“J'aime tant cet homme, même si ” Camille Lou délivre un message à son fiancé Romain Laulhé pour

  • last year
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“J'aime tant cet homme, même si...” : Camille Lou délivre un message à son fiancé Romain Laulhé pour fêter une date symbolique

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00:00 To celebrate a very symbolic date in their love, Camilou sent a message to her fiancé
00:14 whom she met on a shoot, Romain Lohier.
00:19 Camilou, the actress and singer, found love on the set of the series "I Lied".
00:28 She played the role of a surfer and decided to take up the challenge without hesitation, learning to surf with the help of Romain Lohier, who became her fiancé.
00:40 She told us, "I arrived on this shoot with a crazy desire to work, in the same way that the coronavirus made us rediscover things for which we sometimes forgot that we were lucky to have them.
00:56 I've always been aware of the chance of being an actress, but I felt a bit of regret after that.
01:04 On the set, there was a complete osmosis, without any negative wave, which is rare.
01:13 And then I met a young man on the Basque coast who shook me up.
01:21 Everything worked out. I believe in fate, as if all the planets had aligned during these few months.
01:30 Camilou sent a tender message to her darling to celebrate the three years of their meeting. Camilou decided to take up a personal challenge by learning to surf for the role.
01:43 She explains, "I play the role of a surfer and I lied.
01:50 At first, the production had to take a double, but, as I had this desire to live new experiences, I wanted to learn, I asked them to find me a surfing teacher.
02:04 I loved it and then I met this amazing man.
02:10 A beautiful story and a beautiful series made with the heart.
02:16 On Instagram on September 21, the actress and singer wanted to set the tone to celebrate the three years of their meeting.
02:27 My iPhone put me on the alert with this little montage.
02:33 "I met @romainloye three years ago. I love this man so much, even though he is always busy and he does not like Paris.
02:43 Yes, me neither, I know. He helped me overcome what seemed insurmountable to me, and above all made me understand that I did not need anyone for that I love you.
02:56 Thank you for entering my life. "Who is Romain Loye, Camilou's fiancé. Romain Loye, Camilou's companion, is a surfing enthusiast.
03:08 He works with the Power Surf Center team in England, near Biarritz, famous for its surf spots.
03:18 At 34, he has been practicing this sport for about five years.
03:25 He has an impressive record, with six French champion titles, 11 French team selections, a fourth place in the World Junior Iza Championships final in Australia, a European champion title per team in Jersey, and a third place in the World Open Iza Championships per team in South Africa.
03:47 He is a professional surfer, and he is a man who loves to surf.
03:52 "I met @romainloye three years ago. I love this man so much, even though he is always busy and he does not like Paris.
04:02 I met @romainloye three years ago, and he is a man who loves surfing. He is a man who loves surfing, and he loves surfing.
04:22 He is a man who loves surfing, and he loves surfing.
