confidence level of I know a ton of Notre Dame fans
06:05 I know a ton of Ohio State fans obviously and people just seem to be all over the map with how confident they are
06:09 I've talked to Ohio State fans are like come on. Come on. We have like yeah, they might have a better quarterback
06:14 We're better at every other position where they haven't beat us since 1936 like come on. We're not we're not worried about Notre Dame
06:20 Yeah, yeah
06:21 And then other people like on the road with a new quarterback like I don't know we're in trouble and the same thing with Notre
06:27 Dame I just find it so fascinating because I mean that's the joy of college football as you talk yourself in circles and
06:32 You know, I even even the first few weeks like Notre Dame against Navy as a Buckeye fan
06:38 I'm watching week zero the Buckeyes aren't even playing. I'm watching Notre Dame and Navy and I'm like, uh-oh
06:41 Notre Dame looks pretty freaking good
06:44 We didn't look great against, Indiana
06:45 We look great against Western Kentucky and what's so funny Mike is that you like look back on all the games have been played so
06:51 Far between the two teams none of them really made seem to mean anything
06:56 But like the conclusions we're trying to draw yeah, well - and like, you know this like the college kids are all guilty of at times
07:03 Especially at like big-time schools like Ohio State Notre Dame
07:05 Sometimes you look across the helmet sticker on the other side and when it's not as big and exciting as an Ohio State
07:11 There is a little bit like
07:13 Propensity to exhale some like hell I lost to Syracuse and UConn on senior days when I was a freshman and sophomore at Notre Dame
07:20 There were teams we were way better at but you're always getting their best punch in those weeks
07:24 Like it's a little harder to get up for some of those games. That's why I was told people like
07:28 Anyone that was worried last week about how Notre Dame looked at home against Central, Michigan or anything like that
07:33 It's like yeah, it was a trap game spot war in the past
07:36 We win those games by like two or lose and they won 41 to 17
07:40 They're gonna be up for this game
07:41 The focus is gonna be incredibly heightened for this game and that's you're right
07:45 None of the other games really feel like they matter because we know both teams
07:48 Understand the importance of this and they're mature enough to go out and win all those other games
07:52 I mean, Ohio State Western Kentucky is a good football team
07:55 They've been an offensive factory for the last few years
07:57 And so for Ohio State's defense to come down and shut them out like that and put up those kind of points
08:02 That's real stuff anyone discounting that win across college football just means you're not like well acquainted enough with what Western Kentucky's been
08:10 But you're gonna get a different level of effort from both these teams. There's no doubt
08:13 yeah, I'm curious too about the big game atmosphere of it all because
08:16 As much as you know, Sam Hartman is in a sixth sixth year
08:21 He's the experienced quarterback
08:23 He's never really playing a game like that or never really like won a game like this like the handful of moments because he's at
08:27 Wake Forest, you know, it's not like I don't mean to say it's his fault that they'd ever, you know, no, you know
08:32 But like he has Sam Hartman ever been in a situation where though he knows the entire world is watching this game
08:37 The pressure is through the roof
08:39 You know
08:40 I'm obviously Kyle McCord has not
08:42 But like the rest of the Buckeyes kind of have Ryan days has coached at this point all sorts of these games
08:47 I don't know if Marcus that as a guy who played and like was around this stuff and and that of
08:53 You know playing college football in a place like Notre Dame. Do you feel like that is a real thing that like
08:57 Maybe Ryan days experience and like a big game
09:01 Maybe Sam Hartman being a sixth year for this does that sort of stuff matter?
09:05 Is there a difference between the quote-unquote big game and just like, you know, like a run-of-the-mill
09:11 You know cuz Sam Hartman's played ranked teams, you know, like an NC State is ranked like 15th or something
09:17 You know, he beats them but like this is different
09:18 Is there really something different to that or do we just make that up?
09:21 No
09:22 I think there's something different of that and like you look at last year even like they had number five
09:27 Clemson in a barn burner at Wake Forest last year, which in the ACC is real big, right?
09:31 It's not gonna draw the same national level because Wake Forest just didn't have that kind of national draw and I talked to Sam and
09:38 Interviewed Sam before the season he understands the attention on you being the Notre Dame quarterback or being the quarterback at a school
09:44 That's in this level is gonna be markedly different. So there's gonna be stuff about this that's new for him, too
09:50 But do you point about the coaching and playing thing?
09:52 I think it pops up in some places mattering more than most like I always go back to we played the BCS title game and
09:59 So having a coach like we went up against Nick Saban
10:01 Ryan day is also familiar with the playoff and stuff these coaches like him and dabble that have been through that process
10:06 You have more familiarity with the schedule. So you're used to those things
10:10 But I think in big games you kind of understand more of what to look for in your team
10:14 You've been around enough of those to know. Hey when we've had a team that's won this game
10:18 This is how they've prepared during the week. This is how they've been critical moments
10:21 I kind of know what to spot out of my team if they feel off balance and there's something I need to do as a
10:26 Coach because there's only those situations that you see going through it live when you've experienced it before
10:31 So I think on one side yet market or Ryan day having been through this before
10:36 Absolutely matters. He knows how to keep things consistent because really that's the whole goal for a coach
10:42 Right is you want to keep it feeling as normal and consistent as possible for your players?
10:45 Ryan's got experience with that
10:48 Marcus Freeman still going through all this now for the second time as a head coach and having to shoulder all that stuff for Sam
10:54 What I will say is even regardless of the big game thing
10:58 Once you get the game the guys just seen so much damn football
11:01 yeah, like you're not gonna be able to throw much at him or rattle him much because he's seen it all twice at this point that
11:07 Level of experience and time under task there like he came in this year whole new system place
11:12 He had never been before coaching staff
11:14 He didn't know before offensive coordinator that changed during the offseason even after he committed here
11:19 But because he's ingested so much football. He's kind of learned the new language
11:23 he's learned his way around campus and he's done a really good job plugging in right off the bat because that's what you can do when
11:28 You've got like 13,000 career passing
11:30 It's it's funny to refer to him as a 60 60 year guy because I remember when
11:36 You used to say that guys were six-year guys as a joke because they've just been around it just feels like they've been around for
11:41 A while and then now Sam Harbin actually in this modern college sports were in they're actually ours
11:46 There's a dude on did I read that today that there's a dude on Miami that's trying to get a ninth year
11:50 He's not even sure if he wants to use it
11:53 He just wants to have it in his hip pocket in case he looks like pushing off the career fair
11:57 It is it is and then I was watching a Colorado Colorado State and Mark Jones like glossed over real quick
12:02 but the Colorado State kicker lines up for a kick and he's like
12:05 Of course, this kicker is 31 years old married with three kids lining up for the 40. I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa
12:10 What?
12:12 Understand the Aussie kicking pipeline and punting pipeline is sort of normalized that like we've got so many guys that worked in
12:18 Textile mills that are coming over here and punting footballs now
12:22 But someone's got to do the sit-down piece with all of the pro kick Australia punters who are 30
12:28 Families and just get them in a room and talk about what the hell their college football experience has been like first off just coming
12:35 Over from Australia and then inserting into the most insane sport we have
12:39 But then to do it having like a wife and kids in a college locker room is gonna be no
12:44 Yeah, like what do you talk to your your freshmen about the the kids that are like 18 years old?
12:50 It's like yeah, I had to go and wire my wife money for our mortgage and I saw you bong a four-logo
12:56 We are not the same. Um
12:59 The Freeman part of this so obviously he's a former Buckeye. I was in school with my he was a little older than me
13:05 But I remember watching him play for Ohio State. I was a huge fan of his as a player
13:08 Love like he makes it hard. He's definitely made it harder for me Mike to hate Notre Dame because Marcus Freeman's the man but
13:16 He he also the obviously the like personal part of this with him being a former Buckeye
13:21 But then he like every time he gets asked about Ohio State. He's like listen, I'm the head coach of Notre Dame
13:26 So like I'm not gonna say anything nice about Ohio State
13:28 So like some people Columbus kind of take that the wrong way my question to you as as a Notre Dame guy
13:34 um, do you think that Marcus Freeman's relationship and past and history and all that with Ohio State is
13:40 a benefit for you guys or going to be a detriment in the sense that like he's
13:45 the emotions get to be a little too much of
13:47 You know like this
13:49 I don't know there just be a world where like this this means a little too much to him and he kind of like
13:54 Loses his head. He's a new head coach and like are you gonna lose your head a little bit?
13:57 Does the moment get to be all that sort of thing or are you like no?
14:01 This is great for us because he know if anyone knows that program. It's this man. I
14:05 Think now it is like last year. I'd be curious in an honest moment
14:10 I've never gotten a chance to ask him about this what it was like going back to Ohio State
14:15 Yeah, cuz that's the one where it's different, right?
14:17 You've never done this before
14:18 You're playing a ranked team on the road to start the season a really good ranked team with a future NFL
14:23 quarterback and all these freaks and you're going back to the place where you were in the home locker room for a whole bunch of
14:28 Years like that was home for you Columbus was your spot
14:31 I can't imagine as someone who like I love Notre Dame more than I love most any other sports
14:37 Association I've ever had in my life
14:39 like it's the one thing that's always been like family and a real home for me and
14:43 Anytime a player gets done, you know this like you always get asked like oh
14:46 Do you think about coaching and I'm like I could never go and give the same level of effort or care
14:51 Somewhere else that I would give to Notre Dame if you ask me a coach like here
14:56 I could lay it on the line because that's what I wanted to do as a player
14:59 That's what I wanted to do my whole life
15:00 And so I don't know for Marcus if it was like that coming up with Ohio State
15:04 But either way you bled for them for four years. It means something to you. So that had to be surreal last year
15:10 I think you're a little more insulated from that when you're at home now. This is the place you've gotten used to in South Bend
15:15 It's all the normal stuff around you like we talked about it again
15:18 It's normal see for players before the head coach you're at least separated from that
15:22 Now the jerseys look familiar you have an understanding and appreciation of that program in a way that might be beneficial
15:28 It was a different staff. It was a long time ago
15:30 You know, this is its own animal now in the modern iteration of Ohio State
15:34 But I think you're definitely further away from anything that would be a distraction for that now if it ever was at all
15:40 For him. Yeah. Yeah, you were you're a Freeman guy like he's he's he's he's well liked in Notre Dame, right?
15:46 Because like last year's his first year and I like I said, I think we were all like all the Buckeye people
15:50 I know we're like, yeah, we're rooting for him
15:52 But then I don't know people are weird cuz they cuz he did he kind of took a shot
15:56 What was the the quote he said like at Notre Dame?
15:58 We have to go to class or something
16:00 That was like definitely probably he seemed to want back almost as soon as yeah
16:06 But because I think he's trying to like, you know play for the home team. He's new around here and all that but then
16:11 Certainly didn't go well on the home front. Like I remember James Laron Itis who's back at Ohio State
16:16 That's right here on the staff with Marcus last year
16:18 And I know as one of his close friends was a teammate of his like that kind of a weird moment for both them
16:23 Where I'm sure they're getting calls and texts from their boys like what the hell?
16:26 Well, it's your point Mike if you were if you were coaching it
16:28 I don't know just pick a random school your coaches
16:30 You're the head coach at Iowa now and someone asked in Iowa
16:33 You're about to play Notre Dame or not even about to play you're just like asked about it
16:37 You're like, what are your thoughts on Notre Dame?
16:38 I'm sure some part of you's gonna be like I have to
16:40 If I want to keep this job and like, you know ingratiate myself into this new community that I'm in and everything
16:47 I can't let them think that I still have some sort of affection for the place
16:51 I was at like I'm all in on this program. I don't want I don't want that program to be any good
16:55 I want my program to be good. So I don't I never I never really cared that much but he is despite
16:59 I don't you know wasn't a bad year last year
17:02 But I know you guys lost a Marshall and it was a little more up and down than then we anticipate at the start of
17:06 The year he's still well liked in Notre Dame like he's still the guy
17:09 Yeah, okay. That's good around Notre Dame. Yeah, especially but to your point about what you said
17:15 It was amazing watching the way the different way people talked about Notre Dame nationally because I get it like we've always known like we're not
17:22 A well-liked it's it's polarizing program, right? Yeah super love Notre Dame. You grew up Irish Catholic
17:27 It was one of like the two shows your grandparents watch
17:29 So they grew up Notre Dame fans like the origin story is very similar for most people of a certain age around the program
17:35 but for everyone else
17:36 we're the you know one team that's not in the conference who everyone feels like gets to play by their own set of rules and
17:41 You know thinks they're better than everyone or whatever the stereotypes are. I get that most people don't like it. So it was almost uncomfortable
17:47 Watching the way everybody talked about Notre Dame because it felt like a trap
17:52 I'm like, I feel like we're being pranked right now because we've got a young coach that everyone seemed to look at and go
17:58 Oh, yeah, it seems like a super genuine guy
18:00 Everyone kind of knew he was on the head coaching trajectory going back to when he was at Cincinnati
18:04 like I remember covering a game for them in like
18:06 2017 and
18:08 Everyone on our crew walked out after the meeting where you get to talk to all these coaches and we're like, oh that guy's gonna
18:13 Be a head man sooner than later somewhere like he just he's got that kind of aura about him
18:18 He's a super genuine guy. So that was weird watching the national tide turn on that
18:22 But he's also come in right away and really gone out of his way to be involved in the community around here
18:28 There's been stuff written about how he's at all the other sporting events
18:32 He really spends a lot of time with the other coaches on campus and has tried to learn a lot from the tenured coaches and
18:37 Other programs and stuff. He just really went out of his way to your point like trying to get to know a new place
18:41 He really went out of his way to try and reach across the aisle and say I want to learn about what you guys have
18:47 Going on here and become a part of it myself. I can't think of a bigger whiplash I've ever experienced
18:51 When how I feel about a program then when Brian Kelly's the head coach and then Marcus Freeman becomes the head coach the same program
18:58 It was wild to watch man
19:02 I mean for Notre Dame fans, too
19:03 There was a large section of the Notre Dame fan base that felt like they had been holding on to some feelings about Brian Kelly
19:08 That they let out like listen
19:10 I play for the guy like and I have a deep appreciation for what Brian Kelly did for Notre Dame despite how whatever people might feel
19:18 Yeah, I hope people can look objectively and go I'm gonna be 34 years old soon
19:23 That was the best decade of Notre Dame fandom in my lifetime bar none Wow
19:28 Like I was there for a little bit of at the end
19:30 I had him his first three years there. We're kind of resetting stuff
19:33 We had the champion, you know, the BCS title game appearance in 12
19:36 That was like the first window into what the program would become
19:39 But they were winning double-digit games for the last five years of Brian's tenure there
19:44 I grew up during the Bob Davey era Ty willing all that stuff
19:48 Like I didn't see a lot of winning Notre Dame football as a kid
19:51 So this was the best time for me to puff my chest out as a Notre Dame fan ever based off what he built there
19:57 So people could feel however, they want about Brian Kelly the person or you know, the the family stuff and all that stuff
20:03 They wanted to make fun of like that guy gave me the most consistent half decade of Notre Dame football in my entire life
20:09 Yes, and that's all it takes sometimes. That's all yeah
20:12 That was it was fun to to be a Notre Dame fans
20:14 So at a time when when Texas wins in Tuscaloosa and everyone's going crazy about Texas being back in Florida State looks to be pretty
20:22 good
20:23 And and is Florida State back and all that sort of thing
20:26 This has been a cycle with Notre Dame obviously for for both of our lifetimes
20:30 Probably is like every you know, Notre Dame wins double-digit games. Are they back? Ah, no. No, they're not
20:35 All right, let's do it again. Are they bet you know?
20:37 What for you as a guy who you know, it's Notre Dame is running your family forever at this point and you are as Notre
20:43 Dame through and through as anybody um
20:45 One does the idea of being back matter? Does it even exist?
20:50 Does it like is this idea that we are back? Is that a thing and two if it is?
20:55 What will that look like for you?
20:57 No, because
21:01 So we dealt with this my senior year. It was
21:04 Um, I think Rick Riley wrote the article it was still like that
21:08 Last page article of sports illustrated when it was a physical magazine at that point
21:12 and it was
21:14 Notre Dame will never be relevant again
21:16 That was the word that they used back then
21:18 which to me always seemed like a kind of dumb notion because Notre Dame was always going to be relative in the brand idea the
21:24 Same way even in the lean years like a Florida State you mentioned was always going to be discussed
21:29 In all the conference expansion conversations stuff like that because they mean money
21:33 But for me relevant meant are you a meaningful part of the championship discussion every year?
21:38 And Notre Dame especially towards the end of Brian Kelly's tenure
21:42 You were in the college football playoff multiple times
21:45 You were in around that discussion in some of the season that you even weren't there
21:48 For some people I think back is always going to mean
21:51 Are you competing for a national championship? And to me that's not the marker because right now where Notre Dame's been situated
21:58 you have not been able to or recruited at the level that
22:01 Georgia, Alabama, Ohio State and a select few other programs have been able to and we can talk about academic standards
22:08 All the things that we know have been an existing part of the system
22:11 That have made that a little more difficult for Notre Dame, but i've looked at it and said hey for Notre Dame
22:16 Can you be consistently one of the best teams in college football?
22:20 Even if you're not outright the best and if you're staring up at three or four teams in a given year
22:26 To me that's back enough to accomplish what i'm looking for which is being a respectable program
22:30 Hopefully and that was the bet with Marcus Freeman is hey
22:34 You get a guy in here who is going to go out here and really try and live and die on the recruiting trail
22:39 See if they can adjust as NIL becomes more a part of this process and really pump some stuff into that
22:44 And then maybe can you get over the hump?
22:46 Especially now that you can go out there and recruit and say look what we did
22:49 Sam Hartman was a great quarterback
22:50 Yeah
22:51 And now he's a rock star through a quarter of the season because he came and played here good quarterbacks
22:55 Look at what this can be for you on that platform. Maybe that gets them to the next spot
23:00 So yes back I think for a lot of people because of Notre Dame's history is are you winning national championships again or not?
23:07 I have chosen for my own mental health not to define success or failure that way and instead said all right if I can talk
23:13 You know what to 90 of the college football world and then have to look up at four or five teams
23:18 I'm, okay with that right now if that's a loser mentality, so be it i'll take it up with my no
23:22 I I think the the expectations fans have are insane and um, I I I kind of went on a rant at one point when uh
23:29 When rogers went down and jet's fans were like man, we're the most cursed
23:32 Franchise ever and I was like listen
23:35 I don't mean to say you're not and I don't mean to say it's not tough for you
23:37 But as it turns out like 99 of the the franchises the schools the everything else don't win championships like ever ever
23:45 It's like, you know, um, so this notion that like that every year at Notre Dame we expect to win a national championship
23:51 But so does ohio state and so does michigan and so does alabama and so does tet and it just can't possibly work that way
23:56 So to your point, I do think um
23:58 You don't you shouldn't look at it to like are we the best team in football every year?
24:02 You should say are we in the conversation?
24:04 Um, and what's fascinating to me mike is that I think I think as the playoff is going to expand here
24:09 College football is going to start to look more like college basketball
24:12 Which is that like that is my mindset with college basketball is that?
24:15 To win the ncaa tournament. You don't have to be the best team
24:17 You just kind of have to like be one of you have to be in the mix
24:20 You have to get into the tournament and then hope things break your way
24:23 and I think notre dame funny enough is like in a great position to actually win national titles moving forward because
24:28 You're going to be in the playoff like basically every year you're going to get the you're going to get the you know
24:33 The the little they got the power five, but then you get the plus one every single day
24:38 When it's when they expand you're going to get in there every year
24:40 And as long as you're like one of the top seven ish teams, I think with nil we're seeing it this year in college football
24:47 Not all the talent is being siphoned to the same one or two or three schools
24:50 It's getting spread out a little more suddenly the sport is more national suddenly. Notre dame gets in so if we have a situation where
24:56 uh in in december
24:58 Notre dame is hosting in alabama in a playoff game at notre dame stadium and it's
25:02 It's cold as hell and those southern boys come up and they're just like what the hell is this?
25:06 um, I don't know it i'm still i'm talking myself into an idea where like
25:10 I I think that's enough that has to be enough if you're a notre dame fan that like every single year
25:14 You're in the mix you get to a final four if that's what we're calling it in football down the line. Um,
25:19 But yeah, it is weird
25:20 I think too in that point like it's probably win a few more of the big games too, right?
25:24 Like it's have that feeling you've had with clemson the last couple years show up against ohio state every now and then
25:30 show up against you know, florida state or an sec team that you see in one of these bowl games like
25:35 That probably has become more so because it's also like the common punching bag line
25:39 I think a lot of people's sensitivities in any fan base are the thing you get thrown at you by opposing fan bases so much
25:45 Right, and there's that feeling where notre dame fans probably don't feel like certain fan bases take them seriously
25:50 Because it's not just been losing a lot of those games and to be clear
25:53 There have been close ones mixed in that georgia game. I referenced from years ago. That was a 2019 game
25:58 Against the georgia team that was still one of the best in the icc at that point
26:02 Even though they weren't in their current iteration
26:04 But there's been a lot of blowouts in the big games at the end of the season
26:07 So I think the next step for notre dame is hey
26:09 You got to be competitive in games like this in games against sc
26:12 In whatever comes in the post season for you this year and then you're absolutely right in the new version of the playoff
26:18 Hang in final four banners, man
26:19 That's going to count for something because it really is like a wild game with a weird shaped ball where a lot of crazy shit
26:25 Happens. No, it seems weird to think to like forecast that it sounds insane to say in 2023
26:29 But yeah, I do think there's a world where the playoff's going to expand
26:33 They're going to go to 12 and then at some point someone's going to be like, yeah
26:35 But what if we added more and then what if we had I mean, let's go to college basketball, too
26:39 They're talking about like 96 teams
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27:49 All right, mike you mentioned earlier, uh, the keep the red out movement. I'm, uh, i'm sorry to say you are
27:55 There's going to be at least one buckeye fan at the game
27:58 Um, because I I will be going now the reason i'm bringing this up to you is because this will be my first experience
28:04 at notre dame stadium
28:05 um, are there is there a do's and don'ts list that I need to know of is there
28:09 Uh, like yeah for a guy who's getting his first taste of notre dame football
28:13 Um, what what do I need to know as i'm heading over saturday?
28:18 honestly, not much like the one thing i'll say is I I
28:20 I would like for notre dame's crowd to be a little bit more of a hostile environment
28:25 But that being said I do appreciate that notre dame fans kind of recognize
28:29 There's a lot of people when big games happen like this or any games happen
28:32 They're gonna make maybe their first and only trip to south ben
28:34 Yeah, pretty accommodating group if you need stuff around campus if you need stuff around the tailgate lot, they're gonna help you out
28:40 They're gonna throw you a bone here
28:42 I would say just you know
28:44 Taking all the traditional stuff like even when I come back
28:46 I go to the grotto every time and check that out. I go walk over by the dome and check out the basilica
28:50 It's all right the same area on campus if you can check out the player walk stuff
28:54 It's going to be bumping right now because they're still good and they haven't lost any august or september games
29:00 And then you know get over in the tailgate lot like it's the beauty of notre dame is it's not the biggest tailgate setup
29:05 But it's all in one place
29:07 So it's all in this lot right south of the stadium there and you can go walk through
29:11 And i'm sure you're gonna get a beer and a brat from somebody walking through there and get taken care of pretty well
29:16 so there's really not a lot of don'ts it's a
29:19 Overall again, it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. You're gonna get south bend. It's absolute best
29:23 I mean midwest guy you get it like once we hit october and november. We're constantly at risk for snow
29:28 So this is a sweet spot right now. This is god's country
29:31 There's nothing worse than people you hate for no reason whatsoever being nice to you and then it just shatters your
29:35 your perception
29:39 I mean speaking of like the enemy of my enemies my friend type thing
29:41 For both of us like I grew up. I like michigan was the rival. I hate more than anybody
29:46 That's what i'm gonna do. I'm just gonna walk around and just be like michigan. Am I right and then be like, oh, yeah
29:50 Exactly exactly
29:54 um
29:55 Talk to me about these kelly green jerseys
29:57 Are we worried about this because my my understanding when I was growing up in indiana is every time notre dame busted out the green
30:03 Jersey's at home in a big game
30:04 It was an l it was an l for the irish
30:07 um, but I also saw that you're wearing the green jerseys for ohio state and it feels like irish fans are pumped up about this
30:13 Am I which one of us is wrong? Because I I always thought this was a curse
30:17 Uh, no, you're right and superstitiously
30:20 I was much more of a fan. We used to just bust this out for like the easy winnable home game
30:25 Like we don't have a true homecoming game necessarily
30:28 But we used to just kind of look at one be like, all right
30:31 Hey, like army's having a down year or something this year. Let's bust them out for that
30:35 Oh wake forest is coming into town or something like that who's having a down year
30:38 We'll wear the green jerseys for that one
30:40 So we know we got a better chance of making our layup on this
30:43 I was definitely a little nervous, but then they busted out the green pants
30:46 And what a saucy little number of those are we've never done green pants before like it's the full green goblin outfit here for this
30:53 One sans the helmet that's still gold. So I feel like the pants offset any of the worries that I might have had about the green
30:59 Top. Yeah, are you a traditionalist or are you someone I mean, I I kind of sense your enthusiasm with the all green
31:05 Yeah
31:06 How's the rest of your family?
31:07 How's the rest of your family with this stuff or it's like your dad and uncle did they lose their mind when they see?
31:12 Not not traditional uniforms on notre dame
31:15 no, because I think too when I was here was when
31:18 Notre dame because they've always done some variation of the kelly green jerseys from over the years and stuff like that, but
31:24 They started when I was in so I was 08 to 12
31:27 And that was when they started doing the shamrock series
31:31 Which was an off-site series where they would go and play a neutral site game like an nfl stadium big recruiting thing
31:36 You get to these big metro areas recruits can come see you and we started doing a lot of alternate jerseys for those games
31:43 And over the years we had some ones that pissed our fans off royally like anytime you mess with the helmet we played in 2012
31:51 In chicago against miami and we had jerseys that were a different shade of blue gold numbers and a helmet
31:58 That was one third gold
32:00 two thirds blue with a white leprechaun on the side and
32:04 We're like, you know when you think of notre dame
32:07 It's like penn state and alabama and all these schools that never touch their jerseys and never do anything special with it
32:12 Which as a fan I get why people like that tradition and make that their thing
32:16 But as a player like we grew up in the oregon era like i'm watching right different uniform every week and i'm like
32:21 All right, you can let us have one week where we do something fun
32:24 So I still have you know, I've collected a lot of the helmets from the different shamrock series games
32:29 They're a cool one-off. They're a cool acknowledgement that you can't have fun with that stuff
32:32 So no, I I think because me and my brother were going through that here
32:36 My family's kind of numbed all that they understand and appreciate it. It can be fun like that
32:41 I i've never felt older in my life than when I was watching notre dame
32:44 Navy it was this year and um, I I just had the epiphany that I was like
32:47 Yeah, the gold domes on notre dame are awesome
32:50 like I like not that I you know, everyone else knows us already, but it was I just felt like so old because
32:55 um
32:57 It just yeah, it just like there I said out loud to an empty room
33:00 I was like those uniforms are and i've watched nerdy football my whole life. I like something about it
33:04 I was like am I old that like I care this much about?
33:07 Uh, I think it was that navy has like the gold too, but notre dame's gold was different and I was like, yeah
33:12 That's like special. It's the notre dame
33:14 gold domers, um
33:16 I do feel like a product of being old is definitely getting nostalgic about college football
33:21 Huh? Yeah, like I found myself especially this year because they've been good looking up going man
33:25 You know what those longhorn uniforms the traditional home whites. Those are cool. I love those
33:30 Yeah, I I never stopped to think about it and I was like I think I might be old um
33:36 Pivoting away from the notre dame, uh, ohio state. You obviously consume a ton of football
33:41 I'm curious as a football guy and and i'm i'm I watch a lot but I don't really
33:45 Know what at the level you do what to you is more interesting the nfl right now or college football?
33:53 Man it's a good question. I think
33:55 I think in general the nfl like overall it's a better product. It's higher skill
34:01 it's all the things that we know about it and they incentivize parity so much in that league that
34:05 Every year you do feel like it's accessible to more teams
34:08 but I think in college right now just because
34:12 We've had so much turnover along the top of the sport where and you made this point
34:18 It feels like oh man, there's a few more teams that are coming back down to earth that have been the dominant forces
34:24 You know bam and clemson have been the poster of the college football playoff era
34:27 So far and so for both of those teams to falter a little bit at least in the early going of this year
34:33 Makes you feel like more people have a chance. We've had so much change in the sport, too
34:37 With all of the conference realignment this offseason that I think I was more excited to get to the games this year
34:44 because it was like this oasis from all of the sewage of having to read through like court reports and all these
34:52 You know commissioners and university presidents getting together. It's like jesus just let me watch the ball
34:57 So I think i've been more excited for college for that reason
35:00 Yeah, I I find i'm a little shocked because I thought the nfl
35:04 uh is obviously a juggernaut and and has such a great product and and with all the talk of college football like you said
35:09 it's just like
35:11 If you've been paying enough attention to college football through the years
35:14 There is a little bit of a doomsday situation a little bit of a like what is this sport anymore and all you know?
35:19 And everyone's like losing their minds, but I look up a few weeks into the season. I'm like man
35:22 I think college football is like
35:24 I don't know. I don't want to say better
35:26 but like I find it way more fascinating right now because it feels like
35:29 To me the discussions about the college football, uh games going on and just like the over
35:35 The 30 000 foot view is like the quarterback play is awesome across the country, especially like out west
35:40 Um, there are so many teams that the parody is incredible and then the in the nfl so far
35:45 It feels like most of the discussions are about how everyone sucks like the quarterbacks suck the defenses are good
35:50 But it's like sloppy football and monday night
35:53 You're flipping back and forth to the two games like can are either of these going to be good?
35:56 um, you know, I I'm surprised by that because going into the season it felt like the nfl was like so healthy in such a
36:03 Great spot and it's not to say it's not but um, yeah, it felt like college is like uh-oh
36:08 What are we going to get out of this and college football has been incredible this year so far
36:11 College is like shopping at costco. You can attack your problems with bulk more often than not. Yeah
36:17 Like on efficiency college football is never going to beat the nfl. That's true. That's true
36:21 it's also the early season window we have here because
36:24 When the nfl went like not to get too deep into it
36:27 But in 2011 when they had the newest cba that had come out at that point
36:31 That was when you started to see less practice time on field in the offseason
36:35 Stricter training camp schedules less padded practices
36:38 Which all just meant like a lot of that as teams are not playing guys in the preseason anymore
36:42 Gets pushed into the first four games of the regular season or so
36:46 Where guys are getting on the field and tackling again?
36:48 Finally guys are getting to work with teammates
36:50 They might not have been on the field with much all off season
36:52 And so yeah, the play does suffer a lot in the beginning like outside of san francisco and a couple of other teams
36:57 There really hasn't been a lot of clean football to speak of but it's going to get better and because so many teams are in
37:03 It for longer the end of the nfl season hums these guys get so good
37:07 They do have free quarterbacks, but you brought up the point college football
37:10 This is one of the deepest quarterback classes of guys that are going to be draft eligible that any of us can remember in a while
37:15 And again, you point back to some of the changes in college football the portal did this like yeah
37:20 When we were growing up in early 2000s, it was hey, you were a usc quarterback
37:24 You waited three years behind matt leiner
37:26 You started one year and then you went to the nfl and that was kind of how stuff went and now
37:31 Hey, these guys get on a campus at alabama or georgia or ohio state and
37:35 If they don't get on the field that first year they can hit the portal and go start somewhere else
37:39 And it immediately raises the floor of another football team
37:42 Overnight in one off season so it has I think also
37:46 Been one of the factors along with nil and stuff that's helped jumpstart a lot of the parody
37:50 And I think if you have a good quarterback, it works the other way
37:52 We're like you have a good quarterback that you're that's sticking around
37:55 You can then bring guys in the portal to play with him and like because they've been in the past there
37:59 we've seen good quarterbacks be on irrelevant teams and it's kind of a bummer that like
38:03 He doesn't have that much help and he's kind of you know
38:05 the guy's good and we'll see him in the draft like I think of uh,
38:07 I don't know like I I I
38:10 What's the name that would come to mind?
38:11 Like I don't know how good ryan leaf was at washington state
38:14 But I don't remember a damn thing about his college career and i'm wondering like when ryan leaf was like blowing up at washington state
38:19 Would he have transferred to a different school but like or now?
38:21 If he's at washington state, they bring in a ton of dudes and now they're competing for national championships and building around them and stuff
38:27 um, yeah, it's and I I think that's a really good reminder too that
38:31 It's just created more ways to be successful in college football right now, right?
38:36 Like you've got the total roster teardowns like colorado did that more teams i'm sure are going to try pretty soon
38:42 You've got notre dame that had a really good roster and said we're going to go and get a quarterback and kind of change
38:46 The program ceiling that way you got florida state who had a quarterback that's been there like five years now
38:51 And has used his continued improvement to go out and get keon coleman and jaheem bell and these guys in the portal
38:57 So yeah, it maybe that's you know
38:59 As i'm kind of thinking about this on the fly and talking through it with you
39:03 Maybe more teams are good because there's more ways to be good right now
39:06 Because of all the options that you yeah
39:08 And that's the beauty of the sport is there's a million different ways you can do it instead of having to
39:12 To do it the one way and then you're looking up and you're like well
39:15 We're never going to be able to do it as well as they're doing it
39:16 It's like what the hell why are we even trying you know, and it gets a little frustrating now
39:19 There's other ways to do it. By the way. I just looked up ryan leaf as a senior
39:23 Uh, they went to the rose bowl in lawson, michigan. So maybe not the best example
39:27 Yeah, I knew it was probably pretty good. Ryan leaf was kind of that dude
39:30 I just I don't remember a damn thing about him other than uh,
39:32 from his college career other than just that I remember the colts had the number one pick and
39:37 The leaf manning debates were were raging back then. So, um, what oh, you're uh, I meant to ask you about this
39:44 You're uh, you're you're uniquely qualified to answer this for me. So this taylor swift travis kelsey situation. You are a swifty, correct?
39:49 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're pretty open swifty. You're also obviously a football guy. So um, I
39:56 I I keep flipping back and forth on this mike. I can't make any sense of it. I thought that uh,
40:00 I took it at face value. Um, then I started thinking about a little more and i'm like this is obviously just like a clout play
40:07 Uh, I I doubt these people have even met each other
40:10 Now i'm being told by the people I work with that that might not actually be the case and there might actually be something here
40:15 What the hell is going on with this with with taylor swift and travis kelsey from your perspective?
40:20 Yeah, so the news kind of changed this week. Jason kelsey
40:26 travis's brother
40:27 Went on wip in philadelphia and got asked about it and he had gotten asked about it on thursday night football the week before
40:33 When the eagles played the vikings and him and jalen hurts were up there at the end and tony gonzalez
40:37 I don't know if he went rogue or what but he did the lord's work with some real journalism
40:41 And asked him about the travis situation and jason kind of stumbled and stammered and said, you know
40:46 I i'm not really gonna you know comment on all that but then went on wip and he was like
40:51 Yeah, you know he's like I don't really put myself into travis's love life much
40:55 But it seems like this is 100 happening and you know, I just I I hope he has a good time
40:59 So he sort of confirmed it still sort of didn't my whole thing here is
41:03 Jason kelsey is peak offensive lineman. He's a protector and he's a little bit neurotic by nature. We're all just wired that way
41:10 He's not gonna say anything out of turn unless he's been told he's allowed to
41:14 So if this was real and you'd imagine dating taylor swift probably has rules as far as pr wise what you're allowed to say and do
41:21 The guy that's not going to step
41:23 Over that line is jason kelsey because he's an offensive lineman. That's just not how he gets down
41:27 So that definitely made it more believable for me and the fact that like her pr team hasn't come out to openly crush this
41:34 Because that's true. She's one of the biggest brands in the world if this was going to be
41:38 Negative pr or something that she didn't want out there. She would squash it in a heartbeat
41:43 That would be the easiest thing in the world, but she's been quiet about it
41:47 Travis has been quiet as a church mouse about it. So the further along we go i've been hesitant to believe but i'm getting closer and
41:53 closer to
41:55 This is i'm my head is spinning trying to make sense
41:57 I I don't know where I mean it's asked me every five minutes and i'm flip-flopping as to whether I think this is real
42:02 um, but how do you I can't get over like the logistics of
42:05 how would a
42:08 an nfl player in season
42:10 and like the hottest name in in
42:13 american pop culture right now, uh
42:16 How would they like actually what does dating even look like? What does that even look like for those two people if they want to?
42:22 The yeah, I can't make sense of that
42:25 I think
42:27 What and this is me really putting the tinfoil hat on here being like well
42:31 Maybe travis back when he saw them taylor swift came to kansas city for a concert
42:36 I forget when over the summer
42:37 But that was when travis went and he made the whole thing on the podcast of he tried to give her the friendship bracelet with
42:43 His number on it. Yeah, I couldn't get to her after the show
42:46 That makes me wonder if that was a little bit of a smoke screen now
42:49 And they actually were able to link up then and then maybe some of that interaction happened then and while it was still in the off
42:55 Season as she was coming towards the end of the tour
42:58 And now you know, it works out kind of perfectly because they're both on busy schedules
43:03 They both play a lot of nfl stadiums. She's got her own thing. He's got his own thing
43:08 So it might actually be the perfect breeding
43:10 For the kind of romance that they could accommodate right now. It's the perfect relationship. We never talk to each other. We never see each other
43:16 Exactly, we're never gonna break up because we're never talks about us glowingly and then eventually get a song
43:21 How can you break up if you never fight? You're never you're never with each other to fight. It's it's a perfect relationship
43:27 Maybe they uh, maybe they crack the code last thing. I wanted to ask you
43:30 Uh, you're obviously the the gojo and golic show you're doing with your father who uh, everybody knows and loves
43:34 um, i'm curious about your relationship with your dad because on air you guys are awesome, but uh,
43:39 How has your your relationship with your father changed since you've gotten into the media world?
43:44 And you've you've started working together
43:46 And um, is this something that that you guys have consciously talked about off air?
43:51 Or is it just something you both are just like let's just ride this out and see where it goes
43:55 uh, because you're it seems like you guys get along great, but I
43:58 I'm, just i'm picturing a world where my father and I did a show every single day together
44:02 And I don't know how well that would go. So, uh, what how has the relationship changed since you started doing this?
44:09 Yeah, I mean it's changed a lot on my end like on you know on a serious note like because I grew up
44:14 Watching mike and mike like everybody else as a kid like it hit its prime when I was going into high school and then in
44:21 college and so
44:22 That was a part of my upbringing the same it was for so many people that watch and listen to the show as fans
44:27 But even living through it. I still didn't quite know everything that went into it
44:32 Like when I was growing up, my dad was still calling college football games and doing nfl live
44:36 I knew he was gone for long swaths of the day and I knew it was a lot of work
44:39 But he always would come home and be at our stuff
44:41 He stopped calling college games when me I got to high school
44:44 So that he could be at me and my brother's football games so he could go to my sister's swim meets and showed up
44:49 and and did all the dad stuff and
44:52 That was always something that looking now and seeing man
44:55 How difficult that is for other friends of mine in the media who have families who are wives or husbands or mothers or fathers?
45:03 How difficult that is and how looking back now I realize the sacrifice he had to make how much harder he had to work
45:08 and listen
45:09 there are plenty of other people who don't have the luxury of having a super successful morning show that gives them the career flexibility to
45:15 do that, but
45:16 It's still a choice that he had to make and I recognize now as much as ever as you know
45:21 My brother and my sister are both getting ready to become parents how far that went for all of us
45:25 And then getting to work together every day. We got to do it towards the last three years
45:29 We were at espn on go look and wingo when I started sliding over with him and trey and doing some stuff there
45:34 and
45:35 It's just more of the same like I when I was a high school
45:38 I remember when I was playing football
45:40 I used to watch tape with my dad of our games every sunday
45:42 And I was always so resistant to the coaching because i'm a teenager and it's my dad telling me that i'm doing wrong
45:47 Yeah, and nobody wants to hear that
45:49 so I did what most teenagers did and felt like I had it all figured out and
45:53 Kind of pushed back on some of that stuff and I still do now to some point because i'm stubborn
45:57 But I think more so now so much of getting to work around each other
46:01 I you know
46:02 I've always wanted to be him right when I was a kid
46:04 I wanted to play football and I wanted to go to notre dame because that's where him and my mom met and that's what he
46:07 Did and that's what made him and my parents who they were
46:10 And so getting to see that up close and personal every day and see
46:14 What it took to do what he's done for the last two plus decades in this job and what I can take from that
46:21 And what helps me more and seeing it up close and personal every day and just having a co-host
46:26 That I'll never have another one. I know as well like yes
46:29 I've been fortunate, you know
46:30 He got to work with greenie for 18 years and he would never know greenie still as well as he and I know each other
46:35 Yeah, because the guy wiped my ass and the guy helped me was my first little league coach like there's just something so cool about
46:42 always knowing
46:44 Where the other person can go and kind of how they're going to react and being able to play off the stuff that happens
46:50 In our normal lives because neither of us are smart enough to come on camera and be a different person
46:54 Like this is just us. Yeah, this is what it is. So I think it's made us closer
46:58 It's definitely giving me an appreciation for my mom and having to deal with how technologically inept my dad is right now
47:04 Anything that requires a password or a login? He is just throwing his hands up and wants nothing to do with it
47:09 So that part's been a learning process and appreciation for mom there, but now overall man, it's it's been awesome
47:15 It's been something that's allowed us to stay close as you know
47:18 I've moved away. We've we've all moved away from home and we're not all centrally located anymore
47:23 It's been a really good anchor in a lot of this. That's awesome. Uh, mike golich jr
47:27 The show is gojo and golick. Uh, it is the only show to my knowledge that one host of the show has wiped the other
47:33 show's host ass
47:35 That should be your tagline. We're the only show in sports media
47:39 Where one guy's wiped the other guy's ass, uh, thanks so much for doing this mike
47:43 Appreciate the perspective on notre dame and uh as much as I want to say that I hope saturday goes well for you
47:48 I I you and I both know that I would be lying if I said that so i'm not even going to say that but
47:52 I appreciate you making time for me, man
47:54 No, definitely. I uh, I hope saturday goes poorly for you, but I hope you have a great time in south bend and I again
47:59 Unfortunately, we can never get away from that midwest night. So it is what it is
48:03 Cool, appreciate it, dude
48:06 No, definitely man. Thanks. Appreciate you. Yep. See you mike
48:09 All right. Thank you to mike golich jr. Um fun talking to him about uh,
48:13 Notre dame and ohio state and all those things, uh, rico bosco the one and only um
48:21 Is here he's here in chicago filming, uh pick him and uh,
48:24 I was talking to before we did the interview tj and he said he's like who you having on I said michael jr
48:29 And he said, uh, be sure you ask him about his uncle on saved by the bell and rico wanted me to ask
48:35 Bob goal like mike's mike's uncle was obviously on saved by the bell the college years. Uh was
48:41 The men of a certain age remember him well on that show. Um, and rico was like ask him about tiffany amethyst
48:49 and uh
48:51 I promised rico I would as it turns out. I I am a liar and a coward
48:55 Um, I was really planning on doing it and then it just didn't feel right and I imagine he gets asked about it all the
48:59 time, but uh, yeah, so apologies to rico i'm gonna publicly apologize to
49:03 Rico on the off chance that rico listened to this
49:05 Whole interview. I like rico. I like having rico in the office, by the way
49:09 i'm still working out whether I want to be a writer not the one thing i've not gotten used to with rico is that
49:13 He does like pace around the office
49:15 the only way I could describe it is
49:18 Joe pesci and home alone when like he's he's getting bested by kevin mcallister over and over and joe pesci's frustrated and he's just talking to himself
49:25 He's like
49:27 I feel like rico just walks around the office with that kind of energy. Um
49:35 And I don't really know how to but but i'm slowly learning that that's just like his baseline, you know
49:41 He's got his guard up. So when I first started here and I would be around rico
49:44 I was like damn he seems like he's in a bad mood
49:47 but then I noticed that like that's just that could actually be a good mood for rico and uh,
49:51 Yeah, so i'm starting to talk to him more and um, yeah, it's going well
49:55 So, uh, anyway rico if you're listening, I apologize. He probably listened to the whole interview knowing rico knowing how much he loves this show
50:01 I'm sure he listened to the whole interview waiting for me to talk about tiffany embertheisen
50:06 And it didn't happen. So, uh, sorry rico. Um
50:09 Before we go some shout outs. Uh
50:13 Phil sellers tj. Is this a name that means anything to you the thrill rest in peace the greatest ruckus basketball player of all time
50:18 Yeah, leader still leads the
50:21 franchise in points
50:23 Took him to the final four in 76
50:25 He's the goat. He's the greatest greatest ruckus basketball player of all time. Yeah, that's uh, that's a bummer
50:30 I saw that he passed away and um wrote that down. I want to make sure
50:33 We mentioned that on the show. Yeah, 1976. That's the only final four ruckers has been to right?
50:38 Yeah, they were undefeated into the final four. That's incredible. That's incredible undefeated in football that year, too
50:43 pretty good, uh
50:44 Wow time to be a ruckers guy
50:46 Wow, there you go. I didn't I guess I didn't realize that actually it's something I probably knew and just keep forgetting because
50:52 The hoosiers went undefeated in 76 obviously, but ruckers was undefeated as well. Yeah
50:57 ruckers was the story it's like the lost story of that final four because
51:01 Indiana went undefeated maybe as it turns out if as we look back on it going undefeated in college basketball
51:06 Wasn't that hard back in the day? Hmm
51:10 Maybe it wasn't actually that hard. I do wonder if someone would go undefeated
51:14 I thought uh
51:15 Do you think if gonzaga would have gone undefeated during the coveted year and you know?
51:18 They were undefeated into the title game and lost to baylor. Yeah, if they had beat baylor
51:22 Now a few years removed from it. Do you think people would still honor that? I don't covet
51:27 Stats and stuff are so weird. Like I think that people just
51:31 Asterisk everything that happened that year. Yeah
51:34 But even like indiana football was really good that year, but there's a coveted year, right?
51:38 So right did that even actually happen?
51:40 yeah, indiana had the advantage because every game felt like a home game for them because they were playing because there's no one in the
51:46 stands so iu actually
51:48 had a had a huge event did I
51:50 I i'll always be disgusted by the behavior from my indiana
51:54 friends
51:55 that season when um
51:57 They they tried to backdoor their way into the big ten championship
52:00 Ohio state's place because ohio state didn't play enough games and then we beat indiana head to head
52:05 And indiana's like we should still go and I was like you got this is a loser mentality
52:08 This is why you guys will never win anything. Yeah, and I yeah, I was disgusted by that
52:12 Take the chances as you got them
52:14 Um, I want to shout out jeff teague speaking of uh, the state of indiana a little bit jeff teague
52:19 Uh was on I believe his podcast he's doing a podcast
52:23 Um, which I didn't think he'd be able to do because jeff teague is the head coach of pike high school
52:27 One of the great one of the great storied, uh, indiana high school basketball
52:32 um programs
52:34 Uh, he just he just got named head coach over the summer. Um, he's he's it's his high school
52:39 It's his alma mater
52:40 and they've stunk for a while and I I was really excited about the idea of him bringing them back to glory and I
52:45 I guess I still kind of am but he's also doing his podcast on the side, which seems wild to me
52:50 But also it's good because jeff teague is awesome at it. He's got great stories
52:53 Anyway, all that is to say uh on his show. He he said that he tried to commit to purdue
53:00 but purdue didn't want him basically and this is making some rounds in the uh,
53:03 the indiana basketball world because
53:06 He would have been part of that class with hummel and etwan moore and juan johnson
53:10 It was it was already a completely stacked loaded class that ended up being very very very good at purdue
53:16 um
53:18 But what the hell matt painter purdue's just stacking l's left and right like they can't get out of their own way now
53:22 yeah, that's I mean matt painter just
53:26 Loves taking losses matt painter is just like he's taking this off season like trying to just hit the reset button on the uh
53:31 On the pr machine and like how do I how do I get?
53:33 America back on my side and jeff teague's like watch this
53:36 I'm gonna tell everybody that I wanted to come here and you didn't even offer me a scholarship. So, uh,
53:42 That was pretty cool. That was that was so much needed. Uh
53:45 That was a good way to I appreciate jeff teague because right now I talked about with the three man
53:50 We've guys that came in um kai and matt that like right now is like the actually I think the worst part
53:55 the worst time for college basketball talk
53:57 um, because in the summer there's actually shit going on but now it's just kind of like
54:01 Everybody's got to campus and we're just sort of waiting on the games and if you do want to talk about college sports
54:06 It's obviously football. Um
54:08 So I do appreciate jeff teague doing that. He just like sprinkled in a little let's get college basketball talked about just a little bit
54:13 I'm just gonna i'm just gonna sprinkle this in real quick
54:15 by the way
54:16 Matt painter didn't offer me and I he said that he committed he said that he went on a visit to purdue and he's like
54:20 I can I commit I feel like michael scott declaring bankruptcy, I guess where he was just like
54:25 I officially commit and everyone was like we didn't offer you jeff, which is crazy because jeff teague was good forever. Yeah, I
54:31 Jeff teague was not a late bloomer. Jeff teague was fucking awesome in high school
54:35 I played against him and duke could hoop as it turns out. Um
54:38 Also, shout out the big ten schedule release. Uh, the big ten has released their schedule and we're going to war
54:44 purdue at records january 28th
54:47 Circle that one on your goddamn schedules. I want to go to that. Can we go to that? Yeah
54:53 We should go to that because uh, I I know that ed cooley's going back to providence
54:57 on the 27th
55:00 And I know that that new jersey and providence aren't exactly next to each other
55:03 But they're also close enough that I can I think we could do a double dip. I think I think we go to providence
55:08 For the for the georgetown at providence game. I gotta be in the building. That's incredible
55:13 I gotta be in the building for that one. I'm
55:15 I've never been to a game there first of all, so I want to go to a game there and if you're going to go
55:19 To a game at providence, it's that one
55:21 Um, they're gonna beat the shit out of georgetown. Holy hell. That's gonna be
55:24 Oh my god, that's gonna be incredible. Um
55:28 But then produce at ruckers and I want to go see purdue lose at ruckers
55:33 I'll see it with my own two eyes. Is that zach ed one more time back near the fucking thunderdome?
55:37 We uh, we in the season playing each other though. Yeah, march 10th. That's at the rack, right?
55:44 It is yes, or they're called what they call it jersey jersey. Nice. Sorry. No, you still call it the record
55:49 Everybody calls it the rack. Yeah, even the tv broadcasters have to like get corrected live on air because they call it the rack
55:54 I think I think you should be if you're the tv broadcast you should be able to call whatever you want
55:59 Yeah, I don't think you should be beholden to jersey mike sponsorship with ruckers universe, right?
56:03 They did pay 25 million dollars for the naming rights. But uh, that's a that's a ruckers problem
56:08 If i'm calling the game i'm calling it the rack. Um
56:11 Yeah, well so is that for that's gonna be for the big 10 title probably we should probably go to that
56:15 We should probably go to that. Yeah, uh will be atop the big 10 standings. Ohio state and ruckers when we meet on march 10th
56:22 It's a winner almost definitely. Yeah
56:24 Uh, the one thing that stood out to me, which I I thought we already knew this because I remember reading about this before
56:30 um, but I guess the schedules
56:32 Obviously weren't out because they just came out but michigan state and purdue only played once
56:36 Which was uh noteworthy to me because I think those two teams are are pretty obviously the the two best in the big 10 this
56:42 Year, and uh, they play once and it's at purdue in march michigan state got a tough
56:46 They play at indiana march 10th in the season. They play at purdue march 2nd
56:51 You gotta go to a mackey arena and then assembly hall
56:54 To to close out the big 10 shit like, you know, there's there's a world where like michigan state
56:58 You know is tied with purdue at the end of the year and that last week
57:03 May or may not chew them up and spit them out. I think michigan state's gonna be really fucking good, but
57:09 That's a tough ask to end the to end the regular season. So that stood out to me
57:13 I wanted to draw attention to that. Uh, otherwise shout out to the three man weave guys
57:17 Their their almanac that they that they plugged on the show. Uh is live. So go buy that if you enjoy those guys work
57:23 Um, they they they're so good
57:26 I I love them and I know it's not for everybody in college basketball talk
57:29 in september doesn't exactly move the needle but those guys are so good at what they do and
57:33 Uh, I can't recommend enough you go buy buy the almanac read their work support them. Um
57:39 And yeah, go, uh, go help them out and and learn a lot learn a lot about these teams because college basketball season's coming up
57:45 It is coming up. We're less than 50 days away. I think
57:48 I think
57:51 I think we are we're less than I thought I I thought I had counted at one point
57:55 Um, yeah, we're less than 50 days away from the season tipping off which sounds like a lot but not really it's coming up
58:00 It's almost pre-season. It's almost here. Uh anything else tj before we go
58:04 um
58:07 47 days. It's 47. Yeah, rostein tweets it out every morning. That's true. That's
58:11 Well, I I think I saw rostein's tweet like eight days ago or something, right?
58:17 That's stuck in my head and I was like 50 days is coming up
58:20 But uh, then as I said it I couldn't remember if it actually had or not. Um
58:24 Yeah. All right. Uh, that's it. Uh, enjoy the the college football weekend
58:28 I will be in south bend cheering on the buckeyes, but there are a ton of insane games, obviously
58:34 Great weekend to park your ass on the couch. Um and watching college football
58:38 And I suggest everybody does that we will be back on tuesday with a new show
58:43 See you then
58:46 (whooshing)
