मेवाड़ की धरती पर हजारों ब्राह्मण हुए एकत्र और लिया यह महासंकल्प

  • last year
00:00 that we should work together to give each other the right to live, so that this problem can be solved.
00:12 Thirdly, the aim is to provide education, support and education for the Brahmins.
00:21 In our family society, the level of education should be like this. We are Brahmins, we are teachers of education, it should not be like this.
00:33 The family society has decided that the parents should teach their children overnight.
00:43 The family society should teach them to do small businesses.
00:51 Fifthly, education, education and social service. We are Brahmins and we should do this.
00:59 We have been given this land and these villages by the Mahatmas, not for free.
01:10 We have been given this land and these villages by the Mahatmas, not for free.
01:16 But gradually, this modern society will be destroyed.
