• last year
Emma Roberts Misgenders Castmate _ Sneako Ruins A Generation?


00:00:00 That's what Colleen Ballinger called it.
00:00:03 Emma Roberts is taking some heat.
00:00:04 We are gonna talk about that.
00:00:05 We're also gonna talk about some students in Pennsylvania
00:00:08 who are now protesting because transgender students
00:00:12 are allowed to use the bathroom of their chosen gender,
00:00:15 which means males are able to go into the bathroom
00:00:18 with females and students are up in arms over that.
00:00:21 We're also gonna talk about whether or not Stonehenge
00:00:24 was built by black people, which is a fun little thing
00:00:27 that's circulating online right now
00:00:28 due to a children's book that recently got put out
00:00:32 and just talking about race swapping things in general,
00:00:36 plus a conversation about what about me-ism,
00:00:39 which we'll get to and maybe you are familiar with.
00:00:42 But first, let's start out with what's going on
00:00:45 with Emma Roberts.
00:00:47 Here is what was posted on Twitter by PopBase.
00:00:50 It says, "Angelica Ross says that Emma Roberts
00:00:53 "misgendered her on the set of American Horror Story 1984.
00:00:58 "Angelica stated that when the two of them
00:00:59 "were both referred to as ladies on set,
00:01:02 "Emma replied, 'Don't you mean lady?'
00:01:04 "while looking at Angelica."
00:01:06 Now for a little bit of background here,
00:01:08 Emma Roberts is of course a very famous actress.
00:01:12 You might know her if you were younger
00:01:15 watching Emma Roberts from her movie Wild Child.
00:01:18 What other show is she on?
00:01:19 Fabulousness, I think, was another big show on Nickelodeon
00:01:23 that she starred in.
00:01:24 She's also been--
00:01:24 - I can't help you here with that on Saturday night.
00:01:27 - Not part of your expertise, huh, Taylor?
00:01:29 No, but Emma Roberts was in Hotel for Dogs
00:01:31 when I was a kid, loved that movie.
00:01:33 But she also starred in AHS, American Horror Story,
00:01:38 and most notably, and the best season in my opinion,
00:01:41 was Coven.
00:01:43 Now, Angelica Ross was also starring in the show.
00:01:47 Angelica is a transgender woman, meaning biological male,
00:01:50 who identifies as female.
00:01:52 And Angelica Ross took to Instagram to talk about
00:01:55 an incident that she had with Emma Roberts.
00:01:59 Now, this incident took place when they were filming
00:02:01 AHS 1984, allegedly, according to Angelica Ross.
00:02:06 And this was in 2018.
00:02:08 So we are years parted from this supposed incident.
00:02:12 But let's hear from Angelica Ross, her/himself,
00:02:15 about what happened with Emma Roberts.
00:02:18 - I'm standing in front of Emma,
00:02:24 talking to her like this, and she's, you know,
00:02:27 she's in front of me, her back against the mirror.
00:02:30 She goes, "John, Angelica's being mean."
00:02:38 And he goes, and I know she's being, you know,
00:02:42 she's not being for real, for real,
00:02:43 she's just being whatever.
00:02:45 And John is like, "Okay, ladies, you know, that's enough.
00:02:49 Let's, you know, like, get back to work."
00:02:51 And she then looks at me and she goes,
00:02:55 she goes, "Don't you mean lady?"
00:02:58 And she turns around like this,
00:03:00 and covers her mouth and goes back here,
00:03:03 but can't see, I'm looking at her dead ass in the camera,
00:03:07 like, "What the fuck did you just say?"
00:03:09 And I'm standing there looking at her dead ass
00:03:15 in the damn thing, and I'm like, trying to process
00:03:20 the fuck she just said.
00:03:21 And I'm like, I'm standing there and she walked away.
00:03:27 My blood is boiling, boiling,
00:03:33 because I'm like, if I say something, it's gonna be me.
00:03:40 That's the problem.
00:03:45 And I know this because there was someone
00:03:48 who spoke up about what she was doing,
00:03:51 and they got repercussions from it.
00:03:53 Not her, they did.
00:03:55 So when I saw that happening, I was just like,
00:04:00 I'm done, I'm done.
00:04:06 I didn't speak to that bitch the entire time after that.
00:04:12 So we had scenes together and I never spoke to her.
00:04:16 She said to me, she could feel the energy coming off of me.
00:04:20 She was like, "Are you okay?
00:04:21 You haven't been talking."
00:04:22 I'm like, "Mm-hmm."
00:04:24 'Cause bitch, don't play me.
00:04:29 You've been playing mind games with everybody on the set,
00:04:32 and everybody's been waiting for the moment
00:04:33 that you would get me.
00:04:35 - Okay, so this goes mega viral due to this conversation.
00:04:41 And everybody's talking about Emma Roberts,
00:04:44 calling her a transphobe, saying she needs to be canceled.
00:04:47 And me, little old me, I saw this video and I'm like,
00:04:49 why is anybody surprised by this?
00:04:52 Nobody in their right mind should be surprised by this.
00:04:54 One, if you watch any of the characters
00:04:56 that Emma Roberts plays, outside of the stuff she did
00:04:59 when she was younger, you can tell she's not gonna be
00:05:02 the nicest individual, and she's probably not gonna
00:05:05 take kindly to other people on her set.
00:05:08 And I can totally imagine her saying something like this.
00:05:11 Again, this is a legend, so who knows whether or not
00:05:13 this actually happened, but when I heard the story,
00:05:15 I was like, yep, that sounds about right.
00:05:18 Now, would I personally, as somebody working on a set
00:05:21 in this situation, call out somebody in that way,
00:05:25 or make a joke like that and say, "Don't you mean lady?"
00:05:28 Probably not.
00:05:29 If you've already accepted the role to be on this show
00:05:32 and to be around somebody who you know is trans,
00:05:35 I don't see the point in ruffling feathers
00:05:38 and causing the whole problem.
00:05:40 However, her analysis is not wrong.
00:05:42 It's just not, we both know it's not the nicest thing
00:05:46 to do to somebody, especially if you are going to be
00:05:50 working with each other continuously
00:05:52 throughout the course of being on set.
00:05:55 But do I put this past Emma Roberts whatsoever?
00:05:58 No, and it's so funny because I feel like a few weeks ago,
00:06:01 I had seen this video of Emma Roberts, and it's her.
00:06:06 She was shopping at a bookstore, right?
00:06:08 And Bill Clinton happens to be at the same bookstore,
00:06:11 and he's got his Secret Service and everything,
00:06:13 and of course, paparazzi show up,
00:06:14 and they're there to take photos of Bill Clinton
00:06:16 as he's there, and Emma Roberts walks out of the bookstore
00:06:20 and up to one of the Secret Service men
00:06:23 who's kind of standing in the doorway,
00:06:24 and is like, "Get out of the way."
00:06:26 (laughs)
00:06:27 I'll show you the clip.
00:06:28 Get out of the way.
00:06:33 (laughs)
00:06:35 Get out of the way.
00:06:37 Get out of the way.
00:06:38 You can tell, you can just tell when looking at this girl
00:06:41 whenever she's not acting that she's just not nice.
00:06:45 I don't know what else to say about her.
00:06:47 And if you look at the characters that she plays,
00:06:49 I think it's a direct reflection
00:06:51 of who she may be as an individual.
00:06:54 There's a reason she's so good at playing
00:06:56 that bitchy, mean girl character,
00:06:58 and it's probably because she's not acting, right?
00:07:02 Like, deep down, that is who she is.
00:07:04 (laughs)
00:07:05 - Yeah, I was gonna say, she definitely gives me
00:07:07 that Regina George energy.
00:07:09 But I mean, maybe I'm an older millennial,
00:07:13 so that's the reference I get.
00:07:14 But yeah, I generally agree with you.
00:07:17 I mean, no shocker to anybody who watches
00:07:19 that I'm generally on the same page as you with this.
00:07:20 But like, yes, I see a lot of comments where they're like,
00:07:23 "Oh, it's based, she just spoke the truth," which is true,
00:07:27 but it was also just, you're technically a coworker,
00:07:31 and you're in an environment with this person
00:07:33 working on a project together,
00:07:34 and you go out of your way to kind of say something
00:07:36 that is clearly, whether or not you have different
00:07:39 ideologies or whatever, it's going to be offensive
00:07:42 to them, to their face, and that's just an unnecessary thing.
00:07:45 So obviously, it was a mean thing.
00:07:47 Now, why is Angelica coming out five years later
00:07:50 with this story?
00:07:52 Who knows?
00:07:52 Does she have proof that it even happened?
00:07:54 Who knows?
00:07:55 But is it believable that Emma would do
00:07:57 something like this?
00:07:58 Absolutely.
00:07:59 - Yeah, I am not at all shocked.
00:08:00 I wonder what the repercussions are gonna be of this.
00:08:02 I mean, they're gonna have a hard time.
00:08:04 She's no stranger to PR problems in the press
00:08:08 and in the general public.
00:08:10 I think, by and large, people know Emma Roberts
00:08:13 is not the nicest individual.
00:08:14 I don't think this is going to be any sort of cancellation.
00:08:16 It'll probably trend for today and go away.
00:08:19 I don't know that we're gonna be getting
00:08:22 a toxic gossip train/Drew Barrymore apology,
00:08:26 or a Mila and Ashton apology on a white backdrop
00:08:30 in her mansion.
00:08:31 - That's gonna strike me as the type.
00:08:32 - Yeah, I know.
00:08:33 - Do you think she will be asked about this, though,
00:08:35 by the media or social media people?
00:08:37 And what do you think the fallout could be for her?
00:08:39 - You know, I don't know if she's gonna be asked about this.
00:08:41 You guys reminded me in the chat down below
00:08:43 that Emma Roberts was in this whole scandal
00:08:44 over beating Evan Peters.
00:08:46 She dated Evan Peters, who was also on American Horror Story
00:08:50 and was accused of domestic violence.
00:08:52 I don't know that she was ever confronted for that.
00:08:54 And that was a pretty well-known story
00:08:56 throughout the United States, at least.
00:08:58 And maybe one brave reporter will talk to mean girl Emma
00:09:03 Roberts about this incident, and who knows what she'll say.
00:09:07 I think, you know, she's an actress at heart,
00:09:09 so maybe she'll play it off.
00:09:10 Maybe she'll say it didn't happen.
00:09:12 But honestly, what are you gonna do?
00:09:15 All she said was, "You mean lady?"
00:09:17 Well, I mean, how much punishment do you want her
00:09:20 to have for that, if that's even the case, you know?
00:09:25 I think it's just gonna be an internet story
00:09:26 for a little while, and people go, "Shocker!
00:09:29 The girl who plays the mean girl and who is the mean girl
00:09:32 and who hits her boyfriend said a mean thing to a castmate?
00:09:36 Oh my gosh."
00:09:38 Maybe it'll start a broader conversation
00:09:40 about how Hollywood cushions their talent,
00:09:43 but I mean, it's not gonna change anything, in my opinion.
00:09:47 - Yeah, and I think the subtext, though,
00:09:49 of transphobia in particular is why this became such a story.
00:09:53 Like, if she just said, "Your teeth are crooked,"
00:09:55 or something like that, you know,
00:09:56 it would not be a story at all,
00:09:58 just because that's consistent with her character.
00:10:00 But the fact that it was specifically against trans person
00:10:03 and there's intersectionality involved,
00:10:05 and someone in Hollywood, someone who has a big public
00:10:09 profile said something that put a toe out of line
00:10:11 with regard to transgenderism,
00:10:13 now it's gonna be this massive deal.
00:10:15 - Yeah, and you know, a lot of people are saying,
00:10:17 "Well, why didn't you confront her in 2018?"
00:10:19 And I sort of get it.
00:10:19 You know, Emma Roberts is very well-known
00:10:21 within the space of "American Horror Story,"
00:10:23 I'm sure beloved among the people who run the show,
00:10:28 maybe not the cast members and the workers,
00:10:29 but the people who run the show,
00:10:31 and maybe there's a little bit of safeguarding there.
00:10:33 So just an interesting thing that immediately went viral,
00:10:37 and I think my prediction is that it will pass.
00:10:42 Now, what may not pass are these protests
00:10:44 that are happening in Pennsylvania.
00:10:46 Here's the headline out of the "New York Post."
00:10:48 It says, "Hundreds of high school students
00:10:49 organized walkout to protest trans bathroom rule.
00:10:52 Rights are now compromised."
00:10:55 We'll read a little bit here.
00:10:56 "Hundreds of students from Pennsylvania's
00:10:58 Perky Omen Valley School District
00:11:00 walked out of class Friday
00:11:01 after the local school board failed to enact a policy
00:11:04 requiring transgender students
00:11:06 to use the restroom corresponding with their biological sex."
00:11:10 So they were trying to get this passed and said,
00:11:11 "You know, if you are a trans student,
00:11:13 you have to adhere to your biological sex.
00:11:15 Meaning if you are a man who identifies as a woman,
00:11:18 you have to go to the men's bathroom.
00:11:20 That's just what we want."
00:11:21 And the school board said,
00:11:21 "Nope, we are not passing that.
00:11:24 Go on about your business,
00:11:26 choose the bathroom of your choice."
00:11:28 Now, kids were upset about this
00:11:30 and ended up walking out of school.
00:11:32 It looks like, you know, maybe even hundreds of them.
00:11:35 Here's a video.
00:11:35 (crowd cheering)
00:11:38 There you go.
00:11:57 So that's hundreds of students mobilizing and saying,
00:11:59 "You know what?
00:12:00 If you're not going to listen to us
00:12:01 and our calls for protecting women's spaces, privacy,
00:12:05 and just the bathroom in general,
00:12:09 we will walk out of school and make our voices heard."
00:12:12 Now, we have yet to hear back
00:12:13 as to whether or not the school board is reconsidering this,
00:12:16 but what seems to have precipitated this policy advocacy
00:12:21 was a local father by the name of Tim Jagger,
00:12:24 who posted on social media
00:12:25 that his daughter was left, quote,
00:12:27 "Too upset and emotionally disturbed," end quote,
00:12:30 to walk into school bathrooms
00:12:32 after allegedly having an encounter
00:12:33 with a transgender student in one of the facilities,
00:12:36 according to WPVI-TV in Philadelphia.
00:12:40 And now the outlet's report, however,
00:12:43 said neither the father nor his daughter
00:12:45 were 100% sure that the student
00:12:48 that Jagger's daughter encountered in the bathroom
00:12:50 was a biological male.
00:12:52 Now, I can understand that.
00:12:55 There's a little bit of confusion.
00:12:56 She can't say with 100% certainty
00:12:58 whether or not this is male or female,
00:13:00 but as time goes on,
00:13:01 it's gonna be increasingly difficult
00:13:02 to discern these sort of things
00:13:04 and to figure out who is who and what is what.
00:13:07 In the meantime, can we maybe decide
00:13:08 that girls should be able to use their bathroom
00:13:10 if they're girls?
00:13:11 Just leave that out in the air.
00:13:15 What do we hear on that?
00:13:17 Crickets, crickets, nothing,
00:13:19 because I don't understand why
00:13:21 the school board can't just come forward and say,
00:13:24 "You know what?
00:13:25 With that being said,
00:13:26 just in case this ever does become a problem,
00:13:29 maybe we allow the female locker rooms
00:13:31 and the bathrooms to remain for biological females,
00:13:35 considering there seems to be
00:13:37 a great amount of concern here.
00:13:39 Why not just put that in the rules
00:13:41 so that everybody knows, it's made very clear,
00:13:43 but no, that doesn't happen.
00:13:46 I guess in the name of inclusivity and diversity,
00:13:50 we are allowing these things to happen.
00:13:53 It's very reminiscent of the sorority girl story
00:13:56 that happened.
00:13:57 And many of you went to the comments and said,
00:13:59 "Omela, Omela, the reason that those sorority girls
00:14:02 were forced to stay with a biological male
00:14:05 is because their bylaws were sort of made
00:14:08 with inclusivity in mind
00:14:10 and that they failed to really detail
00:14:12 what the definition of a woman was,
00:14:14 left it very broad and left it open
00:14:16 for the sake of a leftist agenda,
00:14:19 and then ended up having to deal
00:14:20 with the repercussions of that."
00:14:22 And I think there's room for that discussion
00:14:24 and you sort of do get what you ask for
00:14:26 when you allow that.
00:14:28 But I can't help but think that not every single girl,
00:14:32 girl's opinion and perspective was utilized
00:14:35 in creating the bylaws for that sorority in particular.
00:14:39 And if you have even one woman who is uncomfortable
00:14:43 with a male living with them,
00:14:45 being in their space, using their bathrooms,
00:14:48 that should be listened to.
00:14:49 And we should hear that out to the fullest extent
00:14:50 that we can, because once you allow this to happen,
00:14:53 it's gonna go gangbusters, baby.
00:14:56 There's gonna be problems everywhere.
00:14:58 And it seems like a possible problem
00:15:00 had already occurred with this young woman
00:15:03 having to encounter a transgender student in the bathroom.
00:15:07 What can I say?
00:15:09 - Yeah, I mean, it's tough because like you said,
00:15:13 this is about protecting women
00:15:16 and the existence of a loophole
00:15:18 where a male who wants to pose as a female
00:15:23 in order to gain access to women
00:15:25 in a closed vulnerable space can use this loophole.
00:15:28 Now, are all trans people, violent people
00:15:31 who are going to assault women in bathrooms?
00:15:33 Of course not.
00:15:34 But does the existence of the loophole
00:15:37 allow for anyone who wants to identify as trans
00:15:40 for the purposes of doing that?
00:15:42 Does it allow them to do that?
00:15:44 Yes, and so until we can mitigate
00:15:46 against that vulnerability,
00:15:48 then we need a different solution
00:15:51 than just opening up women's spaces
00:15:53 to men who want to use that loophole
00:15:57 in order to gain access to women
00:15:59 and potentially do either expose themselves to them
00:16:03 as we've seen in places like WeSpa
00:16:05 or worse as we've seen in like that Loudoun County story
00:16:08 and others since then.
00:16:09 So it's a difficult thing,
00:16:11 but, and I think a lot of this stems
00:16:12 from just how do you distinguish
00:16:13 between somebody who is genuinely trans
00:16:18 and someone who just is, you know,
00:16:20 identifying that as that for the day
00:16:22 in order to exploit people,
00:16:23 a similar problem that we've seen in prisons.
00:16:25 And that's a problem that is yet to be solved.
00:16:27 The current standard that I hear is basically,
00:16:30 you know, trans women are women,
00:16:31 believe them, like whatever they say,
00:16:33 whatever they feel, that's the truth.
00:16:35 And I mean, I guess you could say,
00:16:37 we need, you need to have a valid gender dysphoria diagnosis
00:16:41 but even that, it seems like not probably the best solution.
00:16:46 And however, on the other hand,
00:16:47 we have a clear distinction between men and women,
00:16:49 biologically, male and female,
00:16:50 that's pretty tried and true.
00:16:52 And that solves the issue of this loophole from the get-go.
00:16:57 And so unless you want to talk about
00:17:00 some other hybrid solution where we have like,
00:17:02 you know, gender neutral bathrooms,
00:17:04 which seems to be the new,
00:17:05 becoming increasingly the new norm everywhere you go now,
00:17:08 to me, that's, I guess, plausible,
00:17:11 even though it's silly,
00:17:12 that seems silly that it's necessary now,
00:17:13 but yeah, it's just a tough situation.
00:17:16 - Yeah, and I get like, if I try to put myself
00:17:20 in the shoes of a trans person
00:17:22 who truly believes that they are another gender
00:17:25 and is experiencing gender dysphoria
00:17:27 and wants to go to the bathroom of their choice,
00:17:30 I could understand why it might be difficult
00:17:33 day in and day out to be, you know,
00:17:35 told you need to go to the men's bathroom,
00:17:38 even though you identify as a woman.
00:17:39 I could totally understand that.
00:17:40 I could understand that maybe biological,
00:17:43 the other biological men in that bathroom
00:17:45 maybe might not want you there.
00:17:46 Maybe it might not be the nicest to you.
00:17:48 And that's a really difficult thing to grapple with.
00:17:51 But you can't go like create another much broader,
00:17:56 and in my opinion, much more dangerous problem
00:17:59 for where biological females,
00:18:01 in order to, you know, cushion and comfort
00:18:06 somebody who's part of a much, much smaller minority.
00:18:10 Now, a lot of people say just create gender neutral,
00:18:12 you know, single stall bathrooms.
00:18:14 I don't know how that's gonna work
00:18:15 on like massive school campuses
00:18:16 that have thousands of students here in this country.
00:18:19 But I could see that maybe working on a small scale.
00:18:21 It's just crazy all the like bending over backwards
00:18:24 that needs to be done for what I believe to be
00:18:28 (laughs)
00:18:29 and a choice to not identify with reality.
00:18:33 Now, speaking of not identifying with reality,
00:18:37 let's get into some history.
00:18:39 Now, I'm gonna be honest.
00:18:41 I do not care about Stonehenge.
00:18:43 It has never been something that I've thought about deeply.
00:18:47 You know, there's this whole trend right now
00:18:48 about asking men how often they think about the Roman Empire
00:18:51 and their answers are like once a week,
00:18:54 every time I use the toilet,
00:18:56 every time I read anything, I think about the Roman Empire,
00:18:59 which by the way, Taylor,
00:19:00 how often are you thinking about the Roman Empire?
00:19:02 Let's get that out of the way.
00:19:04 - In some way, shape or form,
00:19:06 I'd say probably pops in my head.
00:19:08 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:10 I think about it every week.
00:19:10 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:11 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:12 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:13 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:14 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:15 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:15 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:16 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:17 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:18 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:19 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:20 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:20 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:21 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:22 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:23 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:24 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:49 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:50 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:51 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:52 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:53 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:54 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:55 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:56 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:57 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:58 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:19:59 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:00 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:01 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:02 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:03 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:04 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:05 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:06 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:07 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:35 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:36 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:37 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:38 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:39 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:40 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:41 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:42 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:43 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:44 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:45 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:46 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:47 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:48 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:20:49 I mean, I think about it every week.
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00:34:50 I mean, I think about it every week.
00:35:00 Oh yeah, that's like super cute. Love that. So what they said was F women to which Cinco said, "No, we love women."
00:35:11 And then they said, "But not the trans ones. Also F the gays, kill the gays."
00:35:17 Is what these young boys said. And in analyzing this video, I've seen it like a couple times, right?
00:35:23 You can tell that there's an element within their eyes of like, "Yes, I'm saying what you want to hear, right?
00:35:30 This is like your message. I'm saying what you taught me, right? Andrew Tate. We hate gay people.
00:35:35 We hate trans people and F women, right? Right, Cinco?"
00:35:39 And of course he's confronted on video with this message and he's like, "No, no, you know, what have I done?"
00:35:46 Or whatever. And this is the argument that I feel has always made the most sense in talking about him.
00:35:53 I don't think for any reason this guy needs to be deplatformed or censored or anything like that.
00:36:00 And if somebody wants to watch Cinco and they're a fan of Cinco and what he brings to the space, that's totally fine.
00:36:07 I think the only sound argument that's been made by people on the left in regard to his content is that this is the message
00:36:13 that young boys take away from watching somebody like him. And this video made it abundantly evident.
00:36:19 If you're watching this at like 12, 13 years old, that probably is the underlying message that you're going to get from him.
00:36:26 Even though he might elaborate on his thoughts more and his message may not actually be F women and F the gays and F transgender people,
00:36:37 when you don't have the mental faculties to put arguments together and to string along different nuances when you're having a discussion,
00:36:47 that very well might be the message that you leave with as a young kid. And I think that's been the most valid argument here.
00:36:56 Now, is this normal behavior for kids this age? Probably. I'd say it's on the more extreme end of normal behavior for kids like this.
00:37:05 When you're like 12 or 13 year old boy, you like to say things that are abrasive. If you've ever put on somebody's headphones
00:37:13 while they're sitting in a video game lobby, you've heard 12 to 13 year old boys saying probably the most heinous stuff you've ever heard in your life.
00:37:19 Far worse than what's being said here. And I think that's an element of it. Is he to be blamed for what these boys are saying? No.
00:37:26 Everybody's responsible for their own thoughts, feelings, actions. But this video blew up and people were saying,
00:37:32 "Sneko's ruining a generation of young men. This is the message that they're leaving his videos with.
00:37:37 This is what they're being encouraged to say and think and feel." And I mean, to that I say, I could see how, from what they watch,
00:37:45 maybe this is the message that they take home. But also, at least in the moment, Sneko said, "No, you know, we love women.
00:37:51 This is not the message that I'm trying to push forward." Now, this goes viral. People are calling him out.
00:37:58 Everybody's saying, "Look what he's doing. Hasan post the video." Everybody's coming after him.
00:38:03 Sneko responds saying, "They are children and obviously joking. This is how I was at 12.
00:38:08 If it sounds egregious to you, blame the rainbow flags in their classrooms. Blame the media emasculating men.
00:38:14 It's your fault for forcing an obvious agenda. Not these kids. Boys will be boys."
00:38:20 And I don't know that you can just like point in either direction. I think it's one of those just pendulum swing things that goes back and forth.
00:38:30 And in part, yeah, this sort of rhetoric is a response to an agenda that's being placed in front of kids.
00:38:37 But it's also clearly kids trying to say something that they thought was going to be impressive to somebody who they follow on the Internet.
00:38:45 I don't know how anybody could watch that video and not think that's exactly what was happening. That's it.
00:38:51 Yeah, there's a lot of layers to it. I mean, on one hand, like there is an element of this is just 12-year-olds being 12-year-olds.
00:38:58 But obviously, they're 12-year-olds saying something crazy and they're saying something crazy because of what they heard this person say on the Internet.
00:39:06 And they think that's either what he wants to hear or they just think it's funny.
00:39:09 And I do get it. Like, you know, if Sneeko was an influencer who just was like, "Now be nice little young men and mind your manners and always treat everyone nice,"
00:39:18 like they wouldn't remember that. They wouldn't think it's funny. They wouldn't, you know, he wouldn't be who he is.
00:39:22 And there's an element of just he says crazy stuff. And that's why he's remembered and even celebrated or whatever.
00:39:28 But it's funny, like as we were looking at today's episode, I saw this story and I asked my wife, like, "Was there anyone in our generation?"
00:39:37 We're like 90s kids, early 2000s. But was there anyone in our generation who was like an equivalent to Sneeko and that like parents were really outraged about or concerned about?
00:39:47 And she said the same name that came into my mind when I asked myself the same question, which was Eminem.
00:39:51 And it's funny because Eminem, if you look at some of the lyrics that he has in his songs, they cause a lot of outrage back in the day
00:39:59 because he's referring to like sexual violence, violence, like across the board, talking about marginalized that we call communities today and not a very nice light.
00:40:08 And it's kind of like if you're going to bring the censorship energy to Sneeko, where are you on the Eminem, I guess.
00:40:16 But also it's just kind of weird to step back and think like we kind of didn't, I mean, outside of him, who's more of an artist and, you know, obviously a rapper,
00:40:24 we didn't have like social media influencers because we didn't really have social media. We had like MySpace and stuff back then.
00:40:30 So there is a degree to which Sneeko is sort of a new phenomenon. And it's part of this new era that does involve social media,
00:40:37 but also that is a response to this new era where men are being kind of feminized.
00:40:43 And there's the toxic masculinity that everyone's trying to tamp down on.
00:40:47 And I could see a world in which this video goes viral. The response to it becomes, oh, now we need to tamp down on the speech of people like this even harder.
00:40:58 Now we need to reinforce this message against toxic masculinity even harder.
00:41:02 And that's not going to solve the underlying problem. It's just going to create more Sneekos and even worse versions.
00:41:09 So those are my thoughts.
00:41:11 Yeah, I mean, definitely there's going to be more. I would love to see like a sheet broken down of like,
00:41:17 who are the biggest influencers among each age demographic and then split up by like boys and girls just to get a view of like,
00:41:24 who they're watching day in and day out and what their major influences are.
00:41:27 Because it's so interesting in the era that we live in that kids are being parented by somebody else who's like not their parent.
00:41:34 They're seeing their parent, I think, what was the average that I read? It was like the US Bureau of Labor Statistics or something like that said that the average parent is spending like one and a half hours of quality time with their kid each day or something like that, if that.
00:41:52 And if your kid is on a screen like eight hours a day or like even shorter, two hours a day, they're getting more time with somebody else than they're getting with you.
00:42:01 So I wonder who those people are.
00:42:03 Where we have little boys who are saying messages like this or even men who are sharing messages like this.
00:42:07 On the flip side, just to give balance to this argument, we have women talking like this.
00:42:13 You just seem very misogynistic, realistically.
00:42:16 What is misogyny?
00:42:18 Why are you using words that you don't even know the definition of?
00:42:25 No, no, that's not what I meant.
00:42:26 I think you are misogynistic, though.
00:42:28 What does misogynistic mean, though?
00:42:30 Just so I know what you're calling me.
00:42:33 So the reason I said it is just, again, based on the...
00:42:39 You just seem very misogynistic.
00:42:47 I don't know that we're ever going to get an answer on that one.
00:42:49 What misogynistic means to them.
00:42:51 But it is just like, both of these are examples of NPC behavior.
00:42:57 You're just saying what is expected of you to say in X moment.
00:43:01 And that's what's happening.
00:43:02 She goes, "You just seem really misogynistic to me."
00:43:04 Okay, what do you mean by that?
00:43:05 Which should be a very, very easy phrase to define.
00:43:10 Like, extremely easy.
00:43:12 And maybe there's this element of being on camera and being caught in the moment.
00:43:16 And maybe you do know the definition of that word.
00:43:18 Or you're just spouting out words that you hear all the time from other women
00:43:23 who dislike men and are constantly accusing men of being misogynist.
00:43:29 That's probably what's happening there.
00:43:31 And that's probably the reason that you can't define it.
00:43:33 Because you've never even taken the time to look into the word.
00:43:38 And you can just flippantly throw out these accusations
00:43:41 without ever being confronted with the definitions of those words.
00:43:45 Because that's just what we get away with now.
00:43:47 We can just call anybody whatever we want.
00:43:49 Never have to substantiate the claim that we're making.
00:43:51 And never criticize for the claim that we're making.
00:43:54 So to see that happen just in real time, please define the word,
00:43:58 and just straight crickets is hilarious to me.
00:44:02 Hopefully they both went home and did a very quick Google search.
00:44:06 It would have taken moments to just clear that up.
00:44:10 It's just wild.
00:44:11 But this is where we're at now.
00:44:13 For every boy that does what was done in the Sneeko video,
00:44:16 there's a woman who does what was done in this one.
00:44:20 Gosh.
00:44:22 I don't know that we have much more to talk about.
00:44:23 I was going to get into this whataboutism video,
00:44:25 but maybe we will save that for another time.
00:44:27 I might actually make a whole video about it.
00:44:29 And I'm sure you guys have heard of this sort of phenomenon,
00:44:32 at least in one way, shape, or form.
00:44:34 I saw a video on TikTok the other day of this Persian woman.
00:44:38 And she's like, "Persians never use vegetable peelers or fruit peelers.
00:44:44 We just use our hands and a knife, and we peel our fruit."
00:44:47 And she's talking about it while she's doing it in this TikTok video.
00:44:50 And the comments were like, "What about people who don't have hands?
00:44:54 What about people who can't use their hands and need fruit and vegetable peelers?
00:44:59 What about this? What about that?
00:45:01 You are being so ableist.
00:45:02 This is so disgusting for you to talk about being able to peel fruits and vegetables with your own hands.
00:45:07 I can't with this current culture.
00:45:11 I can't."
00:45:12 I can't. And then a girl made a--
00:45:14 That never happened on MySpace, for the record.
00:45:16 Never happened on MySpace.
00:45:17 This is a new phenomenon with y'all's generation.
00:45:19 I guess so, man.
00:45:20 I saw a video, another video, and this one has been circulating,
00:45:23 getting kind of trending, of this girl saying, you know,
00:45:26 "If you're a woman and you get your time in the month,
00:45:28 this is a great soup that you can make, and it's made from beans.
00:45:31 And there's like 20 different beans that you put in this soup."
00:45:34 And one of the comments was like, "What about people who don't eat beans?
00:45:38 Are you for real? Move on. Move on.
00:45:41 Scroll. Go on to the next.
00:45:44 Go on to the next video."
00:45:46 And I could talk about that with little small examples like the two that I just mentioned,
00:45:52 but on a larger scale, we sort of are dealing with this "what about me"-ism
00:45:56 where everybody feels like the smallest little crooks of who they are as a person
00:46:01 needs to constantly be included in everything that they see all the time.
00:46:05 And I don't know if the internet is enabling that.
00:46:07 I don't know if it's like inclusivity that's enabling that.
00:46:10 One girl makes the argument that American individualism is what's creating
00:46:15 this feeling of everybody needing to be included in everything,
00:46:18 but it needs to stop.
00:46:21 [laughter]
00:46:23 My drive-by theory on that would be that we've created as a value, as a society,
00:46:29 that like victimhood and, you know, victimhood is currency, but so is virtue signaling.
00:46:36 And so when you are the one who gets to say, "Hey, what about oppressed group A?
00:46:42 What about marginalized community B?"
00:46:45 When you are the one who gets to bring that up in the situation,
00:46:48 there's a little bit of a reward in your brain, a little bit of you can pat yourself
00:46:52 on the back and feel good about yourself because you were the person to acknowledge
00:46:56 the person who's oppressed that nobody else was pointing out.
00:47:00 And we've just created—we've set that as a value in society publicly now to where—
00:47:05 because we hear it preached in social media, we hear it preached in the mainstream media,
00:47:09 in Hollywood all the time with all the woke culture and virtue signaling.
00:47:12 It's like we've made it so that if you're not oppressed, being an ally to the oppressed
00:47:17 or being somebody who calls out oppression is being a good person.
00:47:22 And so when you see these little innocuous clips on social media,
00:47:27 you being the one to point out how it's somehow problematic makes you virtuous.
00:47:32 And you get into the Ibram Kendi style of thinking, which is like,
00:47:36 it's not whether racism occurred in a scenario, it's where did the racism occur?
00:47:41 Because we know that all of society in 21st century America is saturated in racism.
00:47:47 So you need a critically conscious people who are awakened and know—
00:47:52 and can see things the right way.
00:47:54 You need enlightened people like us to be able to point those out.
00:47:57 I think about Tom Sowell and the visions of the anointed that he separates
00:48:00 between people who are more practical in their thinking and people who believe
00:48:04 that they're enlightened and can just illuminate the way to everybody
00:48:08 of the right way to be virtuous and moral and how could you not be as virtuous as me?
00:48:14 And anyway, so there's my theory on how we got here and what's energizing this whole energy.
00:48:20 Gosh, it's going to be so unsustainable too, because it's like,
00:48:23 how can you possibly think through every intersection with every single thing that you do?
00:48:28 If we're going to do this down to making soups and peeling fruits,
00:48:31 we're going to be on the struggle bus for the rest of our lives.
00:48:35 It's like that video that I showed you guys on an older show,
00:48:37 where it was just a bunch of woke people trying to have a meeting,
00:48:40 and one guy gets up and he's like, "Excuse me, everybody in here is too loud,
00:48:44 and I have sensory issues, so can we please quiet down?"
00:48:48 And then another woman comes up and is like, "You just misgendered me,"
00:48:51 and this and that, and then it just devolves into the next person lining up
00:48:55 to say a complaint about what just happened, and then you're like,
00:48:57 "What was this meeting even about? What were we here to deal with?
00:49:00 What were we here to solve?"
00:49:02 Because if we're constantly just worried about every single intersection of inclusivity
00:49:07 and meeting every single person's standards, nothing will get done.
00:49:12 And on that note, let's get something done and go into Super Chats.
00:49:16 All right. Let's do it.
00:49:19 As you were saying that last bit, it reminded me of the first story,
00:49:24 or the second story about the trans bathrooms.
00:49:27 We have one group that's marginalized and oppressed or whatever,
00:49:31 so now the 98% of the population, 95, that doesn't deal with this issue
00:49:36 has to accommodate the 2% to 5% or whatever that do.
00:49:41 Right.
00:49:43 We live in a society increasingly organized around virtue signaling and oppression.
00:49:48 So fun times. Okay. I'm going to try to speak up for those of you all who say
00:49:53 my mic is low, we're doing our best.
00:49:55 Dude, I've been trying to figure out how to turn his volume up behind the scenes, guys.
00:49:58 I can't figure it out.
00:49:59 I'm maxed over here, so I feel it peaking in my ears as I'm shouting,
00:50:01 so sorry if I'm shouting at you guys.
00:50:04 Joy Westbrook says, "Lovely top, Amala. Might see if I can make one similar to it.
00:50:09 Sewing garments and making jewelry is what I'm doing most of the time I'm tuning in."
00:50:13 That is so awesome. That is one thing that in my life I need to learn how to do.
00:50:18 My grandmother was a boss. I said was. She's still alive. Sorry, Grandma.
00:50:22 She can sew anything.
00:50:25 When we were kids, I used to have events at school or whatever.
00:50:28 We did this-- I forget.
00:50:30 We were doing a time traveling event at school where we had to wear clothes from a certain time period.
00:50:35 My grandma was like, "Yeah, let's just go get a pattern at the store and we'll go create a dress."
00:50:39 I'm like, "How do you do that?"
00:50:40 I need to take sewing classes because I feel like that is such a good skill to have.
00:50:45 So kudos to you. That is awesome.
00:50:48 My wife's made crocheting, I think, a little blanket or sweater or something right now.
00:50:52 She does it while we watch TV at night and stuff.
00:50:55 I'm just not a trad wife enough.
00:50:57 I guess.
00:50:59 Let's see. Rosewell1983 says, "Why are Americans obsessed with race?
00:51:05 I grew up in a homogenous society. A poor man was just poor.
00:51:08 No one screamed about systematic oppression.
00:51:11 As it is right now, diversity sounds like anti-white speech."
00:51:15 You know what? USA! That's what we do here.
00:51:19 We're all about that race.
00:51:21 We're all about that race.
00:51:23 And she's from Norway, it looks like, by the way, giving a Norwegian crown.
00:51:27 Gotcha.
00:51:29 Christopher Alcine says, "Love you guys.
00:51:34 Want to elab from last live with Amir Odom.
00:51:37 Gay men take steroids, jocks, or gain weight, bears, to reenact Grindr in real life. Kinks/fetish.
00:51:46 That's where I believe the sexualized nature of pride started."
00:51:50 Whoa, whoa, whoa. To reenact what? I'm confused.
00:51:53 I heard reenact Grindr. I get what you said in the first part.
00:51:57 You lost me at the reenactment part. I don't understand exactly what that means.
00:52:01 Reenact Grindr in real life? Do you select your type on Grindr?
00:52:08 Based on those animals or whatever?
00:52:10 Animals? Bears? I don't know.
00:52:14 That's not an animal, is it? No.
00:52:18 I love that. I'm so funny.
00:52:20 Like a spirit animal, you know? Do you have a gay animal?
00:52:22 I think they're saying because gay people have been broken down into categories,
00:52:26 which we kind of touched on, like the bear, the jock, the twink, or whatever,
00:52:29 now they feel the need to pick a category and then make themselves into that category in real life
00:52:36 in whatever way that that means.
00:52:38 So like bears, do we want to get into this?
00:52:43 We won't get too deep into this, but are typically bigger individuals,
00:52:46 so they will get fatter.
00:52:50 Okay, well, thank you, Christopher, for that super chat.
00:52:53 For all of our Christian listeners, we're giving a lesson on homosexuality.
00:52:58 That's fine.
00:53:00 Oh my gosh.
00:53:02 Fani Ibianu says, "Sorry for the random question.
00:53:07 Was there ballet in your dance theater history?"
00:53:11 Dance thea-- No. I just did musical theater, and I did a local theater in the town where I'm from.
00:53:17 Shout out to that theater.
00:53:19 Never really took real dance classes.
00:53:21 I'm talking really amateur, like middle school, high school, musical theater community-based stuff.
00:53:27 So never took a ballet class, although my best friend in school was super good at ballet,
00:53:32 and I believe she still does it to this day.
00:53:36 V cool.
00:53:38 All right, Ortelia Rose says, "Hey, guys, it's my first super chat."
00:53:41 Thanks, Ortelia.
00:53:42 I'm not saying that.
00:53:43 "Anyways, I love your videos and the fact that you are fair and try to listen to all sides,
00:53:47 unlike the far left side."
00:53:49 Oh, thank you very much, and I appreciate this being your first super chat.
00:53:53 Welcome in, and I'm glad that you enjoy the show.
00:53:55 We do try to be fair. Sometimes it's hard, but we try.
00:54:00 Jimmy Mape sends a super chat. No message. Thank you, Jimmy.
00:54:03 Thank you.
00:54:04 Bond, 77581, says, "It may already be happening, but wait until trans girls change and shower with other girls.
00:54:12 This world's gone to crap in a handbasket."
00:54:15 Oh, I mean, it definitely has happened in certain locker rooms.
00:54:18 Like Riley Gaines.
00:54:19 Yeah, Riley Gaines with Leah Thomas.
00:54:21 There was a—I don't remember the school, so I'm not going to put it out there,
00:54:26 but there was certainly some locker room stuff going on.
00:54:29 YMCA had trouble with people getting exposed.
00:54:33 Wii Spas, Taylor mentioned in the show here in LA, had a problem with that.
00:54:37 So it's happening, all right.
00:54:41 Unfortunately.
00:54:43 Okay, Isabella Short says, "Thanks for another great stream.
00:54:48 I enjoy the show while I'm grooming dogs.
00:54:51 I appreciate the perspective you guys have on headlines and trends."
00:54:55 Aw, thank you so much. That's so great.
00:54:58 What an interesting job.
00:54:59 I don't know whether or not that would be a fun job or miserable, depending on the dog you have, I would imagine.
00:55:06 I don't know why, but my brain got—I'm on social media too much, and my brain got triggered for a second.
00:55:12 And you're like, "While I'm grooming?" And I was like, "Oh, grooming dogs."
00:55:15 Then I thought, we need a T-shirt that says, "Groom pets, not kids."
00:55:19 Oh, God. Horrible. Somebody will make that, though. I'm sure.
00:55:24 It's Amala merch coming out soon.
00:55:26 Absolutely not. Absolutely not. You're fired.
00:55:31 You're fired.
00:55:33 Let's see. It's Grapes says, "I was thinking about the Monty Python biggest bit yesterday. Does that count?
00:55:42 Otherwise, I think of the Library of Alexandria as burning."
00:55:48 I haven't seen Monty Python since I was a wee lad, so I don't know the reference.
00:55:54 I think it's a Roman Empire bit maybe they were doing, so that's why they're asking, "Does that count?"
00:55:59 If you're thinking of a comedy sketch.
00:56:01 Yes, that counts. If it's about the Roman Empire, that counts.
00:56:04 Close enough.
00:56:06 Alex says, "Hey there, gang. I'm honestly bamboozled by the Roman Empire question.
00:56:12 I literally never think about that, and I'm surprised others do."
00:56:15 Same here, dude. We're in the same boat because that is virtually never crossed my mind.
00:56:20 I get it with men because men are like, "Menliness, gladiators and stuff."
00:56:25 300.
00:56:26 Yeah, exactly.
00:56:27 I mean, that's Greek, I guess, but Sparta.
00:56:29 I'm Sparta. Is that Roman?
00:56:31 No, Sparta is Greek. I like Macedonian, I guess.
00:56:34 My apologies.
00:56:35 Close enough.
00:56:36 Close enough for government work.
00:56:37 And all that stuff, yeah.
00:56:39 Jimmy Mapes, another super chat. No message. Thank you, Jimmy.
00:56:42 Thank you.
00:56:44 Dean Hunt says, "Calvin Robertson spits facts. The UK is super diverse today. Doesn't matter how it was hundreds of years ago. FFS. Why make up BS?"
00:56:57 Yeah, dude. I was like, when I went to London for the second time this year, there's literally diversity everywhere.
00:57:06 I mean, it looks just like America for the most part.
00:57:09 Right outside my hotel was this huge parade of the Hare Krishnas going through the street.
00:57:15 I mean, thousands upon thousands.
00:57:18 And everybody was just cheering, happy, having a good time. I don't know.
00:57:21 This whole, like, it's fundamentally racist and there's still all these, you know, withstanding problems.
00:57:27 I just don't see it. I could get it on an individual basis, but it does not seem like the government there is racist at all.
00:57:34 Xtro says, "I'm still shocked at how advanced we as a species have become, yet we still can't manage to get past the color of our skin. It's just so strange to me."
00:57:44 It's very, very weird. I think one day this too shall pass. You hope. We'll evolve to where this doesn't matter anymore.
00:57:55 Yeah, or everything's going to unravel, one of the two.
00:57:59 Depending on the day. You know, ask me how I feel.
00:58:04 Monica Leah says, "Are woke people going to say next that the Great Wall of China was built by black people? The CCP would not let anybody say that in CCP controlled media."
00:58:15 No, that would not work. Not that I'm advocating for a controlled media, but they would not let that slide. I tell you that.
00:58:22 Negatron. Franklin says, "You'll see people attempting to white erase history more and more. Taylor was destined to become a Roman emperor and save all of humanity. Lizzo built Stonehenge."
00:58:38 You guys put the most interesting takes in your super chats. I love it. I also love having Taylor read those.
00:58:44 Those are three disparate sentences in one fascinating super chat. Thank you, Franklin.
00:58:52 Capser07 says, "Hey Amala and Taylor, this is my first live and I just wanted to say thanks for opening my mind to the other side political wise and voicing your opinions in a professional matter rather than yelling."
00:59:03 I'm yelling now, so you do get some yelling on today's show. It's a joy to watch you guys.
00:59:08 Have I ever yelled on this show? You guys let me know. Have I ever yelled? Maybe when we did the hot sauce day. Yeah, and I laugh too much. That's another thing. But maybe we need to bring some more yelling into the show one of these days.
00:59:24 Let's see. Mana Kaliya again says, "Viking groups were not multicultural in the sense of what woke people mean by multicultural. Vikings had people from different ethnicities who traveled with them, but those ethnicities were white."
00:59:38 Hey, there we go. I don't know that much about Vikings. I think Taylor is our resident Viking researcher on the show if we ever need one. But you know, that sounds about right.
00:59:47 Every now and then it is when that How to Train Your Dragon movie comes out.
00:59:54 From what I understand, they went all over but mostly colonized places in the UK, Ireland, the coast of England. And when they got there, they would kill the men and keep slaves of the women and children or whatever or keep male slaves as workers or anything.
01:00:13 What a lovely people. White on white slavery.
01:00:17 Why do you want to reclaim that as black? They're going around like murdering and raping and pillaging. Why do you want to be like, you know what? Those are the ones. We were those ones.
01:00:31 Dmonoxy says, "Chipping in for your new crib." Chipping in for your new crib, Amala. I just put one P there. Confused me for a second.
01:00:42 Question to Taylor from a fellow beach volleyball player. Do you play left or right blocker, defense or guards?
01:00:47 Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
01:00:49 I can talk about this all day. I need to start a new podcast. But I generally play left and doubles. And I am not I'm a blocker usually because I'm like 6'2". But at higher levels, you're playing usually your blocker is going to be like a 6'4" or 6'5" person.
01:01:06 So then I'll play defender there. But I'm usually playing with more like mid people. So I'm usually the better option for blocking.
01:01:14 Oh, don't let his fellow players see this. He just called it mid.
01:01:19 You know, mid height. These days I'm just playing fours in Tennessee. There's not quite the same beach volleyball scene out here as there was in LA where I got into it. So yeah, just playing four on four.
01:01:33 Let's see. Alex again says what I will say about the Sneko thing is that he's not the only guy in the red pill space. But if this is what kids are taking away, then that's really bad, even though I agree with people like Sneko on or Fresh and Fit.
01:01:48 Yeah, I agree with some of the things that that's Sneko says, but I could certainly see if you're like putting it through a 12 year old's mind filter how you might not get the best result in what they they take away and what is absorbed.
01:02:01 Clearly, I think there are much better masculine figures for a kid in that age group. But alas, here we are.
01:02:10 Alas, Journey of an Introvert says I keep being asked by leftists how I am such a compassionate person and conservative. It makes it always makes me laugh that they think conservative equals evil.
01:02:22 They just need to broaden their world a little bit, get a little bit more, meet a few more conservative people, go down to the South and experience some of that Southern hospitality. And then they'll know.
01:02:34 That's like on that Jubilee video we reacted to where the one of the gay guys was like, yeah, when I go to these Republican meetings and these conservative towns and stuff, I'm treated great.
01:02:45 Nobody discriminates against me. And they're like, well, you had that experience, but the rest of them are horrible. They attack you and they're evil. And then Amir's like, I live in Nashville. I mean, it's chill here too.
01:02:55 Their experience isn't valid. Anyways, let's see. Y'all. Journey of an Introvert says I keep being asked by leftists how I am such a compassionate person.
01:03:07 Oh, I just read that. Oh, my gosh. Just kidding. You got to double read.
01:03:13 Anna Brego says I good evening from Norway as a Norwegian. I do not appreciate the way Viking history is being adapted to fit today's agenda about strong black women.
01:03:25 There were no black female Jarls in Hakon's time. Yeah, Jarl Hakon was the person I was talking about.
01:03:32 Yeah, I just have a feeling we're going to get to a point if we continue down this trajectory where nobody's going to know anything accurate about history.
01:03:39 And then that's going to be left to like a handful of people who are going to be like ancient historians.
01:03:43 They're going to be like the Tom Souls of history who actually have facts and they're just going to be old relics within human existence.
01:03:50 And it's going to be crazy. History could die out if you just continue fabricating things like this.
01:03:57 Luckily, it's still being called out, though, so that's good. Yeah, it's that I just remember that Orwell quote.
01:04:03 I had to Google it real quick, but he said he who controls the past controls the future.
01:04:07 So you can rewrite history, make it all confusing for folks. Right.
01:04:12 Going to get ugly. Let's see. Devante says Amala, as someone who is right leaning in L.A.,
01:04:19 what recommendations do you have in terms of how I can meet people who are more like minded in L.A.?
01:04:24 Oh, that's an interesting question. You know, I'm actually I don't know that I have any like direct things that I could say to you.
01:04:32 I would just say, you know, for the most part, I have not had trouble with people being like rude to me because of my political affiliation or what I do.
01:04:40 I go to the same places that everybody else. And, you know, some of my friends are left leaning.
01:04:45 Some of my friends are right leaning and everybody, for the most part, takes it really well.
01:04:50 If you just have a good energy about you and are, you know, a nice, charitable, generous person, you will find other people who are exactly like that.
01:04:58 I love going to like just like bars here and there, go to play pool, go to dance and just, you know, always end up gravitating towards just nice people of all different backgrounds.
01:05:10 Just do activities that you're interested in. And I can guarantee you will find people that either your friendship is like based on that activity or hobby, or they also happen to share the same the same values as you.
01:05:22 And that's super cool as well.
01:05:25 Yeah, and I'll say for my time in L.A., like I hung out with I had like a really big friend group of, I don't know, a lot of people, but they're all through volleyball.
01:05:33 And most of them I never talked about politics one time with and didn't lead with that.
01:05:38 But we had great friendships and did tons of stuff together. If you're looking for people who share your values specifically, I mean, for me, I had church for that.
01:05:44 I worked at PragerU, so I met some people through that. But maybe there's other groups or, you know, online meetup type things that are specifically around those affiliations that you can get a part of.
01:05:54 We have a Discord server that you can join.
01:05:57 We have that virtually and maybe there's someone who lives in the same area as you. So there's ways. But, yeah, I would encourage you like don't make all the relationships all about politics and you'll find a lot more friends.
01:06:08 Yeah.
01:06:09 Let's see. Sean Ricard says, what about people who don't speak English?
01:06:17 Right. Yeah. Yeah. I want to watch your show, but I don't speak English. Like what about me? That's probably I can almost guarantee somebody said that at some point or another. What about me-ism is super strong. There's always something to say. I love that.
01:06:33 Yeah, you can always find it. It's like that game we used to play. Like, can we make it offensive or can we make it racist?
01:06:38 Right.
01:06:39 Any scenario, any situation, any like title of a movie or anything, you can just call racist and find a problem.
01:06:44 We need to bring that game back maybe for Fun Fridays. We will bring back how to make it racist again.
01:06:50 How to make it racist plus spicy sauce.
01:06:54 Oh, gosh. Subject me to that. I'm down. I'm down.
01:06:58 Racist hot takes.
01:07:02 Let's see. Alex again said that guy should have asked those women what the term for hatred of men is, because I doubt they would have known it because it's OK to hate on men every day.
01:07:14 Yeah, they probably wouldn't have. I don't know that their their vocabulary bank is as vast as one might want it to be given the whole misogyny thing. Tragic. Tragic-istan, as I say.
01:07:29 Pop quiz. What's the word?
01:07:31 Miss Andre.
01:07:32 Miss Andre.
01:07:33 Oh, look at that.
01:07:34 I've been watching a lot of Jeopardy lately, so I'm like, you know it or you don't.
01:07:38 I love I'm a freaking Jeopardy kid. My grandparents used to watch. I don't know why I keep saying my grandparents in the past tense as if they're not alive.
01:07:46 But my grandparents watch Jeopardy every single night. So I like grew up on on Alex Trebek and watching all that stuff. So just I love Jeopardy.
01:07:56 Yeah, I discovered there's a there's a TV streaming app called Pluto TV and it's free. They have a 24 hour Jeopardy channel with all the classic episodes and everything.
01:08:05 So that's dope. I just throw that on while I eat my breakfast or something and get a little smarter.
01:08:11 You learn a thing or two. It's crazy how much those people know. It's insane. I'm like, I wish I was smart enough to be a Jeopardy contestant at one point in my life. There's no way I get like six or seven questions an episode.
01:08:23 Yeah, it's tough. Horrible. It's also like it's intelligence, but it's just like retaining information. It's like, how do you just have that right information in your brain?
01:08:34 Anywho, Alex again says that I know I said that Christopher Alcine number two says, sorry for the confusion.
01:08:43 I can't afford the really expensive super chats to elaborate more, but still love you guys so much.
01:08:47 Last name is Alcine. Ah, thank you so much. One of the times I said it, I said it right.
01:08:53 There we go. One of the times as long as you got it once. That's all that matters.
01:08:57 I didn't know the longer super chats or the more expensive super chats let you say more.
01:09:02 I don't know. I honestly don't know how super chats work.
01:09:06 We just do it, guys. We just read them. We just we just work here.
01:09:12 One more says Alex is not going to lie, but I was like, what in the world am I listening to?
01:09:19 As you guys were talking about Grindr, all of the things. So hit that like button.
01:09:23 Yeah, I don't. Maybe we don't. We won't elaborate that properly.
01:09:28 Elaborate on that in the future of this. I don't know. Yeah.
01:09:33 That will revisit Grindr. One more from Christopher says, but yes, you guys understand more or less.
01:09:40 And that is what introduced sex acts in the street. We're going right back to it.
01:09:45 So I was right. Blair White Pride Month. Twenty twenty three is a mess. She's good.
01:09:50 OK, I do. I do like Blair. I saw that Blair is going to be on a Jubilee episode.
01:09:54 So I'm very excited to see that because I follow her on Instagram and she posted like this whole story about how I just did the Jubilee and it got crazy.
01:10:02 And we went after each other or whatever. Blair gives me kind of cognitive dissonance because she is conservative, but trans or whatever.
01:10:09 But I can just go off the actual political talking points that are used in the cultural talking points that are used.
01:10:15 Maybe Blair will be on the show at some point. I can reach out and set that up if that's what you guys want.
01:10:20 Maybe for the Jubilee episode when it comes out, I would be dope to analyze that.
01:10:27 Kathy S. says, Congrats on the new channel regarding the rewriting of history or welcome some mind.
01:10:32 The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
01:10:38 And if you start with like kids who are seven years old and telling them that black people build Stonehenge, who knows where it goes from there?
01:10:44 It kind of sounds like ridiculous, like why are we even talking about it?
01:10:46 But once you start to like compile these narratives and, you know, structure them together and place them on top of one another, it's going to be weird.
01:10:53 Also, what's going to happen when black people start to replace white history and call it black history?
01:11:00 Won't that then erase your narrative of being oppressed by like the whites who controlled everything?
01:11:05 Like if you are in fact the people who built Stonehenge and, you know, the British Empire and you were a part of this and that and Queen Charlotte was actually black and all this stuff and Cleopatra was actually black, then when were you oppressed?
01:11:18 I don't know how that works. Please let me know.
01:11:23 How about we just uno reverse that on you?
01:11:26 I'm just going to be like, you're not going to be able to complain about slavery anymore if you're telling me like you were the ones who were in power, in fact, and that you guys had a hand in this stuff happening, even though we know the black people in Africa did, but I digress.
01:11:42 Yeah, like Christopher Columbus was black. Okay, so now colonization and all that's a good thing.
01:11:47 Yeah, no, dude. Oh, I was freaking watching Bridgerton. I think it was season two when they had the Indian family that were trying to, you know, marry off their daughters and, you know, get in relationships or whatever.
01:11:58 And at one point you're saying that Indian women in particular, because these were three women, a mother and two daughters. So you're saying Indian women in particular were part of, you know, the English elite and they were able to come and, you know, go back and forth with some of the most elite in society and in fact even marry them.
01:12:19 But then you also want to tell me that India was completely and utterly colonialized and like held underneath the thumb of the British Empire. So which one is it? And I get it that Bridgerton is fictional and all this stuff, but if you start to rewrite it that way and claim that these things are true or this very well could have happened, then where did your oppression go? I don't understand.
01:12:41 Make it make sense. Just Jellyfish says, I'm really curious what you think of YouTubers, The Offensive Tranny and J Greg, Greg Guevara. Marcus is conservative and trans. Greg is special.
01:12:58 I've never seen their content. I think I've seen thumbnails for The Offensive Tranny, but I've never seen their content in particular. So I'd have to check that out before I can tell you how I feel about it. But I'm pretty sure they are more like on the classically liberal slash maybe a little, you know, right of center on things. And if that's the case, I'd be willing to hear them out and see what I think.
01:13:19 Jimmy Bobby says, Love for a race is the opposite of hatred for another race because love comes from love while hate comes from hatred.
01:13:30 You just took me on a ride and I completely blocked all of that out of my understanding. Say that again.
01:13:39 Okay, I'm with you with love for a race is the opposite of hatred for another race. I mean, to an extent, because love comes from love while hate comes from hate.
01:13:52 I remain confused. So I don't know.
01:13:55 I don't know. It's like a person with love in their heart is going to love all races. A person with hate in their heart is going to hate all races maybe.
01:14:01 If that's what you're saying, then I agree. I think.
01:14:04 Thanks for the ethical challenge or whatever to try to figure that one out.
01:14:09 Yeah, I'm gonna have to revisit that, honestly and truly.
01:14:12 Austin Hickey says, Have you been to Canada? The Telegraph put out a documentary recently about how Canada, my home, is a woke warning to the world. Just invade us, please.
01:14:24 I have never been to Canada. There was one time where I might have had the opportunity to go to Canada to give a speech with Dennis.
01:14:31 But because of the whole COVID regulation stuff that was going on at the time, we gave an e-speech over Zoom.
01:14:37 We were on these huge Zoom screens in an auditorium where people were sitting there in person watching us, which was so strange and interesting.
01:14:45 So that was fun, but never been to Canada.
01:14:48 I've been fishing in Canada a couple of times.
01:14:52 Nice. You just went there specifically to fish?
01:14:55 Yeah, it's like it's a great, awesome fishing up there.
01:14:59 My family's originally from Minnesota, and so apparently Minnesota is not far enough north.
01:15:04 So you got to drive another 16 hours up through International Falls into Canada and go to these awesome lakes that are on these reserves.
01:15:13 And every time you cast, you catch something. It's awesome. It's beautiful.
01:15:18 Nice. But staying away from the cities in Canada. Y'all crazy.
01:15:23 Let's see. Fishman Tacos says, "Hello. How's your day going?"
01:15:27 It's going good. We're chilling.
01:15:30 Better with you here, Fishman Tacos 37.
01:15:33 Yeah.
01:15:34 Dwise just sent a Super Chat No message.
01:15:38 I Chai says, "I had time around liberals who were so far left, but never was it really explicitly said that red was, but it was just a quote unquote known."
01:15:54 You have once again made me confused.
01:15:59 I had time around liberals who were so far left, but never was it explicitly said that red was, but period. It was just a note.
01:16:10 Maybe the but was a typo. So anyways, I don't know. I'm sorry.
01:16:13 I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you gave your money and I cannot figure out what you said.
01:16:18 I apologize.
01:16:19 We're very grateful for you.
01:16:21 Dixon Butts says, "Can't catch the live ever since the time change. Just wanted to say congrats on going independent."
01:16:27 Oh, where are you, Dixon? Where are you that this time change is so gnarly for you?
01:16:33 Let us know in the chat down below. Don't Super Chat me. Just let me know.
01:16:36 Just say it.
01:16:37 Just say it.
01:16:39 Xtro again says, "He who controls the past controls the future. George Orwell. Whoever controls the spice controls the universe. Vladimir Harkonnen."
01:16:48 The spice? Is it the space? Was it supposed to be the space? Spice?
01:16:55 Space would make more sense if you're talking about the universe, but maybe spice.
01:16:59 But maybe spice.
01:17:00 You got to control that spice.
01:17:02 Control that spice level. Me and Taylor are spice gods, so I think we control the universe.
01:17:08 Yeah, we both like spicy food.
01:17:10 And I think, if I didn't miss anybody, I think that is the last Super Chat of the day.
01:17:17 Okay, guys. If that's the last Super Chat of the day, thank you so much for watching.
01:17:22 We greatly appreciate it. Leave a comment down below how you feel about the different stories that we covered today.
01:17:28 We talked about Emma Roberts and a possibly transphobic moment with a fellow actor on AHS 1890-- no, 1884? 1984. Gosh, my numbers are all over the place.
01:17:41 Pennsylvania students who staged a walkout to protest the idea that biological males should be able to go into female bathrooms.
01:17:48 A book that is being given to seven-year-olds that says that black people built Stonehenge. Very interesting.
01:17:54 And Sneeko plus What About Me-ism. Drop your thoughts in the comments down below.
01:18:00 Let me know how you feel about what we discussed. As always, if you disagree, duke it out in the comments, but do so respectfully.
01:18:05 And if you liked this video and you had fun on this stream, please like, subscribe, click the notification bell to be notified every single time we are live.
01:18:13 And if you'd like to support the show now that we're independent, you guys can sign up as patrons on Patreon.
01:18:19 All the tiers are virtually the same, although they are at different price points, so give whatever it is that you want if that message resonates with you.
01:18:27 If not, you can still kick it here with us on the show and we will have content for you every single day.
01:18:33 Guys, have a fantastic rest of your day. Goodbye! I don't know why that was crickets. Goodbye! Is this gonna work?
01:18:41 I love my little soundboard, guys. Eventually, I'm just gonna be using this soundboard all the time. I can mod my voice, which is great.
01:18:51 We can do this on the show now. And maybe this is how I'm gonna say goodbye to you today.
01:18:56 Have a fantastic rest of your day. I will see you tomorrow with a video about comedian Hasan Minhaj.
01:19:04 It's gonna be very fun. Peace out, guys.
01:19:08 (laughs)
