• last year
The Las Vegas Raiders' Davante Adams spoke to the media after practice for his weekly state of the Silver and Black discussion, and we have it all for you.
00:04 >> We're gonna talk to you on Sunday, you had the evaluation, but how you feel?
00:10 >> Feel good, so normal, good.
00:15 >> Coach, we talked about the importance of tape maybe from this last game more
00:19 than anything as learning opportunities.
00:24 What did you see on the tape that could maybe make this offense and
00:26 this team better going forward?
00:29 >> Well, I think the thing with us is just every play having everybody on
00:33 the same accord and everybody having, putting that burden on themselves of
00:37 making sure that they not being the one that they say, I don't want to be the guy
00:41 that I'm gonna be at the point of attack here if you block it or I don't wanna be
00:45 the guy that gets the ball thrown to me, have to win my one on one.
00:48 You need everybody in football, that's the thing that makes it the most special.
00:52 And why we celebrate the way we do as a team and all these things is cuz it takes
00:56 so much in one play for the play to turn out the right way.
01:00 Cuz I can run a perfect route or I can run a terrible route and
01:03 then finally get open late and the lineman blocked a little longer or whatever.
01:08 So they made that happen, you need everybody.
01:10 So I think the biggest thing is just looking at the tape and
01:12 finding out the things that when we weren't all together.
01:15 And when it was one person that, not that ruined it, but
01:18 sometimes that's how it goes.
01:20 You get blown back or everybody blocks it up perfect, you don't make the catch,
01:24 then that's part of the execution is just completing the play.
01:27 >> [INAUDIBLE] How much kind of relief does it give it?
01:32 It's not necessarily a talent issue, it's just execution.
01:36 >> I mean, it's not a relief, honestly, not for me.
01:38 I mean, I don't know how the next man would answer that, but
01:41 it's almost more disappointing when it's not the talent and
01:43 you go out there and you don't execute.
01:44 So it's part of football, it's the most imperfect game and
01:48 the most team sport that there is.
01:50 So it's gonna be times where not everybody dominates their man, but
01:55 you gotta do good enough to make the play work.
01:58 And we didn't do that well enough last week.
02:00 So we just gotta look at the tape and find out what we did wrong to correct it.
02:03 >> When it comes to the hit that you went out on,
02:06 did you feel like it was maybe too late or feel any type of way about it?
02:12 >> Look, I don't wanna continue to talk too much about it, but
02:18 was it unnecessary?
02:19 Completely, obviously, and I mean, depending on how you look at it,
02:23 I mean, certain players play a certain way too.
02:26 Some people out of control, they fly around,
02:28 they don't really have much true purpose out there.
02:31 I mean, playing a half field on one side, you run over and
02:34 hit somebody in the head on the other side of the field.
02:35 I mean, that's the type of stuff that contributes to you not being on the field.
02:39 That's why you're in when you're going in the south by 25 at the end of the game.
02:44 And maybe if that man learns how to play the game the right way,
02:47 he'll see the field.
02:48 But until then, he'll have to go and live off a place like that, I guess.
02:53 >> I'll tell you, you catch a touchdown this Sunday night,
02:55 it would put you fifth all time in red zone touchdowns, passing Randy Moss.
02:59 Yeah, thoughts on that, and also,
03:02 why have you been so good in the red zone during your career, do you think?
03:06 >> Well, one, first, that's a crazy honor.
03:08 Obviously, that's a pretty big deal.
03:10 I mean, being top five, top anything, and
03:13 the entirety of this league is hard to do.
03:17 So it's a big honor to be able to do that.
03:19 And I don't know, I mean, I just, ever since college, really, high school,
03:23 just had a nose for the end zone.
03:25 And obviously, being put in great situations by good coaches and
03:29 quarterbacks over the years, they've given me a lot of opportunities down there to be
03:32 able to execute and make those plays.
03:34 So I just capitalize on those as much as possible, and
03:38 I'm in the business of maximizing it.
03:40 And if I'm gonna be the guy that they relying on to make it happen,
03:43 then I gotta come through.
03:45 >> You've been in the league, obviously, for a long time.
03:50 You played in playoff games, Monday night, or whatever, but
03:53 any more excitement for a Sunday night football game, all the eyes on you?
03:56 You know what I mean, as opposed to just a regular season thing?
03:59 >> Hell yeah, I mean, Sunday nights, Monday night games, those are the ones.
04:04 You get a little different feeling no matter how long you've been playing,
04:07 ten years, 15 years, five years, whatever it is.
04:10 I mean, you get a different feeling.
04:11 I know I do.
04:12 And it's just something about being the only game on TV,
04:15 especially those Monday night games.
04:17 People had a hard day at work, coming back, starting the week off, and
04:20 they just wanna see some good football.
04:21 So you always get a little special feeling when you're the only one,
04:24 you're that prime time game.
04:26 I definitely get a different feeling in warm ups and leading up to that one.
04:29 >> I didn't know a lot of people were gonna find out what you did for
04:31 your grandmother on Friday night in the Ferris.
04:34 >> Yeah.
04:35 >> Does it ever get to a point where that's not special to you?
04:37 Like what you're able to do, what your career has been able to allow you to do?
04:41 >> Never, man.
04:42 I mean, a lot of stuff does get old.
04:44 You get a lot of experiences, you get to do a lot of different things,
04:47 you get to travel.
04:48 Not that traveling gets old, but
04:50 there's certain things that you get to do repeatedly over and over.
04:53 And it kinda just is something that you do.
04:55 But I've been doing it for a long time, and
04:59 the happiest that I've ever been has been doing things like that for other people.
05:04 Whether it's somebody I know or I don't know, it's working with nonprofits,
05:08 different things like that, where I get to use my position in this world to
05:12 bring blessings for other people, that's the most amazing thing for me.
05:17 And obviously, big shout out to CBS for giving me that opportunity to do that and
05:21 to work with them, because my grandma's hit me up probably five times since then.
05:25 Just I can see her smiling through the phone.
05:28 And I feel like we speak a lot, but we also talk more now because of that.
05:33 I feel like it give her another appreciation for her grandson.
05:37 And obviously, the opportunities that come with this position that I'm in, so
05:42 I definitely, I love it.
05:44 And more than the money, being able to buy houses, cars, any of that stuff,
05:48 these type of opportunities are the ones that I do it for.
05:51 >> A new kind of respect for people that do do that renovating and things like that.
05:54 >> Yeah, I mean, just the time alone, let alone the actual hard work.
05:58 And I got pretty dirty.
06:00 Y'all gonna see the show and y'all gonna think that it was just some BS.
06:03 I was in the trenches in there, man.
06:04 I did the whole demo.
06:06 You'll see, watch Friday, 8/7 Central.
06:09 >> [LAUGH] >> This is kind of off topic, but
06:14 I got Josh's take on this.
06:16 What's your take on the whole Deion Sanders in Colorado?
06:19 Just how big everything has been up there, little Wayne,
06:21 just have you paid attention, been noticing all this?
06:24 >> Look, man, I'm all for it.
06:27 I love it.
06:28 I love to see it.
06:28 I love the untraditional approach.
06:31 Usually, you're the old school.
06:32 It's kind of a weird dynamic.
06:34 And I've thought about this for a minute just cuz he's a real old school type cat.
06:38 So but he's bringing, it's like a crazy clash of new school and
06:42 old school together where putting Instagram handles on their jerseys.
06:47 Obviously, clearly, I mean, you see the way that he commands his team and
06:51 you see the way that they are out there.
06:52 It's like a show.
06:54 So I mean, I know I enjoy watching.
06:55 I ain't missing it.
06:56 I don't care what's on TV.
06:58 If the Colorado Buffaloes playing right now,
07:00 I wanna see Wayne and Lil Uzi on the sideline or whoever else is next too.
07:04 So it's fun and I like to see it a little different.
07:07 And if you can bring it, at the end of the day, winning is gonna take care of
07:10 everything, so if they keep doing that, they could be as flashy,
07:13 as cool as they want to, showing off the APs and all that.
07:16 I love it.
07:17 >> You bet they beat Oregon this week.
07:19 >> If they beat Oregon, I mean, college football might be bigger than NFL in
07:24 a minute.
07:25 So I mean, this may not be good for me, but I'm looking forward to seeing it.
07:29 >> You know what a good quarterback looks like, his son.
07:31 What are your thoughts on?
07:33 >> Well, I haven't really studied him too much, but I mean,
07:35 he's obviously doing something well enough.
07:38 And I've seen the growth and I feel like his growth was pretty gradual too.
07:42 It wasn't something that where he just kind of boomed on the scene and
07:44 just cuz he was Deion's son.
07:46 He was just this superstar.
07:47 He had to kind of work into that.
07:48 And he's got a lot of hype and all of that kind of around his name right now.
07:53 And he's doing what he gotta do to keep that going.
07:54 So I like what he's doing.
07:57 I just wanna see him keep doing it.
07:58 >> Is that something you'd like to do in the future or grow that?
08:00 Is that- >> What's that?
08:02 >> Being a coach, probably changing the culture somewhere.
08:05 >> No. >> Or staying at home.
08:06 >> [LAUGH] >> No, I'm gonna do this as long as I can.
08:10 And then I might do some little celebs or something,
08:14 pull up at the high school or something like that.
08:16 But it may change, but probably not.
08:19 I'll probably be chilling.
08:21 >> After the game, Jimmy said one of the keys he thinks to unlocking the offense
08:24 is maybe he can attack better when they show you a single high safety look.
08:27 What are kind of keys to that?
08:29 And do you agree is that kind of a key going forward?
08:32 >> Yeah, man, I mean, there ain't no secret.
08:34 So it don't really matter what I stand up here and say.
08:36 But at the end of the day, these teams are out to try to take me away.
08:38 So the more opportunities when they're not trying desperately to do so,
08:42 we gotta take advantage of those opportunities.
08:44 And at the end of the day, the good part about this team is that we got multiple
08:48 guys, it's not just me that we relying on to win against single high coverage.
08:53 So at the end of the day, we got Cole, Hunter, DC, K Wilk,
08:57 all these boys out there that can go out and win their matchups too.
08:59 So I'm just one of the guys out there, but I'm looking forward to winning my matchup
09:04 as much as possible to make it easy on Jimmy.
09:05 >> Thank you.
