Migranti, min. Musumeci: “Senza intervento Ue non si risolve problema”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Avendo vissuto questo dramma in prima linea, da presidente della Sicilia prim’ancora che da ministro, credo che il tema dell’emergenza migranti non si possa affrontare e risolvere senza l’intervento dell’Unione Europea “

Ha risposto così alle domande dei giornalisti presenti, il ministro per la Protezione Civile Nello Musumeci a margine della giornata di apertura del Salone nautico di Genova, giunto alla 63esima edizione.


00:00 I think there is enough information on the issue of migrants.
00:07 I would not have to add anything.
00:11 Let me clarify, I say this to have experienced this drama in the first place as President of Sicily,
00:19 before as Minister.
00:21 I believe that the issue cannot be addressed and resolved without the intervention of the European Union.
00:30 And no one is deluded that this phenomenon can take place in a few years.
00:35 Only a naive or a fool can believe that this will happen.
00:42 It is a phenomenon that we will have to deal with in the next decades.
00:47 On the one hand, the intervention of all European states is needed,
00:52 because no one can escape this drama, especially the countries wet from the Baltic, the countries of Northern Europe.
01:02 We all have to take care of it, because the barriers to stop this phenomenon, this real exodus, will not be enough.
01:12 On the other hand, we have to intervene in the countries from which these young people leave their families.
01:22 It is true that the policy of international cooperation has not brought great results,
01:29 because Europe has looked more to the East than to the South.
01:32 I hope that now things will change.
01:35 But it is necessary to intervene in poor countries.
01:39 The Mattei plan provides for this kind of cooperation on a ground of equal dignity and responsibility.
01:48 We have to invest in Africa, because every young person who leaves Africa makes the land weaker.
01:57 Instead, Europe must intervene to bring all innovations in scientific and technological terms,
02:05 so that young people can come to Europe to gain experience, to travel, to do tourism,
02:13 but not because they are forced by hunger.
02:16 This is our line. The Mattei plan is part of this context.
02:22 It is clear that we have to curb the departures.
02:26 We have to remove from the mafia of the scaffolders these people affected by fate,
02:33 because each person pays 7, 8, 10 thousand euros to the criminals,
02:39 who very often make a living from these people.
