Tabagismo, onorevole Lucaselli (Fdi): "Governo faro dell’industria del tabacco"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Industria del tabacco non è dimenticata per il Governo, che è diventato un faro per il settore anche in Europa”. Così Ylenja Lucaselli, deputata della Repubblica Italiana

a margine della presentazione - venerdì 22 settembre, presso la sede dell’Associazione Civita a Roma - della ricerca “Le abitudini e le opinioni dei consumatori adulti di prodotti a tabacco riscaldato” realizzata dall’Istituto Piepoli in collaborazione con l’Associazione dei consumatori Adiconsum e con il contributo di Philip Morris Italia.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 First of all, we try to identify a fundamental point, which is health care.
00:12 We cannot do without this.
00:14 We have to make sure that the information starts from the youngest,
00:19 so that they can understand how much heated tobacco has negative effects on health.
00:31 It is clear that smokers, as we have found out today,
00:39 from traditional tobacco to heated tobacco inevitably have benefits.
00:49 From this point of view, it is very important that producers become promoters of campaigns and information,
01:00 which are also in support of the government's action,
01:04 which has already given ample evidence of how the industrial sector is not a forgotten sector,
01:12 and that through the government's action and the actions that will be taken, we have become the spotlight in Europe.
